It's purrple...and your eyes come out so well in that picture. Fantabulous. 8.93/10
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It's purrple...and your eyes come out so well in that picture. Fantabulous. 8.93/10
I sort of like it. It is plain and simple and it doesn't have anything deep(er) meaning. 9,5/10
Yea great although having an anima one is better 6/10
That guy is awsome. It's mad naruto. I'm pretty sure that he is Japanese. I'll ask. Anata wa nihonjin desu ka? Ah so desu ka? Doko kara kimashita ka? Estonia? Oh Estoniajin desu ne. Domo Arigato. Hi, Hi boku wa MaxuPowa. Hi AmericaJin desu. Dozo yorishiku.
I was wrong he is from Estonia. :( Who knew?
i love hippy, but the only thing better than hippies, are hippy clowns!!!!
I'm going to guess that is some sort of fanart on Rydia. She looks pretty cute I guess. Uh. 8/10. She was probably my favorite character in Final Fantasy IV I guess.
Sound a bit gay to me sorry but 1/10
Naruto is going to kill us all! Aiiiiiiiiie!!! 10/10... it looks pretty ace.
that person looks cute 10/10
I like your avatar alot but I like your sig more it is hot lol.
no idea who that is so i'll just give it a 8/10.
i dont know what that is 7/10
very cool. i don't know who/what it is, but i certainly like the look of it.
Wasted Seymour! lol
Thats got style, I dont like to rate things so lets just say.. BOOYAH! :D
Alcohol FTW.
Hahaha funny, I've always liked your avatars 10/10
I don't kinow who it is but it looks good so 7/10
Ew. No. 0/10. Lack of creativity, choice of bad villian from horrid game, personal hatred against (almost) all characters with swords as their weapon.
This is more of an opinion on a lack of an avatar. I mean what is that? It's like a billboard only more grotesque and boring. Who in the world has such a horrible avatar? Oh it's bunny that explains it all. Well then ummmm....I like the use of negative space in your avatar?
A hippy? well you've got to love them. 8/10
Wicked thats they way the best avatars are anima avatars 10/10
Mostly same reason that Bunny has but I also want to add that it looks like that you would just take it from those which are made ready at here...or something. But 1/10.
You scare me xD
It looks violent and anti-cow. 7/10
like it animation is the way to go can't realy see it propaly but I love that cape 10/10
You are Emperor Ultima so I guess I will give you this 9/10 ...............yay?
I lover Ninjas and samuria so 9/10
Again again 8/10
Scary but nice.I liked the mean-face, looks cool. 9/10
Strange demented child with flower in there hair. 8/10
Anime avatars are always good. 8/10