Creepy...and bloody.... It's really good in a way
I'll give it an N-Gage out of Gameboy
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Creepy...and bloody.... It's really good in a way
I'll give it an N-Gage out of Gameboy
An odd demon-flavored child... hmm... interesting...
It's Kyo for shit's sake.
It's cool lookin', but I have no idea what it is...
It's a bit weird in a cool way, the orange colours are good because they're not to bright and it blends in with the white. Plus the flashy names cool.
It's a butterfly... on someone's face. Looks good though.
Looks cool... a strange mean-looking face...
9/10... but I liked your old one better...
It's origional. It's a person. I don't know what else to say. 8.5/10
I just had an avatar change. I think it better fits me.
Hmm nice one thats Sasuke doing lightning blade right I don't remember what its called...
Hmm I give it a 9.2/10 very nice.:D
Cute and Original. 7.8/10
Probably the first muscly stick-figure I've ever seen. It has a tophat, too... And aren't legs usually longer than arms? But it looks cool. And I'm in a rather good mood ^^. So 9/10
One Hot Mama. 563321/671342. ;)
One hot StrongBad with muscles.
I don't really know how many numbers are there, but there are a lot.
Microsoft Paint wins!
...I completely JUST realized that I don't have an avatar. Umm... next person can comment on Strong Bad's avatar as well. I took mine off until I have a matching one for the banner... and then I got lazy and didn't make it. Oops?
No, I'm commenting on yours.
10/10. Very humble, I like it.
I like it i give it around 7/10
I can't belive that panda failed...he feel flat on his poor little panda face...
I'm not a fan of pokemon but when you see one breakdancing you have to laugh. i give it 8/10.
Cool Avy. Like the "Say Hello to My Little Friend" part.It reminds me of Rule of Rose though.But its pimp!:D. I give you a score of a 9.5/10.
Color changing ninja!
I give it a 9.2 out of 10.
Super color cgangeing ninja awesomeness
Advent children pics, cool. I like the "hi" and "Say hello to my little friend" It's hard to read, though so I'll dock you one point. 7.5/10
I'm not a naruto fan but its evil 8/10
*avatar change*
I thought I'd post my new avatar up since it's my FFXI character. I don't know if it'll last, but I made it. Tell me if It's better than my Sasuke avatar.
...well, that certainly looks like Sasuke, so I'm guessing you went back to your previous avatar instead of keeping whatever new one you'd had up.
That's a great shot of Sasuke though, moody and dark, very fitting of the character, and fitting of your username as well. It all ties together nicely.
I'll give you four ramen out of five.
OMG It's an avatar.... so accurate! And whats more is you win! Congratulations! I am assuming that is the same font from Argentos which goes together well with your whole thing.
PS I see TheDarkDragoon is also reading this, I dunno who will comment first but I apologize if I came after him.
Haha, that is a great avatar, priceless quote there :D Good to see you posting again too, I was kind of hoping for you to go themey (I know that isn't a word) with the ava banner thing, but it is great you managed to fool my train of thought
I give it cake, because cake is good, yummmm
EDIT!: Damn, you posted before me, so, I guess I will review yours too
Another classic, I love it ! and it is so fitting, because he did indeed get bitchslapped by Kakashi
I give it cookies, because they are also good, yummmmmm X2
Haha, yeah, I'll get around to making a matching avatar for that banner sooner or later -- or maybe I won't. To be honest, I've grown fond of the banner as a standalone piece and don't really want to try to create a matching avatar of equal value.
As for yours, it's a Cain recolor. You certainly can't go wrong with one of those. It could stand to be just a tiny bit lighter in the "bright" areas of the charcoal, just to discern between the shaded colors a bit more, but it's badass either way.
You get JUMP IN A CAVE. Oh wait, that's a bad thing. Usually ends with impalement upon stalactites, or otherwise stalagmites upon mislanding.
In that case, we'll give you JUMP IN THE PLAINS.
Haha, tricky one. It still doesn't much with your signature :p
Personally I find it a little plain.
Hmm...Cloud in his KH1 style...
I like the way its colored, and you do have a matching sig banner for it....but I'm going to give it a 6/10.
Well you are very very OBSESSED with BLEACH lol, and it does look cooool. And I've seen the main guy up closer and he is very very cute lol. So I'll give you...
classic Kairi avatar straight from a cutscence.......but its from KH2 and she looks cooler in that game so,