It is okay but not great but I also am a star wars fan so 7/10
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It is okay but not great but I also am a star wars fan so 7/10
^ ...I boost you to an 8 for no apparent reason.. Feel good now.
Simple, and doesn't make much sense except for the addition of Sodapop to the side...
Weird but hot XD. I like it, the colors are cool, I dont know who she/he is but it looks good 9/10
You are gonna get a 10/10 because I am no longer tired. Keep on truckin! An all that Jazz
10/10 One of my favorite avatars on the forum.
Dude, that's his name.Quote:
Originally Posted by Cruiz
^Smurf-- interesting. But, I'm not a big fan of it. 5/10.
^ Kinney I love it I give it a 9.5/10 IT is hot
Was never a big fan of Tidus, but, its got some decent detail. ^^
Too lazy to rate, I just comment. ;)
I love Dawezy's avatar.haha its pretty funny!I say a 9/10
^Rikku~! 10/10.
I'm not sure who the guy is but I assume hes an actor. You've personalised it with your username, and if my observational skills are correct, I believe he is in your signature too. 6.5/10.
Wow, I like it, it has something very sweet on it. I dont know who the eye belongs to is but still, cute. 10/10
I think I know who he is.. But I won't take my chances and get it wrong. XD 9/10. And I really like Valentine's! It's very bright and looks very serene. 10/10.
It's actually the eye from a picture I drew of my RP character Runa Crimsona, which I put up on paintshop pro 8, used the one-step photo fix option a few times and gave a border.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kinney
@ i heart sodapop, I love your new picture. Its nice and artistic, with a simple-toned leafy-pattern background and a pretty heart shaped ring. Its really pretty! 10/10
Aw! Thank you! I still give you a 10/10! ^__^
Wow, I really like that avatar. Using a crevice and the reflection of light through that lens, they created a heart image. Looks pretty cool. 10/10
Thank you very much. Yours is still quite nice. It's a very nice drawing...even if you might not have drawn it! 10/10!
In all honesty, I didn't even recognize what it was until I kinda spaced out on it and stared at the thing for about five minutes. Then I was all "Whoa, that's really awesome." 10/10
No personal bias!
Hurt my feelings with insults of my avatar.
^__^ Thank you? Yours is all orange and swirly. 8/10. I heart orange. xD
it is very cool looking and pretty. i love the heart.
Thank you!
I <3 Invader Zim. So 9.5/10!
Awwww. very cute, I <3 it. The heart on the leaf 10/10
Mine is Brian Kinney(Gale Harold) in the show Queer As Folk, so yeah lol I dont know if you guessed wrong or right
AHA! I GUESSED RIGHT! ^___^ 10/10. He's pretty. xD
cool heart thingy. original. 9/10
Spongebob, for the millionth time! 9/10!
That is a really cool avatar. 9.5/10 for originality
Coolness 8.5371/10
Chocobos = teh awesomeness. 10/10.
Still can't believe I didn't get it right away. Still a perfect score.