It's very long. It would be a million times better if you put all the spoilers in one. But the banner is looking awesome.
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It's very long. It would be a million times better if you put all the spoilers in one. But the banner is looking awesome.
No way is that what I think it is! Dark Chronicle! I loved that game to infinity!
I like the colour green, so you get bonus points. You could format the text just a tiny amount, but I still like it.
I give it a 10/10 Good Signature Unknown Entity :)
I think it stands out, the text suits the feel of a samurai, overall great look to it.
I like your banner, it's colourful and eye-catching!
It's a perfect 10/10 from me!
8.5/10, your other one was better.
Erm... there's too little content and no banners.
1/10, sorry.
First sig pic looks like a crop paste and an addition of 3 words and a border, not that impressed.
Second one looks really good and I would like to see the original images to make a comparison.
The spoiler tage is HUGE, to much to actually hold interest for any period of time.
All together I give this a 4.5 out of 10, the only saving grace is the 2nd image and the quote in the opening line. To much going on at the same time with hidden details from all angels.
I give it a 10/10 Just Amazing, and Sweet. Great Signature Bro. :)
Colors aren't bad. Text isn't bad. Renders don't really fit though.
This is totally the fanboy in me saying he was my FAVORITE in Mortal Kombat. And his NINJA look, to boot.
10/10 ^^
@ Emperor Griffith, Oh my god! It's beyond the awesome factor!... In fact my awesome meter just broke! 10/10
@Waterdragoon, It's wonderful! 9/10
10/10! I LOVE the sora sig, and the Organization one is cool!
@Emperor Griffith:WICKED! I love it!
Love your Sig. ARMGDN :) I give it a 10/10. Just Awesome Bro. :)
Teh banner was made by Sheena, so <33333.
It could do with being put in the centre, but really, that's all. ^^
6/10 i don't really like it that much.
I find the banner a bit too long and the sig is plain here and there
You could at least have centered it.
Not bad! 8/10!
8/10 i like it!
Pretty Cool, so I give it a 9/10 Good job, but you should probly Centre it atleast...XD
How is my Sig. now? You Like?
Wow! That is one big sig!
It's a little cluttered Ryu, why don't you put them picture's into spoilers or something?
Overall 9/10!
It's a tad on the long side, but the banners are pretty kewl. Personally, I'd stick with one though...
I like it, and I like you, so, I give it a 8.8/10 =)
Okay, I fixed my Sig. You likey now? Is it worthy of a 9.5 or higher? You tell me what you think about my Sig.
Alot better Ryu, it is now worthy of a 9.5!
The pictures are funny and the sig is brilliant! ;)
Pretty cool which = 9.5/10
Give props to Vivi :woot:
I Fixed my Sig. again, is it worthy of a Perfect 10 now?
Looks brilliant now! Definitely worth your 10/10. =]
Yay =) That makes me happy to know that I have made an Awesome Sig. and it took a long time to make it too, so thank you very much for your comment. So, I believe I owe you a Perfect 10/10 for your sig too, Yay =) Anyone else like my Sig.?