Yours is just text with a few errors. I'll give a 5/10 because it has some meaning.
EDIT: Copperfire beat me to it but I'll comment on this!
It's of Crisis Core, right? I liked that game a lot so I'll boost yours to a 7/10!
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Yours is just text with a few errors. I'll give a 5/10 because it has some meaning.
EDIT: Copperfire beat me to it but I'll comment on this!
It's of Crisis Core, right? I liked that game a lot so I'll boost yours to a 7/10!
It's wonderful , I like it ^_^
I think he is Sora from kingdome hearts
I think the anime girl is cute. ^^ I don't know where she's from though. :o
The colors are nice and sort of "pastel", which gives it a soft and serene look, and the eyes just grab the viewer's attention because of how big they are and how blue the color is. I also like that it matches your avatar, because it's the same girl. :p
I give a 9/10. :) I took off a point because I would like to see some more "personalization", but if you like the anime girl, then don't change anything. ^^
:) I love the water painting feel to this one. And it's pretty. No rating because I don't like to act as judge. Maybe I'm just a fraidy cat. *shrugs* Anyway, I like it.
Glitch needs to be upgrated! Beep this Boop Is crach not eep ps1 age !!!!
hmm.. 3/10
i think you should put some images on your sig to make it better
Hmmmm this is a nice signature
3 words w t f
its colorful
...and there need to be more kitten judo clubs... the world needs more cute overload
It sure is a quote about video games.
nice sig you have there! lol
It's a bit simple, but I think it's very nice. I especially like the text. Maybe a border around it would be a bit better?
I think your sig is cool! I like the way the background looks.
Could use an image, but that's not an absolute in my books. It could also use a more personal touch. Something that tells people a little bit about you and/or about what you like, not someone else.
very military like...9.9/10. theres always room for improvement. lol
*nods* That's true. Yours is a little out of focus, but it's cool. I like. 9.9/10
Hmmmm I think this avatar needs something hmmmmm Oh I know its needs a Blitzball woohoo
:lol: Sorry. That's FFX and I'm more obsessed with FFVII. Still like the siggie though. 9/10
Awww ok fine I still say it needs a Blitzball
The colour scheme in yours is very appealing, plus the way it synchs in with each character gives it a little extra boost
8/10 cos I'm still not a member of your kingdom and I'm your son X(
Like I said before I haven't been in the mood to change that in a while and what is with the Chocobo its scary
Fate did a really excellent job on your banner Ethan. :) The visual perspective of distance is an interesting detail. I think all the colors suit the characters nicely, and it's really neat how they seem to just pop out of the banner like they do. At first, I didn't think the lightning effect would compliment the banner, but after seeing it done, it works really well.
Haha! I also really like the song that you have linked in your signature. It made me smile. And I'm in your family! :D Nice that you have that info spoiler tagged. It makes it look a lot neater.
10/10. :)
The banner looks good. It pops really well in dark, but is a little washed out in light (the text is a little hard to read on TFF light). I'm not really a fan of the art depicted in the banner, but hey that's me, I'm just an asshole like that. All of the other stuff is neatly organized and spoiler tagged, which is always appreciated for someone like me who doesn't necessarily want to see all that family stuff and whatnot. A lot of the text in the spoiler is really hard to read in light. I guess that means you prefer TFF dark? ;)
To be fair, one of those women was a dude. :PQuote:
Originally Posted by James K. Polk
Oh, I'll go light if the urge to do so strikes me. ;)Quote:
I guess that means you prefer TFF dark? ;)
As for your signature:
I think it should say "If eyes are the window to the soul, then your soul is raped", but maybe not? I don't know. It's your reference. I'm really not big on the whole "rape" thing, even in jest. Meh. I guess that's why I'm a prude.
I think that gif is AMAZING!!! Of course, I would think that though, because I made it. :P You don't have to give me the credit in your sig, but I appreciate the gesture. :)
Your sig matches what's going on with your avatar, and for that it makes it that much better.
Oo. Very pretty. I love that goddess wolf. :D 9/10
I like your signature. Reminds me that I need to play Crisis Core again.
On a side note, he looks exactly like Hope's Dad.
Hey, I'm in your signature! Therefore it automatically achieves greatness.
I'd love to be able to create my own (not neccesarilly like that, just in general), how did you make it?
mad MS paint skillz. Also...patience and determination to change it 15 times a day.
As for your sig, Kefka is ALWAYS full of win. :)
Glee! I is included!
Choco-weapon looks awesome, wonder what moves it has... Gysahl Rage? Choco-roundhouse-kick? Yellow Fever beam of craziness and vomiting?
And I love the new changes to the party Voltaire.