Banned for post whoring.
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Banned for post whoring.
Banned cuz I have no clue what you're talking about!:P
EDIT - You mean how I have 22 posts in three and a half hours?
Yes you are banned for that and now you are banned for asking me a question with in a ban.
You are banned for banning twice in a single pots!
Your Are Banned For Spelling Post's Wrong
Banned for being a grammar Nazi
you are banned due to an unfortunate mix up in which a mexican bandit named steve was discovered chained up in a basement...
Banned for certain...
...Illicit Mog Porn Activities...
Banned for exciting me with your speak of IMPA!
Banned for having Hyena's in ur avi !
banned for being a lunatic
banned to keep the ban ratio level
banned for trying to keep things level
Banned for NOT trying to keep things level.
banned for an unoriginal ban based on a different unoriginal ban
You are banned because no one has been banned in 4 days.
Your banned because i haven't banned
You are banned for not being banned today.
You're banned because I have to go back to college on Monday for two hours in the morning.
your banned becasue im bored
you banged because i dont want to ban you
You are banned for not being as bored as Meier.
Banned for fighting Fate and Loner Kid in the humeous arena!
Banned for god moding in that samethread
Banned for refusing to accept the fact that Fate is right, and you are a vampire!!
your banned because i am a vampyre too :D
You're banned because I like your picture :]]
Banned for being nice while banning
Banned because I know you're gonna take out the Banstick! Right?
banned for assuming I need the ban stick to ban you.