Yeah I like yours too. GODSMACK RULE!! And not fuzzy or nothing neither. Truly an artwork. 10/10 again.
And the ratings for your sig look cool too.
Printable View
Yeah I like yours too. GODSMACK RULE!! And not fuzzy or nothing neither. Truly an artwork. 10/10 again.
And the ratings for your sig look cool too.
10/10 nuff said.
Pretty... but too pink... >.<
Nice banners, though I like the last one best. It's still and it's anime. >.< Centered (I have an obsession with centered stuff), although the text could do with a change of font. 8/10
Laguna, One of my favorite characters in FFVIII
The signature has 2 effects but I am going to talk about them :LOL:
It looks great 9.5/10 thats all.
Gora i agree with u goth chicks with big Boobens are hot and are easy to come by in california
Er, you have no signature for me to rate.. It's definitely original for this thread... ;!
No matter how many times I see that laguna sig I still love it. It's got an older feel, and causes me to reminisque about my FF8 experiences. 10/10 :lol:
Crazy collection of font colours and links up there, but it's all pretty cool. I've clicked all of them at one point or another.
Plus, awesome banner. Just awesome, lol. 10/10
Hi Froggie, Look at your cute puppy :D, How old is he ?
Anyway, I like your signature generally, But your latest update (Reading, Playing and Last movie watched) is really a good idea, It seems you are stuck in POP ;!
You have my full support : 10/10
It's a she, a mini foxie called Rebel, and she'll be one year old in August ^^. I love her so much, lol.
Anyway, your sig. Me, hearing what you said about it, downloaded a bunch of GodSmack and immediately recognised about 4 of the songs XD. Awesome sig you got there, too. I like the effect on it.. It's kinda dirty looking, but in an extremely good way, you know? And I've always preffered sigs with borders around them. Awesome.
...What happened to the Hitachiin twins? Seymour?? ...and I don't like dogs... -_- ...Sorry.
Oh my god, I love the Silent Hill rabbit you have on here! Silent Hill is the best! And I love the yaoi things going on there! Wh00t!10/10
...It's just plain creepy looking. The girl looks disturbing. I like the image itself. It's nice and simple.
7/10 because it's not graphically awesome. =P
Ehh... Not my style, or my type... sooo...
Not so interesting......Sorry :( ( 5/10 )
...Okay. New rule for this thread. If the signature isn't something your style, or something that you don't prefer, then don't comment on it.
Obviously people post in here to get somewhat good critiques on it. I posted to see what people thought. I knew that Kyo wouldn't like it. So I didn't even expect him to comment on it. Geez.
Anyway....Godsmack is a great band that I like a few songs from them. =D
And the sig itself is pretty snazzy.
Wow, this is really hot! I think it shows sexyness and humor at the same time. And I agree on the new rule for this thread, some people might not like it but im sure others will. So why not post constructive critasisum instead of more apethetic ones^^
The bloody signature has return ;), I gave you my full support before
and I give it again 10/10
Godsmack is a pretty good band.
Nothing amazing, but for a popular band that exists in the tides of time today and stands as orginal, they get a mental high five from Strife.
Your Sig was a bit different...but none the less amusing^^ I especailly like the emo part...maybe because I am emo...hmm 9.5/10
You have to be careful while trying to suffer someone :D, Pick the easy targets and start your suffering process ;)
Anyway, I like the effects and the font color is nice.
Thats EVIL !!!!!!!! :lol: , 10/10Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady Rika's Signature
Thanks, that one took me FOREVER to do! But yes, im glad you like it, im just helping to spread the suffering! Muwahhaha
Anyway...I love your new godsmack sig, it is utterly awesome but its coolest feature would have to be that its autographed! How cool can you get! The smack shall live on! 10/10
You have great sigs that could work as art pieces. The choice of words used is always so intriguing to read and I like to look at them as how they work with the image. I wouldn't mind seeing a series of these in a little book. That would be awesome. 9/10 ^^
I like your sig and the avatar too. Your sig's cool becuase it has a sweet mix of a light art touch to it and then it has two boxes that go to full color instead of light. It's really sweet.
I really don't have one so just skip me. I'm a noob and I still need to make one.
^ It's extremely simple and basic. And while that may be the strength of some signatures, I feel it's just nothing special in this case. The message isn't even interesting or thought inspiring! 1/10
I like your image, where did you get it from? 7/10
How about now?
I copied it from my myspace blog, it's a poem I wrote about someone i love.
EDIT : To Akira
I like it, Your banner is really cool, Not pretty sure from the character himself but the effects are awesome : 10/10
Godsmack is Godsmack, it doesn't get any better than that! 10/10
Hmmm, I personally feel one's best bet is always a banner of some sort. They add lots of character to someone's sig, but of course, that's just my opinion. I also used to have a quote in my sig...that was until I realised how lame I looked with it. ;!Quote:
Originally Posted by havok
Thank you for the compliments sir! Though, there are many graphic designers lightyears ahead of my skill. :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Omega Weapon