"Aww!! Of course you can have a hug! ..... But you have to swear you won't kill me....." *ahem* but I like it! ^_^ 9/10
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"Aww!! Of course you can have a hug! ..... But you have to swear you won't kill me....." *ahem* but I like it! ^_^ 9/10
Nice. Blue is good. Anime is good. Av is good. 10/10
Laguna!!! Woohoo!!! =P. You know I love him, Lily. It's a good colour effect, and it matches the sig well. I do think it could do with a border, though.
yummy emo blood girl....9/10
Yes, yes of course i'll hug you! 10/10
Heyz lady rika....log onto yim sometime pwease? *puppy face*
anywayz, i still loveth the apple..eth
Aww bless... its a cute little sinister blobby thing! Its green. You can't go wrong with green... its my favorite colour! hehe i just saw a little animated heart. I give you a 9/10 for cuteness!
OH NOES!!!1!1
Wait, that vampire worths a 10/10 for being so well made and for having such a nice background.
Chocobos Rock! :D!
and I like the whole, acid-trip looking background.
If that's a recolour you did yourself, 8/10, otherwise 6/10.
Hmm, different but very cool! I like the colors...lets say...8.5/10
yum apples 9/10
That little potato man needs a hug and I think that is sad. However I am not going to hug him because I don't like potatoes. Still I like his face and he seems to have a certain charm with the ladies so I will say that he is one cool avatar.
hippy/pirate/seaman lol 9/10
So cute. I want to hug him. 9.67/10
Oh-ho-ho! Sex.
I so need to play that game again >>
If I try to hug him will poisonous spikes shoot out of his skin?? o_0
Looks like a hard guy, Don't mess with him !! :blowtop:
I'm gonna fetch a wild guess and say that your image is from... Prince of Persia?
Even if it's not, it's still damn cool. 9/10.
Rawr says moneyless man, quite funny! Simple and sweet! 9.5/10
Yeah, It is from Prince of Persia : The Two ThronesQuote:
Originally Posted by Malahk Musashi
Lady Rika, Looks like an avatar for Eve eating the forbidden fruit :lol:
Prince!!! I'm so excited about playing the third game, but unfortunately I'm stuck at the fight with Kaileena on that huge platform with the tornadoes and stuff... ><.
What an awesome avatar though, all firey and stuff. W00t. 10/10
I agree with you, She is boring :lol:, Keep looking for this edition, you really don't want to miss it.Quote:
Prince!!! I'm so excited about playing the third game, but unfortunately I'm stuck at the fight with Kaileena on that huge platform with the tornadoes and stuff... ><.
Anyway, Its time to talk about you avatar :)
I remember your previous one, But this one is really fit with you profile picture
However, I am a bloody person :lol: so I am going to say 9/10
I like it, I havent played Prince of Persia, but it looks fun..
Walking through flames is always cool :D! 10/10.
2D, Simple with 3 colors only ( White, Blue and Green )
:lol: but since you cant remember your old user title, here is a good reminder for your avatar : 8/10
Fiery. Is good. XP 9/10
Quality could be better. 7/10
Good looking avatar, It couldn't be better : 8/10
Apparently it could be 2/10 better.
Not my favourite game, but that's a neat image. 8.5/10