Your banned for being a murdering phsyko who can never find his own room
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Your banned for being a murdering phsyko who can never find his own room
You're banned for not killing the admin and for spelling like crap.
Your banned for banning loner-kid with a damn good reason
your banned for ????!
Your banned for using a reason against me that makes no sense!
you banned for not seeing the joke in that
*Whaps with banstick and runs*
Your banned for not banning anyone
your banned because lily hit me with the ban stick
Um, banned because nobody knows what a Meier is and it scares them.
your banned for trying to ban some one who has a higher post count then you, and ever one should know "what" a meier is hahahaaaaaaaaa (BTW its not what its who)
you banned for not calling you mom in 20 years
your banned because i talked to her twice in the last 2 days
you banned cause you i said so!
Your banned for reminding me of Pokemon.
you banned cause my name has nothing to do with pokemon!, it just happend like that, lol
You're banned because it should have everything to do with Pokemon.
i ban you for being you
your banned for not being very creative with your ban!!
You're banned because I'm still waiting for "The Order" to come.
Your banned because you brought up "The Order."
You're banned because your sig is so damned huge.
you banned cause i like to bann random people :D
Your banned for being a White mage!
::praying:: oh mighty smighter of holy smighters, smack this sucka foo down with the plight of eternal bannation!
oh yeah by the way your banned.....
Your banned for asking me to ban ???? I was having a shower at the time , talk about awkward
lol ur liek banned cuz ur a loner lololololol.. nah liek srsly.
You banned for butchering the human language
You're banned for butchering the English language also.
There's not a "human" language.. Humans communicate using many different languages.
And it's "you're", not "you".
Forgive me for I am tired and distracted by the dancing elephant. I can not ban you for you are right, I ban... myself *Loner-kid walks off into the sunset*