Ah the Aria Nox makeover..I like your new banner, a lot more simple, and a lot less pictures and text than your old sig, but I wouldn't mind seeing a little more in it. :p
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Ah the Aria Nox makeover..I like your new banner, a lot more simple, and a lot less pictures and text than your old sig, but I wouldn't mind seeing a little more in it. :p
Old-Skool... Cool, I guess... but I'm nore into prettier graphics...
Gasp! You have combined the bestest game in the world with one of the best substances...Yaoi!!! Awesome! 9/10!
Hehe the "We meet again rubber ducky" one is awesome. Rubber ducks rule and its all cute and chibbified. The I rock, you dont thing is pretty cool, as is the banner image. The quote is interesting too. I reckon 7.5/10, sinceits sweet and cool, however could do with a itchy bit more of personalisation.
What can I say. It's art, and damned fine looking too. 9.99/10. And it's different, which naturally I love. ;)
Let's see...
A quiz result, a link to a journal, and two quotes.
It's small, for one thing.
The anime list is cool, the banner's interesting to look at, and I finally know what "Dee Dee Dee" means, so 9.5/10 :XD:
Bit busy, bit boring. 3/10
whoah, that's a lot of stuff 9.8/10
nice collage
A bunch of badly formatted text. =/ 4/10
Everyone's favourite dictator and a new quote.
Didn't even know there was a Francisco Franco, and the sexist quote is funny, but for all the wrong reasons. I LOVE IT! 9/10 :lol:
You learn something every day....
what's that? PACMAN? woa u're a pacman xD
I like the pacman banner
vigilantism is a way of life? lol
well.........hearts anime and final fantasy
It's a bit...unspecified, really. Just some things you like, in pictorial form...nothing wrong with that, by all means.
You've got funny quotes. I like funny quotes. 8/10.
FFVIII!!!! w00t!!
I love your wee Ouran pic! I've never really watched the show, so it makes minimal sense, but it's still very nice to look at. Plus, the link to your fantastic art, which you know I'm a fan of.
Only absolutely hilarious! Both because I've seen Highlander and I know all the people involved.
That and my respect for Charles Bukowski as a literary figure. An easy 9/10
Hey it's hellsing! Awesome, and it's a video too! Hee hee, so cool! I shall give you...9.5/10^_^
I love this. The picture is just pure awesome, and the quote is one of my favourite movie quotes of all time. Although it would look better centered.
Twins... ah... sex.
I love you and your art work is equally loveable. 9/10
Joseph Stalin. Here. Now. Kneel.
Oh I shall, lol, *kneels*
I like it, too me it's rather orginal and...just cool! And I love the little Crowley quote on the bottom, it's hilarious. I say...8.5/10
I certainly agree with what your sig says, and who am I to stand in the way of a sig's message of love. :lol: 10/10 ;)
Thank you^_^
I like yours too, why? Because Reno is very cool, I especially enjoy seeing this picture of him being it was one of my favorite scenes during the movie! And yes...I do like your avatar!! 9.5/10
I like Ichigo, but i kinda despise that bean-sized Death God...
Anyways, the detail is great- i mostly like the hair.
...Confusing... but Interesting! *Plays with fuzzy hair*
I agree, it's confusing. But that's the idea..(i- with the green shirt- look much better...), You have a thing with fuzy hair?
I like your gigantesque-nosed creep with the pole, but i'm not familiar with the YAoi stuff- it seems weird.
Anyways, 7.5/10 ~BTW your artwork's great.
Danka-Danka... You kook Jesus/Moses-ish... with glasses.
With a better understanding - 8/10
They're my friend's grandfather's "work & artistic" glasses. Lame.
I really like the pole, so with a better understanding -8/10
Can you describe what's this Yaoi? They seem a bit homoS to me, but i don't know.