I like it. The colours go nicely, it's set out nicely, and it matches perfectly with your ava ^^. Once again, Lily works wonders with her Photoshop skills :P
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I like it. The colours go nicely, it's set out nicely, and it matches perfectly with your ava ^^. Once again, Lily works wonders with her Photoshop skills :P
I really like your pic, the dress the woman is wearin is georgeous, i want one 10/10
The pic is pretty... Aeris was a cool character... *sniffs* Anyways, 10/10... *sobs*
I like the picture, but the text could be a bit smaller and perhaps a different font would've been good.
The album cover of The Open Door is simply amazing. I love it! 10/10
A nice simple sig there. Not sure if I've posted in this thread before, but I wanna see what people think of my current setup.
I'll give yours an A- because of the thing on the bottom. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a small dash or an image that isn't loaded/working, but yeah. >_>
I didn't notice that. Thanks! To be honest with you, It's not supposed to be visible! Some html codes suck..anyway...Quote:
Originally Posted by Toph Bei Fong
I like your current setup, I mean everything looks so elegant but I think your new banner needs a border. 8.5/10
Eh, not everything needs a border. I rarely if ever use them. But I'll put one on and see how it looks.
Edit: Doesn't look too bad, but since I use TFF Dark, the black is kind of hard to see. I'm not sure what else would be a good color border. Although I'm wondering how to make spiffy border designs. Like a fiery design on the left or something.
I like the picture, and the writing fits nicely in the corner. It does look better with the border.
Excellent. The writing and banners all tie in nicely together. And I love what you've done to the album cover. Amy Lee is fantastic. 10/10
Not bad. but there's something about the backround of ur signature pic that I don't like. Perhaps another light version of ur character in such as pose as the background maybe.
But otherwise, nice. ^^
Im not really one for youtube video's in sigs, I think the main reason would be
'cos i'm on dial up LOL
For that i'll give you 7 coconuts 'cos it's nicely set out.
the 's' is well drawn, i like that bit, but ur lil lady looks a bit squashed in the sig, but i still like it 8.5/10
Picture of a song from Final Fantasy 7. Is there something I'm missing? No. It annoys me. Then again, who the hell am I to talk? My sigs are only funny to me.
You get a horsey out of a unicorn.
Hahahaha. I don't get it, but it's funny anyway. 8/10
Another good one! Sticking with The X-Files again right? Cool, 100/10
Ooh, I like this one a lot better ^^. Although pink and blue aren't really Paine, I think you've pulled them off really well. The text also fits nicely, and it's a lot more tidy :)
i made it =)
pink and blue are cool (i think)
your once again is awesome very nice
Yeah, Raider made that one for me! Cool eh? Thankies again pal! :)
Your's is good too! I don't yet know what the image is from, but already I like it... 10/10
resident evil 4
Hello, Stranger
i made it woo 10/10
7/10 it's cool it works well but looks just that tiniest bit off because of the white on very slightly pale blue
you should cherish that sig because all other ones i make will have my mark on them (the 1989 bit)
quite good could be better 8/10
Now that I know where the pic is from, I like it more! I love Resi Evil! 100/10!!!
I like this one better than your last, its very colourful and paine dont look so evil like she did inthe last one. (does she eva smile?) lol 9/10
I don't think she does lol! Still cool though... :) OH! Raider made it for me... Not my work...
I like your sig pic. I miss Aeris in my group in FFVII... 10/10
it's colorful, and it works 8.5/10
eh, I had to change it lol, so it's my online-game themed (btw the orange lettering is a symbol for PK)
Rappelz is FTW so I have been told. And MUSIC = <3. But in my opinion, its getting a bit too big for my liking. 8.5/10 ^^
i don't like kids shows
It's centred, so points there. I think it needs is a picture or quote to "define" Raider. 5/10
Me likey. Nice border and effects going there. I should really play this game. =P 9/10