Cool. I like all the titles.
Cool. I like all the titles.
98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
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Many forums have problems with their rating system.
One forum I was in, used some kind of ...I don't know...light bulbs or potions to rate their members, in one word "it sucks".
I like the titles system, some add levels or special icons to it to make it look more fun.
I think you should really work on those titles, in my opinion the official "names"
from square-enix would be much better and give this place and the users more of a FF feeling, still improvisation never hurts anyone. You may consider making a post where people would vote for the titles, that way you wont upset anyone and get the most wanted result!
As for the rep points, oh well, lets just say that stupid people occur, its a good tradition on every forum, lets just hope they wont spoil anything with giving -100 points to a good person who tries to correct them or disagrees with their behaver. In he end we still have the moderators, if anything unfair is happening just tell about it to them and like the rules say "an investigation will be held"!
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The Dark and the Light