A really nice anime image, its really pretty, yet deep. I bet you're not unwanted, Chase. What makes me really happy is that you have the Tidus the Retarded Nubcake Power Ranger banner I made for Mysidia! It has to be one of my favorite banners I made since its so retarded, though the non-mysidians won't really get the joke. And yay for having your TFF family up, and yay for advertising Mysidia. All in all, 10/10! ^_^
Storm is ok, but I'm not all that into the X-Men... personal preference and all that...
I love that wee picture, for some reason. The guy kind of looks like my cousin.
Bring back the spam thread indeed!
nice quotes, but it could use a picture, even if it's one little one. 7.5/10 if It had a picture, any picture, i'd be at least 8/10
I like the bottom banner you have for the Kingdom Key, it looks really cool. :) 8/10
If that is axl rose i see, than i love ur siggy :-D
I like Kuja bits alot alot alot...
Though my oppinion on the other is non-existant because I dont know what it is, so I'll just grade the other bit yes?
8/10 because he is evil as anything and pulls it off with a wierd and articulate attitude.
Hmmm, I don't know the anime characters, but I like what you did with the picture and the negative image and the text. The second part I assume Is you, cool blue eyes. Overall, good sig and not too big like a lot of people's.
9/10..because I don't know the characters. ;\
you know I like it... no clue why, but it's just freaking awesome
JUST got done with an awesome sig ^^
Cool Existingdark... New sig is great, I like it very much...
The caption is good too
A kissie goo-goo scene !!
I like the way it's not colourful,it makes it more dramatic. 9/10
LIke the first one... don't know about the second one
but then it's a mysidia joke, and I haven't been active there
Existingdark...I'm liking this new one of yours
Especially the Riku part....He looks smexy !!
That is LONG!
I like Zelda too though, so It was kinda worth it :P.
I like the sig it's like a snapshot frozen in time featuring two lovers who know that they are doomed but still want to feel the touch of each others embrace one last time. Also the guy probably is wondering what he's having for dinner.
Also I like that eye it's looking at me while I write this post. :)
Mario as a homeboy...interesting 7/10
The first and last sig banners make you think, and the Kuja pic is just awesome. 9/10
I seem to be getting better opinions about my new sig ^^ of course, I try to keep the dark theme because it's just me.
(by the way that is Riku from KH, I found that awesome artwork of him and that's sasuke of course)
Sasuke, my 2nd favorite character from Naruto...and I do like Riku
I've got no problem with Balthier, however Kuja is a bit too androgynous for my tastes. 8/10
It doesn't show up on my computer, so 9/10 for no reason ^^. Feel proud.
Sephiroth cutting the turkey, I know I rated it already but still, it's so funny! and just looking at your beloved Seymour on the table... drunk makes it so much funnier!
9.9/10, because it fits you perfectly
then there's the club stuff and the marriage cert.
but the Chase quote is awesome, can i join in the nOObslaying?
On to me, I seem to be getting Awesome ratings on this one... so I think it'll stay up for a while... The two people are Riku from KH, I found an awesome artwork on him from a image search, Chase even called him "smexy"
the other is Sasuke from Naruto, because he's my fav. character from that show, in fact, those two are my fav characters of all time.
Whoa this is a big one
Aww, a family!! That's sweet, though I don't know many of the members of your family.
Still, I like the quote that is in the banner.
I love your signature. It's very artistic in my opinion^.^
Balthier is hot, and Kuja is just awesome. I love his hair XD
Anyway, awesome banners, especially that last one. The quotes in it are great. Ditto with the first. I think it'd look nicer centred, but maybe that's just me.
Go Go power rangers! I was a little to old for Power rangers but I still think that they are great at defending the universe and all. I only wish that the orange power ranger was actually eating an orange because that would be like poetic justice. and I love power ranger poetic justice! 9/10
Also can I just say I do believe that I totally screwed up one of my games in the past because I forgot to hold down reset when I pushed power. I think it was the gold cartridge original Zelda. So listen to this guy Ranger he knows what he is talking about.
Obviously created in MSPaint, but still somehow still cool, lol. Rangers in space was the last good show before they went all gay.
It's very red like blood and seems to be saying "all hail lord of the blood stained walls." Also it makes me want some strawberry flavored jolly ranchers.
It would be cooler if it had some ranger girls XD
anyway it as red so it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (are that minions jumping of the tree?? XD)
Ah yes, Sin, one of the nastiest in my opinion. 7/10