I really like your sig Kinney. I like what your sig says as well and I like the moving text too. So honestly, I give it a 10/10. :)
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I really like your sig Kinney. I like what your sig says as well and I like the moving text too. So honestly, I give it a 10/10. :)
woo it's highlighted and stuff and you have a family
i see to many Vivi sigs but it's still neat
T-that thing is sooooo fat !!
Can I poke it ?
yes you may and also you sig is sweet
TKK all the way...that rhymes anywho... that gunslinger thing is intersting
i like it and just because of TKK 10/10
Its a cute and cool Cait Sith! Its nicely done with a pale-blue theme, cool bubbles and spirals. I love it. The Final Fantasy one is quite nice too, but I prefer the Cait Sith one! It fits better as a signature!
You made that didn't you? Woo, Zell! He rocks! So do you. 10/10 (But I don't really get the Blue Lightning part)
I like it Boco but it may be geting time for a new one but I have had mine for just as long. Well If you want a new one ask me. Any ways with the color and all 9/10.
I think the first one is best. It goes with the avy, and has really good text and nice background. The second is a bit weird. The 'Nintendo' doesn't fit in at all.
1st Sig - 8/10
2nd Sig - 3/10
Rather plain. Interesting, but plain. Not much effects or anything special about it. 6/10
AHHHHHHHHHHH to scary for my likings
but it's nice and graphic
Simple, but pretty. 8/10
v_v I should get myself a sig...it's empty down there.
Wow...That's one cool siggie !!*sarcasm*
I'll give it a 10/10 for giving me 10 minutes trying to figure what that means
Yeah,you should get 1.
Ooh, I like that one ass well. 8.20/10
Oh here's a pic.
^The motherfacking BoD Biatches!!!!
Pleasureable...................................... ...........10/10!!!!!!!!! ;!
Its put to gether well. I can't realy rate it for you sorry.
10/10 I like both siggies... They are cool ^^
But i don't like your gaming record :P
Its realy cool and it looks like you made it your self did you.
O i'm haveing trouble with my Xfire stuff so every thing is ****ed up.
First one - already rated it. Same opinion, really good.
Second sig - Plain background, but it's good. Good render, and nice text. 8/10
The only real "complaint" I have with your banner is the fact that the star stamp you were using lacks any real sense of randominity. It's a bit too patterned. Not that it looks bad, mind you, but it does feel a bit forced.
As a whole, the banner is pretty nice. You could use a little more practice cropping images for use in banners, but those are the sorts of things that people always get better with over time. I like the font used in the banner. Big, chunky fonts always make wide, open spaces feel less menacing.
Good quotes from FFX, too.
Overall? I'll give you a 7/10 for simplicity. Simplicity can be a good thing. It's not overly cluttered or anything like that. Works for me.
Standard Cesar siggy...A banner linking to Argentos Online which in this case looks pretty cool. I like the character depicted...he looks like a major badass. What class is that anyways (I figure a pirate but he may also be a thief or the like; I've never played FFXI so have mercy)?
The background color doesn't seem to fit though...just my opinion but it seems like another color would be better. Or at least making the background look cloudy in some way (be it in the form of effects or actual clouds.
Again another typical aspect of your sigs, the banner linking to the gaming site which you're active on (I take it that is a gaming site, no?). Nothing special here but it does offer some good information.
Then of course your RPBing record which helps to prove you're a literary badass. I like this apsect and have considered ripping it off on many occasions but then thought about not doing it afterall since it's just such blatant plagarism.
And finally a random quote you always have in your sig. I kinda like this one. Quite the clever statement and it most likely holds true. So you best beware God, or Cesar will undo you with a string of arguements that will convince even you that you do NOT actually exist. Silly God, you.
All in all, I like the build up since it's organised and has a clean finish. Since I'm also a fan of keeping my sig ultimately the same (forever), I'll have to give you plus points in that respect. Only thing where I'll pull some points off is the background of the first banner, which as I stated, somehow doesn't fit.
Holy cow it's like robot kitties that are running into walls (or pushing buttons and flying but I like to dream that they are running into walls!) I think that it is awsome. I wish that I had that many robot kitties to fly my space ship. What a great sig!
All the Nintendo Worshppers banners rock. This one rocks, too.
Nice colors. I think the chocobo needs to stand out a little more, though. As for the first one, I don't really get it, but it has a nice background and the fonts are good.
1st Siggy - 6/10
2nd Siggy - 8/10
Old school too new school >.>
You used a bit too much green, but the bevel and emboss effect on the text looks nice. Also, I can't really tell what the stock is. 0.o And it could use a border. Then again, I love borders. But it's okay. 6/10
I like it. It's a gorgeous picture of Yuna in the first place, and that rainbow hazy thing just enhances it. It's a pretty font, too. The quotes from the game are nice..8/10
It looks too normalize but needs a little bit more effect..Let me critisize it wee~~~ 7/10
It's cute!!! need I say more? 9/10
actually it has a boarder. Its white though so you cant really see it on this board. And the text is shit if you ask me. I wasnt really trying to hard >.>Quote:
Originally Posted by Yuna706
The stock? o.O >.> im confused.
As for al_bhed_psycho. Your banner is extremely plain. I dont think much work at all went into it. I could make you a better one maybe? ;p