I like your sigs. The Argentos thing is cool. it's well put together, too, unlike some of them that are too spaced out and huge. [like mine..] 9/10
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I like your sigs. The Argentos thing is cool. it's well put together, too, unlike some of them that are too spaced out and huge. [like mine..] 9/10
It's a nice Seymour collage-- but your family list takes up a bit too much space for my tastes. I'm more fond of compact and to the point siggies. 8/10
Im confused... but it's simple and compact so it's cool.
The background looks like all islandy so thats why i'm confused about the education things.
8/10 as well
Sevion: God of death. Yet your user title says "God of Darkness" Anyway, I like the signature. It's not too big, and the colours match the whole "god of death/God of Darkness" thing. It's good. 9/10.
Looking good. Your Seymour collection is quite amazing and your family is like a rainbow of happiness. 9.5/10
I like your sig picture and your sig is short and to the point. 9/10.
Nice Nintendo worshippers Sig there, and rather confusing Dictionary extract, but It does look nice. It fits together well, and I like how you centred it. Minus points for the fact that I'm not much of a Nintendo worshipper myself, and that I can't understand the dictionary meaning. [call me blonde]. 6/10.
Well then, Blonde, your signature is too large.
As in, I have every right to remove parts of it based on the signature guide.
But, rather than do that, I'll give you a chance to fix it yourself. I'd suggest condensing the family stuff into a single line and using the [marquee] tags so that the family stuff scrolls across rather than taking up more space than most peoples' entire signatures.
That said, your signature is actually pretty nice; just large.
Numbers are too constrictive.
I'll give you an almost there out of over the hill.
Mine hasn't changed since the last time you responded after me, so it would be kinda repetitive for you to be the one to post next, heh. ;!
Heh, your pic is different from when I first joined, went from a pirate to an archer, but I like them both, good colours and theme, 9/10
That is seriously a good banner. Good job. It's quite colourful and has the proper size.
The only really small problem are the letters on it, that are a little difficult to be read.
I'd give you 9.5/10
Good job.
That is a really really colourful banner, heh, It is a nice theme though because chocobos tend to be wild and the colours suit its personality well, good job
nice Nintendo Worshippers pic...and also who can go wrong with a good ol Resident evil pic....and a DBZ quote kinda kills the mood...oh well
oh well, thats your opinion, I just put it there because it is true for a lot of people.
As for your signature, I see your going with a Cait Sith motif with the ava and siggy, and the siggy is well done, I like the background, and the text is pretty cool, although your quote is kinda confusing. I Like it though, 8.5/10
Your sigbnature ownz , why? because your the member of 2 of my favourite fan-clubs on here and your DBZ quote is cool even though I hate DBZ its still cool
nice family, club banner, but no origional banner. Sorry, 8/10
It's pretty! Ususally you expect colours like red and blue to clash, but they look really nice here. It's a good size, too. And you don't smoke or drink! Yay for us good people^^. 9/10
Cool banner, i'll be honest to say that i'm not the biggest Seymour fan, but definitely a well done banner none the less. All of the banners make mine look n00bish and amateur. Cool collage of pictures too (especially the cute dog)..i think your color code for that text isn't working right though or maybe it's just me but the "color=green" is showing up. I like the scrolling family thing too..so all in all i'd say 8/10 (8.5 if the green text was workin :D )
Good pictures though the quiz things grow old after seeing them constantly, kind of lacking a flow and a tinsy bit too much text but otherwise fairly good 9/10
The 1st siggie is really dark and evil.As we all know darkness=evil.Meaning you are evil.:D
Nah,I'm just kidding.I love the textures on that siggie.Though, I can barely read it and have no idea what it means.Along with the guy with wings on the back.It fits up well but the guy with the wings needs more light.8/10
I like it, it goes together with what I guess you could say your persona. It's not overly cluttered like a lot of the ones here and it has a nice ambiance that goes with it 11/10
Overall I like it. The first one is really simple, but definitely in a good way. At first the writing was hard to read, but that's just my crappy eyesight. The whole lot is spaced out really well, too. The colours all match in together nicely. Although I don't like big boobs there's nothing wrong with the signature. It's eye-catching and really nice. 10/10.
awesome banner, when you do color green, do color="green" in the blocks and then when you are done say /color in blocks. Then you will get green. the pics are funny, and unlike most families, yours doesn't take up that much space with it scrolling. Could you pm me on how you did that? Awesome sig, 8.5/10 once you fix that color thing it'll be a 9/10
The first Signature : The firey flames doesn't match to be Riku's Aura.Riku is the power of darkness and he has blue hair.Fire isn't his element that makes him strong.I can even see some white dots around him which destroys the environment around him.
His blue hair of his can't go with the Fire background.6.5/10
The Second Signature : Seraphim's work.Now there's something that matches the personality of Sora.With a little bit of lighting combining with the bluey coloured background what makes it a good signature.8/10
I like it. It's small and simple, and in no way overdone.
That's all I got right now. I guess I'll follow the trend we've got going and rate... 9/10.
High marks. W00t.
RATE ME RATE ME RATE ME. </subliminal message>.
77% ;!
Haha.. I like it, The Silent hill image gets big points for me... The colourful letters work too.
Uhh... Yeah.
At least a 90%. I like the way the banners are aligned. Even the link at the bottom goes with the overall layout/whatever the hell. Anyhoo. Yar.
Wuv, Yer Mom
Awesome simply because of the animation.
The dude's hat is on fire.
I can FEEL that man. That SPEAKS to me.
Double props cuz I just realized that's Knuckles.
First one, I like because... it's hilarious, mainly. People should read tags more.
Second I like because it was crappily drawn in Paint. ;!
Last is cool because it's colourful and my meds enhance the magic. WHEEE.
Wanna hear something funny? The kid depicted in that first signature is a kid I know personally. I don't hang out with him anymore (for the obvious reasons), but I have pictures of him that could scare you or throw you into fits of hilarity.
I like yours a lot because the woman's face scares me. She seems kinda dead already, ya know? I dunno. And I like the nurse there. I haven't done much with the Silent Hill series, but I know enough to appreciate that little bit.
The colors in the family texts appeal to me. Makes me want to join said family, but only if I can be a super cool color.
So ummm if I've gotta give it a score I'll say a million and six. For the win, of course.
Yeah, that You are not a video game character, that is pretty funny, and the scary blonde (chick) paint thing you made is pretty funny too, my favorite banner out of them though is you Starcraft Clan one, although I really don't get why you had put the anime picture in the centre, kinda goes against the whole Starcraft thing, oh well.
7.5/10 Funny