The people are Soubi and Ritsuka from loveless!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Kinney
To Dir en grey:
I like it it's dark and evyl looking o.0 kinda scary too! 10/10
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The people are Soubi and Ritsuka from loveless!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Kinney
To Dir en grey:
I like it it's dark and evyl looking o.0 kinda scary too! 10/10
Well, even if you explained who the people in your avy are, I still don't know them. However the colours are good, and extra points for the "KISS ME" thingy. 7.5/10
SPAM!!! Hahaha... Boco... You funny, funny boy. :D Well, I love spam, but I hate the meat... but I know you love the spam thread!
See you there... :p
^alittle creepy 7/10
Colourful Avy. Nice colours. Weird face 8.5/10
spam hmmmm spam... i got nothing 8/10
An interesting anime character... with HUGE eyes... a little too... bright... for my tastes.
here a trip from the past thats boomer From PPG from a comic book
...never read it. Sorry.
Pretty 10/10
-_- let me explain Boomer from Power Puff Girls ill show you
Hahaha!! I LOVE it!!!!! (Jin's avy, that is...)
i agree 9/10
cute but creepy eyes o.0
it's very cute! 9.5/10
cant put my finger on it 9/10
^ most evil Avy ever! 10/10
Rock on!!!!!! 10/10
Dunno who it is, but it looks awsome. 9/10
Wow, I like it with the red thing. But I dont know who is that ^_^ Sorry. 9/10 though.
It's meeeeeee.
That puppy is still way cute. *ahem* 10/10.
I love it... mysteriously creepy!!
ooh! looks cool. i like the saying it has
I really like the animation. It looks great. 8/10
that is an awsome pic, almost lookes like fight club. lol 10/10
Lovin the green haired Rydia 10/10
Tifa is sexy 10/10
Cutest avatar I've seen around(besides mine XD :D) but yeah I love it! So cute! <333 10000/10000
oh snap a puppy 10/10
p.s. im a dog person
That avy is pretty cool. I'll give it a 8/10. Good stuff.