you're banned cos you are kinda right...
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you're banned cos you are kinda right...
You're banned for saying that!!
Your banned cause Sephiroth is your avatar, and mostly cause he stabbed a character I liked in FF7. That jerk.
You're banned because you make me remember how I haven't played KH yet and really want to (no PS2 D=)
you're banned because niether have i!
You're banned for various crimes against the potation
your banned cos the other thread was closed!!!! noooo!!!!
Your banned because i randomly wana band your for no reason =P
your banned for typing "your" instead of "you"
Your banned for correcting me 'haha'!
your banned for being offline when i banned you
your banned for... for... oh i give up! hehe!
Your banned cause Paine reminded me how bad FFX2 was. And it just flat out depressed me. But the music was good at least. But your still banned! lol
your both banned for making up bad reasons to ban people plus the fact you both have warnings gets you double banned ::BAM::
Your triple banned cuase you just made me cry!!! lol
your banned because there is no crying in baseball
Your banned cause you just stole that from the movie "A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN."
you're banned for knowing your movies!
Your banned from not knowing your entity.
your banned for knowing my last quote came from that movie!
You're banned, drawn and collaged
your banned for twisting the original term!
You're banned cos I have to write a script in a very difficult style that is so easy to muck up
your banned for having to write like that!
You're banned cos my group neglected to give me the script outline
you're banned having a group that would neglect you!
You're banned cos I want to go swimming but it's too late
you're banned cos i haven't been swimming in ages!
You're banned cos swimming is awesome
your banned because i am jealous, its to cold to swim around here!