Introducing my favorite Arch Villian
Hello everyone this is my first post here as well as my first character here. I decided to make an exception and NOT pick my favorite hero but one of my more...unusual creations. Originally this character comes out from a story that I've written and kinda got stuck midway with it. Anyway I hope he'll fit nicely here. Either way I'm intending on introducing some of my favorite "good guys" from my story as well in the near future.
25 Tyr-Kazan cycles.
Height: 213 cm
Weight: 121 Kg
Eyes: Pupiless black
Hair: none
Skin: Its exposed skin glows with the liquid shadow Dryph crystal that runs through its veins and fused to his skin is an insectoid midnight blue caprice with patterns of jet black stripes to it which encases him much like a plate mail would.
General Description:
The most outstanding feature in his appearance is his wings, a pale lattice work of bones make out the frame for two 10 feet long wings which tend to softly drift in the air as though they were hovering behind him. Each of wings end in sharp bony ends so once opened almost seem like an actual pair of jaws that awaits to close down on the unexpecting prey. Along his spine there are four pairs of tentacles made of pure shadow-stuff which immerse into his spine. His head is surrounded by similar bony tips that appear as a crown of thorns there although they are a part of his insectoid caprice.
Firmly muscled throughout his body. being a Tsarkhan Nephalite he is a living dreadnought of insectoid exo-skeleton with the celestial features of an Eternal Seraphim warrior. The liquid crystal that flows through his veins (much like the equivalent to human adrenaline) can cause his body to rapidly dense its muscular tissue and harden his bones, allowing his physical strength to temporarily double. When the crystalline fluid is at normal flow rate his body tends to appear almost as an Elf, lithe and graceful with his bony wings appearing like a crown of shimmering ivory behind him. It should be noted that being a Tsarkhan, his natural born physique is half insectoid which gives him inhuman strength due to his insect' exoskeleton as well as inhumanly quick instincts.
Xythsrak is an avatar of Helya Herkasal – queen of the Tsarkhan hive. He is the champion of his queen's insane vision of a third hive that shall conquer all of
Tyr-Kazan as well as the mysterious dark Dryph' crystal entities who have allied with her. Xythsrak' loyalty to his queen can only be matched by his sadistic nature. He is proud to march the destructive path his queen (and mother) destined for him and only has a heart for corruption and victory in his queen's name. His sole selfish aspiration is to bring ruin to all of her opponents be whoever they maybe.
Kohrii-Vyl – Is an organic sword with a blade made of a materiel which is very similar to diamonds in structure and strength. No one but Helya Herkasal herself know the origin of the strange warped blade, partially covered in hardened crust it seems much like a Tsarkhan caprice yet at the same time its blade seems like something made by the Druegars.
Kohrii-Vyl is a cross between a distorted Tsarkhan limb and a chaos sword.
Its hilt rapidly burrows serpentine extensions into Xythsrak wrist whenever he draws it. Being a chaos sword it nourishes on the essence of its champion and to maintain balance Xythsrak has to constantly feed with through his shadow stuff tentacles to satisfy the ravenous blade. When he doesn't keep it well fed it gradually feeds on him, distorting parts of his body to the point of nearly completely transforming him into an abyssal devourer – one of the few left in the whole of Tyr-Kazan behind the guise of his Nephalim form.
Cacophonic hymn – As a Nephalite his psionic voice carries a dark weight of suggestion to it, seducing mortals to commit acts of insanity and repressed desires.
There are renown myths and legends in taverns that lie near Tsarkhan tunnels, of men and women committing terrible crimes of unholy nature against their loved ones and hapless innocents with no reason behind them. Rumors have it in of a sanctuary deep in the desert lands of Jin-Qadim where an order of healers who have been blessed by the Eternal empress Sylan Star-seer herself which can cure those whose ears have succumbed to a Nephalite's dark seduction.
Furhtermore, the runic words which he uses to carry this attack are banished by all things that are divine, living and unliving. No being but a Nephalite may use those invocations without becoming inevitably insane.
Spirit Spectra – An innate ability of the Nephalite is that he can switch from its normal vision (that slightly leans deeper into the Infrared spectra so he's more sensitive to body heat) is to see the spiritual essence of all living beings when he chooses to. Since his shadow-self actually feeds on others' spirits his Spirit Spectra allows him literally to track his prey.
Mind Shriek – Being an active psionic Xythsrak can send out a pulse into his opponent's mind, in the psionic equivalent to a scream. Attempting to literally overload his victim's brain cells and possibly cause them permanent brain damage.
Oblivion's embrace – Once in reasonable proximity Xythsrak can close his bone-frame wings upon his enemy and drive the dozens of sharp dagger-like bony ends of them into his opponent. Crushing them in their powerful grip as well as biting into them.
Soul feast – Using his shadow-stuff tentacles Xythsrak can strike out with them into his opponent, being made of sheer shadow-material they are ethereal in nature and latch onto the opponent's very soul, flooding it on sheer pain. This attack can also be used in several other manners as well as be combined with the Cacophonic hymn or/and with the mind shriek.
Break level 1
Once his blood flows fast enough the Dryph crystals that course in his vessels rapidly increase his strength, stamina and instincts, once this ability reaches its finite limit his fingers meld together and are capable of being used as blades by their own right, each having the penetrating potential of a hurling spear.
Break level 2
Using his psionic voice he attempts to drag his opponent into the darkest depths of despair and hopelessness while closing his wings around his opponent.
Break level 3
Using his shadow tentacles, wings and psionic voice altogether he strikes out into his opponent's spirit, and attempts to rend them of all emotions, skin and flesh altogether like a starving beast unleashed at its prey. This attack is the very incarnation of the Nephalite's innate dark hunger.
Break level 4
Once Kohrii-Vyl is roused enough in the heat of battle the sword's temper loses its balance and it feeds on the Nephalite's enemy as well as on the Nephalite itself, at the apex of the sword's gluttony, the sword merges completely with Xythsrak's body and together they transform into an abyssal devourer – a sub-race of Tsarkhans who were hunted down and almost completely exterminated but for a few of them which Helya Herkasal chose to let them live and serve her schemes. Once taken this form he cannot return to his Nephalite form until the sword's temper has calmed away and even then both of them need to calm down together as to regain their normal form (If anyone wants more details about abyssal devourers pm me or reply to this post to my email and I'll put out the full description of an abyssal devourer as it is a fairly complicated explanation, regardless I believe that in one of the battles in the near future you'll receive a reasonable comprehension of what the abyssal devourer form exactly is and what its abilities are).
Xythsrak was spawned as the first hybrid Tsarkhan whose blood itself was fused with liquid dark Dryph within it. His entire race was banned of use of any magical abilities but their hive queen herself by the beings who are only known in Tyr-Kazan as "the Ancients". Under these limitations Helya Herkasal made a pact with the Dark Dryph to create a new lineage of Tsarkhans who will allow the Dryph to spread their influence throughout the land by symbiozing with the new breed's blood. Xythsrak' birth announced the dawning of a new era for his magically decapitated race as well as for the Dark Dryph who lay idle for a hundred years throughout the citadels of the insectoid race. With the dark Dryph being flowing in his veins he has access to psionic powers that compensate for his magical inabilities. Currently he is the commander of Helya's most elite unit of hybrid warriors. Deep within their underground chambers Helya's third hive lies dormant and awaits Xythsrak return with his announcement of Ryna Tsarack's death. The elusive assassin that betrayed his queen and swore to free her people from the hive queen's tyranny. Yet, the hunt lingers on…
The Survon: Kris Von Craven
Basic Information
Name: Kristopher VonCraven
Date of Birth: The twenty-ninth day of Survonis in the year 2211
Age: 26
Place of Birth: Valkeep, Survon
Current Location: Valkeep
Left or Right handed: Ambi-Dexterious
Appearance: Standing an above average five feet, eleven inches tall, Kris stands a good six inches over the average citizen of Valkeep. Sporting the common pale white complexion that almost all Survonians have, Kris has two rare features that seem to make him stand out like a sore thumb. The first feature, his eyes, which have a cloudy blue hue that are quite serious due to the scar that trails from the left side of his left eye to the bottom of his thin lips, compared to the common light-hearted brownish-black. The second, his ears which are rounded at the top and have connected lobes, while the common Survonian has pointed tips and unconnected lobes, much like the mythical elf. All these features are contained in a squarish jaw line that ends in a somewhat pointed chin with a bit of a cleft in it. Close cropped and slicked back, black hair seems to make Kris look more grim than he actually is. Kris is in extraordinary shape, with lean, strong muscles and picture perfect abs. Kris has long lean legs, built for speed, unlike many of the Survonians whom have short legs.
For apparel, Kris wears a black and white, short sleeved tight fitting T-shirt as well as a pair of faded, loose fiting blue-turning-grey jeans. A white belt hugs his waist and also holds the sheath for his weapons. As for shoes, Kris sports a black pair of boots that are tightly laced and good for running.
Severance: As per all Survonians, Kris trained in the inherent ability of manipulation as a child. Choosing Veronite, a lightweight, sturdy metal as his focus. Kris' weapons are two, one foot long veronite rods. After years of training, Kris is able to make these rods take nearly any form, though the form he most prefers is just a simple extension of a single rod into a staff that's five feet in length. Very rarely does he even need to use both rod, though if the situation should arise, he has the rods extend to a length of two feet, four inches, as well as giving them a simple hand guard.
Skill Sets: (INCOMPLETE AS OF 6/18/07)
Skill Set: Shen Ki
Reki-No Han: Kris strikes his foe first with a right-handed blow to the chest, followed almost instantly by a left handed palm strike and quickly ended by a counter clockwise right legged sweep.
Densho-Ki: Kris comes at his foe with a left elbow strike to the face followed by a lightining quick right punch to the chest and ending with a straight kick to the mid-section to knock the opponent back.
No-Ganshi: A set of three ferociously fast left-legged kicks. The first aimed at the back of the foe's knee, quickly followed by a kick to the center of the foe's back and ended with a side kick to the foe's head.
Skill Set: Controlled Fury
Decadance: Kris comes in with a right-legged straight kick to the mid-section, followed quickly by a vicious set of three punches to the face. The first strike is a left handed straight, followed by a a right handed uppercut and ending with a devasting left hook.
Blazing Strike: Kris unleashes a last resort burst of energy and unloads a fury of fast and vicious punches to his foe's face and body.
Crimson Flash: Kris rushes forward and launches a quick left kick to his foe's face, followed by a right handed straight to the chest and ended with a devastating palm strike to his opponents nose.
SKill Set: Severance
Sendo-Chi: Kris lances forward with his weapon and strikes his opponent with a stab aimed at the solar plexis, followed quickly by a upward strike to the chin and ended with a quick left-to-right sided slap to the side of the face.
Den-Ha Kris comes at his foe with a strike to the outside of the right knee, followed by a strike to left side of the ribcage and ends with a strike to right side of the face.