You're banned because your first post is in Word Games.
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You're banned because your first post is in Word Games.
Your banned for noticing that!
Your banned for banning that guy for noticing something!
You're not banned. I'm not gonna conform to the rest of you by banning. Yah.
By the by... Chez is a girl. ^^;
your banned for being right...
your banned for contracending your self
your banned for using a long word!
your banned for banning me 15 seconds after i just banned you!
your banned for timing me!
*whaps with banstick*
aw! youz iz banned for wacking mez!
Your banned for using the word "yuuz."
You're banned for false testimony she clearly stated youz not yuuz
Your banned because I'm not in the mood for raviolis! ^-^
You're banned for banning me because you don't feel like eating ravioli?
your banned for putting a question mark at the end of your ban!
You're banned for using an insufficent ban catylist
you banned cos i dunno what you mean - you have confused me AGAIN!!!
Your banned for being here.
you banned for banning me for being in a public place! :P
You're banned because your avatar makes me remember of how I don't have a PS2/3 to play the greatness that are FFX, X-2 and XII.
your banned cos i feel sympathy...
you're banned b/c i gave you an alsome new name & aren't useing it!
i ban you cos i too gave you a awesome new name, and you ain't using that either, lol!
well your banned for taking my oreos
your banned for stealing my... erm... car! (did i even have one in the first place? No? oh well... :D)
you're banned for stealing my bann on you!
your banned for being the vixen of lust, lol!
your banned for banning me for being the vixen of lust!
your banned for banning me for banning you!