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  1. View Conversation
    That Xanatos really comes off as arrogant with everything he/she says. I have never agreed with anything he/she posts and he/she always talks down to people.
  2. View Conversation
    I had a whole post defending you and trying to clarify what you meant to some of the more thick headed people who mindlessly defend that game but my computer reset and I lost it all
  3. View Conversation
    I like your views on FFXII. I can't believe noone gets the point you are making in the Gambits thread. Gambits are supposed to be part of the game, use them and its boring, don't use them and you are ignoring an important part of the game and it still only hurts gameplay.
  4. View Conversation
    It's your decision, after all. Maybe you'll come back after you've calmed down a bit.
  5. View Conversation
    I don't see reports from forums which have moderators. Also, note that I wasn't singling out any individual when I asked the thread revert to the topic at hand. I only noted the misuse of the word "ignorant" by multiple parties.

    Not knowing something is quite different than being unintelligent.
  6. View Conversation
    That didn't make any sense, but okay.

  7. *closed till further notice*
  8. View Conversation
    It's not really like watching a movie, it's more like watching a small person slowly climbing a flight of stairs and then turning around and falling down them. Again and again.
  9. View Conversation
    Well I'm sure you can figure out why I might be glancing at all of those lovely little visitor messages you've been sending and recieving.
  10. View Conversation
    Excuses. If you really had a problem you'd ignore me and report it. Instead you keep messaging me, instigating problems and posting more bait in GC. Tsk Tsk.
  11. View Conversation
    You keep messaging me...
  12. View Conversation
    Report me for what? You'd be just as guilty as I am now.
  13. View Conversation
    I thought someone as highly intelligent and trained in psychology as you, especially with your deeper outlook on life would be able handle such interactions with other people. Maybe you'll have to ask me nicely for the last time a few more times.
  14. View Conversation
    There is a report post button, when used it will be sent to all moderators of that section of the forum.

    The staff make the final decisions on what is off topic and what is not. The option is there for good reasons which could eliminate improper retaliation.
  15. View Conversation
    As you wish. I'll restrain myself from quoting your posts, that's what you want after all, and so far it brought nothing good.
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About Angel of Iniquity

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Date of Birth
May 7, 1990 (34)
About Angel of Iniquity
I am born of light, but has lost it's wonderful luminosity. Power, hatred, pain and darkness envelop me, and I aim to spread it to you.
In a place far from the exalt.
Piano, Kyokushin(martial art discipline), and designing my own video game.
Favorite FF?:
FF8, and then X, followed by 5.
Dark angel, to spread death on all light warriors of this earth.
Xbox Live Gamertag:
Yea right
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Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...


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04-05-2011 10:53 PM
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04-05-2011 10:57 PM
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