I liked the way it used to go with your sig but i can't get your signature image to load. :-\ oh well. you get a ♥/10
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I liked the way it used to go with your sig but i can't get your signature image to load. :-\ oh well. you get a ♥/10
I used to be a fan of Gundam wing, so i know who that is... as EVERYONE should!
9/10 for the drawn effect.
In my opinion...sorry but I didnt liked it too much :S 5/10
For that avy I want to hold your head in a bucket of water untill I can no longer feel a pulse. 0/10
^ simple.clean. I like it.
^^^ goes well with the nick, I wish I had a gun some time
^ anime related so it fits in well with the forums, but he looks a tad spastic with that posture, so im generously giving it 6/10
I got no clue what to say bout it. only that its strange. 7/10
^ it moves XD
=D 4/5 It's fcuking weird but I think its cool!
EDIT: Vat somehow clicked posted his a second before was able to post mine!
To Vat:
4/5 I like hearts and I like vincent and your ava is uber cool!
^Indetifiable, unique. Pretty cool, 7/10.
^ I like your talons. ^_^ 9/10
Pretty cool, I like it, it looks like if it was made by hand. 9/10
Love what it says and nice pic to match it too. 8/10
It is pretty and for what I see you are a mother, and I think that it is the reason of why you choose it. I like it 8.5/10
Well. I don't know who the hell that guy is but the ava looks nice anway. =P
Above average, 4/5. ^_^
Is that you in that ava? 4.5/5
Manages to pull it off without looking to girly :p. 4/5
I like his signature more though. Cute sig that one ;).
I like gryphons/griffins.
Looks like a lot of movement in the avatar even though it's not animated.
Too bad it's not animated.
Cute, anime related, funny and animated 9/10
^ Cool and intresting. I like the font ^_^
unsure of who it is, but its quite nice and basic, with a nice and simple colour scheme 7/10
Absolutely beautiful. It looks as if you are laying on a bed of roses.
^ kick ass, I love guns so um... 8/10
BTW, it is Master Chief from Halo ^^;;
^ Nice banner :) , ^^ and unfortunatly I can't get my own myspace. :(
No offense but I didnt liked it too much:S I think it is very simple...:) 5/10
Like I said the last time I rated it, it's cool but a little hard to read with my screen resolution. 7/10
This is my new one. For the first time in 4 years I have changed my avatar to someone other than Quatre. I sympothize with the Phantom of the Opera. Like him, I am cut off from the outside world, only able to look from afar.
I dont like The Phantom of the opera really. I liked the book though. It is a cool avatar...7/10
My Chemical Romance.... *puke*
Other than that it's a very good looking avatar. The pictures nice and the text is even nicer.
Very wicked ava 9/10
I like trigun. XD