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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #271
    Character Statistics. Emperor Adriano's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    CCS,Venezuela (Italian)
    Name-Adriano Ippolito "ANGEL"
    Gender- Male
    Class- Paladin and Darknight
    Weapons- Masamune, Dragon Killer, Death Scythe and Holy sword.
    Armor- Leviathan scale armor...
    Helmet- Holy Gabriel Helmet
    Description: A great knight who once roam the land and in every direction he went, death, punishment and light protected him.

  2. #272
    Name: Vadine Slim
    Age: 11
    Race: Unknown
    Height: 4' 9"
    Weight: 98 lb
    Eyes: Black, Pupil and Iris.
    Hair: Black

    Upper Body: A black tux jacket and white tux shirt, the jacket has some dark red stains splattered on it, if you get a chance to look close enough that is.
    Lower Body: Black slacks, which are kept meticulously clean, shoes are black polished shoes.

    Armor: Besides his clothing none.

    Main Class: Demon Assassin
    Explains speed and ability to become freakishly demonic looking.

    Sub Class: Mesmer
    Pretty much makes opponent see things that do not exist, or changes appearance of things which do.

    Weaponry: Hands, and Teeth.

    Magic: Mesmerize
    Enemy can't trust the appearance of things anymore, whether it be their weapon on the ground or it be where it appears Vadine to be. Fighters will often discovered they are wielding nothing before their death.

    Accidentally killed his mother with a knife at age 7, giggled his head off about it. This it the point of insanity for Vadine, when his father and sister returned he killed them too. When the bodies were found, Vadine was found in his room, dressed for a funeral, upon being approached he would act in a threatening manner. They did not suspect a child so young of the death of his parents, and sister.

    He was adopted by his uncle who, in a misguided attempt to help Vadine get revenge on whomever killed his family, taught him many of the deadliest martial arts. He was surprised at how quickly Vadine picked up the skill to strike precise hits that did internal damage. His technique was excellent when it came time for his first competitive fight, this was a mistake. He killed the other child in a matter of second, and didn't stop there, he went right to the next mat and killed the other two children. He did this until the shock had worn off, the best adult masters leaped out and attempted to seize him. They found, it hard to attempt to detain him and fend off his attacks as well. Finally they pulled back and his uncle faced him down.

    In a glorious battle, his uncle won, but as he lay broken and exhausted from the fight he called on his dormant abilities to make him seem to disappear. He easily escaped and nursed his injuries back to health over many years. Three years later he confronts his uncle again, and barely defeats him. With a grin on his face, and his teeth sharp from the smell of blood, he turned away and forever looks for stronger opponents to fight.

  3. #273
    Main Information
    Name: Vincent Scarlets II
    Age: 16
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 127lbs
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Brown/Black/Red

    Scarlet Sais: His uncle one told his that these weapons once belonged to his father, who he remembers nothing about whatsoever.
    He remembered who his father was before his mother killed herself because of his father for not being there for them.

    Valentine's Magnum: While visiting the ruins of his old hometown he stumbled across this gun where his house used to stand.
    He didn't remember seeing it before or his uncle telling him about it so maybe this gun has something to do with his past.

    Other Information
    Description: He wears Tripp D-Ring Strap Rivet Zip Off Cargo Pants, Black Mesh Long Sleeve Shirt, Black T-Shirt Which Reads "Violence Is The Last Refuge For The Incompetent", Tripp Eyelet And Chain Long Trenchcoat, Anarchic Small Skulls Buckle Boot, and His Jewelry Consists of Vincent and Sasha Locket, Three Ring Choker, Fate Word Ring, Pewter Ring Whic hReads "Sasha + Vincent", HIM Heartagram Terry Cloth Wristband, Nautical Star Wristband, and an Anarchy Wristband

    Personality: Vincent was born into his family without a father figure and has been searching for one ever since.
    When he was four years his mother killed herself because of depression and his father not being there to help her. A man who Vincent refers to his uncle adopted him and brought him along where he went.
    At the age of thirteen Vincent quit trying to find his father when Cloud (supposed uncle) told him everything his father and at age sixteen Vincent has made a very well discovery.

  4. #274
    BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU Character Statistics. Archis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    in your bed
    Name: Archis D'Lerian
    Age: 47 Human [15 Codra]
    Nationality: Serebian
    Race: Human
    Height: 1 Meter 83 Centimeter (73 inches)
    Weight: 133 lbs
    Appearance: Archis comes dressed in modern clothing for the year 4 DOT (Death of Traav),on the planet Serebia, people from the land of "Earth" where he migrated however consider him to be "odd". Archis wears a blue shirt (to represent Strategist Intelligence), with black shoulders and stripes down his sides. He has the silver symbol of Strategist located in front of his heart. His pants are solid black, except for his belt, which matches the color of his shirt. Archis has jet black hair, typically parted directly down the center, evenly off to each side. He has deep blue eyes with green rings around his pupils, although some say that his eyes actually change colours periodically, especially if he is angry. Archis has a
    slender build.
    Weaponry, Armoury, Accessories: Archis does not believe in using weapons unless he absolsutely has to and is equipped with a short knife which attaches to his belt. Archis, being a Strategist is forced to carry a Hyper Blaster however. He rarely uses it unless in dire consequences. The Hyper Blaster is on the opposite side on his belt of his knife.

    Archis has no special armoury or any special accessories, but his uniform clothing is the Strategist required Grade A Saolo (Neutron Enhanced Silk), which repels basic and underdeveloped technological bullets and lasers. Additionally, his uniform is very lightweight and allows for quick, long movements.
    Fighting Style: Archis completed the basic training for Hand-to-Hand combat, Mid-level Hand-to-Hand, and Advanced Fighting Techniques. Additionally, he completed Basic and Mid-Level Close Combat Technical Fighting, in which short swords, or knives are used to the fullest extent. Required for a Strategists Training is Long Range Mechanics (which includes Lasers, Cannons, and Blasters), and Hand-held Blasters and Lasers. Archis is a moderately trained fighting specialist, with definitive masters in Strategy, and Tactical Battle Operations And Logic. He was the top in his class in OASTM (Order Of Attack Specialists and Tactical Masters), which is the highest ranking school for cybernetic, aural, and space combat.
    Special Moves: Archis has no speical moves except for a cunning wit and the
    ability to think on his feet.
    Character History:
    Archis, borne orphaned, with no recollection of his family or parents, became independant immeadiately. He lived in HOME (polite term for Orphanage) until he was 4 years old, when he was forced out to the streets for poor behavior... And being far too intelligent for his own good. Archis, living on the streets hardly survived. He was beaten by strangers, lived in poverty, hunger, and denial of his own life. Archis claimed until he was 9 that he was dead and living in a surrealistic hell. That was when the realistic Hell for everyone on Earth took over.

    Traav Orgood, military general from The United States, began his take-over during an anti-terrorism campaign in approximately 2079AD... At the age of 18. A Tactical mastermind, possibly the greatest to ever live. Traav, a child genius studied any text or journal he could of all the great generals... Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and anyone else that he could find. By the age of 10, he had already started the plans for his anti-terrorism campaign... Little did he realize exactly how absolutely power corrupts. When given funding and the permissions from the United States Government to go up against the terrorist group AR (Aryans Reborne), he put his plans into action. Being 12 at this point, his soldiers laughed at him, the higher-ups ignored him until he put himself into the action. He set up battles, forced his troops to listen to him by making other platoons attack, highering and convincing mercenaries to give their life or fight for a worthy cause... A criminal Mastermind. A tyrranical mastermind. He was finally taken seriously after his soldiers realized what he had been doing for the past 4 years, and then he was given more and more troops... He was a General, A Commander... Soon to be a Ruler. Traav started his overthrow in Europe, slowly and quietly setting base in each major country. Germany was first, that was
    easy... Then France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, after 4 short years, he controlled nearly all of Europe. He then moved to Asia and after taking over China by a miraculous defeat (or rather by forcing them to surrender, by numbers), the rest of Asia was simple to take over. Russia drew the white flag immeadiately. India put up a fight, but was not successful at keeping them at bay. The Japanese were the only ones to stand tall.

    The United States, after repeated attempts to disband Traav's army failed... For 8 solid years, Traav took more and more over. The US began to combine forces with Southern America, Canada, and Africa (after much deliberation). They were destined to destroy Traav. The Japanese however refused to sign the Treaty with the USofA to become part of the alliance. Traav took the Japanese over almost immeadiately after they refused to sign the treaty. Traav, now 27 and with an Army of every able-bodied man and boy from Europe to Far East Asia, Australia to Italy, had virtually no problem demolishing Africa. They then moved the assault to the air, and invaded Canada. The Canadians had been moved into station with soldiers from The United States,m and they were unable to put up a fight. Traav did his work and studied on the Prussians and Persians of old and mastered naval battles, and he took the Southern America. Within 6 months, he had control of all the borders, and had forced the armies out of the rain forests to fight on the ocean-shore. All that was left was the US. The only remaining Country, and the only real threat.

    Archis meanwhile had grow 11 years in the time that Traav had been ensuring his take over of the planet. Archis was recruited by a Tactical Forces team at the age of 17 (He was now 20) and had immeadiately became the top in his class at OASTM. He was called "The Legend". He was the only hope to stop Traav... But everyone feared that he would give to little to late. Traav entered from the North from Canada and from the South in California and The Gulf of Mexico. Archis set his troops approximately 350 miles from shoreline and borderline in each respective place. The battle ensued... Archis was smart in forcing Traav's troops to move. As they neared, Achis' troops fell back, until they reached ambush outposts. The first wave worked, nearly 1/8th of Traav's troops were destroyed. Literally blown to smitherines. Aerial Assaults began from Traav. Archis counter attacked with anti-warcraft and aircraft missles, neutron missle and Electromagnetic Disruption Pulses. Traav's aircraft amry was totally demolished, but that only accounted for 1/16th of his total army. The naval seige ensued... Archis fell after a heroic attempt at forcing them landborne with detonation mines, and spizzlers ( forced under-water undertows by explosion ). He was nearly sucessful, until a surprise attack from the Western Coastal oceans and from the Rocky Mountains forced them into a landlocked, small area in the Midwestern States. Archis' Army and Strategy fell in a mind boggling, harsh defeat. He was ambushed by over 650,000 foot soldiers and had no way of defeating them.

    Archis was not done with , however. The US Government, about 30 years ago had mastered space travel and he was sent to Mars, which was quickly changed to fit Traav's likings of "Traitorful". Archis was in suspended animation for 6, years... By human age, Archis was now 32, however, he had to aged in the same sense when he arrived at Mars because of his suspneded animation. He still looked 26. Archis, along with 5,000,000 other people were sent to Mars to start a-new... And to regroup so that perhaps some day they could return to Earth. They introduced new culturalistic beliefs, and mannerisms that they all believed in. 6 Earth Years passed. 3 On Mars. Archis was offered the position of ultimate ruler, but declined, as that goes against why they left. Archis became a hero and a legend on Serebia, which was renamed... And then he went back to Earth, to barter with Traav.

    Archis, now by the time he reached Earth again would be 43 in Human years, but had lost 13 years along the way, and looked around 30. Archis tried to make Traav realize that the tyrannical rule that he had enforced on Earth was destroying the planet, but Traav wouldn't hear it. Archis decided to bring Earth back to his people, and murdered Traav.

    Archis became a hero in the very same sense that Traav became a feared leader... By brute force. Archis, however, united the two planets and gave the name "Serebia" to Mars, and reformed the names of all the planets. Archis became a God, noless when he gave Earth the power to redeclare their own nations that Traav, in his short reign of 10 years had removed. Everything began to return to the way it was when Archis had deicded to leave. Peace was a new term, however, used to describe the atmosphere of Earth. Archis could not stand being a hero, or a legend, so he gave his close friend and old
    classmate control over Serebia (named after his instructor at OATSM), Derak Cortana. Archis decided to live off the rest of his days, living in Space... Onboard the Setriko... Little did he know that his amazing tactical and strategical skills would once more be needed, but they would.

  5. #275
    Character Statistics. Zell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Does it really matter
    Name-Valor Tech
    Gender- Male
    Class- Dragon knight
    Weapon- Bahamut dual swords
    Armor- Bahamut dragon armor
    Fighting Style:Valor uses the fighting of the dragon knight before that almost defeated Bahamut.
    Appearance:Valors armor is dark blue and he's 5'0' and weights 169 lbs. His hair is very long and is crimson red.His eyes are combat green.
    Character History:Valor was born into a famliy of dragon knights. Valor was to be given his first on his 6th birthday. On his 6th brithday bahamut and a legion of dragons attacked and destroyed his whole town and he was the only person left alive. After seeing he decided to destroy Bahamut once and for all. Ten years later he in battle with Bahamut but, before he could strike Bahamut with the final blow he was attacked by a group of dragon knights that believe dragons are gods and must never be destroyed. Valor was defeated and Bahamut and the dragon knights escaped. Knowing he still had to destroy Bahamut and the dragon knights were his new enemy. He began on his journey once again.
    Last edited by Zell; 01-14-2005 at 11:57 AM.

  6. #276


    name: marzin mccarthy
    height: 5'7
    hair:spike dirt blonde

    I am a hero of a forgotton planet that was destroyed many years ago and i am the only survivor from that planet yet i saved one person before the explosion but i got knocked out and i was somewhere else when i had woken up.

  7. #277
    Name: Jinn
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 140lbs
    Build: Slender
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Green
    Race: Demi-Human

    Weapon: Arkaine Scythe, or Jinn's Rift Blade
    Helmet: Bandana to hold hair back
    Body: Sliver light plate cover with a red cloak
    Arms: Black hand wraps
    Feet: Nothing
    Accesories: Arkaine Amulet

    Dark Purge- Unleashes purple-black energy at oponent
    Death Stab- Ultimate darkness attack
    Angst Swipes- Multiple darkness elemental attacks
    Black Aura- Starts to rot, decay, and age things in a certain radius
    Summon Skeleton- Raises the dead to help out
    Demon's Blight- Dig fist into the ground to unleash poison gas
    Last edited by Jinn; 12-03-2004 at 10:42 AM.

  8. #278
    Name: Evan Fraust
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5"9
    Weight: 165 lbs
    Race: Human
    Appearence: Wears a tan trench coat, a black button
    up shirt, tan pants, fur trimmed boots.His hair black, grey highlights, parted to one side. Yellow coloured eyes. Has a slender build.

    Backround: Evan was raised by the numerous nanny's that were paid by his father, who was the president of a company. As Evan grew he began to resent his father for never being there. When Evan had come of age his father took him under his wing, preparing him to take over his company.

    After Evan's father died and Evan took his place. He sold his father's company off. Wanting nothing to do with it. He now moves from place to place with the small fortune he made.
    Last edited by Imposter; 02-27-2005 at 06:13 PM.

  9. #279
    My Name Is Evil
    Weapon: Left Hand-Levitate item and throw it to the enemy.
    Right Hand-Use Magic.

    Bio: A man which is lock up in the Prison in the middle of nowhere. He was prisoned because of his evil deeds. While in the prison he train hard and gain a very powerful magic called Evil. He use the magic and destroyed the prison and escaped from that miserable place. Until now noone ever seen again.

    sry for that last message...well i really went too far...sry again
    Last edited by My Name Is Evil; 12-14-2004 at 10:48 PM.

  10. #280
    Code Name: ZeroX
    Height: 5'11"
    Hair Color:Light Brown, white near the widows peak
    Classsi User

    Physical Appearance:A very developed body, broad shoulder, small hips, and is build like an lightweight fighter. Left eye is capable of flashing, there is always a glim off light on his left eye

    Physical Strength: Average like anyman, but a lil stronger.

    Special Ability: Is a high form PSI user, mind-controlling is capable of controlling 50 people, Telekinetic Blast a blast using a high form of TK using it to blast something. Left Eye has the power of atomic blast the material of his left eye can be controlled by his TK ability. He is technically immortal he feel pains like a human but if he dies he can reborn himself.

    Fighting Style:Using mostly his TK ability, though he combines his TK ability and his martial art. He has been learning Martial art for about 10 years ever since he was 6 years old. He was learning Kung Fu, Northern Shaolin.

    His is a Psi user nothing else is needed except for his brain.

    X-Man Suit: A suit that was customize by ZeroX specifically to be durable like rubber. It can withstand
    -200 degree and 1000 degree. Though the suit is very thin it has pads on the Shoulder, Elbow, Knee Cap and Shin. Those pads are outline in yellow. This suit is the whole package meaning its the jacket, shirt, pants, and shoes. And of course socks and underwear as well.

    History: Unknown

  11. #281
    Character Statistics. Angel of Death's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Up In the double you eye.
    Name: Brad
    Age: 17
    History: You don't wanna know....
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 206 (All muscle baby)
    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black
    Race: Human
    Class: The darkest of all knights
    Weapon: Dark eternity- a gigantic broadsword weighing over 500 lbs.(uhhh... 227 kilograms), and measuring in excess of 7 feet. It's all black, with a thin red outline across the edges. On each side, there are five long spikes, going up into a trident like end on top.
    Armor: Hidden under his long black trenchcoat is a chest plate made of mithril.
    overdrives: Armaggedon- Brad surrounds his opponent in a dome of darkness, and meteors destroy them from every side. If they do not die immediately, they suffer unimaginable TORTURE.
    Mass genocide- Brad goes into an unholy frenzy and sices and dices like there's no tomorrow. The skies turn red while he begins the attack and begin to rain blood. As it hits the ground, every drop of blood explodes into a fiery inferno, killing all within 20 yards of the blast. As he finishes the hour long attack, he shouts, "Genocide is beautiful isn't it!" and laughs maniacally.
    SLAYER- Brad calls on his friends Slayer to bombard his enemy with deliciously awesome metal! He then craps his pants cause OMG, its Slayer.
    Weakness- Brad never got potty trained, so he has to wear one of those really bulky diapers, and he craps his pants on the hour, every hour. Other than that, he has a weakness for Slayer.
    Likes- long walks on the beach, killing people, then raping their dead bodies, candle light dinners, puppies, kittens, which he pets once, then continues to brutally murder, and eat.

    Greatest Character ever!!!

  12. #282
    Name: Atomos (lastname, never used) Blank
    Age: 18ish
    Sex: Male
    Height & Weight: typical/normal (nothing noticable)
    Hair: brown
    Eyes: brown, but when looking closer apears green
    Race: human
    Class/job: Thief

    Armor: lether gloves,boots and body armor. wears a cloak (brown as the rest). left arm filled with metal (working as an agile shield) and the only thing that IS noticable is the orange bandana on his head.

    Weaponry: An odly shaped 1-handed sword in light silver and rubin red (witch also works as a sword breaker). lot's of throwing knives hidden all over plus one witch never has been thrown (used for close combat,black and red looking)

    Note: the armored left arm and weapons are skillfully hidden behind the cloak, the sword is caried on the left hip.


    "Haste" (speeds up time for the user and hightens the reaction speed)
    "Slow" (works the opposit way, used on a fow)
    "Stop" (temporarily stops the person in time)
    "hastega" (extreme fast movement in one direction, rarely used because of the high amout of energy needed)
    "Reset" (resets al actions from time the past 1-2 minutes exept for the user).

    * sworn enemy and friend to nightplague*
    Last edited by Atomos; 01-11-2005 at 01:54 PM.

  13. #283
    Name: Nightplague
    Age: Unknown (looks like a 20 year old)
    Sex: Male
    Height: 190 cm tall
    Weight: 60 kg
    Eyes: Normal eyes with very, very dark blue pupils
    Hair: hedgehog hairstyle, ash grey
    Race: Humanlike being
    Class/Job: Dark knight

    Weapons: Two extendable wristblades attached to his arms, a cupple of throwing knives hidden on his body, a longsword at his waist that he wields with one hand at need and a small set of three shurkiens on his waist.

    Armor: A black fur cloak and a pair of dark leather boots. Also A shadowy blue tunica with a cupple of leather belts strapped across his body. And a pair of normal black pants.

    Note: He hides his Wristblades in a pair of sturdy leather gloves and shows no other weapon than the longsword.

    Skills: Since he is a dark knight he uses only dark powers.

    Darkness: Envelops the target in shadows so that he get a hard time to see.
    Provoke: Provokes a low 'lvl' creature to attack the nearest friend or foe for a short periode of time.

    Pain: Shows terrible images in the head of the target. He can see scenes of his friends and family dying in very rough and gorefilled ways.

    Berserk: Makes the user go berserk

    De-materialize: The spell is extremely exhausting and requires some sort of resting afterwards. The user dematreializes into a dark cloud and can escape from mortal battles and the like. However, the user cannot transport himself very far because it is so tiring.

    Megadeath: This is activated when the user dies. It sucks out the very life of everything within a radious of two hundred feet and hopefully brings the enemy with him to death.
    Last edited by nightplague; 01-11-2005 at 02:00 PM.

  14. #284
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    ...okay you three, there will have to be a couple changes, because your characters blatantly violate the godmodding rule. Don't ask, just change it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just read the rules. They're attached atop this forum.

    The following should be removed or altered:
    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of Death
    Armaggedon- Brad surrounds his opponent in a dome of darkness, and meteors destroy them from every side. If they do not die immediately, they suffer unimaginable TORTURE.

    You can't force someone to take a hit, so it's reasonable that you're not allowed to force someone to die or suffer torture of any kind.

    Mass genocide- Brad goes into an unholy frenzy and sices and dices like there's no tomorrow. The skies turn red while he begins the attack and begin to rain blood. As it hits the ground, every drop of blood explodes into a fiery inferno, killing all within 20 yards of the blast. As he finishes the hour long attack, he shouts, "Genocide is beautiful isn't it!" and laughs maniacally.

    Again, you can't blow people up unless they want to be blown up. Your overdrives are essentially useless here in the RPB forum, because you'd be breaking the rules by using them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomos

    "Haste" (speeds up time for the user and hightens the reaction speed)
    "Slow" (works the opposit way, used on a fow)
    "Stop" (temporarily stops the person in time)
    "hastega" (extreme fast movement in one direction, rarely used because of the high amout of energy needed)
    "Reset" (resets alla actions from time the past 1-2 minutes exept for the user).

    Time magic is a tricky thing to use here in the RPB section. I can tell you right now that something like "Reset" is against the rules. As for "Slow" and "Stop," your opponent has the right to dodge the effects of your spell. No complaining about how the magic never misses or anything, because you're not a god and you don't rule over everything on the battlefield.

    Anywho, like I said, "Reset" is the only one which definitely won't be allowed. Be careful with "Slow" and "Stop" so that you don't get into trouble, eh?
    Quote Originally Posted by nightplague
    Megadeath: This is activated when the user dies. It sucks out the very life of everything within a radious of two hundred feet and hopefully brings the enemy with him to death.

    This one isn't as bad as the others I've asked to be changed, but you have to be careful when using it in battle. Like I've said, you can't force damage upon anyone, so don't bitch or complain if the opponent finds some way to dodge your last-ditch efforts. Be careful when you write with it, because if it comes off as a godmod, you'll probably be asked to change it (or worse yet, it could be deleted on the spot).

  15. #285
    Okay, this guy's a little lame, but... i'm posting his bio anyway.

    Name: Khydaris Rageblade
    Age: 452
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 200 lbs.
    Eyes: Grey
    Hair: Short, dark blond
    Race: Dragon (but prefers a human form, and dislikes morphing back to his natural state)
    Class: Dragoon (just like Kain from FF4, but with magic)

    Khydaris is a Black Dragon who travels the land in the form of a human, looking for odd jobs with which he can put his "superhuman" abilities to use. These include:
    - Extraordinary jumping ability (can jump nearly ten body lengths into the air)
    - Abnormal strength (can lift objects much heavier than any human could manage)
    - Unnatural stamina (takes much longer to grow tired than a human)
    No living soul knows why Khydaris chooses to spend so much time with humans rather than his own kind, but it is certain that Khydaris hates the rest of his race with a passion - to the point of refusing to turn to his Dragon form again, even if on the brink of death.

    Emperor's Lance - A large, heavy spear, made completely of an unknown metal. It is relatively light, but is large, sturdy, and impossible to break. This spear, Khydaris' favored weapon, is rumored to be the personal armament of a long-dead emperor.

    Flaretongue - A steel sword with a three-foot blade, sharpened on both sides. In battle, the sword radiates a strong heat, damaging all but the person who wields it. It is for this reason that the sword is named Flaretongue. Khydaris received this sword after defeating its former owner in combat.

    Khydaris is fitted with a full set of armor made completely from the scales of another Black Dragon. Two large yellow fangs protrude from his shoulder pads, and his shoes are modeled to resemble the feet of a reptilian creature. He wears no helmet, as he believes that it only impairs his sight in battle.

    Flame Wheel - Khydaris extends his hand, expelling a pair of spiraling fireballs at his opponent.

    Dragonfear - Dragons project an aura that causes most mortals, no matter how brave, to run away upon sighting the dragon. Although Khydaris, being in human form, cannot take advantage of this, he can still cast a spell that causes a subtle fear and hopelessness to descend upon the opponent for a limited amount of time.

    Shockwave Ring - A wave of pure energy radiates from Khydaris. Although this does not really damage opponents, it does push them backward.

    Transformation - Khydaris, as a dragon, has the ability to change his appearance to any number of things, from a powerful bear down to the smallest bug. He cannot, however, use this power on his opponents.

    (Anyway, that's it for now. Yeah.)
    Last edited by Cloud Strife X; 01-15-2005 at 11:49 AM.

  16. #286
    age: stopped aging at 27
    eyes:Grey but sometimes flash blood red
    race:Once human but twisted by necromacy into an undead warrior.
    Abilities:Inhuman Rage:Loses all control and inflicts a huge amounts of damage and randomly cast spells, but can hurt imself rather than enemies.
    Odins Sacrifice:Impales himself on spear to inflict a blow that will always hit but sacrifices one fifth of health.
    Sprits of hate: Summons spirits of vengeful pagans to inflict damage, accurate but they may turn on castor if he has less than half health.
    Weapon:Gram: sword given to him by odin himself onced weilded by Sigurd himself contains his spirit and my cause user to go berserk when health is low.
    Other Items:Cloak of Black Stone:Turns user into invernable stone in sunlight only and user cannot attack while protected.
    Inhuman strength: several times stronger than normal humans.
    gift of immortality:Never gets tired and extremely tough
    Vunerable to holy magic and steadily loses health under the sun.
    Poor judgement:may charge into the fray even when it's not a good Idea
    Last edited by NecroWeasel; 01-15-2005 at 04:03 PM.

  17. #287
    Warlord of Your Mom Character Statistics. ultima_trev's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Kingdom of Dis
    Name: Cadavre
    Age: 655
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6' 1"
    Eyes: Yellow
    Hair: Black
    Fleshtone: Pale green
    Specie: A human assassin turned Wraith at the age of 36.
    Class: Assassin/Ninja
    Allegence: Brotherhood of Doom (TFF Dark side)
    Abilities: Blade of Icey Depths, Blade of Unholy Vengeance. Don't forget the classic dark lightning powers. Must chant incantations to use these spells. Perhaps even some telekinesis.
    Weapon: Wakizashis, shuriken throwing knives
    Strengths: While only several times the strength of a physically fit human, his speed is something else.
    Weaknesses: vulnerable to holy and fire magic
    Tactics: Usually hides in the shadows or the trees until the time is right to strike.
    Last edited by ultima_trev; 07-22-2005 at 04:56 AM.

  18. #288
    Quote Originally Posted by NanakiXIII
    Name: Nanaki Juiry Nahika
    Age: 356
    Class: Creature
    Weapon: Platinum claws, Teeth, and tail
    Armor: Stone Skin
    Special Abilities: Can Morph into Flame his human form(see below)

    Name: Flame Juiry Nahika
    Age: 18
    Class: Fighter Mage
    Weapon: Platinum Flame
    Armor: Stone Skin and clothing.
    Other: Both are immune to fire and practice an unknown element, the Mystic element.

    Man this ia a shorter version of my profile, seems i can't copy and paste it from somewhere.
    SephirothsBlade: Just because i'm feeling nice, i gave you 100 gil NanakiXIII.

  19. #289
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Dude, this thread is for character profiles only. There's no reason for you to write an entire post stating the fact that you gave some member a hundred gil. I'm not going to ask you to delete your post, but I will ask you not to do it again. Next time, just send a PM or something, eh?

  20. #290
    Name: Shkono Jin

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Class: Contractor assassin

    Apperance: Often he wears a white trench coat which dosen't look much, but makes an excellent armor. Underneath his trench coat is a common black shirt. He wears light brown baggy pants and steel toe boots.

    Weapons: He has a varius choice of weapons, depending on what he needs when he's going into combat. In long range; sniper, and a magnum. In melee fights: two steel daggers and a short blade katana.sassin

    Skills/Abilities: Abnormal speed and reaction time. Shkono is very good on using short bladed weapons, hand to hand combat, and marksmenship. He also posses psionic and shadow magic.

    Personality: Shkono has a strong arrogance and wouldn't go down easliy in a fight. He can be loyal to people who has earn his respect. He would get rid of his enemies as soon as he make some so that he can rest a sure that he dosen't have any. Shkono loves to fight and would take up any challenge.

    History: There isn't much background on Shkono, most of it is unknown at this time. He wanted to have a job that'll put his skils to the test, so he became an assassin.

  21. #291
    Character Statistics. Annikai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Just south of Hell
    Name: Teki Go-Maru
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown but looks to be in his early 20s
    Class: Ninja
    Weapons: 2 swords that are built into his arms and a gun that shoots through his nee cap (can only be used once in battle)
    Personality: He is cold and only speaks when spoken to and even when he speaks it is usually in one word answers.
    Apperence: He wears a black ninja suit and mask that covers his face except for his eyes and his blonde bangs.
    History: He was born in a small peacefull village. That is untill one day. When Teki was six his brother went crazy and slaughtered every one in the village. Teki was barelly alive and he was missing his arms and his right leg. He was found dying by a scientist. The scientist rebuilt his arms and leg. In his arms he put in swords that could come out when he pulled off his hands and in his leg he put a single shot riffle that was only to be used in emergencies. His searches for his brother made him lead the life of a ninja.

  22. #292
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Name: Q'thal (pronounced keh-Tal)
    Gender: Male
    Race: Centaur
    Age: 37
    Height: 8' 5"
    Weight: 607 pounds
    Eyes: somewhat of a steely grey
    Hair: a rich, chocolate brown; shoulder-length and messy

    Weapons: dual chained flails
    Magic: No interest in the art of magic
    Social Standing: Outcast

    Waist upward: A tanned, rough leather vest to help shield from the elements. A white strip of cloth tied around the bicep of his left arm; blood stained.
    Waist downward: The "horse" half. Very well defined muscles beneath a thin and rugged black coat of hair. His tail fades into a chocolate color, much like the hair atop his head. The horse body is torn with scars and various wounds from conflict, as the enemies' weaponry rarely reached his torso.

    Brief background:
    Years of anguish and solitude have left Q'thal with a certain bitterness toward the humans. He has been attacked countless times in his sleep merely because he is misunderstood by the men. Eventually, Q'thal led a one-centaur uprising against the oppression he had received for so many years in his small village. The men came for him with swords and pikes, but Q'thal's superior build granted him the toughness and agility needed to withstand attacks. It was a bloody day, merely two years prior to present day, and a day Q'thal would never forget. The day he galloped away from his home, leaving thirty men dead in his wake. The Day of Slaughter.

    (Yes, this might look familiar to a couple of you. I'm putting my RP character up for RPB as well. This way, in order to help with breaking the writer's block, I'll be doing it with the very character I need to start using anyway.)
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 03-13-2005 at 01:09 AM.

  23. #293
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Happily Every After
    Oh man...I did my character stats from long ago. Now it's gone *wipes tear*. I'll try to remember as much as i could with my character's history. Yeah, I am using only one character for RPB's so far. Her story and powers are continually evolving anyways.

    Name: I usually just refer to her as Quistis in RPB or Mina.
    Gender: Female
    Race: Kryndean - an extinct race of elemental mages. Almost comparable to the elves but with human-like ears.
    Age: 25
    Height: 5' 4"
    Weight: 105 pounds
    Eyes: Emerald green
    Hair: Dark brown
    Built: petite/slim yet curvy (not excessively)

    Weapons: None. She wields weapons from her magic
    Magic: Basic elemental - wind, earth/gravity, fire and water/ice. But she was known to use wind most of the time. She also possesses a strange dark magic that could divide space and cut through a dimension of pure dark raw energy. She rarely uses this ability to keep her sanity in tact. so to speak.

    Affiliation: Evil Bad Guys. The Fate (gone now)

    Appearance: Usually seen wearing her black leather catsuit during her battles. Sometimes with the whip.

    Born with an unusual ability to control all elements (people of her race can only be gifted with one element at a time) and was treated like royalty since she was a child. The elders of her village believed that once she mastered the 4 elemental magic and combine their powers, she would be able to weild the holy light. An extremely powerful magic. And so they trained her hard. Secluded from the common people most of the time.

    But a strange being attacked their village when she was 13- a being dressed only in cloak and covered with darkness. Killing all of them except for Mina. Her parents were killed in front of her - their skins peeled off from their own body - giving them a death so unimaginable that it scarred Mina for life. She tried to battle the monster, but her efforts were in vain and the monster just left her wondering why she was spared.

    Driven by pain, sorrow and extreme thirst for vengeance. Mina spent most of her life travelling, looking for the monster that killed her loved ones. At the age of 18, she met a man named Ryk'en. They became friends and maybe even more than that. He trained her to fight and enhance her magic skills. Ryk'en then disappeared without even saying anything. Their paths crossed a few more times later, sometimes engaging in a battle. Mina finally learned the divine power - a weapon she thought would help her defeat the monster

    A woman with no home once more, Mina travelled anew, still searching for the mysterious being that killed her people. One day she found herself travelling one of the dense forests of the land and the dark being appeared before her. A battle ensued that almost wiped out the entire forest. Finally, Mina won and as she stood before the dark being to remove its cloak, she found nothing but face, no figure..nothing. A strange thing happened and Mina was engulfed by the being of pure power, until it ended up being inside her. Now they were one. Now Mina understood that the dark figure have used her to try to gain complete control of her and her powers. It used the rage and anger within her so it could take over easily, although still not completely at this point. Its interest in her elemental abilities was still unknown. But this cost Mina to lose her ability to weild the divine magic. She was still struggling to learn her newfound abilities - an ability she rarely used and tried to understand for the fear of losing her mind.

    She then joined the ranks of the Evil Bad Guys hoping that she could learn to deal with her dark side. The clan became inactive for a time. Evil Bad Guys was revived once again and she was chosen to be one of its new leaders. Mina have always been a mystery even to her closest friends. Her sometimes playful and flirtatious personality covered up the battle that's been raging deep inside of her.
    Last edited by Quistis; 03-17-2005 at 06:57 PM.

  24. #294
    Character Statistics. Zell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Does it really matter
    Gender- Male
    Class- Ninja
    Weapon- A long reverse blade and two kodachi's which are short reverse blades he uses as daggers which are good for defense and offense.
    Fighting Style: Sacred ninjetsu
    Appearance:a ninja suit except he it does go over his face. his hair is short, wavy and brown. His height and weight are unknown.
    Character History: He used to be a killer-for-hire. He would sometimes kill for fun until he met Kenshin Himura and that he was changed forever. He vows to never kill again just like Kenshin. He now lives with and fights evil when comes around.

  25. #295
    Character Statistics. Ponk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Adelaide, Australia

    Thumbs up

    Name: Dominik Teegan (aka Kid Emo)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Eyes: Bright blue
    Hair: Dark Brown, messy mop-cut
    Skin: Caucasian
    Build: Lean; muscular.
    Height: 5"11'

    Appearance: Dominik is almost always seen wearing the same sort of clothes. Flared-leg jeans, sneakers, and a short-sleeved t-shirt over a long-sleeved shirt often combined with a hooded zip-up jacket. Whilst he does occasionally wear glasses, he usually wears slightly tinted contact lenses that enhance the blue of his eyes. Whenever he is going somewhere, Dominik carries a satchel with him. His hair is rarely ever tidy and often gets in his eyes due to its length, and he has a habit of brushing it aside. Often times he has his MP3 player on when he is traveling, or even has it going in one ear when talking to people.

    Background: Dominik has your average university art student existence. He goes to classes, he studies, he parties with friends. However, not all is as it seems. when he was 17, one night a dream came to him. One of those confusing lucid dreams, a voice told him not to worry about losing control of his life. Cryptically it told him, "You have more control over things than you realise..." Months later, trying to complete a piece for his high school art show, he was unable to find the paint colour he needed to complete his piece. Angrily he wished he had a pot of just that colour, and before his eyes another pot slowly swirled into the colour he desired. It was from this point that Dominik discovered thatsomehow, he had been granted the ability to manipulate matter at will.

    (Kind of a weak ending to the background info but hey, I'm making this up as I go along.)

    Weapon/Magic: Due to his unique ability to manipulate matter, Dominik does not carry a weapon with him. Often, he has a small bag of base material, such as sand, at hand to create things, but he can just as easily take matter from the things around him. This manipulatin ability is very strong but he is unable to use it too often as it does cause some mental exertion.

    Dominik is able to create physical objects (such as a sword or shield) but can also create more 'magical' things such as fireball projectiles or use the ability to 'pull' or 'push' things towards or away from himself by switching the positions of pockets of air and the object in question. Using this ability, Dominik also has the ability to teleport himself short distances.

    If Dominik does over-exert himself using his manipulation abilities, at first it will simply cause mental fatigue. However if he goes too much further than that, the fatigue turns on him, causing the matter of his own body to become unstable, and more vulnerable. Much more exertion than that and he must stop using his abilties altogether, and put them to use stabilising his own body's matter.
    Last edited by Ponk; 02-22-2005 at 11:08 PM.

  26. #296
    Character Statistics. Aleks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Name:Jack Strife(nothing to do with Cloud Strife)
    Eyes and hair color:Blue eyes,brown hair
    Attacks:Still learning many varius
    Brown hair,blue eyes,medium tall,
    Has a long black jacket(like Neo`s)
    and ninja weopens on him,He looks dangerous at first sight but is more like a newbeginer.
    Background:Hes background is full of mist and forgotten
    people,he cant surely remember his past,when he long ago woke up in darkness he couldent remember who he was or what he was.He was trained up to be the perfect ninja and sniper,he still has much to learn but has starrted to remember parts of his past.He can only remember a big battle with a strange look.He was trained by a wise ninja master who found him on the beach more dead than alive.
    weopen:He has almost every ninja weopen you can come up with,he has a thin sword,trowhing stars,a magical bow,he also has a thin but strong,black mithril armor.The mitrhil armor is wery easy to break trough but he still wears it.

  27. #297
    Name: Lee Renoir

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Age: 16

    Height: 5'6

    Weight: 140 lbs

    Eyes: Bluish green hue

    Hair: Short Blonde hair.

    Weapons: Throwing Rings/Magic Rings, Fists (Martial Arts), Smoke Bombs

    Magic: Status afflicting magic. (Pain, Bio, Sleep, Paralysis, ect.) He tends to use these spells in conjunction with his rings. Form Rings, makes a new ring from nothing if he is in need of temporary replacements.

    Skills: He throws his rings in certain manners. (i.e they can roll on the ground, he can throw more than one at a time, and can also make them return.) Basic Martial Arts.

    Affiliation: Former Z Syndicate Member.

    Appearance: Youthful face and appearance. He's recently been seen wearing some simple traveling clothes. A duster coat with earth-toned underclothing. (Earth colored pants and shirts.) He's got an average body frame.

    History: Lee is recently on the run from his former syndicate. Forced to work for them at a young age, Lee vowed to escape from their hands some day. During a mission he assassinated his 'teammates' to buy some time to get away. To hide from his enemies, he's removed everything indicating that he once belonged to a syndicate except for his standard weapon.
    What Lee looks for in life is to be free and to have no worries. He's never had a real home before and just maybe one day he'll find that special place. He may act cold and silent at times but he's really a very carefree and open person.

  28. #298
    Magnus Guile

    Class: Magician supreme, Summoner
    Race: Half Elf, Half Human
    Age: 17
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 140 lbs.

    Staff of Bahamut: Mythical Staff created using a Scale of Bahamut as the magical core. Made from the wood from ebony, the staff contains a magical cystal on its crown. It contains vast magical powers. Without it, he is completely vulnerable. Can only be wielded during the day.
    Boots of Abram: A pair of black boots made from water. It is Enchanted so as to allow its user to walk on water.
    Dagger of Tiamat: A Dagger made with the power of Wind. The handle is decorated with emeralds and the blade is ultra sharp. When thrown, it always returns to its owner.
    Helm of Mycen: A helmet with the protective power of Light. Very lightweight.
    Robes of Brahm: Dark Blue Robes with the power of Ice. The exterior can be soft as snow or sharp as icicles. Can withstand extreme Heat.
    Ring of Shooting Star: A ring with the essence of fire. The form is that of a dragons head clamping down upon a red ruby.
    Cape of Narse: A Black cape that was made for the darkness. Contains the essence of the night and can turn its user invincible ONLY during nightfall.

    Lightning Bolt
    Icicle Blast
    Water Wave

    Shooting Star Flame: A Fiery Dragon sends a burst of Holy Fire at the enemy.
    Brahm's Icicle: An Ice Dragon Shoots chunks of Holy Ice at the enemy.
    Abram's Wave: A Water Dragon-Serpent sends A Tidal wave of Holy Water to the enemy
    Horn of Mycen: A Light Dragon sends a huge burst of Holy energy to the enemy.
    Narse's Hatred: A Dark Dragon sends a ray of Yin/Yang Holy/Darkness to envelop the enemy.
    Tiamat's Fury: A Wind Dragon sends a bolt of Holy lightning to strike the enemy.
    Bahamut's Wrath: Bahamut, The King of Dragons, sends a wave of energy to slam into the enemy

    Limit Break:
    Seal of the 7 Dragon's: The Seven Dragons come together to send a giant burst of energy to strike enemies for heavy damage. Combo of all elemental magic with Holy. Can only be use once a week.

    The product of an Elf and a human Magician, Magnus learned magic from both of his parents, Summoning from his mother and Spells from his Father. When he was 15, He went out to search for the seven mythical dragons and their seals in order for him to master far more advanced magic. After unsealing a seal, he received a relic and the power to call upon that dragon. After unsealing the seventh and final seal, Magnus recieved his Staff of Bahamut.
    Last edited by magus19; 03-18-2005 at 09:12 PM.

  29. #299
    Who . . .

    Name ----------- Wels Elsholz
    Age ----------- Twenty
    Birthdate ----------- November eleventh
    Gender ----------- Male
    Ethnicity ----------- Caucasian
    Height ----------- Six feet tall
    Weight ----------- One hundred sixty pounds

    Look . . .

    Hair Style ----------- Spiked, unkempt
    Hair Color ----------- Salt and pepper
    Eye Color ----------- Light grey
    Physique ----------- Lean, muscular
    Complexion ----------- Medium
    Imperfections ----------- None

    Wear . . .

    Coat ----------- Dark olive, grey fur trim
    Shirt ----------- Light grey, long sleeve
    Pants ----------- Black, loose-fitting
    Boots ----------- Black, steel-toed
    Accessory ----------- Platinum bangle - right wrist

    Power . . .

    Class ----------- Northern Pillar
    Element ----------- Ice

    Skill . . .

    Floe ----------- Chunks of ice formed and fired from the caster's hands
    Nila ----------- Upheavel of several large icicles from beneath opponent
    Polynya ----------- Powerful blast of northern air forces back opponent
    Beset ----------- Wall of thick ice ensnares opponent or protects caster
    Glacier ----------- Creation of a gigantic, crushing mass of ice above opponent
    Polaris ----------- Causes a severe drop in temperature and increase in cloud mass
    K2 ----------- Unleashes an avalanche of ice and snow from the sky

  30. #300
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Happily Every After
    Re-posting my 2nd character's stats. With more details =P

    Name: Roma
    Age : N/A - looks like a woman in her mid 20's
    Race: N/A
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 105 pounds
    Built: petite/slim yet curvy (not excessively)
    Eyes: Purple
    Hair: long silky black hair that goes down to her thighs. Seemingly unkempt bangs over her forehead and some frame her face.

    Weapons: None. She makes them from her magic

    Magic: non elemental space and time manipulation. Wielder of a parallel universe that was made of pure energy of unknown nature.

    Affiliation: None

    Appearance: Usually seen wearing a long black cloak that covers her entire body. Never felt the need to remove it for battle.

    The dark force within Mina (my other character) was finally able to separate itself as a living entity- using Mina's life essence and ability to control the elements (to create 'life'). Roma has an uncanny resemblance to Mina but with different hair and eye color. Their personalities are not exactly the opposite but Roma has a cold, empty streak in her which is in contrast to Mina's sometimes playful nature.

    Living in and controlling a universe of pure power and nothingness,this dark entity searched for a purpose and saw our world as nothing more than a playground. It found Mina as an interesting host but failed to take full control of her. This gave Mina the ability to sometimes use this parallel universe to attack her opponents (as she did True Omega vs Quistis fight). Tired of being kept inside like a prisoner, the entity was able to find a way to separate itself from Mina -by creating 'life' in that dark dimension using Mina's own life essence and element manipulating powers (Mina was unaware of this). And thus, Roma was born. Enjoying the new sensations as a normal human would- Roma felt that her transformation was not yet complete until she kills Mina and take the rest of her life essence and Mina's powers all to herself.

    Mina's bio: Character Statistics.
    Last edited by Quistis; 03-17-2005 at 06:56 PM.

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