She's Millenia, from Grandia II.
Your avatar is just hot, as usual. Loving the hair. 10/10
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She's Millenia, from Grandia II.
Your avatar is just hot, as usual. Loving the hair. 10/10
Likin the matching avatar with your new Milennia thing! Anywayz, i shall award you a Flying Fish Bow (her best weapon) for a job well done. :D
Secret of Mana ftw!
No, seriously, SoM was (along with FF6) one of my first RPGs, so seeing good ol' Dyluck's sprite gave me some serious nostalgia and made me want to go and play through the game again. Soon. So, let's go with a 10/10.
.....Er...No comment but I do have a comment which I don't have
He looks big,fat and top of all that he's scary...It looks like a normal cropped image ...
A foot out of a hand
I love your avy Chase! *yump*
Anywayz, it's so cute! ^.^ Must eat, I mean hug *shifty eyes*
Its Balthier i love it 9/10
It's Ichigo...Who doesn't like him ? 9/10
IDK who it is but its cute ? 9/10's a moving ava...I'm not particularly fond of them, but it is Ichi! That makes up for it. 8/10
same as before...
lol i love your new avi, it definatly suites you lol
I have no idea who your avy is of! Nice lighting effect I suppose. I enjoyed your FF one more! ;x
I don't even know what it is...Wait,I know...
It's a thing that is called an avatar with the name "Earthbound" on it !!
Hah ! I know I'm smart...
Anywho,I can't really understand what it is nor is it showing your personalities..
PIE !!
Aww, cutsie! You know I love your avatars, but minus points because it could be more original, like haveing a border around it or something.
Yea, its pretty cool, I like the whole Millenia name thing, and the picture is pretty cool, though I dont really opt for cute characters normally, it kinda suits the sig too, so yea, just for co-ordination I give it,
I like blondes, preferably real though.
Ha ha, nice comment, nice and thorough there Winter.
Anywho, yea I like females dressed as Rabbits in sexy lengeré so I guess we're even,
IDK who it is but its cool 8/10
Your ava is the same as last time...I'll give it some carrots. Ichi needs to keep his eyesight in topnotch condition.
Lvoe it cause it snowy and white 9/10
Not bad, nice little gif. Bright, colourful, etc. 7/10.
But I have to say that the signature is far too big. People with dail-up have to wait for half an hour before the whole page has finished loading.
Ha ha, its mister ****in bump, oh man, that made my day ~wipes a tear from his eyes, sighs trying to calm down~
Eeeeeee by gum, 9/10.
I like it. Simple avatar. No noob text. Yay.
That guy looks really hesitant, like he is really a female or something.
Whatserface hiding a no-smoking sign. It's rubbish because I don't like Green Wing. 2/10
You have no taste, so you get 0/10 for that.
Your avatar can have 7/10 because I like Mr. Bump.
You don't realise how unfunny that show is. Downgrading your avatar to 1/10
Your humour bypass is affecting Mr. Bump. He's sad, and his rating has fallen to 6/10 :(
Sorry, love, but you're too easily amused to deserve a rating anymore.
You used to be cool :( Mr Bump is ashamed.