I have fuddled with the code to put the link on that image up, but ended up with THAT FREAKING URL
so don't blame me
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I have fuddled with the code to put the link on that image up, but ended up with THAT FREAKING URL
so don't blame me
The fact that you can't figure the image code out will drop the 4.5/10 that Kyo gave you to a 1/10 from me.
Revel in aestheticism; its strength defies all blockades, including a lack of coding knowledge.
Ah. I lurve it. Yes. Much. ....... *speechless*
Um... yeah.
9/10 for Wish House.
6/10 for yaoi otaku's.
It's a pretty picture... but... *sigh* ...I don't like big-muscle men... ;!
I like big-muscle men...not like the way you're thinking, but anyways. Those twins are doing it to each other? I hope not...
8.5/10 for the pole (i like it ><)
What a strange video... oh, well... hm...
I prefer pictures to videos... ;!
He's my fav singer with my fav song...
The twins have cool hair. i think 9/10 suits them better.
Oh my god, thats great. Basiclly saying that Tifa and Barret were retarded. But no offence, there both awesome...poor suicidal aeris. lol
And the little tifa at the bottom is cute too! How about...8.5/10^_^
Sexy picture. Bleach is cool. 8.5/10 n_n
very creepy=very cool
Awesome, im so loving the Geishas! And the japanese caligraphy is quite pretty! How about....8.5/10
I really love it. But you know I love all of your sigs. You're a bit of a Moulin Rouge! fan too, huh? Is one of my favouriteist movies. And the picture is just gorgeous. Although I do think it's a big big, and could look nicer centred.
awesome pics of Seymour
I FINALLY got a sig banner of mine to show up, with my new username change. I am not gonna touch my sig again unless to completely change it.
Leon and the chat link, i like it
Sexy... 8.5/10
Heh, can't resiste the yaoi. Or the Silent Hill, whooo, SIlent Hill!!! Yaoi loves unite, plus your drawings are the shit. Not crapwork, maybe...awesome work!
aww cute </3
Your banners are just amazing, really, I wish I could do HALF of what you could do. 10/10
Nice banner and finishing quote. It's funny and serious at the same time. 9/10
I like the quotes, and vincent does = </3
It's alright... but I like pictures in signatures... So... meh. ;!
lol i love your yaoi twins 9/10
*watches video*
Kuja AND Cloud?! Sveet... <3
^If you thin that's sVeet {lol} than wait till I update *cough* soon *cough*:roll:Quote:
Originally Posted by Kyo-san
That last banner... ZOMG I LOVE IT!! Honestly.. Fallen in love with that banner, hehe. 10/10 for that alone.
Overall, though, 9/10. would look so much nicer centered.
I shall color and center the text one day. Just not today, for I am tired from work still...my poor feet :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
Anywayz, I love your little collection there :-p 9/10
Bonus points for Kuja, the quote is strangely appropriate as well. The other banners are ok, Cloud (and VII in general) is way overdone in my opinion, and the Balthier banner isn't high quality, though the background is nice. It's a bit too large side for my taste, but I prefer small sigs so...yeah.
I like it, A bit simple, but it works ^.^