I love the middle one. It is very purple an shiny, and as a girl it is just freakin' awesome! I love the last one as well. The quote makes you think. It s very touching an true in many ways. Our sin is curiosity at times. >>
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I love the middle one. It is very purple an shiny, and as a girl it is just freakin' awesome! I love the last one as well. The quote makes you think. It s very touching an true in many ways. Our sin is curiosity at times. >>
Haha, Kuja got pwnt. Then again characters like the clones from FF7AC have been pwnt too.
The sig has some nice effects but there is something about it that turns me off. Probably the middle picture. Just sort of turns off the theme you are trying to put on there.
I think It's from Prince of Persia, but I can't back that up...
anyway, it's red, and it fits your description. It's a little creepy for me, but I'll give ya 9.5/10 dead bodies.... one's lower half got burned off >_>
Anyways, here's mine, I changed it to a sasuke sig and downsized it... a lot. Here it is! *drum roll*
you are picky lol
fixed the nintendo worshippers thing, and I think I'll do a different color for those. anyways, on to your sig.
I like the person there, as it seems to have been your theme for a while, and you have other clubs there plus your Nintendo Worshippers stamp. The text is great, so the whole thing seems to fit you perfectly. 9.999 out of 10 cus nobody is absolutely perfect.
I think you have a little too much going on for my tastes. Though I am one to talk. I also think you should try making the link to your site like this: [URL*="my own site:http://nothingatall.jconserv.net/index.php"]my own site[/*URL] (remove *'s) It would look nicer.
I like how your text looks and your banner, too, but there's too much of that text.
I give you a zebra out of a pincushion. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
You've got a very cool conservative minimalist thing going on here.
I don't know what I think about sexless obese pandas, however rofl.
awesome movie about final fantasy with music! I don't really like the song to tell the truth, but it has a lot of final fantasy stuff, a hell of a lot! this one deserves a 10/10 now I gotta keep watching cus I'm watching as I'm typing lol
Your sig is the basics of basics. Two pictures (I assume) and some text thrown together with some practice on erasing parts of the picture. It's very plain pretty much. Doesn't have much of a theme. But I won't nag that much on trying so I give you a 7/10.
P.S. - You should start learning on how to create backrounds and such. Then, learn/play with the ability to create certain affects with the picture you add to the backround. I'd also suggest some practice on text. Text is hard though XD, took me awhile to get use to it >.> Oh, and the character in my sig is not from Prince of Persia.
It matches the avatar, it's skilfully put together, and it's not ridiculously big like most people's. 9/10.
bobo-bo bobobo or something like that is always funny. 9.5/10 (cus how could you leave out Don?)
I like it! Very colorful, clean, and crisp. I rate it a rice out of bacon.
I love that! Legos are awesome, and so are big **** jokes! This is like the best thing ever. I give you a Golden Kangaroo Award. With a pizza.
Wuv, Yer Mom
No panda sex??? I am disappointed. :(
right... reminds me of Bob from the comercial, smiling and whatnot
oh, a trekkie, I see
well your sig pwns but not as much as it used to, nothing to look at really except for text and your little stamp
so pwnage is 7.5/10 n00bs
This is really cool ^^. I love how the sig links to that thread, and how the colours all match into the avatar. Also I like the marquee tags. 9/10
Sephy cutting the turkey LOVE IT
Sephy is my favorite character, and seeing him do something funny like that (with the reaction of the others) is pure genious. and you're married to Seymour.... kinda scary. The Chase quote is awesome. anyways, 10/10 cus the turkey deserved it MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *clears throught* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(and funny to see Seymour apparently drunk)
I could see the left sasuke of the sig are not cut properly and doesn't match the background really much....Work on that..
I'll give it a poop out of pee
Kawaii! I like the one on top better, personally. Last time I rated you I minuse-d points for just using a cropped image, but I'm doing that now too, and your family is bloody awesome [it has me in it, so of course it is ;p]
Star Trek nerd ehh? I always found those shows kind of boring, I am more of a D&D nerd.
Kind of all over the place but otherwise ok.
The thing that is in blue is pretty cool
I like your other banner, the green one
You keep it simple and nice, I like it that way.
It's really gothicly humanely love depression...don't ask what that means.
The bunnies are awesome =P 11/10
very colorful but kinda depressing
very good anime pic though
Heh, I liked your gangster one better but all the captain kirk sigs you have had make me laugh. The quotes and the picture seem to always fit right.
The picture alone gets you 9.5. Add the rest...nice wee quote...9/10. I think.
One quote in Sylfaen, one quote in Verdana Bold Italic and a third in vBulletin quote format. Classy portrayal of the many quoting possibilities. 10/10
It's Garamond, Man of Fonts.
I really really like that maraca thing. For that you get 6 points.
8/10, partly because David Carson is ashamed of your font failure, and this is making the maraca robot depressed and less entertaining.
1/10 because I don't like Garamond. I never did. It's similar to Sylfaen anyway. **** that shit. How come you can see the F word in some people's posts, but most posts censor it? What's up with that shit?
Bobobo whatever, I have watched the episode a couple of times (randomly funny) and that's not a robot, but I like the image anyway. YA RLY
anyways, I rate it 8/10 because you still leave Don out.
I just put a Kingdom Hearts sig, which I worked a lot on brightness/contrast adjustments to make the character's faces brighter than their bodies to make them stand out. I know the Soul Eater sword is really dark, but I couldn't fix that. I probably could now, but it's kinda late for that. I think it's one of my best sig banners I have made, so whoever is gonna rate it, what's your opinion?
It's a biggie, alright. The work on the individual banners is very good, they're both well made; however, two banners coupled with moving text and two quotes annoys my 46kbps connection. 6/10.