I laugh at the first, drool at the second and give the third a funny look. Nice. 9/10
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I laugh at the first, drool at the second and give the third a funny look. Nice. 9/10
Again: :sex:
TWINCEST 9/10 nuff said i believe ^^
It's a classic...
As long as you have the naruto character inspired cereal advert there...
moon moooooooooooooooon, 9/10
NOOO!!! Where are the FEATHERS?!?!?!
I like it, 'Nightmare Revived' sounds very deep in a scary romantic kind of way, heh only I would see it that way. And of course the marriage of you and Seymour is rather funny. 10/10
Has just recently inspired me to draw a new angel x devil yaoi. Danka-danka! n_n
yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy 9/10
I love Pokemon :drool: 10/10
I <3 soccer! 9/10 :-p
I really can't think of anything new to say. 9/10
I loved it before and I still love it now, awesome effects...
And a nice font for your TFF family too. And centred. :lol: 10/10
I like the "Teen smoking/drinking" thing, and, were I still a teenager, I would have to put it on my sig... ;!
Pwnage, twincest, bunny....creepy
I love it 9.5/10
That's awesome ^^. I really love the new banner, as I told you over MSN. It's really pretty, and the movement is good. That second banner's always been one of my favourites. <3. Gorgeous picture and stuff. The third makes me laugh ^^
I <3 the hands ^^ 9/10
Much better, but there still aren't any feathers...
*shakes head*
Kuja is coming, down boy 9/10 lol
OMG! A new banner! And you rearranged ... Didn't Neji used to be on top? Oh well, who cares? 9/10
Again: Laguna. Sex. Awesome!
You know I like yours. Amusing in all senses of the word. 9.6/10
Final Fantasy VIII is awesome, Laguna is pretty cool as well. 8.5/10
I'm liking that sig.
Every individual component stands out and it looks great.
Good!! your signature is small and even better :woot: 9/10
Does she bite....I hope 9/10
No she doesn't, But you know, The female black widow's notorious habit of eating the male after mating is the rule :LOL: !Quote:
Originally Posted by LostUtopian
Anyway, New banner, Animated and cool :woot: 9.5/10
Ok, mating 9/10 - 1.5 for eating me after i eat....um....oh uh
Haha you have quite a few banners there, I like the first one, very nice and stands out. The second banner is awesome as well. Oh heck, they're all good. 10/10!!