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Thread: Movies that make you cry.

  1. #1
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Movies that make you cry.

    So I was watching the Sixth Sense again tonight, and realised how much of a heartbreaking film it is.

    The way that little boy (Haley Osment or something?) acts is absolutely amazing.

    That film is a complete tearjerker. It's so strong, and emotional, and just... so clever as well.

    I'm not really one to cry at films, but I just bawled my eyes out for twenty minutes on the sofa...

    So... what films make you cry?

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  2. #2
    Synthesized Ascension Movies that make you cry. Zardoch's Avatar
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    I have problems with being sensitive in that kind of way XD...but there was one movie that made me cry, twice, lol.

    House of Flying Daggers. Srly, it's weird. The ending was just powerful to me. My parents liked it too.

  3. #3
    Arachnie Suicide Movies that make you cry. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Close. It's Haley Joel Osment, Chez. I'm pretty sure he does Sora's voice in KH, too.

    Oh my god.. So many films make me cry. So many. And they're usually not even teary movies. I'll list some that I can think of at the moment..

    1) Dark Water - The ending of this was so sad... "Do you promise to be my mother forever?" *sniffle* That was just sad, to me

    2) Fragile - Again, at the end. That poor little girl. Calista Flockheart was so good in this movie

    3)Moulin Rouge - One of my very favourite movies. I don't want to spoil or anything. Those that've watched it know why I cried.

    4)Monsters Inc.! This is one of the very first movies I remember crying at. It was a school excursion, and we went to see it for an end of school 'treat'. I was completely sobbing when Boo had to go back through the door..

    I know there are others, but I can't really think of them right now... Maybe I'll edit later. There has to be at least 10 more I cry at everything.
    Last edited by ChloChloAriadne; 02-20-2007 at 12:51 AM.
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  4. #4
    Sir Prize Movies that make you cry. Sinister's Avatar
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    I cried when Spock died.

    I cried in Patch Adams.

    I cried at the end of Adaptation

    I cried watching the Notebook

    I cried at the end of Barbarosa

    I cried at Generator Gawl, Second-Hand Lions, Henry V, A.I., Casablanca and probably a thousand other movies.

    The Name of the Rose was probably the saddest movie I've ever seen.

    The only really weird one that I got hit for crying at was The Return of the King. For some reason my date just could not get me getting misty-eyed over the ending.

    Lol...It funny how movies can really get to me and life just can't.

    I'll get all emotional over movies and then get all stony when something in my life goes really wrong. Go figure.
    Last edited by Sinister; 02-20-2007 at 12:25 AM.

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  5. #5
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! Movies that make you cry. ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    The the movies that brought a tear to my eyes were: Radio, Dragon Heart, and Patch Adams.
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  6. #6
    I always bawl my face off when I see Black Beauty. I have no idea why. If anything, I hold equine beasts in contempt.

    Oddly, Conspiracy Theory, that film with Mel Gibson. Jerry, Jerry...

    Titantic, when the woman is lying on the bed reading to her children, and the water's rising around her feet. I still laugh at myself for crying at it, because I can't stand the film itself.

    A Very Long Engagement gets me too, and, oh Lord, Moulin Rouge. You know, the bit on the stage...jeezo.

    I don't usually cry at films. It takes something that reminds me of my past, or just some extremely well done writing, to set me off. But Black Beauty...when the girlfriend horse, and you know, the stable fire and....

  7. #7
    Professional Klutz. Movies that make you cry. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Hmmm, the very end of the movie Click! It really got to me and I thought teh script was really really well written, the comedy/emotional scenes were coupled fantastically, it had some really sad bit that could turn funny all of a sudden for hardly any reason at all.

    Good movie.

    Dumbo also makes me cry... Or used to, Im not sure as of late as I havnt watched it recently, but the bit with his motehr used to make me cry so badly, I felt sorry for him right after the terrifying drunken bit. =P

    I love disney =]

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  8. #8
    Bambi, 'nuff said. Hm, I can't think of any recent movies that have made me cry though. I'm not saying there aren't any, I don't really cry during movies usually, but some movies are just downright sad. When I saw the Notebook with my ex-girlfriend I remember her bawling her eyes out, I was there to be the hand to grab and shoulder to lean on, but I didn't cry myself. Not many are coming to mind at the moment though. I recently saw Pan's Labyrinth, and that movie very well might have brought a tear to my eye, the ending especially. Babel too was pretty sad, tragic what happened to some of the characters in the movie.

    Oh yeah I was forced to see Stick It once and I cried because it was so bad.
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  9. #9
    Movies that make you cry. U2Girl1966's Avatar
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    Most of the third Lord of the Rings movie has me in tears from the get go. I will bawl during Steel Magnolias.
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  10. #10
    It's very rare that a movie brings me to any kind of emotional climax. Apart from when I was little, and Mufasa's death in the Lion King shocked and upset me. I cried then. I don't even think Bambi's mother dying made me cry, either. You don't seem to get that in Disney movies anymore; they were teaching kids that loss of loved ones does happen, whether you think so or not. Modern Disney films seem a little more... mindless?

    I'll stop ranting like a 14 year old now.

    The only movie I've watched in recent years that's brought me anywhere near tears is The Breakfast Club. The bit where they're all reminiscing about the things they did to get detention.
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  11. #11
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    There are a lot of movies that make me cry. I won't name all of them because it would take too long lol. I know of one that makes me depressed every time I watch it, Forrest Gump! What a really sad movie that is, I feel so sorry for him because he seems to lose everybody important to him through out his life. It's a really good movie though. The last time I watched it, I couldn't help but cry at the end. The music doesn't help that much either!

    I've had Disney movies that have made me cry. I get sad over almost anything lol.

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  12. #12
    I will finish the hunt Movies that make you cry. Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    The 6th. sense? It is not even based on anything real...!! Lol.. Ah well I can't say anything...I cry at weird things too. I think my first movie to ever cry at was Face Off with Nicolas Cage. Cause of how the little boy's parents both died an he had to go live with Nicolas (The one who killed his parents...well his dad anyways). I just kept seeing how the mom cared so much for him. An the boy I don't think will ever know what really happened. Sad......

    Then I watch the movie Philadelphia....which made me cry a lot. It is the one where Tom Hanks was gay an had AIDS. He worked with Denzel Washington to take down a Law Firm for discrimination when they decided to fire Hank over his illness by setting him up. I cried really hard when Hank died. His mom came in an showed all the tapes from when he was a baby. I felt her pain so much. I am so never a gushy person. For some reason my maternal instinct is making me turn into a baby. I think I may have cried at one more, and it was a really stupid one, but I can't remember.

    So I think I have only done it 3 times my entire life, and only in the past 6 months, lol. Still Philadelphia is a wonderful cause to cry.
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  13. #13
    a movie never made me cry just allmost is 9/11

  14. #14
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    It's extremely rare for me to get emotional enough to cry. However, a few movies have managed to make me tear up over the years, mostly when I was younger.

    Black Beauty - The last line gets me every time. The book has the same effect.

    Dragon Heart - The ending scene. To the stars Bowen, to the stars...

    The Last Unicorn - Again, the ending. Although that's mostly happy tears on my part.

    Yeah, I'm a sucker for a good ending, happy or sad. Good thing I don't watch a lot of movies heh.

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  15. #15
    well.. the movies that made me cry usually like artificial intelligence.. the boy was just made from a robot... but he also has a sense of feelings like the real humans has... it was a heart broken experience for that boy after the woman who adopted him don't reall y care for him much, coz what do you expect he's just a robot!! yah that makes me cry and i also like to watch Korean novelas such as Winter Sonata and Autumn in my heart.. but i reall hate the movie "the sad love story". maybe you could just watch them in youtube if you want... they are one of the saddest love story i've ever watched...

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  16. #16
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I've seen alot of movies that made me cry but out of all of them I find Brokeback Mountain the sadest one I've seen. Romantic, Tragic, and a major Tear jerker. I cried at the end, it was just sad.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
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  17. #17
    Movies that make you cry. scamrock's Avatar
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    You guys are gonna think I'm an idiot. But I cried at the end of Best of the Best. I know that sounds stupid, crying in a martial arts movie. But its true. I doubt I would ruin anything for anybody if I told you why, but since its how the movie ends, I won't spill the beans. Even though if you haven't watched it by now, you probably aren't going to anyways.
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  18. #18
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    even though it is rare that i show that kind of emotion i have a few that have just about made me break into tears

    like for one, the scene in gladiator when he finds his family hung and his land destroyed was terrible

    or in the patirot when his son is killed right in front of him that was really sad ::both times::

    its amazing how emotionally attached people can get during movies, especialy during fictional films seeing most things are not real. i have always found that mind blowing. i know this is an older thread but i have to give props to chez for starting it, by reviving it! so here is a big bump
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  19. #19
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I said at the beginning of this post that I cried at the end of the Sixth Sense.

    Well, so did my partner. HAH. We watched it together. He cried. Seeing him cry only make me cry enough more. I'm so lame, but we huggled up and felt better.

    Meier; aye, I find it tearjerking in films where you see a parent or child dying... Blah, I can't name any off the top that I've seen lately, but I'm fairly sure I've seen a few at one point. 1408 was NEAR enough to that, and I nearly wanted to cry, but I resisted.

    Oh yeah, and I shed a couple of tears when watching I Am Legend when...
    Sam dies. Why did the dog have to die?!?!

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  20. #20
    I've cried at nearly every movie I've ever watched. I can't stop myself, and I'm a baby. I've cried at Artificial Intelligence (loved that movie more than any other for a while), Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Ultimate Gift, Monsters Inc., 27 Dresses, Enchanted, Bambi, 13 Going on 30, Pursuit of Happyness, The Queen (or something close-it was about Queen Elizabeth and Princess Dianna's death), Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, The first Naruto movie, the Nana movie, and any other movie I've seen ever. Those are just the ones that I can remember right now.

    I cry very easily so the list is pretty darn long.

  21. #21
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    Monsters Inc.
    Oh God, yeah. I thought it was just going to be a slightly funny movie with a cute baby. I sobbed at the end when I saw that move for the first time... Let's see, what year did it come out? 2001?

    I would've been thirteen...

    I was upset in Silent Hill when...
    Cybil died

    ... but I didn't cry, I literally wanted to punch Alice Krige, though. Thought I'd tell that little story...

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  22. #22
    V for Vendetta was a bit sad, the whole scene with the lesbians, and Evee (sp?) in a cell, that was kinda sad.

    Also, i know this isn't a movie, but its all i can think of, the episode of futurama with Fry's dog Seymour, how he sat outside the pizza shop, and died waiting for fry to come home, that really got me.

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  23. #23
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Movies that make you cry. Polk's Avatar
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    American History X- The ending. So sad. Damn you racism!
    Million Dollar Baby- I'm sorry. This movie gets to me. I watched this movie with my sister. She will now never let me forget that I cried at the ending.
    Saving Private Ryan- I don't want to ruin the ending. just see it.
    Life is beautiful- We watched this in my AP European history class. Yes. I cried in school. I'm a pathetic excuse for a man. The good thing about this was, the girl I liked at the time thought it was great for me to be sensitive! On an even sadder note, she would not date me. Polkster sad.
    Also, on LIB, I normally don't like Roberto Benigni, but this movie is amazing.

    Looking back on this post, 3 of the 4 movies are Nazi related. Long story short: Nazis make me cry.
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  24. #24
    Movies that make you cry. Phoenix's Avatar
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    The Deer Hunter made me cry, in the Russian Roulette bit. That always gets to me...

  25. #25
    This is my sin... Movies that make you cry. Lucid's Avatar
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    Hmm... I don't find myself often crying while watching movies... mostly because I don't like to cry in front of people, but I think I did cry while watching 'Pursuit of Happyness'. It's one of those movies that I can really understand because I know what it's like to watch someone work so hard in order to achieve their goals, but in my case... things don't always have happy endings.

    I also cried watching the Japanese dramas 'Hotaru no Haka' and 'Kami-sama Mou Sukoshi Dake'.
    But only because they were very depressing... -_-;
    Last edited by Lucid; 03-22-2008 at 07:01 AM.

  26. #26
    x rainbow NiNJA
    I watched Titanic last night and almost dehydrated from crying. >>; I hate that movie with a passion, but I just can't let it go.

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  27. #27
    Gingersnap Movies that make you cry. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I'm a crier. It's not hard to get me going.

    Anything to do with family gets me, happy or sad. You know at the end of The Little Mermaid with King Triton and the sparkly magic? Where he's all
    Then I guess there's only one problem left... how much I'm going to miss her.
    Ohhh lord, I can't help it. I start tearing up and fanning my face. It's true.

    What Dreams May Come makes me cry. When I first saw it, though, I didn't cry during the movie. But like five minutes after it was over I just started balling. It was so odd.

    Moulin Rouge and Titanic both made me cry. Bambi... the first Land Before Time. Haha the first LoTR movie with the Gandalf scene. You know what I'm talking about.

    Any war movie I happen to watch will probably make me cry.

    It also depends on who I watch a movie with. If I feel safe around whoever is with me, I'm more likely to cry. But if they're cracking jokes about the movie or I feel like I would get shit for crying, I end up containing myself.

    But anyway. I've cried at a lot of movies, so it would be silly to try and name them all. But those are a few examples.

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  28. #28
    I almost cried from Deep Impact tonight. True story.

    It really doesn't take a lot from me. I don't want to sound arrogant and say I sympathize more with the human condition, but something triggers it in me.

    The last episode of the Sopranos always gets me. Another one might be Adaptation. Or when someone tells me the world is 6000 years old.

  29. #29
    ViV's Avatar
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    Every time I watch "Dancer in the Dark" I cry. I can't help it. Manipulative? Maybe, but I still find it tragic.

    Also, "Grave of the Fireflies" makes me cry. Such a heart-wrenching movie.
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  30. #30
    I watched Gladiator recently...and cried. I was with my boyfriend so I had to keep it low-key. I think he was on the verge too. Kept saying retarded things at the end, y'know, diffuse it all.

    'He was a warrior...go home.' BAWL. I mean, seriously. So bittersweet. And then he gets to go to his family and his farm and he's dead and Enya's on and it's all...y'know.

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