um thats an interesting way to look at life 9/10
Printable View
um thats an interesting way to look at life 9/10
Not a fan of embedded videos, I'm sorry to say. Not much formatting, but it's centered, at least. Earns you some brownie points. 6/10
meh, not really diggin' the sepia Laguna image because I never really liked Laguna, C++
That's a picture? No, really? Seriously? XD. Okay, cool little caligraphy thing up there, Picture of the day... Point out the obvious much? Oh, and I really love how you linked up the names in your family. That shite's awesome. 9/10.
Well, First of all, I love dogs ( This is a weakness point :D )
Your dog seems to be a very peaceful creature :) since he is dressing this widding dress :lol:
and your tattoo looks great.
I am not going to talk about your quotes because they belong to you. 9.5 / 10
I think your banner's really cool. It seems to be about 4 layers, yet it still looks somewhat simple until you really look at it. Awesome, lol. 10/10. There's no reason to take points off it.
Aww your so pretty Rumour and your puppy is adorable, what does that drawn tattoo mean? 10/10
Oh my god !! Please don't hurt me, don't hurt me please :D
Hey Rika are you serious !!! your new signature makes me scare to death :LOL:
It looks cool but I really want to see her eyes :cool:, But since your desire is stronger than mine, I have to love this girl no matter what she doesn't have. 9/10
Sully is hot, and really short. I couldn't believe it, I thought he was much taller than he actually was in real life. But Godsmack is really good live, and one of my favorite american bands has been ever since they released their debut album, Godsmack (self-titled)
I gave it a 10/10 ^^b
Better then your last one, but the print is still small. Other then that, not bad, Captain. 8.5/10
(P.S.: What shop are you talking about?)
Omega Weapon's, it's located in the Art thing, but I think he said something about it being deleted. So, I don't know, maybe you can still ask him?Quote:
Originally Posted by Draken Benvolaid
Vincent, Vincent, my favorite male in FFVII, besides Rude. It's also very small, 8/10.
Kinda simple, but I do like it ^.^
Well, Well, Well
I have already rated your avatar and now I have to rate your signature ;)
I liked the first banner 4/5, but your second one is really cool, I liked its colors 4.5/5
4 + 4.5 = 8.5/10 :D
That is a really great sig. Very nice colored and textured background, works very well with the text and image. Let's put it as an ad for them on a side of a bus! Now that would be awesome! 10/10!
(lolz and with all the times I see it, I think I'm gonna' start listening to them xDDD )
Not often you see a nice simple banner. I really like it ... it's got a sort of serenity to it. Short and sweet, if a little small. ^^ 9/10
Well, the banner matches the avatar, it's simple & nice, even if i don't really liike FF VIII. Anyways, it's laconic a.k.a. good. 9/10
Nanananana... I'm loving IT!. :lol: 10/10. Onilink is awesome. And it has your name too.
Hi celtic :lol:
First of, your signature is full with hyper-links :D, I like that
The picture of your favorite character is really nice ;) , 9/10
heehee smacks of god, 8.5/10
Beautiful, as always... n_n
Scary stuff, followed by Yaoi... interesting concept XD. 9/10.
Nice signature, I liked the banners, The first one is nice, but the second is cool ;)
You have my vote : 9.3/10
Hey guess what! You still have a godsmack sig and Godsmack is still awesome! Therefore you recieve a...10/10
Sorry I freaked you out with my picture, but I get a B in orginalality! (can't spell...too early lol)
Does she even have a nose? Where's the blood coming from?
Simple & freaking scary~10/10
Thank you sweetie, Glad to know you like the new sig ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady Rika
I made it by myself, It took one hour from me but the result was great !
Never mind, I was kidding with you :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady Rika
Well, back to Cloudy's signature.
First of all, I didn't play The Legend Of Zelda yet but It seems to be a good game, I liked the picture, But your second picture ( the animated one ) is really nice, Looks like a video but its actually a .GIF picture !! 9/10
Yeah, i found that by chance in a Spanish forum while browsing for Fierce Deity pics.
I haven't heard any Godsmack, but i might now. Anyhow, the banner's cool. The guy on the left seems awfully weird. 8,5/10 for him
I like your sig alot better than your avy... n_n
I'll change avy then.... heh heh
Your 1st banner is great. 8.8/10
Well you got that awesome huge picture of OniLink, that cool video, and hell, my name is the last letter of the scrolling text so... 10/10
The Avatar's sweet too. :lol:
:lol: more hyper-links in your signature celtic_silver.
And yeah, Good to say who is your favorite FF character.
I like your updated signature :D , 10/10