I don't mean to spam or anything but are people allowed 2 accounts? Cetra cloud has more than one. I just wasn't sure that's all. If we are, i'll happily delete this message and be on my way.
Here's Cetra's alternative account:
Name:Himura Battaousi
Age: 28
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer(samurai)
Height: 5.4 feet
Weight:114 pounds
Weapons: reverse blaade samurai sword.
Armor: Purple robe with gold lining(yes actual GOLD!)
Description: Has red hair , purple eyes,
Usually wears a purple robe that has gold lining.Carries his sword with him all the time.
Strengthes: Speed,Skill,Intellegence
Weakness': Cant determine move of people w/o emotions
Powers: His sword can slice through even diamond. Gets very focused when angry. Each soul he helps strengthens him.
Limit: Battousi Atonement Fury: Jumps into air and slashes the opponent several times.His that lands with the sword in his opponenets gut. This is followed by a randomsamurai tech.
1 Attachment(s)
Hey, can I just attach this? Because I'm going to, since I really don't want to have to type this all out and format it and such... Quick background -- I created this character with the Al Na'ir Faction in mind, but I plan on using her elsewhere as well. Any of you who saw me write with Alexander would agree when I said it was time for an upgrade -- he's too old skool for this place nowadays.
So yeah, following attachment would be those character stats.
heh,well,i guess i`ll make up a character just for the hell of it o.O
Name: Anonymous(Wolf?)
Weapon:A sword similar to that of Squall`s gunblade
Armor:A giant plate that looks suspiciously like the field plate from Diablo 2?
Name: TranceKuja
Age: Timeless
Height: 5’11
Weight: 165lbs
Hair: White and Red streaks
Eyes: Left- Blue Shatter Iris Right- Red
Appearance: Trance’s appearance rarely if ever changes. He wears a black body suit made of dark mythril. Now normal mythril is of course extremely strong but dark mythril was forged with water from the river Styx’s. This gives the metal the power to absorb unlimited heat or cold, to with stand extreme blows from sword by absorbing the attack and gives Trance extreme maneuverability. The metal itself has a leather look to it is encrusted with designs of the elfish style but shows the strong craftsmanship of Dwarves. He wears a black leather vest which has many pockets, clips and several loops. Covering all these layers is his traditional black trench coat which is snug to his body down to the hips and then spreads wide around the legs. Trance typically wears dark sunglasses simple because his eyes frighten normal people also because he thinks they are cool. Trance’s shoes are a type of boot which is very pointy. The tips are covered in silver and on the back they have a silver spur in the shape of eight point stars each is deadly sharp. Trance huge tattoos across his body they run from his back down his arms. They design is that of black claws of a dragon wrapped in what looks like blacken souls.
History: Trance or TranceKuja as he is more formally called is a being of unfathomable power. Created or rather the required by life itself Trance is fate. Some would go as far as to say the grim reaper or even father time but this is over exerting the point. Trance was born from hate, from lust, from desire, from the universe’s faults. These faults lie in every living thing from the smallest germ to the greatest fighters. Trance breed of their sins and their flaws is pure suffering. The torn shrouds of the universe drape him in omniscient power to only which he must serve his desire to destroy. In love with war, anger, passion and frailty he is driven mad by pure urges of destruction. Trance was never a child nor will he ever be old, he simple exists. TranceKuja has never felt cursed by his density if you call it but he simple rebels against everything. Trance serves no master, no higher power he lives as he wishes. The most current part of Trance’s life he has been quiet concerned with learning, studies abroad and in solitude. Considering his long and vast life he has study many arts from the sciences to weaponry. A list of these abilities will be note later. Trance history wise is far to long and overwhelming to address. He comes and goes between peoples lives make little or no impact but there are occasions when Trance’s presence in known. Many a war, conflict and disaster have been caused by his misdeeds. Trance has battled many times and though his physical form has dead, himself has never past from this world. Trance’s history is written by the victims, the fighters and the survivors but not by Trance. There is little concern of time involving him so what has past and what may come mean nothing. Trance is a wanderer. He has no one.
Weaponry: Trance’s primary weapons are two swords. They have similar traits to dark mythril, steel and diamonds. Both swords are infused into Trance’s chi or aura. This gives them a light blue glow around them which strengthens the metal. The Swords are extremely long in length reaching about four feet. They are slightly curved inward and glide through the air. Both swords an identical and have black and red grips, inscribed on them is the saying “ I Shall Send Thee Beyond Hell’s Comfort”. Inside the swords in contained half of the soul crystal, a gem which when put together allows Trance to take the soul of his victim and entrap in his aura. When the swords a merged together in the Chaos Ritual they form the Unearthly Divide. This is Trance’s most powerful weapon. Now with the infused Soul crystal Trance’s weapon is one with his body they flow together. Fastened to his hip is the ebony dagger given to him by Shadowblade the only warrior to ever truly befriend Trance and serves as a sign of respect between warriors. Hidden under Trance’s trench coat is a holstered Colt 45 handgun silver encrusted with an ivory handle. The gun really serves on purpose except for show and as a distraction.
Abilities: Trance has the abilities of a warrior, mage, summoner and assassin. Being made from the torn fabric of the universe he has an extremely high power level and which gives him the ability to create energy as a weapon. Trance is also a skilled necromancer and shadow realm jumper. Trance has undergone training in the driest desert and the coldest ice plains. He has balance and agility like that of no other. His speed is so fast that the normal eye cannot register such. Trance’s aura also allows him to increase his energy and evolving into stronger forms. Many famous warriors have seen Trance ascend to the next level on his ability. Trance full potential will never truly be known. His powers extend to the bounds of the universe.
Name: GlensHope
Nicknames: Glen, The Cursed One, and Demonic Temper
Age: 43
Race: Human
Class: Monk
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Brown
Height: Five foot, Eleven inches
Weight: 140 pounds
Description: Wearing a brown monk robe, he carries a long Bo Staff always at ready. He is unnoticed by most, but those that notice him remember him as a man with either such good luck, or bad luck that everyone presumes him to be supernatural. He also seems to have a grim demeanor. Yet, his smile is golden if caught. His knees are scabbed often from tripping on conveniently placed stones. He also has many scars from the tricks of the demon that follows him, Baldan. Baldan is the demon that follows Glen around, causes him many unfortunate accident along with some pretty strange happenings. His brown robe ends with barely enough room to cover his ankles, and he wears leather sandals, on his feet.
Weapons: He carries in his hand a Bo Staff, which is made of Elmwood, yet is seemingly unbreakable. Also he carries a belt of 10 throwing knives around his waist. He has 2 placed on the back of his shoulders though, one over each. He knows much hand to hand fighting, with many styles, but prefers to use his staff, and throwing knives.
Magic: When Glen is near death Baldan will step in and attempt to destroy his opponent. Also Baldan will seem to become incarnate in Glen, if Glen is made mad enough. Luckily for any would be ruffian this is something hard to do, and barely happens. Most of Glen's source of anger comes from injustice, stupidity that harms others, ridicule or violence without reason. Baldan is capable of throwing fire, and creating it. He also has the ability to attack the mind of a person causing him to laugh uncontrollably; this has pushed some weak minded beings into insanity.
Baldan: He appears to be a demonic clown. With a grinning face gapped with fangs. He has comical looking shoes that on the bottom are covered with metal spikes. He has a snappish high-pitched voice that barely deems on annoying, but commands to much power for that. He wears a red robe, and on his hands he has spiked gloves. The spikes are too long to be anything but gaudy, as they move alike with his fingers. He wears nothing on his head, but his face seems to come from the worst demon of hell, except that for some reason he can't seem to stop smiling.
History: Glen became a monk of a monastery for a short amount of time before he was forced to leave, due to the fact that this was the time that the demon started following him around. That was the time he picked up the name the Cursed One. Neither Glen nor Baldan is aware of why Baldan has to follow Glen, but Baldan doesn’t mind, as he likes to have fun with “his human.” For some reason though the demon has grown attached to the Glen in more ways then one and he will prevent him from dying. One time in his travels Baldan encountered a man who was attacking a group of children who had wandered from there village. This angered him to a point that; Baldan manifested himself and killed the man in one blast of fire. The people of the village after thanking, him urged him to leave and named him Demonic Temper.
Name: Jen
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 9In
Weight: 8.5 Stone (119lbs)
Visual: Dark brown hair, shoulder length. Hazel Eyes. Looked visually appealing
Figure Description: Slender body, well toned but not muscular
Figure Measurements: 34-28-34 (this is going off what a friend told me...so don't blame me if there out of proportion)
Training: Trained in the martial arts by Li (Jeet Kune Do, Taekwon-do). Has extensive weapons training, uncluding swords, daggers, claw and staff
Specialty: Shapeshifting
Has 4 forms (not including human) of which she can shift in and out of as she likes.
- Mizu Form (water) -
Skin changes to a pale blue colour, gil form on her neck allowing her to breathe underwater. The downside to this form is that if on land for too long she will choke to death (i.e. doesn't work on land). Her weapons are claw like attachments on her hand, these are beam weapons and can be extended like a whip. As you can guess she is an excellent swimmer in this form
- Denki Form (electricity) -
Skin colour changes to a pale yellow, electricity sparks around her from time to time. Her weapon is a staff imbued with the power of lightning, she has a range of lightning attacks used to stun/damage enemies
- Chikara Form (strength) -
Her eyes change to a bright red colour and her skin tans slightly. Her movements are slightly slower than normal, but her attacks do a devastating amount of damage. Her weapon in this form is a katana with a dulled red blade
- Hayai Form (speed) -
Her skin colour changed to a faded purple, blood vessels become slightly more visible and her eye colour changes to a deep purple along with her lip colour (saves on lipstick bills..heh). She has tremendous speed in this form, as you can guess, when dodging it seems like she is a blur, a useful form but with a downside again, her attacks do little damage (power sacrificed for speed). Her weapon is a Purple Dagger (beam weapon) about the size of her forearm and hand combined, it is attached to her around her wrist.
A small dagger, concealed in a pocket on her pants located behind her thigh. All the other weapons 'appear' when changing forms, they appear already in her hands, or where there meant to be attached to
Dark red top, starting from below her neck and ending at her ribs (showing stomach), fairly tight top
Black Low rise pants, also fairly tight but loose enough to allow free movements
NAME:~ Battousai
Real:~ name kenshin
RACE:~half dragon have human<dragoon>
AGE:~ 17
WEAPON:~ katana with the ability to become two septet blades
HEIGHT:~ 6'1"
WIEGHT:~ 125
HAIR COLOR:~dark black with silver tips
EYE COLOR:~green eyes they tern a deep blood red when he is angry
CLASS:~a man slayer wondering the streets looking for his place in life and trying to change his ways!
ARMOR:~ dragon scale plated chain mail, metal wrist guards with a dragon engraved a pone each one, black leather boots
CLOTHES:~ black metal pants, black leather gloves, and a black duster trench cote and a old fashion brown leather cow boy hat with porky pine quill band
Accessories:~ a pure silver necklace in the shape of a dragon tide on to his neck with a leather satrap it is told that Battousai power come from that necklace and is how he transforms in to his inner dragon. He also wares a ring with a green gem stone with a red swirl in the center the gem is surrounded bye the shape of the moon this ring holds the power of fire and winds a like it also allows Battousai to you other magic a attacks and even link them together….
SLICE:~Battousai dashes towards his enemy the slices threw them stopping right behind his opponent
FLAME thrower:~ using his ring he opens the palm of his hand and tosses a stream of flame
FLAME razor:~using the ring much like the flame thrower the flame razor is combined with his wind attack sending razor like flames at the enemy
rise of the dead:~ using the moon crest that was set on his ring he uses its powers to control the dead making him a Armey of willing to die zombies <cool hu>
FLARE:~deals massive amount of flame damage
CURE:~heals a tiny bit of HP
CURA:~heals a good amount of HP
CURAGA:~heals massive amount of HP
FIRE:~ deals small amount of fire damage.
FIRA:~ deals a high amount of fire damage
FIRAGA:~ deals massive fire damage
LIMIT breaks:
Moon beam blast:~ taping in to the crest that Battousai s ring has holding in place his powerful gem, he send a wave of power up in to the moon only to get a blast sent back at his enemy’s
Bloody roar:~ <this move gets its name for all the blood it has shed> Battousai send burning hot fist at his atonement blinding them then quickly takes his sword from its sheath the blade cutting in to the flame and the opponent make a Rorer so to say.
BIO:~nothing is known a bout this man his story has yet to be on folded
Name: Claire Winters
Age: 27
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 116 pounds
Hair: Light blonde, shoulder length
Eyes: Light blue
Battle Clothing:
White leather flare-legged pants
Frost blue crop top
Black leather hiking boots
Oversized black belt (to sheath weaponry)
Optional Armor:
Titanium forearm/shin/thigh guards
Titanium shield (strap on to left arm)
• Arctic Blade: Three-foot long scimitar -- blade of pure silver, hilt of ice and oak
Ancient elemental scimitar whose slash encompasses the powers of the Arctic gods
• Polarang: Two-foot long boomerang -- outer edge of diamonds and ice, inner edge and handle of oak
Legendary elemental boomerang forged by the Arctic gods
Normal attacks
• Iceberg: Claire creates a small cone of ice to hurl at her opponent
• Glacier: A stream of ice flows from Claire's arms toward her opponent
• Avalanche: A strong blast of snow falls from the upper atmosphere, burying her opponent
Special attacks
• Blizzard: If the skies are already cloudy, Claire can summon a snowstorm, burying the field
• Tundra Blast: Claire can summon a great cold wind, sending any precipitation toward her opponent
*~Physical Description~*
Name: Exodus Kimado
Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Weight: 121 Pounds
Hair Color: Teal
Eyes: Blue
*~Clothing A~*
Head: None
Neck: Spiked Choker and Spiked Cross Necklace
Chest: Long Black Shirt with zipper going down the middle and Two Snakes etched on it
Arms: A Biohazard Tattoo on his Right Arm
Hands: Three Rings
Wrists: Black and White Bracelets
Waist: Brown Belt
Legs: Red Baggy Pants
Feet: Brown Cowboy Boots
*~Clothing B~*
Head: Hair Tied Back in Black Ponytail Holder
Neck: None
Chest: None
Arms: Biohazard Tatto on Right Arm
Hands: Black Fingerless Gloves
Wrists: Spiked Bracelet
Waist: Black Karate Belt
Legs: Black Kagome
Feet: None
Narrow Broadsword: Broadsword Given to him From his Brother.
Power 7/10
Lita's Amulet: An amulet Lita gave Exodus Before She Died
Power: 8/10
Rose Whip: Exodus's main weapon he got it from giving Lita a Black Rose
Power: 10/10
*~Types of Magic~*
Fire: 6/10
Water: 4/10
Holy: 8/10
Shadow: 9/ 10
Blizzard: 10/10
Lake Of Fire: Exodus draws a Cricle around his opponent and then smashes his sword to the ground as Fire Engulfs his opponent.
DUH: Exodus asks his opponent to shake his hand if they do Exodus will strike him/her with his broadsword or kick them to the ground
Final Cut: Exodus takes out his Rose Whip and hits his opponent numerous amounts of times which cuts them when finished Exodus hits them across the face with his Rose Whip
The Wrath of Exodus Lee Kimado: Exodus holds Lita's Amulet in front of his face and screams She appears behind him and they attack their opponent numerous amounts of times. When finishes Lita will hug Exodus and disappear while Exodus ties his Hair back in a ponytail.
Exodus looked before him and saw her Lita Heartilly his girlfriend dead. He looked at her and her last words were "I Love you" as she held out her Amulet. Exodus stared at the Mysterious man in the cloak. "Whoever you are I will kill you" Exodus yelled. On the back of the man's cloak was the Mark of the Butterfly...it was Isaac "Fox" Alei
Here is my bio >sort of<
It was tailored for a battling RPG..so I'll tone it down.
Name: Siren Oranos
Age: 15 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Weapons: Oak staff, a simple staff with a small, clear gem hovering slightly above the top of it. Engraved with different runes along the length of it. Glows slightly each time a spell has been unleashed
Appearance: Scrawny, with light brown hair and Big, dark, expressive brown eyes. His hair puffs up a bit and always flies casually around in the wind. He normally wears a simple shirt, a pair of worn jeans and a slightly faded emerald green cloak, held together by a silver brooch in the shape of a star. Although he doesnt normally wear any headgear, he usually conjures his mage's hat to give him more spellpower.
Mainly water and air magic
If need be unleashes his most powerful spell (which im waiting to use in a battle, so i wont name it here)
Skilled in teleportation and empathy
If need be, hits sum one on the head with his staff, but very rarely
Name: Mushin Kieto ((In japan the last, or family name is announced first))
Age: 18
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 152 lbs.
Mushin= The art of the clear mind, in which the mind becomes one with the sword, things outside of himself fall under his vague control.
Wind Void= The ancient katana itself becomes a void that sucks in wind for energy. Then upon contact, the wind is transferred to the other object or body, and uses the energy for an devastating explosion of wind
Physical Description
Kieto wears a bright white kimono with death black hakama pants. His short spikey black hair line his forehead, just as his large brown eyes light up his face.
Kieto also wears and fights in Tatami sandals, and he keeps his sheath tied to his waste by the Hakama Sash, hi kitana placed gently in the sheath.
Kieto has been a life long student of the Mushin technique, in which the art of the clear mind is used to empower one's weapon.
His father was the keeper of the art, and planned to teach it to his two sons one hundred times over. His daughter was curved more towards sorcery than sword battle.
Kieto has a brother and a sister, Katsujinken and Ai. Ai has always been very close to her two brothers, but Katsu and Kieto have always rivaled, in the art of Mushin, and just always.
But when Ai was kidnapped, Katsu blamed the incident on Kieto, and slowly went insane from his rage and taste for revenge.
Now a killing machine, Kieto has to be cautious in order to protect himself from Katsu's powerful technique with the sword, and his skill and power. They may continue to battle, forever.
Name: Kogan
16 (human)
100 (android)
intermediate tae kwon do and wrestleing (human)
expert freestyle (android)
hand and foot spikes (human)
special titanium alloy plating (android)
leather with in-sewn chainmail (human)
special titanium alloy plating (android)
Human Kogan background:
Kogan grew up fighting at school almost everyday due to the fact that he used to be small. Kogan took wrestleing and tae kwon do to asure his parents that he didn't need to switch to a different school. His ability to seemlessly go from high power kicking combos to ruthless grapple techniques and his smaller than average build make him a fromitable fighter.
Android Kogan background:
Kogan, serial number AX-05, is one of the first androids developed for military use. His "onboard" guns are deactivated as a default setting to allow for better training when undergoing test battles with humans.
(See: "The Android War" RP)
Name: David
Age: 14
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Description: David has jet black medium sized hair, and wears a black kimono with white hakama pants. He wears black boots and carries a legendary weapon called Elemental.
Weapon: A katana named Elemental, which happens to be one of the six Legendary Weapons. It controls the elements, fire, wind, water, and earth.
Equipment: A lighter, a pack of matches, a canteen full of water.
- Sword Elemental Abilites
- Earth= ground is reshapen when it is struck with the sword.
- Wind= a slash of wind wizzes through the air, a projectile from the sword (as sharp as the sword), when swiping through the air.
- Fire= a tornado of fire, circles around the sword, when touching the slightest bit of fire, the tornado can be released and controled through movements of the sword.
- Water= when water touches the sword, the sword sucks it up, and increases the amount tenfold, and can be released from the sword at will.
- Sword User Abilities
- Slow Motion= grants user to analize situation at anytime in slow motion to about 1/100 regular speed, although the opponent cannot see this ability the user can only use their 5 senses and therefor cannot move.
Backround: David lives in an alternate universe where the memory of guns and firearms were long forgotten. Government is torn apart and a time of robbery reigns. Each family passes on an art with a certain weapon, to protect themselves in this era.
David's family was killed and he went out in search of the other 5 Legendary Weapons.
(Legendary Weapons RP at the Remiem Temple check it out, if u like it join, any comments pm me)
*~Physical Description~*
Name: Craig Rayne
Age: 16
Height: 6'2
Weight: 146 Pounds
Hair Colour: Teal
Eyes: Green
*~Clothing A~*
Head: None
Neck: None
Chest: Black Leather Jacket with a Red Dragon on the back, symbolizing his Chinese Star Sign
Arms: A skull Tattoo on his Right Arm
Hands: Three Rings, Gold for purity, Silver for Life and Platinum for Justice, all on left hand
Wrists: Black and Red fire tattoos on each wrist. A gold watch on left wrist.
Waist: Black Sheath for “Nemesis”
Legs: Black Jeans
Feet: Black Trainers
*~Clothing B~*
Head: Navy Baseball Cap, with Red Dragon eched in the front
Neck: None
Chest: White t-shirt with “Purity” symbol on the front
Arms: Skull Tattoo on Right Arm
Hands: Black Fingerless Gloves
Wrists: Black and Red fire tattoos on each wrist
Waist: Black Sheath for “Nemesis”
Legs: Black Training bottoms
Feet: Black Trainers
Shang-hita: Long sword reaching about 6meters. Called “Nemesis”.
Power 10/10
Platinum Desert Eagle: One of the only guns remaining.
Power: 9/10
*~Types of Magic~*
Fire: 6/10
Water: 3/10
Holy: 10/10
Shadow: 10/ 10
Blizzard: 6/10
Nemesis’ Revenge: Craig jumps up and throws Nemesis to the ground. The ground trembles and telekinetic waves of destructive power shatter everything with 25 meters.
Final Cut: Craig puts Nemesis away and runs over to the enemy and attacks with with a volley of powerful blows and kicks to the head and upper chest.
The Wrath of Damien Rayne: Craig hold’s Nemesis in one hand and his Desert Eagle in the other and fires a volley of bullets at his enemy, quickly follwed by several slashes from Nemesis, and ending with a back-flip kick.
Craig was once a happy boy, training all the time, but when he returned home and found his entire family dead, he broke the edge of insanity. Although Craig is mentally stable while with Nemesis, without him, he will unleash a force so powerful that possably nothing can stop.
Sword Elemental Abilites
• Holy – On any surface, a tap from Nemesis can unleash some of Heaven’s wraith. Rock is absorbed and launched like a projectile, and air increases strength slightly. Fire and water are unaffected.
• Shadow – Anything that can release the power of the underworld will use Nemesis to its advantage. Tapping with the sword can use a wave of fire or a wall of water.
Sword User Abilities
• Speed – Use of this skill brings exceedingly powerful wave of speed. Character can run at speeds of over 150mph and can use his blade so far that it can slice through anything like a hot knife from butter.
• Telekenetics – Use of this can end in a number of things. Can be used for levitation, or attack.
• Wall – Uses the abilities of Shadow and Holy to create a wall which not even the strongest and sharpest materials can break through. Extremely draining.
• Enhanced Senses – Being able to sense the use of another Legendary Weapon or lying. Invisible spirits and use of elements. Nothing cannot be seen.
• Extreme use of the Shadow and Holy elements give him an edge.
• Sight of the invincible and unknown.
• Girls, especially Katie.
• Family and Friends.
• Water.
(This is also a profile from the Legendary Weapons RP.......check it out.)
Fighter Name: Kyitua Awimisuki
Weight: Kyitua Awimisuki's weight is unknown, just like the many other things about her, which, are indeed also unknown.
Height: 5'8"
Class: Swordswoman
Weapon: A long in height and thin in width, Kyitua's weapon is a sword called Alsean. The sword is sheathed in a sheath, which is indeed, strapped on Kyitua's back tightly.
Armour: None
Description: The perfect picture of beauty, Kyitua has a petite figure. Her hair is like spun cotton candy, though a chocolate brown in colour. Kyitua wears it up in a high ponytail, tied with a red ribbon. She wears a crimson red split dress (the top half is red, the bottom is white), meaning the sides of her dress are cut off, revealing the hips down. The length on the side allows freedom of movement in her legs. As women have the tendacy to look at speed than strength, giving her legs room to move is important. Kyitua, being the modest woman that she is, wears a pair of black shorts underneath.
Bio: Kyitua Awimisuki, as you can tell by her name, comes from a long line of Japanese heritage. She lives in a quiet town in Tokyo, in Hiroshima. Although not much happens in Hiroshima, the town is still fairly active, and does indeed compete in events such as the TOA -- Tournament of Arms.
New character... sorta
Name: Tony. That's all you need to know
Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Weight: 165
Race: Human
Eyes: Brown
Hair: short, dark Brown with faint natural highlights
Class: None, but uses a combination of "swordplay" and streetfighting
Armor: None. He only wears street clothes:
Head- a yellow cap worn backwards
Torso- A black button down shirt, left open, revealing a white wife beater.
Legs- baggy blue jeans, nothing special, though they are gathered at the top of the shoe and fastened with an oversided black belt.
Feet- sneakers, modified with a steel toe.
Weapon: A baseball bat called "Black Magic," which is largely a nickname for it, because of it's weilder's ability to cause insane amounts of damage with it. It's used like a sword, except it's a bat. lol
Birthplace: Jamaica, Queens, NY. Gangs, drugs and crime. You gotta be tough to survive it, and you gotta fight to be tough.
Therefore, I shall start anew, with a new character on the spot.
Name: Jax Michaels
Age: Thirty-one
Race: Human
Height: 6' 2" (188 cm)
Weight: 183 pounds (83 kg)
Eyes: Gray, with green accents
Hair: Short, blonde with a black streak down the left side
Upper Body: Thin white leather vest, and a black armband on his right arm in remembrance of his brother
Lower Body: Lightly padded black pants and lightweight black boots
Armor: Not much. Titanium forearm guards on both arms.
Sword is sheathed through a metal ring on a black leather belt.
Main Class: Swordsman
Yes, that's right. Do I really need to explain this one?
Sub Class: Black Mage
Of course, I could have gone two ways with this. Being a sub-class, I could do minimal damage with multiple elements or major damage with one. I picked the single element, of course.
Weaponry: it's a sword... it doesn't need a name...
Fairly simplistic sword, uncommon of a swordsman of such experience. With a black leather handle and a 42 inch straight blade, the imperfections in the metal make the sword even more lethal, like being sliced by the teeth of a saw. Sucks to be you!
Magic: Electric / Lightning / Yellow (whatever)
Various ranges of strength and ability with lightning-type attacks
Plagued by thoughts of his brother's death, Jax has never been able to come to terms with himself. The morning before the horrific double homicide occured, Jax and his brother, Jason, had gotten into a violent argument and Jason stormed out of the house. Jax never had the chance to say goodbye. This was five years ago. Fueled by thoughts of revenge, Jax has taken up arms to fight for the better side and always avoids death as much as possible, coming to terms with his opposition and often times setting them straight. Having only killed twice in self-defense, Jax has trained himself to take extreme measures when necessary and protect the innocent first and himself second, at all costs.
EDIT: Just a couple minor changes.
My character is a schizophrenic...
Name: Nonix Dark
Species: Human
Age: 16
Normal character:
Hair: pretty tall, dark blonde down to his ears
Weapons: Daggers: The Lions
clothes: brown tall cloak
Dark Character:
Hair: tall, Black hair down to his shoulders
Weapons: Dark Lion: sword of Darkness
Clothes: black tall cloak
Light character:
Hair: 1dm long, spikey, shiny blonde
Weapons: Fairysoul: Sword of Light/Life
Clothes: shiny, silvery/light blue tall cloak
Background Information:
Nonix once lived a peaceful life in a small town named Dali. but then one day his best friend gets killed and he starts out on a journey to find his best friends' killer. he finds out more about the killer and his own past. that his best friend killer is himself.
Special Attacks:
Beam of Darkness.
more to come
Magic Attacks:
fairykiss - restores HP
ultimate dark (not used in RPBs)
Ultimate Darkness (never used...)
more to come
Limit Break Attacks:
Lion Rage
well more to come...
I made up a character, but this one is a character I am going to grow to learn with time, to practice with and be the best that I can. This character will be one I shall use for the rest of my time here.
Name: Kiyoko Sashinami (Key-yo-ko -- Sash-ee-nah-me)
Weight: 110 pounds
Height: 5'8"
Class: White Mage
Weapon: Kiyoko uses a rod, racket or staff, but her main weapon is called the Stardust Staff. The Stardust Staff is made up of a rare kind of metal, polished until it shines. Just above where Kiyoko holds her weapon, the metal splits in two and entertwines together. After doing so, it rounds up at the top, forming a circle. In the middle of that circle is a jewel, beautiful at sight. The jewel is a pale green, making it a peridot.
- Reflect Ring: A ring, with a silver. band and a green jewel centered in the middle. Very small, making it almost not visible. It also helps power up Kiyoko's defense.
- High Mage Tiara: A thin silver tiara, which helps power up Kiyoko's magic and magic attack.
Description: A pretty woman, wearing an off-the-shoulder shirt. It is a tan in colour, with a chocolate brown stripe around the neckline. The blue straps to a singlet are visible. She wears a skirt, the same colour as the shirt, split up the sides, with chocolate brown stripes around the splits. Underneath, Kiyoko wears black bike shorts. On her feet, Kiyoko has brown hiking boots on. Her dark green coloured hair hangs naturally at it's length, near her chin. A pair of large silver earrings are visible from her ears. Kiyoko also has sapphire blue eyes.
Bio: Kiyoko Sashinami was born in a small town in Japan, named Osaka. She was adopted when she was very young, at the age of three, by an American family. Kiyoko is originally Japanese, as you can tell by her name. Kiyoko unearthed a secret from her past, the fact that her mother had been an expert white mage, with extraordinary powers that could surpass some of the strongest sorcerors in the land. Her mother had left her a rare staff, called the Stardust Staff, but Kiyoko's adoptive family had hidden it, in fear that she could release the magical powers from within. Luckily, after some secret snooping, Kiyoko found it and began practicing with it straight away. Now, Kiyoko has become a full-fledged white magician, continuing to practice each and everyday she can.
Name: Nan'Dhat
Age: Twenty-Five
Race: Human
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 197 pounds
Eyes: Brown, Greenish
Hair: Brownish black, down the back in a clean, short ponytail.
Upper Body: Light rough, baggy, brown woolen shirt.
Lower Body: Sandals and Baggy, rough brown pants.
Armor: None
Main Class: Rune Master
Places runes on his body at spread apart time periods, to be used at later times as if spells. The different types of spells available are unlimited. What a rune does depends upon the view of the Rune Master casting it. The more time and more intricate a Rune is the more powerfull it is. After a couple of uses a ruin will fade and dissapear, yet the number of times depends upon the way that the rune was applied ot the Rune Master's body; drawn with ink, scraped on, burned on, Tattooed, engraved.
Sub Class: Monk
Trained in hand to hand combat, and a small amount of combat with a knife, Nan'Dhat prefers to use a spiked glove while fighting instead of bare hands.
Weaponry: Spiked Gloves, Dagger
All of these Items hang on his belt until needed in battle, but once he has drawn then he uses them profeesionally. The dagger is can be used as a thrown weapon. The spiked gloves are simple gloves with spikes where the knuckles are, they also have open fingers.
Magic: Rune
Magic depends upon what is prepaired upon for a battle. See: Main Class.
Freed from the confines of the West WatchTower Nan'Dhat, is just out traveling the world. Unfortunatly what the leaders of the tower were unable to do, is tame the arrogant spirit with Nan'Dhat for at his being born a prophecy was spoken that he would be one with great powers. The leaders made the mistake of letting him find out and as such Nan'Dhat does not fear what he rightfully should. The power of the Wide World.
Name: Yuki Taraguchi
Age: 17
Weight: 145 pounds
Height: 5'11"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Weapons: Dragon Sabre-A blade made of a legendary dragon's scale. It looks like a normal steel sword but with a light blue aura emitting from the line down the center. A dragon figure resides on the hilt.
Runic Blade-A sword of diamond, it was once owned by a old demon killer but, before he died, he sealed it away in a secret cave. When it was found by miners digging for gold, it was put in a museum because of its rarity. It soon changed hands many times until it was found by Yuki. It has strange writings which Yuki is yet to understand.
Description: Yuki has black hair that he keeps up with a bandana. On his left shoulder resides a shoulder pad which has iron rods protruding out of it. He wears a normal t-shirt and baggy pants. Yuki also has battle boots that go up to his shins.
Bio: Yuki comes from a long line of Demon Hunters. When he was 12 he went with his father to destroy the ultimate ruler of the demon world, Czerborog. In the battle his father was killed and Yuki was badly injured. Czerborog then sent Yuki far away from his home town. His only memory was his father's sword that he had grabbed and his mother's cloak he had made him before their journey. Now 17, and, after upgrading his father's sword into the Dragon Sabre. He is trying to find a way to return to the demon world.
Name: Adam
Age: 14
Weight: About 10 stone or 140lb
Height: About 5ft 9 inches
Race: Elf
Class: Forest Mage
Hair: Quite short, blond and wavy
Eye Colour: Blue
Clothing: Yellow robes with a belt and several pouches full with magical ingredients. The robes are a family heirloom, stolen when Adam ran away from his parents. Underneath these robes Adam wears a black t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. On his hands he wears a pair of leather gloves and on his feet he wears a pair of leather boots.
Weapons: Adam carrys a oak staff for his casting and defense. He also has, under his belt, his hazel wand and a beautifully crafted dagger, given to him on his 13th birthday by his father.
Spells: Fire
Song of the forest.
Summons: Gaia- The spirit of Earth itself
Natura- Spirit of the forest
Background: Adam comes from a noble family, one of the ruling class of a large city. However Adam was ignored, even with his skill in magic. So, one dark night, he stole his family's robes, took his dagger and ran from Capage. Since then he has been wandering the towns and villages in the area, protecting nature in all it's forms. It was in one of these towns that Adam crafted his hazel wand from a piece of hazel the length of his arm and a smoky quartz crystal. With the weapon he is very potent with his spells.
Something a little different for a change...
Name: Kara
Age: Unknown
Race: Valkyrie
Height: 5' 10" (178 cm)
Weight: 134 pounds (61 kg)
Eyes: green, with a ring of gold around the iris of her right eye
Hair: shoulder length, jet black with red streaks
Upper Body: The traditional Valkyrie top - a bronze torso wraparound which meets in the front and covers only her breasts which, if you must know, are an ample B cup... =P
Lower Body: Red leather pants almost reminiscent of the Disco Era and, almost daringly, no shoes. Her toes are painted in a deep red which matches her hair, as are her fingernails.
Armor: The traditional Valkyrie helmet - bronze with a ridge down the middle, long in the back to protect the neck, and the wings on each side of the head (but of course, only in battle)
Main Class: Warrior
Umm, well, let's see... she kicks arse? It's the whole "honor" thing, without the knight's training.
Sub Class: Mage Ninja
It's just an excuse to be quick and stealthy like a cat while still having slight magical ability. What can I say?
Weaponry: your every day household scythe
With a handle of black oak, the tungsten-bladed scythe curves eloquently from end to end, bringing the illusion of weakness in shape and proving all doubters wrong through the punishment of pain.
Magic: Fire
Do I have to explain this one? Come on, it's the red theme.
Known as the fallen Valkyrie, Kara has gone undercover in the reality that is not Valhalla. Staying true to her heritage, Kara searches the world for valiant soldiers of all species, but doesn't lead them back to Valhalla as she should. If you'll follow me for a moment, allow me to take you back in time...
Nearly five centuries ago, a beautiful young Valkyrie had caught the eye of every man on earth. Undoubtedly, all of the Valkyries were astoundingly beautiful creatures, but the new girl's presence overshadowed that of her comrades. Her name? Don't you know? It's none other than Kára. Oh, you ask why she is the fallen one? Well now, you may just have to wait, you understand?
Róta always was the fearless one, the Valkyrie who always brought home the most able of men. Jealous of this vibrant young beauty, she began plotting against Kára. Unknowingly, Kára continued to bring in larger and larger numbers of soldiers, from the French foot-soldiers to the underground orcs, hidden from sight. Rage built within Róta; after all, for any who don't already know, Róta means "she who causes turmoil." It would only be within her nature to wreak havok amongst her own kind.
While riding back to Valhalla, Róta slipped behind and called for Kára to help. Blind to the plot, Kára fell back and turned to help Róta. When Odin was told of Kára's "desertion" of Valhalla, he was outraged. But behind closed doors, the other Valkyries knew - and enjoyed - the loss of their finest warrior...
It's not exactly Kara's fault she's the fallen Valkyrie. What prompted the name change? Well, if you're going to fit in to the human world, it's best to look like one of them, right? Gone were the days of the accented vowels and the flowing blonde hair. Almost five centuries later, the times had changed her in many ways. She watched the development of urban warfare, lived through four world wars, marched for women's rights - twice... yet she never aged. And no one ever noticed.
Always on the move, Kara knew she could never stay in one place too long. But now, in a time of harmony throughout the species, she no longer has to run. But harmony within the species doesn't mean harmony throughout the world. Battle, be it for sport or for land, was a staple in earth's economy. When in Rome, do as the Romans do...
EDIT: Heh, I've been writing her eyes as green, so I thought I'd change it. I keep forgetting...
This one'll be way out there....
Name: Tess
Sex: Female
Age: She herself doesn't know
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 pounds
Eyes: Blood red, and her upper eyelids are black
Hair: Stringy, long, and black
Clothing: Black long-sleaved top, slashed, tattered, and wreaking of blood. Loose white pants held up by a back belt with silver studs. Black combat boots.
Class: Ex-Assassin
Weapons: Two knives, a sword, and fingernails. She prefers the knives or fingernails because of the need for close combat. She enjoys getting the blood of others on her hands.
Fever (internal temperature rises until the victim is boiled alive from the inside)
Chills (similar to Fever, except the victim's internal temperature drops)
Soul Sucker (life is slowly sucked away to replace Tess's HP)
Bio: Once one of the most feared assassins in the world, Tess was an elite fighter hired for impossible jobs that she completed with ease. Graceful and strong, she was considered unstoppable. The Beautiful Terror. However, her career was cut short when she took on an assignment even she could not complete. There was speculation that she had been set up by the company that had hired her. Either way, her target had been an equally powerful assassin, and- what was worse- knew she was coming. As she approached her target, she was taken by a surprise attack through the eyes that scrambled her mind. She fled from the battle with blood spilling from her irises (hence the red color) and struggled with her psychosis until it finally defeated her two years later. She was not herself anymore. Someone else had control of her. She was trapped inside of her own mind and couldn't control her actions. She began to satisfy her sudden lust for blood by cutting her wrists and licking them clean. Then she cut someone else. And she found a new drug to satisfy her addiction. She isolated herself from the world and found a home inside of an old abandoned building. She comes out at night, as a vampire does, and preys on new blood. But she never killed them herself. After taking enough blood to weaken the victim, she would bury them alive beneath the floorboards or within the walls of the old warehouse. Her home is haunted by the screams of her trapped victims. For her capture, a reward was offered. For her death, a bigger reward was offered. She does not fear death, making her very dangerous. She retained all her abilities as an assassin and gained new ones. Many have tried to rid the world of her, and all have failed. All she can do is kill. It's all she's capable of. Now, instead of a feared assassin, she has become a dreaded murderer and a plague. Her death would be a liberation, not only to those she terrorizes, but also to herself- the woman she used to be.
Fighter Name: Chloe
Weight: Fifty-two kilograms
Height: 5'5"
Class: Mercenary
Personality: An exceptionally stubborn and feisty woman, Chloe's temper will fire up in an instant if she is annoyed. A strange, yet wholesome person.
Description: Chloe has wavy red hair that reaches her exposed shoulders and azure coloured eyes, with a tinge of light blue rings around the iris. She is a tall and slender person.
Scorpion's Tail: The Scorpion's Tail is based off an immense bird with fiery, blazing wings. This sword is manufactured out of a black metal, with red and yellow patterns shaded on the top. It has malignant accuracy and is wholly eye-catching.
Daggers: Chloe has vivacious amounts of special kinds of daggers, crafted particularly for her, each with their own individual capacity and skill. Although daggers do not cause much damage to opponants wearing heavy armour, they do cause a small distraction for her to take advantage of.
Hell's Armlet: A fancy attachable on Chloe's right wrist. It is twisted into pretty curls and is a fury of reds, oranges and yellows. Gives her an advantage over typical fire magic.
Fire Fury: Chloe calls upon her fire magic, charging up her powers, until she unleashes a barrage of fireballs with exceeding power.
Burning Flame: Chloe uses most of her magical power to call forth this large fireball flame. If it hits the opponant, it causes alot of damage, and sometimes can cause burn.
Inferno Rain: Chloe summons a large flaming meteor from the sky and lauches a full-on assault on the enemy, with miniature meteors and fireballs in all.
Blazing Touch: Chloe uses her magical power to power her sword with flaming fire. She then uses her sword to slash her opponant numerous times, whilst it is still burning.
When Chloe was twelve years old, and still living in her biological village, she ran away, in fear of falling victim to her mother's abuse. Terrified that the damage that had been done was permanant, Chloe lived on the streets, stealing whatever she could from merchants and people who passed by. She learned to fight, after constantly being mugged, and soon used her thievery as a profession, for a short time. A mercenary group hired her as a mercenary, after learning of her skills.
Chloe began taking missions, that were unrelated to her past profession. Using what money Chloe had earned from her new job, she used it to create her own home, without the abuse from her early life. When on a return mission to her hometown, townsfolk recognised her as the runaway and notified her parents immediately. Her parents stalked her for a small period of time, before Chloe managed to escape to the Tournament of Arms, and try to compete for the grand prize money, which would help toward building a more secluded home.
Age:Because of his Elven blood,it is unknown
Race:Half Elf,Half Ultimar
Appearance:Silver hair,ears pointed back,emerald green eyes,dark purple clothing,and he wears an emerald pendant.
Weapon: An emerald and amathasyt sword which he calls Kaleidoscope
Teleport: By desorting time and space,using his Elven Magic,he can instantly transport to a near-by location.
Ultima Storm: By using his Ultima abilites,he can summon a wave of power around him,which flys at his enamies,a emits several bolts of lightning,until it disapates.
Minor Nova: By charging up for a few seconds,he can create a small energy blast to attack his enamies with.
Living Sword: With focusing his Elven Magic into his sword,he can temporarly bring it to life,and send it at his opponet.
Ultimar Transformation: By fusing his Elven half with his Ultimar half he can momentarly become an Omni-Ultimar,which gives him great power and new abilities,and his name becomes Bakura. His hair becomes much longer,his eyes glow bright green,and his pendant becomes part of his robes.Kaleidoscope glows bright.
Omni-Ultimar Abilities:
Weapon Shape Shift: He can transform Kaleidoscope into a spear,whip,or a raipier.
Crimson Symphony: By making Kaleidoscope split into several small piceces,he makes them fly at his opponet,and they come back to Bakura and forms back into his sword
Dark Shillouete: He creates a shadow copy of himself to occupy the enemie until...
Major Nova: By charging up for about a minute(a soild 60 seconds) he creates a large Nova Comet that falls unto the enemie.
Limit Break:
Omni-Ultima: If Bakura uses this move,he transforms back into his normal form.He only uses this move as a last resort.He focuses all of his power into his surrounding,and makes it explode.Then,lightning flashes around him,and then it freezes,and then it explodes into fire,which casuses an earthquake,and then he collapses.
Story: On a far away planet,far from Gaia,was a planet called Ro.The people there were Magic adepts,and had a Council of Mages,which was basically their form of goverment.The leader of the Council,Sharo,had a son named Codward(Me!).Codward had Magical talents,and loved to read books about Magic,and his people,but...he constantly held back in battle.His father and his brother,Seth,would often look down upon him because of this,because they believed he was wasting his talents.Also,they were stressed because there was a war going on with a neighboring planet.Codward could sense that their enemies were being manipulated by the Darkness.Codward's fear finally came true when the Darkness,which was called Trylum,attacked Ro head on.The people of Ro were killed,and then converted
into the Darkness.Codward knew in advance that the Darkness was coming,because of his dreams.He went into hiding for a time,but was found,and was presented to Trylum.Codward refused to join,and was almost converted,but the Gate of Stars,a powerful Light being,took Codward to Gaia.Codward felt that there were still some survivors,and they had to be close by,but when he got through the Gate of Stars,Codward lost his memory.He could only remember that he was a Mage,and some where,the Darkness was searching for him.He began to wander Gaia,until he found the River of Kings,and when he drank from it,he remembered that his own people were near by,but when he drank,he gained 6 different personalities.Through constant training,he was able to fuse them all down into two seperate personas,himself,and Bakura.He searches Gaia for his kind,and so his story begins...
Reposting this updated.
Name – Alexia Danae Romanova
Age – 19
Height – 5ft 6”
Magic – NONE
Physical Description – Extremely beautiful, carries Dćian blood in her which adds to it. Grey eyes, rimmed in a thin red, which gets brighter when enraged. Black hair down to her midback which is down most of the time to hide the tattoo of a Scorpia on the back of her back. Dćians were sort of branded when were born. She also has a tribal tattoo on her arm, which she got while drunk with a friend. She likes it though. Her skin is really pale but has no blemishes.
Weapons –
Fiarion Bow
She received this as a gift while in a dream state on top of the Mountain of Khardos. The Blood Queen Akasha tested her with three tests. These Alexia have never told anyone. But what she did tell her companions was that she had been chosen by the Gods to carry the bow. It is made of an indestructible metal called Adamantium; the two red capsules at the top are filled with Akasha’s blood. The redness will not fade and the power will not be lost. The string is made of Akasha’s hair. A blood red colour, the strongest thing in existence. It will not stretch out of shape and it takes a lot of strength to pull back. Luckily, Alexia has that strength.
Race – Dćian
Racial Characteristics:
Daeians are a very beautiful people. The blood of Daeia herself runs through their veins. Physically, their skin is regally pale, and their eyes are astounding. Whatever colour they are, brown, blue, green, grey, the colour is amplified to a point, which is unbelievable.
Daeians have an unnatural healing ability. Named Haeling by the Immortal Daeia. They heal extremely quickly in almost all circumstances. Except in the case of Scorpia poison.
Their temperament is usually calm, although you do not want to be around when someone angers them. They hate extremely easily. If someone angers them just once they have to deal with the idea of not ever being friends with the Daeian. Sometimes a Daeian will go a step further and kill the person who pissed them off. (God I’d love to do that )
Families are very close and children are cherished whereas the elders are highly respected and often visited for advice. Something, which is not widely known, is that Daeian are immortal, unless killed by physical force. They are immune to all illnesses apart from Scorpia poison.
Arranged marriages are not uncommon within the Daeian traditions. When a child is born two families from two different clans come to an agreement. Prayers are said and the children are cast unto. A ritual called Durr’ana takes place. A deep mental link is placed between the two and cannot be broken by anyone except Daeia herself. The link is a lot like chemistry. They lead to very intense passionate relationships.
Family – Her mother and father are both dead. Although a distant aunt cared for her and her siblings.
Bio – Born as in the Dćian mountains, she lived her life happily until she was seven. Her parents were killed by Mages while they were travelling through the Cloaklands to reach home. They were found. From then on her Aunt Maharet looked after the three children, Jenna, Alexia and Marik. When the Bounty Hunters found their home they ransacked it and killed everyone. Maharet was a Dćian Moria, a seer. She saw what was to become of the people, but her loyalties to Time forbid her from telling the people. But she loved her family too much. So at sunrise on the day of the attack. She sent them away. Alexia was the middle child. The youngest being Jenna at four, and the oldest being Marik at fourteen. They stayed at the Duergar fortress for three weeks. In that time, Marik ran away taking Jenna with him. Alexia wept for days. She stayed there for five years, learning to fight like the Duergar, the fiercest warriors in the south. Then when she was twelve, she ran away leaving her keeper a note explaining. She trekked to the north, and learned different styles of fighting. She worked in bars for money, and finally met the man who changed her life. His name was Yek. An assassin too old for the job. Alexia took over under his guidance and she made more money than ever before. Once Yek died she mourned but then took her skills to other parts of the continent. Still searching for her brother and sister. She was now sixteen. And then she finally got a lead on where they might be. A prison on the outskirts of a town in the Cloaklands.
Name : Raven Valentine
Age : 18
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 132 lbs
Occupation : Mercenary
Physical Descripton : Extremely Handsome , has Blue Eyes and Purple hair ( part of which is tied at the back to create a small pony-tail ). He is quite well toned and muscular. Wears Black baggy trousers , a long-sleeved Navy Blue top and a waist length sleeveless black denim Jacket with a Sliver Dragon on the back.
Magic : Can call upon the power of the North Wind ( Ice ) to aid him in battle in the form of a frezzing blast he calls " Shiva's Breath ". He is at his weakest when he is invoking the North Winds Power as it takes alot of concentration.
Primary Weapon : Twin Daggers
Weapon Name : Yin & Yang
Secondary Weapon : Gloves
Weapon Name : Infernis
Family : One Younger Brother ( 14 ) in a foster home. Parents died when he Raven was 14.
Bio :
Raven Valentine is an Enigma. He is quite cold towards any who seek his companionship and any who raise the subject of his past. All that is known is that he is alone in the world and as such feels it is his destiny to remain alone.
After the death of his Parents he left his hometown and travelled the world , deciding to live the life of a Mercenary taking any job for the right price with no questions asked. This eventually earned him enough money to start a new life for himself.
His motives weren't completely self-centered though , a small amount of the money he made was sent to his younger brother Chris who had been sent to a foster home following their parents death. One of Ravens ultimate goals is to make enough money to be able to Adopt his brother and bring him to live with his Brother.
Thou shalt create a new Character.
Name: Shadow Veyron
Class: Mage
Race:Ter'Dal (Dark Elf)
Age: equivilent to 18 Truely 250
Past: Ruler over many of the valanic lands, due to grand magic, and superior power, ALthough he was once strongest he died from assassination.
Seriyachir: The 7 bladed sword used in the ancient war between Good & Evil.
Magics: Nothing more than a Simple warp spell used to take enemies to his Darkened plain, where he remains stronger.
Other Character:
Name: Vincent Valentine
Age: 27
Race: Human
Class: ShapeShifter
Death Penalty: A powerful rifle, now attached with a bayonet, But in this zone is oddly restricted from firing.
Claw: Uhh simple enough.
Oh nother thing Vincent turns to Shadow, Due to me being a big fan of the grand series I created tons of new limits for vincent (only him) in ealier fanfics in other places.