Re: Your opinion on the above signature
There's a tiny, tiny bit of a white blur still left on the hair of the render, but I noticed it becomes unnoticeable on Light, though. I also like how you make the top font black but with a white stroke so that it'd be visible on both skins. But on the same note, on Light, it seems a bit strange since the bottom portions of the stroke which touch the banner make it look like it's eating away at it; the white is transparent against the white skin. I like the bottom text a lot, though, since it's all shiny and stuff! ^_^ And the quote is nice, too. =)
Also, because I've noticed that your backgrounds are quite simple most of the time, I think it'd bring out the colors more if you fade some text, add a semi-transparent picture of another image of the render, or just randomly put some abstract brush strokes in there and blend them. ^_~
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
The other sigs are cool too.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
I like the classic sephy lol the only problem I see is it should be I. . . .will never be a memory! that or maybe I'm just crazy
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
For some reason the pic makes me laugh lol :P 7/10
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
It would probably look better centered. I got nothing else.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
It made me laugh, nothing else to expect from Polk.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
The eyeshadow is uneven! NO POINTS FOR EWE!
No, in all sincerity, it's a pretty nice signature lol
Last time I used this everyone ignored it. I expect the joke to be gotten this time lol
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
I like your sig, I'll give it a 9.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
nice, ive heard of carpet bombing but not chicken bombing. i rate it a 9 for making me relive that hell in legend of zelda.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
There isn't much going on. 3/10.
You might've gotten a 4/10 if you used proper grammar, or if I understood what the second part of the second line meant...
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Render's a little jagged but like all your work, it's soft and soothing that I like! =3
I checked it out on TFF Light and it seemed to work a little better so I give you a 8/10
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
I like the monochromatic color scheme you have got going on. :) It's a good size for a banner, in that you notice it, but it doesn't make your signature ridiculously long (which is something I gotta work on myself. :lol) I like that you're starting to use different brush effects in your work (very nice use of grunge and splatter!), and when you compare it to your early stuff, you can tell just how much you've improved. I really like how you changed up the render of the character in order for her to fit in more nicely with the overall design. Most people would have probably just stuck her in and covered her a bit with brush effects, but it's nice to see that you altered the image. It does lose some focus when you incorporated her into your Avatar (as in she looks fuzzy to me), but that's a different critique for another thread. :P
I think it's a great banner, and there's nothing that I would change about it. :)
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Originally Posted by
Render's a little jagged but like all your work, it's soft and soothing that I like! =3
Yeah, I did it at 1:00 a.m., and I forgot to check it on a dark background. Light backgrounds work so well for hiding mistakes. ^^" Thanks for the advice and the compliment.
It's okay, but some of it, including the font, looks kind of jagged. It is more apparent if you switch to TFF Light... Also, I don't really like the video. I like how you incorporated a video into your sig, but it could've been a better video.
I'll give it an 8 out of 10.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Love the sig, you get a nice 10/10 for the design, the brightness, and color usuage. Very nice.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
6/10 i don't really like it...
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Just a quote.
It's a nice quote and I totally agreed with the slaughter of Sephiroth... Twice. Well, if you count the FFVII Elimination Thread, it's actually been 3 times that the guy has died. =3
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Its like spray paint meets a ninja, looks good. 8/10. its very laxed in color.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Uhhh...Not Enough Info Bro & Not Too Spectacular Either, Sorry :(
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
freakin' epic
i give it 5 stars
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
2 out of 2
suming it up in 1 word
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
I have no love for this, shall we say 'LOVELESS'?
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Not Bad, I Give It A 7/10 :)
If You Put A Little More Pazzaz In It, Your Deffenitly Gonna Get Some Good Attention ^_^
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
It's reeeeaaaaally loooooong, but I like the banners that you have in your sig. The little animated ninja makes me smile, and the banner that Mistress Sheena (Mistress Victoria now) made for you is well done and goes well with what you like. :) If I were to nitpick anything, it would be that your name appears an awful lot in your sig. I honestly would get rid of the red font that says your name. It'll help cut down on some of the length. You have the same thing going on for your custom title, so I don't think you'll be missing out on anything if you got rid of it.
I give you an 8/10.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
I always enjoy your sigs and have since you joined the forum. 8.5/10 which is very high in my books seeing I don't give out 10s anymore.
So yeah I was bored and a little tipsy last night and decided to play around in paint.net so here is it. Love it, hate it, kill it if you want to.
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
I'll destroy it, Meier!
It's awfully small which doesn't give Comic Book Guy justice seeing as he's hilarious! Make it bigger, give it a little background like his store and then we'll talk. ;)
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
the score would be better if i knew who "Vicky" was...jk
its cool
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Not bad, not bad... 6/10 (for I do not want to play the part of Simon on this..)
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
Love it. Plain and simple. Oh wait theres not one. 0/10 gwahahahaahahaaaaa
Re: Your opinion on the above signature
7/10 Meier, What The Hell Happened To The Cool Shit You Used To Have? Somewhat Disapointing For Me...I Loved Your Old Stuff Way Better.