^ nice drawing
@TheDarkDragoon - I don't have a scanner otherwise I probably would have something I drew up.
@Loco - Yeah well I am on firefox so unless you have any CSS, I can see it perfectly. I like what you did with it, I don't think I have seen somebody lay theirs out like that. The quote is kind of old but still a quote worth remembering. Overall 5.64445 out of Pi aka 3.14yadda yadda yadda.
^ nice drawing
Well...I have no Idea what it means, so I can't really give it much. I'd run it through a translator, but I'm lazy. I think it could be nicer if you added some colour. 5/10
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
cool colaberation of past images, I like it. with the other stuff, 9/10
Thanks, it'd be better but I made it in MS Paint =S.
I like yours alot. Especially the first banner. It's simple, but it's colourful and well-done. As for the second one, I'm not a big fan of FFXI, but the colours in it are nice and I like the font alot. And it's cool you have your family and clubs up there, too.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
"I am the Alpha. And the Omega. The Beginning. And the End."
That's a really awesome banner, as I think I've said before. I like the way the text kinda slides across it and disappears.. It's really cool. And I like the colours, too. Usually that many colours would clash, but that works really well.
Small family you got there.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
Funny sig/avvy instead of the same ole serious ones. I enjoy it, highly. 8.5/10
<br><center><img src="http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3423/sig10wo8.gif"><br><img src="http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1213/fanbarfl1.gif" border="0"><br>
Diggin the BoD banner, it gots Kain in it.
As spammy as this reply is, I cant think up anything else to add ^^ me no like to rate things so lets just say that the banners are pwnage.
Yay! I have no Idea who it is, but she's happy, and dancing, and has bouncy hair >.>. And that's always a good thing. 9/10
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
Nice banners, the Worshipper edit, and the shot of the FFIII DS (the load up screen for the DS I do believe). Not something you see a lot of people doing, so, extra points there, and the Fat Chocobo rules. I just have a really bad habit of editing everything just to have somewhat of a personality. I give it a Cappuccino.
Yup, I just gave a signature a cappuccino, because I am unorthodox like that.
I don't really like all these scrolling banners however it is better than bulking up your sig with them. First image looks fairly simple but still quite good, I like it. The second is meh, looks like a quick photoshop job, could do with a bit more effects or something to flow together. Third one looks bad ass, Akira did a good job of that.
As for the text, looks average but informative, don't need a banner as I do all my photoshop stuff myself (not this sig of course). Don't really need to mention your family as we're all Brothers (and sisters) in the BoD.
It's a little too dark/satanic for my taste, as I really don't care for anything related to those categories. However I've been a graphic designer for almost 10 years, and from a graphic point of view... I enjoy borders around photography, and black and white photos.... so 7/10![]()
<br><center><img src="http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3423/sig10wo8.gif"><br><img src="http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1213/fanbarfl1.gif" border="0"><br>
I personally have never played EarthBound (I Know, shame on me, how can I call myself Oldskool) But it is pretty nice Sprite artwork, I personally have never been too good at that kind of art myself. But, it seems kind of, well, boring :/ I was actually a little disappointed by that fact. But, as it is something I am not that good at myself, I shall give it..... Carrot Cake! why you ask, I really have no idea, starting to run out of ideas -__-
I absolutely LOATHE the marquee html code lol.. but I like your graphics especially the final fantasy summon graphic.
I give you an 8.5/10
<br><center><img src="http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3423/sig10wo8.gif"><br><img src="http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1213/fanbarfl1.gif" border="0"><br>
Being a huge fellow Earthbound fan..your matching sig and avatar are awesome, and you've slightly changed them since their first version. Not only are they earthbound though, but they are so damn welldone so I give you the highest honor..fresh from a Starman Super, the Sword of Kings!!!![]()
<justified><center><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v384/Abbeyr0adie/georg.gif"></center>
<FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
<FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
<FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)
The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~</center>
Hah thanks buddy. Well I am a Secret of Mana fan about as much as an Earthbound fan, so I'm definitely liking! Secret of Mana was the first RPG I played when I got back in RPG's as a kid... at the time though I didn't know who Squaresoft even was, so it wasn't until later I was like WHOAAA they made that game lol.
I give you the highest star for signature design etiquete!
<br><center><img src="http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3423/sig10wo8.gif"><br><img src="http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1213/fanbarfl1.gif" border="0"><br>
I personally think your signature is bad ass for obvious reasons, not just because it is in a Winter landscape but also cause you don't see much 2D images anymore. I should take the time to make my own from RPGMaker sometime.
creepy, that's all I have to say 8 dead people out of 10
I severely took mine down to one banner, so here It is, plus I put in one of my cool quotes from another forum site (before I discovered tff here)
Last edited by Darkwolf; 01-08-2007 at 05:42 PM.
10/10 !!
On the mere fact it has FFVII characters in it
Clever too, that the link kit leads to your workshop.
<br><center><img src="http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3423/sig10wo8.gif"><br><img src="http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1213/fanbarfl1.gif" border="0"><br>
Don't know what Earthbound, but I have always been fond of sprite art 10/10 yep, my sig leads to my workshop, I hope that brings in customers, but no comment on the little ninja? click that any you can get your name done by a ninja.
OO I like the little ninja monkey! That's cute, man. And the other image is a nice collabaration of images on a simple background.
Nice, and not too cluttered. Could stand to be a little smaller, though. 8/10
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
Pure sexiness! Certificate of marriage is pretty nifty. Never seen one before.
<br><center><img src="http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3423/sig10wo8.gif"><br><img src="http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1213/fanbarfl1.gif" border="0"><br>
I like it. It's simple and small, plus it matches the avatar and I like the colours on it. They don't hurt your eyes or anything. But I've always preffered centred ones, myself. 9/10.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
You know I know it's awesome! ^^ Pretty colours and black and white all thrown together with matching avvy = Awesomeness!
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
"Maybe I'm a lion". That's sweet ^^. Good job of tying your Squall fixation in with your TLK one. You just know if I did something like that I'd stuff it up, But you make it look totally cool. You know what I think of the other one. Awesome dusty blue, and beautiful pictures of them both.
And putting the family into marquee tags: absolute genius. 10/10
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
All the pretty colors...colors...*shakes head*
I mean it's cool ^.^ Especially the black and white one ^.^