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    I was able to keep Ravness alive by putting her asleep for a part of the battle. I had like a 33% chance and it worked.

    Right now there is only 1 ninjitsu ability that is worthwhile that causes bind. Normally it has a low success rate but the skill Concentration (40 TP) causes a 100% success rate for any ninjitsu skill. The elemental damage ninjitsu's are pretty weak. You also have to buy the fans needed for a Swordmaster's abilities as well. So far there is a mass 25 Hp heal for the caster and allies nearby & another one that raises attack for allies in radius. Swordmasters have a pretty good natural evasion/dodge and with their ability Pre-empt it allows them to strike first for full damage coupled with counter-attack they are pretty good defensively.

    Archers are damn powerful in the game even though their speed & mobility were lowered in order to balance. However with their ridiculous range the enemy more than likely make their way. With multiple archers they can take care of pretty much a lot of stuff. I only use 1 cause I like some diversity in my units.
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    I guess the somewhat completionist within me wants me to have every class available. I would have liked to acquire the classmarks through drops but those can be tough to get so I recruited some characters. Dragons are pretty good so far though I read on Gamefaqs they aren't so good later on - I'll see. Griffons have better mobility and agility than dragons so they are able to strike quickly.

    Ninja's are really OP with Dual-Strike. My ninja wasn't too thrilled with me,. loyalty wise, but with the Fool & Lovers cards plus ranking up my daggers skill helped increase loyalty to the next level.

    Plot is good so far with plenty of political maneuvering and character development like Ravness/Raveness however you spell her name. I like how in the Warren Report you can unlock hidden areas like the Phorampa Wildwoods. Basically once there is new stuff in the Warren Report to go over it is best to do it immediately cause some of the stuff has to be looked over before certain points in the story.

    You could wait to finish the game to go back & play certain parts of the story with your current party levels/equipment/skills with the World System. It unlocks with beating the game for the first time. I haven't gotten to another major decision yet though I feel one is coming up and probably has the game goes along there will be more.
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    Awesome, I love fruit and birds. Ah, yes; the royal family. What a pointless bunch. Still, Prince Phillip is always good for a laugh...

    Working, aye. I suppose I do get a bit of the other two options in from time to time, too. Yourself?
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    Pretty good. Haven't gotten too far. I've been messing around in the Phorampa Wildwood a lot getting Dragoons, Ninjas, Swordmasters units/classmarks plus some equipment for them. Also got a faerie rogue 5 dragons & a griffon so I've been spending my time getting those people up to my party's average level. Will be continuing the story soon when I play it next.
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    No, we haven't. I try to talk to new people. It seems to work for me most of the time. Yeah, I'm from England. You?
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    Really? Wow. It's more popular than the Extra Stout, over here.
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    well you can believe a movie or you can take my word for it =S

    Just remember, even the amityville horror was based on a true story. The house being supposedly haunted was the true part. All the rest of it was utter bs.
    I dont want to start an argument, Im sensitive when it comes to my lands history and accusations of prejudice and racism. Its obvious you do not hail from here, which is why I said I dont blame you. Its all just a misunderstanding.
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    Aloha Alpha.

    How are you?
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    The fact its pointed out that its "white" people who were taking the children, "its white people who were 'plucking' children away" makes me sick. They could have been civilised aboriginees taking the children for crying out loud. It didnt matter you know why? because it was white people that did it. The whole point was to take them out of poverty and give them a proper home. While I do NOT agree with what was done, it does not make white people racist nor was the ill harm meant overall.

    and all that bullshit about "half casts" and breeding them out is a load of crap. Im so ashamed of Australian cinema. Its on the same line as crocodile dundee and everyone outside australia thinking we all travel around in kangaroos and live in a desert.
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    hey there. I really appreciate you reading my post, but I think you may have misunderstood my intentions. My aim was to bring awareness to Australias Identity and whats to become of the corruption that is constantly disguising itself as helpless asylum seekers coming into the country.

    As far as racial discrimination goes, Im quite sure that you have been misinformed. No matter what you have been taught, There was no racial inequity in Australia and that is something that really bugs me. I dont like to beat around the bush, So ill get straight to the point. America enslaved black people, not australians. If anyone should be pointing the finger to racists here, the finger should be pointed directly at America.

    Australians didnt have anything to be racist towards in the begining. It was purely a white colony. As I have also stated, we live in harmony with aboriginees. Whatever you have been taught or brought up to believe is false. Though I dont blame you in the slightest, but I have to say that negative feedback was not justified since my 'lack of australias past racism' has absolutly nothing to do with my thread.
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    Seriously man. Right after I wrote that, I saw that you were gonna take off for a while for school work Haha.
  13. View Conversation
    Alpha jsut wondering if there is any reason for choosing a Trainspotting Ewan McGregor as your avatar?
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    You will be glad to hear that I picked up Tactics Ogre tonight. Along with FFIV: Complete Collection. Haven't started either yet. Most likely won't tonight as I have a job interview tomorrow morning at 9am.
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