You're banned for figuring out how to put a goddam picture in your thread while I still don't. >< Damn pictures....
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You're banned for figuring out how to put a goddam picture in your thread while I still don't. >< Damn pictures....
You're banned for not working it out, when you're on the edit sig screen scroll down, there will be a box for adding pics
your banned for adding a pic to your sig!
your banned for having a bunny that looks like an antilion from FF4 in your sig
you're banned b/c you stole my jet!
your banned for emplying you have a jet in which i stole because i want to be wonderwoman (ok not really but it sounded nice at the time)
you're banned for impying that i lied!
your banned for "pying" what ever that is
You're banned for being pedantic
your banned for spamming
your banned for banning the loner... kid... hehe... that was mean... sorry... :D
your banned for not listening to me when i have banned you atleast 20 times by now
your banned for banning me that much!
your banned because your bannings dont matter hahahaha
your banned cos i suppose yours do huh?!
your banned because of yes!
your banned for being right!
Your banned for saying he is right.....again.
your bann for being too good lookin
You're banned for doing the same!
your banned for copying my bann & not making since
You're banned for not understanding my gratitude and for misspelling ban!
your banned for banning Lustara!
You're banned for banning someone for banning someone else, who also banned someone else!
You're banned because your turn of phrase is far to intelligent for this thread
your banned for being smart!
Your banned cause you said he was smart.
You're ban- Well. You're not. Calling him smart WAS pretty ban-worthy.
Your banned cause I bet he totally his smarter than me. -_-
You're banned because I can't be bothered to go back a page and find out to whom you are referring