^ should but that all in a banner or something, maybe with a picture or something. (Also should find our rpb and post in it!!)
Printable View
^ should but that all in a banner or something, maybe with a picture or something. (Also should find our rpb and post in it!!)
^ I like it, besides the fonts used.
Alright sorry I forgot about our fight..again, hey a girl can make a guy forget many things so stop glaring at me.Quote:
Originally Posted by Atma-Noah
^ Jedi maidens huh..... sweet, =-[ + :D = *evil grin*
indeed, like how to hold on to aQuote:
Originally Posted by HatredIncarnate
thumb tac.
Damn that hurt.
^i don't have any last words
And not only that ;DQuote:
Originally Posted by Q
^ erm.. theres nothing there. GAWSH DANG! :P
^and it intrigues you lil chicana
o.o....I dont get it xD ^
my signiture is kind of a poem, its in the booklet for akercocke's album 'choronzon'Quote:
Originally Posted by Rain Lil
the four crown princes of hell, are lucifer, belial, leviathan and satan.
each member of akercocke, has a passage about each individual prince under their photo.
the singer/guitarist is satan
the bassist is lucifer
the guitarist is belial
and the drummer is leviathan
the drummer is the king, he does all the lyrics and wrote each individual piece, so i took the persona of leviathan and had the passage in my sig.
^signiiture is not the worst sig on TFF, contrary to merlin's beliefs.
^ the poem = \m/
^ Up the irons.
^ Nordic Sith Empire? EXCELLENT!!!
_^ I love that Lev decided to dispense the verses to the princes although I havn't seen the north's yet
hey, i've done all the princes and i'm writing new ones for the leader and the other active high lords of doom.
^belongs to psshlikewoah. can't argue with that
^Loving the new unholy sig.
^ not loving the lack of unholy signiture.
^Start loving it man and cool sig
^ loving it
^ Brutal.
^equally as brutal, i'm loving the sig picture, who is that in the middle, kinds of looks like a shot of amarant from FFIX.
^Always pimpitty :D
Odin's Horse.
Edit: Nice Knife.
^^ doesn't have a signature. what the hades...
^indeed, ^^ does have a sig, but turns it off all the time!!!!
might need to be sent away for 're-education' :ak47:
Hell at least i ain't going to the Navy.. otherwise iwill be surrounded my
Sea-Men... get it.
^ and leviathan your Sig will own forever. Fucking wicked assed chants of evil.
gotta love the bouncing boobies
_^_Another one of Lev's damn pimpitty prose
^ he's psshlikewhoa's
she's mine!
i rule
^the starter of it all
_^_Made without fear huh, well they're fearing now.