Hey Ryu, it's a perfect 10 now!
It's been neatened up and loving the colours and font!
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Hey Ryu, it's a perfect 10 now!
It's been neatened up and loving the colours and font!
Your's needs a bit of work, but I believe it is still worth a 9.5/10 Keep up the Awesomness Vivi :)
Give props to him:woot:
Like my Sig.? Please Comment and Rate it, thank you very much & I appreciate it :)
It is sure an sweet sig you got there! I give 10/10 possible!
How's mine? It's not maked by me but still sweet.
I say I'd give that bad boy a 9.95/10 Awesome Freaking Job Blood Brother, Alther Primus =) Give Props to my Bro. :woot:
Like my Sig.? Please Comment and Rate it, I Appreciate it & Thank You Very Much :)
I like Banner 1, but the Been Chillin' & Killin' it since 1992, is wierd, I do like the sword though.
Everything is nice, centered and organized, which is good. The first banner matches your avatar and it has the creepy rhyme from the movie. Also good. I like the font in your second banner. It sticks out from all the grey, black and white that's going on. The stuff in your spoiler tags is cool. Lots of quotes and you have a very big TFF family!
I give it an overall 9.5/10. I docked .5 because it's still a really big signature. It takes up my whole computer screen when I look at it.
10/10! I think Zexion is awesome and the Sephiroth sig is wicked!
Sweet and scary. I give 9/10 of possible!
Hope mine is still good yet.
I love the banner, and the rest is simply plain cool!
urs is the shit 10/10...
The banner looks a little stretched out, or a little blurry? Also some of the text is too small. I can't read it unless I'm a few inches from my screen. :(
I Really like your sig Treize its sexy and simple really nice
I think your sig is too big, and actually against the rules... Otherwise it isn't too bad.
Not bad at all.
I give out 8/10 possible.
Now... How's mine?
I like it only problem is its pretty darn blurry
I'm lovin the Venom vibe kicks spidey's ass any day, but not likin the two pics so 6/10.
The banner in your sig looks a lot blurrier than in Andromeda's thread. Did you upload it to photobucket, tinypic, imageshack, etc, or did you just upload it here from your computer? Also the font is hard to read. I think there are better fonts that are more readable. Also there is nothing under optimism in your finer details. Some or your font choices are very hard to read in TFF light. Finally you have a random "[quote Fayt Leingod]" under Legendary quotes. A lot of these are easy fixes. Your signature isn't that bad, but there are some improvements that could be made.
P.S. "Do you treat this place as a second home?" should be "Do you treat this place like a second home?" There is no verb in the second part so you should use like instead of as.
It's making my eyes ORGASM... This is one of the best signatures that I have seen on TFF! I must say that you keep it tidy, just the signature and your family. There isn't anything I can complain about so a perfect 10 to you!
I like it! Final Form Rocks and so does Sora! I's also fairly tidy!
I'll give you bonus points for never sticking with one image for too long, Oblivion. 9/10
I geuss yours deserve an distant 7/10.
I see that you got rid of the blur on your sig! That bounces it up to a great 8/10!
Well, That aint to bad! :D
Your for the moment is an great one! 9/10 possible!
I love KH.
10/10! 'Cause it's great!
9/10, because its you. ;)
9/10 because KH is a magnificent game!
Little bland after a while, needs spicing up somehow.
0/10 you suck! :) Just kidding!
I guess you're right, it does need something but what!
Hey! I dunno, maybe fill in the white background?
still 8/10.
10/10, The words are written in the blood =D Awesome!!!
Better not be cat bloOD... Or i'll have to kill you...