Since I did the Stan thing (which I will work on changing a bit later, suffer mwa!) I will rate the Anime+Gaming Banner and, er, the rest. The Banner is actually quite nice, the colours seem to go well and not clash (unlike mine :P) while the scrolling club list is a nice addition, I wonder if there is a way to scroll banners, that would be cool :P
I give it an apple out of oranges.
You can definitely scroll banners, just like you would text.
Just put the [marquee] tags on either side of the list of images, and just put all of the images on the same line. Definitely great if you've got banners that are the same height but would otherwise take up a ton of space in your signature. Putting spaces between the banners (rather than having them all touch) is also generally a good choice.
Anywho, I love your Nintendo Worshippers banner. The banner for the Hive? Eh, not so much -- it could stand to have a remake. Your signature does seem a bit long (not rule-breaking long, but just bulky), but otherwise seems fine. I tend to glance over family stuff, but don't really pay much attention to it, to be honest. Great quote though.
6.5 out of cookies.
I like the banner, even though that I never were a fan of White Mages. And I don't think that it matters that it doesn't match with your Avatar. It's still great :p
8.5/10 just because white is not such a nice colour for backgrounds.
Sweet avatar and banner scheme. I love chocobo's already, so that's the first 6 points. The red/orange thing doesn't mix well with my tff dark template I'm using, but I can't dock ya for that. The colors mix well with the others in the images themselves, 2 points there. and as far as I know, you did that yourself, for the last 2 points. 10/cow
why cow? I have no clue
That is a nice assortment of different FF characters, although, Tidus just stands out far too much. The Worshippers banner isnt too shabby either, but the Kingdom Key has been there since forever, so, maybe it is time for a change?
I give it a frog out of toad.
P.S. Loco, when you gonna make a matching ava for that banner eh ;)
That's really awesome! I really love the Nintendo Worshippers one, and the The Hive one is great, also. I love Milla Jonovitch ^^. 10/10
Yep, scrolling banner are definately the new fashion nowdays. Anyway I'd wanted my banner reassessed because I've changed it dramatically since last time.
and so has yours al bhed psycho. The colors on your banner are really well suited to the characters you have on their, not that I like one of the characters much. Also is nice and compact with most of you text on marquee.
sigh you still have the certificate :(. anyway 8/10.
Gasp* How did you know my friend did that !!??
I mean it's awesome.The signature was a good laugh and the colors fits the description very well along with that character smiling at us.But it lacks on creativeness and not enough power in that truely shows my friend had butt *** with a fish squirrel.
Though, the scrolling random stupidity was also great humours. 9/10 XD
Whewt, you have Laharel and "Mid-Boss" in your banner, I give it Infinity/10, because Laharel rules. Anyways, on a more in-depth review, your ava and banner match, and the banner is pretty well done, on an honest review I give it cookies over pie.
Nice banner, love the animation, although it's kind of hard to see with the marquee and all. love the quote. Brilliant. Just for the quote, 10/10!! And since you have an Aussie TFF sis, that helps, too. Go teh Aussies! Yes, I'm biased.
8/5.10. Nice use of blue, and it gets a boost for having Rinoa in it.
I was reading the first part of that post and at first I kind of shared similar sentiments but at the same time as I feel about my music I know where he was coming from. There is a lot of assholes who act like they are right, and sadly some of them are. But yeah everybody has their own opinions so I wouldn't let it get to you.
Pretty badass stuff. I don't really know the band Immortal, but cool sig. 9/10
Quite possibly the largest amalgamation of gay I've ever seen. EVER. -20/10 SRSLY.
Nah, pretty plain, but that NW banner is dope as hell. 8/10.
Awesome. It's colourful, but not in an in-your-face, hurting-my-eyes type of way. It's fairly simple. and I like how you've got it right-aligned. It's different, in a good sort of way.
[Now lets see how my made-with-microsoft-paint signature rates =P]
It's millenialicous ... Sadly, I only liked the chibi part of her rather than her legs o_0
I'll give it a 7 out of 5
Androgeny for great justice!
7/10 because it's just a cropped image, but it's a stereotypical androgynous anime male, which boosts it a bit. And I'm interested to know how Sephiroth is related to Barret in any way o_O.
Nice and simple, not too much writing as some people have. Colourful picture but not "Gay colourful". Also I like the way you put it to the left which is different. 5 years and stilling pimpin on TFF, 11111/10000
Wintermetal style alright. I'd recognize that banner miles away. 8/10 :D
It's random, and funny. 8/10
yep, that's about it
It's big and long, and I have dial-up, so the bigger the sig the longer the page takes to load. I'm going to be pernickity and penalise you for that, because I have The Power.
It seems...disjointed, somehow. There's an awful, awful lot going on. Which again means that it takes about 5 years to load.
Overall, i'm going to be moody and give you a 6/10.
Hm, the signature is quite bland, which can sometimes not be a bad thing, in this case, it is just one I wouldn't even give a second look at :/ The two quotes I don't recognize, and don't hit me too hard :/ I am going to just give you a 5/10 because it isn't good, but it isn't horrendous either.
Pretty awesome, makes you seem like a pyromaniac for some reason, hehe. Very very nice, 8/10
I've yet to really do much to my sig, so yeah...
8/10. I'm drunk and everyone has gone to bed. I like the simplicity of it, and it took about a second to load. Hopefully you'll add stuff to it, yeah? Ok. Points in anticipatio.
Short and sweet. 9/10.
People with enormous signatures can go **** themselves. I don't even have one, so KILL ME.
*Kills you* >.>
Nah, I like you too much to do that. Since you don't have one, I guess I'll just give you a 5/10. Signatures aren't really nessacery,[sp?] but they're good to express some of your personality.
I guess I haven't thought of anything to put in it yet. :/
Yours isn't too huge, so it gets a 6/10.
Sometimes emptiness is all you need to set the mood perfectly, I'd rather look at nothing at all than some of the newbish crap people post on theirs. 8/10
Likin' your signature Winter, you draw that faerie picture? Interesting playlist by the way, don't recognize, well, any of he artists or songs, but they do look interesting. And if that is what it is like when noobs cry, I am kind of scared :P
I give it cookies and creme, because, well, I can.
Hmm. Your images total 519 pixels in height when the limit is 450. The added text places it way over the total limitation of 600 pixels. :(
I don't really want to ask you to resize your banners, but you are certainly over the preferred height limitations and you're not any exception to the standards. I normally don't care about a few pixels here and there, but your signature fills the whole screen for anyone on a resolution of 1024 or lower.
ANYWHO, that aside, the signature itself is actually rather tidy. It's simple, and I like that. Maybe you could just re-arrange it a bit so that your first two banners are side-to-side with the [marquee] tag instead? Or, if you don't want them to scroll, you could always plop them next to each other and see how well they fit without scrolling first. It would drastically shorten your signature.
Mmmm, cookies and creme. You get some chocolate milk to go with it.
((For the next poster, whoever had originally said my banner has a "white" background was wrong -- it's actually transparent, but because I saved it as a .png, Internet Explorer is retarded and cannot view the image properly. What a n00b [the browser, not the person]. No other browsers have that problem.))