youre banned because I was refering to Omega Weapon / Demon hunter when I said he.
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youre banned because I was refering to Omega Weapon / Demon hunter when I said he.
you are banned cuz im working in the ghetto
You're banned for having 29 posts.
you are banned for concerning your self with everyone elses post counts, they are insignificant
You are banned for only having less than half of your HP left!
You're banned because my 1/2 HP is just a little bit less then your full
WHAT?? I DON'T GET IT!! You're banned for making no sense!
Ok let me go another direction with this. You're banned because you have been here for 4 days and are critisizing me for having 1/2 HP left, stick around and see how far yours fall, oh wait you cant BECAUSE YOU'RE BANNED
Oh, you're banned for having a bad sense of humor!
::checks sence of humor for defects:: nope its fine, you're banned!
You're banned for having an even worse sense of humor than before!
your banned cos you and meier link keep picking at each other, now hug kiss and be friends :D
You can't ban me! I'm banning you because your Zidane's only level 53!
Hey im trying >:(
Your banned for having a dig my zidane levels
You're banned for incorrectly using the word level. Zidane can't have more than 1 level! It's level no level(s)
You banned for correcting me (i knew what i ment, jus didnt come out right)
You're banned for not changin raiders name in your sig
You're banned because winter thought you were over 26!lol
You are banned for thinking you were the best thief in existence. That's obviously Urameshi- the best 14 year old pick pocket.
You're banned for not even knowing your own location!
You're banned because I am awesome.
You're banned because I'm even more awesome
You're banned because you may be right.
You're banned because I am right!
your banned for being right
You're banned for thinking that I rock.
You're banned for overusing the word "rock"
You're banned for not realizing that I can't help it if I rock.
You're banned because your only level 4...