graphics...nice touch 9/10
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graphics...nice touch 9/10
That's really pretty, Ann. Little anime angel? It's very nice, but a border would've made a nice touch.
I like your Real-Person style thouhg a little scary 9.5/10(and yea anime is kinda my thing >.<)
it fits your username, and it looks cool, 9.5/10
hee hee a cool hair pretty boy snoogans! 9/10
is she scared or what? but awsome detail! 9/10
ok, the wing is going with your current "angel" status *cough*
well anyways, not trying to be uber picky, but the wing should be bigger if that person is supposed to fly lol
still, it's cool 9.5/10
(btw, the person that's been in my avatar is Riku from Kh in the cool organization suit)
and that earns u a perfect score!Quote:
Originally Posted by Darkwolf
angel looking cute ^^ 8/10
totally emo in a cool way,9/10
I really really don't like angels but I am gonna give you 6/10 :(
nice 3d effect, 9.9/10 just because if you want me to give you a 10 then you have to make it darker xD
lol, I love these colours...peaceful ^^
Anyway, Good avatar dude, 10/10, you don't need to make it darker ><
I like that avatar because that man loves his dog and his hair is really cool.
nice avatar totally odd! I love the strangness of it all! 10/10
Reminds me with Rinoa in Final Fantasy VIII but the colors are boring :ohno: 6/10
Remindes me on...medal of honor and brothers in arms. 8/10
it looks awesome, and dark, I love your avatar SoD, even though one of your earlier avatars, the spongebob one seems to rid your "dark" look for me xD
The problem is...I dont watch any anime :ohno: !!
Anyway, You love dark colors and I love dark colors 9/10 :)
nice, army stuff, so it's 10/10
and this isnt anime, it's fanart of Riku from Kh lol
once again rikku-10/10
It's an angel .. looking unnaturally happy. Not very original (ie. No graphics work on it, no layering, color change, far-out wacky hues ((I have a Sasuke with pink hair... XD)) or saturation ...) and it's sort of small. 4/10 Sorry ...
I like the Sepia-tone Laguna photo. It looks like an ancient family photo. 9/10
I like you avatar, and i know this isnt the right forum, but i LOVE the sig's video! Not only is it FFVIIAC BUT it's halloween town theme Sang by my Manson! ^.^
Anywayz, 8/10 {avatar}
Good pic and I like the design on the right side - very cool. Good in general. 8/10
Oh, and Sinister, you have to post in the Rate the Sig thread so I can give you eternal praise. >.<
Too bad sinister isnt the one who made the vid, would've maybe gotten my first 10/10 given out ever lol
u know i like the laguna....but not the beach 9.999/10
The lead singer of Flyleaf, that band is awesome. 10/10
although their song "I can feel you all around me" has a creepy video O.O
You want creepy? Listen to "Cassie" me. 9/10
Rilly? I don't like the beach either..
Just finished Harry Potter 7, and I'm happy, so 9/10!
Laguna, my second favorite character in the whole game 9/10
wow, you finished that book THAT FAST? we just recieved the book! ><