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Thread: TFF Royalty

  1. #481
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Indeed. I kinda would like DH's character to talk to Gwinnyn after my next post. Since Gwinnyn has been there for quite some time, I'm going to assume that the two of them have met at some time, especially since Gwinnyn is an important figure in the hospital and such.

    Its not really a super-important thing that they "need" to talk or anything, I just think it would make sense since they are in the same building and all. You'd think they would bump into each other at some point. ^_^

  2. #482
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Wow the crickets are really chirping around here, or maybe the chicadas if you are in Japan... heh. Anyways, Just wondering if anyone has a lifesign. I'm bored. ^_^

  3. #483
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I finally finished my post. It took me a while to get my characters sorted out. If I had not had problems with the new characters then I would have had this up a long time ago. But now that it is done I can get finally post some things that I have been holding on to until I posted it. I shall introduce you now to a whole cast of new characters that I've made to begin opening up the scope and scale of the RP. They are right now meant as side stories to supplement the main story and possible provide some points of interest for us to travel to.

    Here are the new characters:

    Name: Ulric Qui Fonbre
    Age: 47
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Jumin
    Magic Element (If applicable): None
    Occupation: Military General
    Social Status: Career Military – Lower Class
    Weapons (If applicable): Sword
    Appearance: Ulric is an aging man with dark brown hair that is graying. The battlefield and war has hardened his features giving him a stern and sometimes dark expression. His eyes are deeply set into his face making them appear black or empty in the light of day. He wears his Jumin military uniform with the markings of his rank. Any medals he has earned he leaves off of his uniform not interested in empty honors that represent. He keeps his military issued sword at his side along with a specially crafted sword.
    Background: Ulric was born a commoner in Jumin joining the military when he became of age. He had decided from an early age that he was going to make a career of the military wanting to leave the poverty that he was in. While he was young he had ideals of changing the kingdom and making the world safer. However, as he saw war for his first time it became clear to him that he could never make that a reality.
    He was not detoured though showing himself to be a strong leader and quickly advanced through the ranks. He became General at the age of 35 and currently commands the 4th army of Jumin. In the current war with Kithur he played an important role in the defense of the northern regions preventing the advance of Kithur after the 2nd army was overwhelmed by Kithur magical forces.
    However, he has been redeployed with the rising tensions along the western border of Jumin. The magic attack on the village that started the whole incident does not set well with him. While he known for being the most adaptive in the military to the changing times he remains opposed to magic. In spite of that fact, he has been given a magic detachment in his otherwise traditional army of non-magic users.

    Name: Choron Galin Liathor
    Age: 51
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Kithur
    Magic Element (If applicable): None
    Occupation: Military General
    Social Status: Career Military - Noble
    Weapons (If applicable): Lance
    Appearance: Choron has an aged, wrinkled face with long completely gray hair tied back. He has a fatherly appearance in his eyes caring about his men more than his own life at times. This gives him a sometimes more youthful glow through all of the wrinkles. He wears his Kithur military uniform with his General markings. He wears a single medal from his uniform a sign of his dedication to his men. His modestly handcrafted lance is carried in hand at his side and his military issued sword at his side.
    Background: Choron was born into a noble family of Kithur that had a long military service. His entrance into the military academy was expected and planned. He learned his values of honor and dedication from his family carrying that with him on the field. While his status as a noble would have immediately given him a ranking position in the military he served as a regular soldier for a period of time before finally accepting an officer position.
    He was a young general at the age of 30 taking command of the Northern Kithur forces. Choron was welcoming of magic users creating a separate division for them within his command. His well-trained magic corps led to the victory in the north against Jumin that has given them control of the Jumin’s coastal lands.
    Since the victory his command has been on border patrols until the next offensive begins. However, the recent incident along the border in the east had him recalled from the north to confront the new developing tensions with Jumin.

    Name: Artia Renn Winor
    Age: 28
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Kithur
    Magic Element (If applicable): Wind
    Occupation: Kithur Military Magic Special Forces
    Social Status: Commoner
    Weapons (If applicable): Sword
    Appearance: Artia has short neck length blonde hair and green eyes. Her work in the military gives her a lean and tone build that most women that stay at home do not achieve. Due to her work she does not have a specific uniform or attire that she wears. She is currently wearing a standard Kithur female military uniform.
    Background: Artia had a normal life born to a commoner family far from the conflicts of the border. Her normal life was turned upside down when it was learned that she could use magic at the age of 16. Once the Kithur military learned of her abilities she was quickly drafted into the military against her family’s wills.
    Artia developed a stubborn attitude to the military that was training her to kill their enemies. She was quick to anger when she became cross nearly killing anyone who remained nearby. The military saw that her power could not be overlooked, but that she would not make in the standard military. It was decided that due to her abilities and intelligence she would be transferred to a new group being formed for magic users only.
    The Kithur Military Magic Special Forces was founded by a General in the military that discovered his own magic powers and with the blessing of the military and king put together a specialized group for magic users only. Since it was run only by magic users it was a place that Artia was able to accept. It was still the military, but she found some comrades that were the same as her.
    Once her training was completed she was given a squad of three members to command. She has since been deployed in the field during the war working behind enemy lines independently of the regular military. Artia’s squad is currently assigned to General Liathor’s forces in the magical division under the false name of Artia.

    Name: Polin Gjuren Eiyure
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Cormenyr
    Magic Element (If applicable): Water and Darkness
    Occupation: Kithur Military Magic Special Forces
    Social Status: Commoner
    Weapons (If applicable): Gauntlets
    Appearance: Polin has short red hair and blue energetic eyes. He is often seen smiling making his young appearance even more youthful. The cheerful nature that flows through him makes him easygoing. There are vials of liquids underneath his Kithur standard military uniform in protective metal cases that he uses in some of his attacks.
    Background: Polin grew up in Cormenyr near to the border of Kithur. His magical powers first awakened when he was eight, but they were not recognized until several years later. Polin’s control over water allowed him to manipulate it in such a way along with his darkness element giving dysentery to his entire town periodically. His powers gained recognition when he caused the rain to stop around the town when he became angry one day.
    Once it was discovered that he had magic he was exiled from his town forced to go north leading him into Kithur. He wondered around until he was found by Artia during her first mission. His abilities led to the poisoning of one of her team becoming impressed with his talents. The Kithur accepted him into the special forces with great interest in his darkness ability that allowed him to create poisons or antidotes.
    After he received a military training he joined Artia’s team replacing the member that he had poisoned years before. He is currently assigned in the General Liathor’s magical unit with his squad under the false name of Polin.

    Name: Farign Ronil Aurit
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Kithur
    Magic Element (If applicable): Earth
    Occupation: Kithur Military Magic Special Forces
    Social Status: Commoner
    Weapons (If applicable): Two-handed long sword
    Appearance: Farign is a surprisingly short man, but quite muscular from his time doing heavy lifting. While he is not overly muscular, it does require him to have a larger uniform. He has combed black hair and piercing brown eyes covered by his narrowed brow that is often quick to anger. On his back he carries his large sword that stands taller than him.
    Background: Farign was born into a merchant family that traveled the kingdom. Due to his unusual strength at a young age he would do much of the lifting of goods and merchandise along side his father. It was later discovered that his strength came from his magical abilities to manipulate the earth. When he prevented a landslide from taking out a village that they were trading with he was quickly taken by the military.
    Once taken in by the military he was put into the special forces seeing his extraordinary strength and talents with magic. Most of his magical abilities are passive working on his body, but he can manipulate the earth around him just as easily. He was placed in Artia’s squad at the start of its formation. He is currently assigned in the General Liathor’s magical unit under the false name of Farign.

    Name: Ginurn Thal Allitana
    Age: 32
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Jumin
    Magic Element (If applicable): Fire
    Occupation: Military Captain
    Social Status: Middle Class
    Weapons (If applicable): Sword
    Appearance: Ginurn is a tall man with blonde hair tied back doing past his shoulders and blue eyes. He wears the standard Jumin military uniform with a slight variation in color around the collar to signify him as a magic user. At his side is by appearance a standard issued sword, but it has been forged with the fire that he can wield making stronger and allowing him to transfer flames through the metal.
    Background: Ginurn was born into a middle class family that owned a shop in the capital of Jumin. However, he entered the military academy rather than taking over the family business. His family disowned him for the disgrace and he was left alone in the world. While in one of his first assignments in a regiment his magical powers were displayed. After that time the military took a deep interest in furthering his abilities to combat the rising numbers of magic users in Kithur.
    He abilities allowed him to rise through the ranks, but due to the prejudice that existed by the normal soldiers and officers it was difficult for him to gain a real command until the military put him in command of an attachment of magic users. He has since commanded them unable to advance further in rank due to being a magic user. However, he is gain to provide a place for other magic users knowing how lonely it is in the military.
    Ginurn attachment is independent from the rest of the Jumin military being assigned where they are necessary at any given time. They are currently attached to the 4th army under General Fonbre.

    Name: Kethyir Aion Ghiyon
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Jumin
    Magic Element (If applicable): Ice
    Occupation: Drafted Soldier
    Social Status: Commoner
    Weapons (If applicable): Sword
    Appearance: Kethyir is an average man with brown hair and eyes. He wears the standard Jumin military uniform with the alteration for magic users.
    Background: Kethyir was drafted into the Jumin military by force at the age of 15 from his family. His magical powers were discovered when he turned part of a river into ice to stop his little sister from drowning in the wild rapids of the river. At his young age he was looked down upon frequently by the other soldiers. He was never able to fit into the units that he was assigned to until he was eventually assigned to the magic attachment under the command of Captain Allitana.
    He serves in the attachment along with the small handful of other magic users. Since joining the attachment he has found a place that he can be more open, but still prefers to keep to himself. While on the frontlines he is a fierce warrior choosing more to use magic over his sword allowing him to trap people in his ice either completely or partially. It has been in part to the attachments efforts that have held off the Kithur invasion from the north.

    Name: Enith Julin Poiry
    Age: 30
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Pilner
    Magic Element (If applicable):
    Occupation: Holy Knight
    Social Status: Commoner
    Weapons (If applicable): Sword
    Appearance: Enith is a tall woman with a commanding stature. She has long light brown hair tied back in thin leather. She wears her knight’s armor with her family’s sword at her side.
    Background: Enith was born into a devote family that strictly followed the religion of Pilner. She wished to serve her kingdom the best she could, but the military would not have a woman. Instead, she joined the clergy hoping to find a way that she could serve her kingdom. When the church began to enlist knights to serve them in their holy crusade Enith immediately joined. The church had even stricter rules about women in the military, but she disguised herself in full plate armor. Once she passed the exam they requested to see her face. She had her proxy swear them to the holy scripture that they would accept her no matter the manner in which she appeared. While confused and reluctant they agreed and thus forced to accept her or risk break and bond swore to the gods.
    The awkward position that she put them in earned her a reputation of being a shrewd woman. It also earned her the spite of those that she tricked. Her next five years were a living nightmare forcing her to do endure physical and mental abuse from the all male company. She had had enough of the torture and fought back nearly killing two men in the process furthering her reputation as someone not to cross. It did earn her a position in the Holy Knights and a forced respect.
    Her ruthless and coldhearted nature made her best suited for the inquisition squads. She currently only has one member in her squad. However, she carries a prisoner with her in her hunts for magic users across Pilner.

    Name: Iythun Opile Qolii
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Pilner
    Magic Element (If applicable):
    Occupation: Holy Knight
    Social Status: Noble
    Weapons (If applicable): Lance
    Appearance: Iythun is a man of average height and somewhat muscular build. He has short blond hair with a thin ponytail and green eyes. As with other knights he wears his armors with lance at his side.
    Background: Iythun was born into a noble family that along had a history of serving the kingdom. Since the religion of the kingdom gained strength the family began to serve the religion becoming knights. Iythun followed that tradition, though not as skilled or interested in serving as his predecessors. He was able to quickly gain rank in the knights.
    Not having the interest in serving the religion fully he was not given positions close to the clergy. Rather than being a guardian he was placed in the inquisition squads. Once he was giving the chance taste blood there was a change of heart within his demeanor. He takes great pleasure killing those that go against the church refining his last skills. He is currently under the command of Enith, but awaits the day to push the woman aside.

    Name: Wolia Linin Ahelin
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Cormenyr
    Magic Element (If applicable): Sensor
    Occupation: Prisoner - None
    Social Status: Prisoner - None
    Weapons (If applicable): None
    Appearance: Wolia is a girl of weak and unkempt appearance. She is given a simple brown leather dress to cover her that is caked in mud. She has long wild blonde hair and pale gray eyes.
    Background: Wolia was born into a noble family with a peaceful life. She lived a charmed life within her mansion being groomed to be a wife once she old enough. However, that all changed when it was discovered that she had magical powers. Due to the strange nature of her magic it cannot be observed, but verified through other magic users.
    She can sense other magic users through the use of her magic, a rare and unique gift that is not possible for other magic users. As it was understood other magic users were unable to detect each other, at best a trained eye could see magic in the air. However, she was able to see the dormant magic that was invisible to even the eyes of magic users. This made her a powerful and dangerous tool. The church quickly kidnapped her and staged her execution.

    Once the public believed that she was dead that began forcing her to use her powers to locate other magic users. She was uncooperative at first, but after the years of physical and mental abuse that she suffered it dulled everything in her mind and body. It is difficult for her to feel anything, even the further abuse that she receives is meaningless. She does not have to point out magic users at her age anymore as she reacts strongly to the proximity of one. She is currently assigned to Enith’s inquisition squad.

    A list of the character names that I have thus far, to make it a little easier to read.

    Eris Kiur Rhiemiu – Main Characters
    Wihnem Nal Bironi – Jumin agent looking for Eris
    Ulric Qui Fonbre – Jumin General
    Choron Galin Liathor – Kithur General
    Artia Renn Winor – KMMSF Leader
    Polin Gjuren Eiyure – KMMSF Member
    Farign Ronil Aurit – KMMSF Member
    Ginurn Thal Allitana – Jumin Captain - Magic
    Kethyir Aion Ghiyon – Jumin Soldier – Magic
    Enith Julin Poiry – Pilner Holy Knight
    Iythun Opile Qolii – Pilner Holy Knight
    Wolia Linin Ahelin – Pilner Prison

    Also a comment on Wolia's gift. I want to make it clear that the only sensing of magic general magic users can do is the emissions of magic after the use of a spell. The actual ability to sense magic in others and identify them as a magic user is strictly limited to a few individuals. This is not DBZ or Bleach where you can feel magical powers or pressures or something like that. I'm saying this because if everyone could detect magic in others then it would too easy for the enemy that has magic powers as well to find someone. And that is clearly not the case as people have had to find recruits and what not through the display of their magic.

    I'm having some deja vu with what I just said, so I may have repeated myself, but I just wanted to make that point clear. If you can work it out so that you can sense magic in some unique way through your powers that is fine. Wihnem can detect other lightning users because of the charge, its subtle, but its that he can detect. Though it requires him to be very close, sort of like one magnet being attracted to another magnet when very close.
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  4. #484
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    While I don't mind that you have a shitload of characters and all, I do recall that being an issue earlier. That is the main reason I purged a number of my chars... it gets confusing for others to keep up with that many chars... and mine had easy to remember names, not complicated ones like yours. ^_^ Thats one gripe I have with Bleach. While there are a number of chars that are used often, when they start throwing in all the side chars that show up once in a while, it just gets confusing. I can't keep up with which shinigami is what rank in what division since there are 12 different divisions with different ranks, etc. Plus they all have different abilities and which ones can or cannot use Bankai... and God forbid wtf their name is. At least since I can visually see them in an anime, I can keep track of their personalities. In a story, it just becomes a blur. Just something to keep in mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    Also a comment on Wolia's gift. I want to make it clear that the only sensing of magic general magic users can do is the emissions of magic after the use of a spell. The actual ability to sense magic in others and identify them as a magic user is strictly limited to a few individuals. This is not DBZ or Bleach where you can feel magical powers or pressures or something like that. I'm saying this because if everyone could detect magic in others then it would too easy for the enemy that has magic powers as well to find someone. And that is clearly not the case as people have had to find recruits and what not through the display of their magic.

    I'm having some deja vu with what I just said, so I may have repeated myself, but I just wanted to make that point clear. If you can work it out so that you can sense magic in some unique way through your powers that is fine. Wihnem can detect other lightning users because of the charge, its subtle, but its that he can detect. Though it requires him to be very close, sort of like one magnet being attracted to another magnet when very close.
    I don't have time this moment to read through all of your character profiles, so I'll focus on the last part mainly.

    Your deja vu is probably because these "ideas" you came up with were already created by myself when I first joined this RP:

    • Tyrbane has had such an ability from day one. When his eyes change to silver, he gains special abilities, the most basic of which is to analyze his opponent's magical abilities and capabilites down to the minute level. I suppose you could say its similar to the Byakugan and Sharingan, but only at its most basic level. If you have kept up with my plot so far, you would notice that he has used this technique several times already. While I have not delved into the deeper aspects of this skill, I have clearly documented his use of it. That being said, the idea of someone being able to analyze magic users has already been in play from the getgo.
    • Yuuna has a similar ability to that of Tyrbane. One might find this peculiar since she is not blood related to Tyrbane in any way. Unlike Tyrbane, she is able to analyze a person's physical characteristics down to the minute level, which aids greatly in her healing magic abilities. While other healers are busy trying to figure out what is wrong with someone, she can easily identify the problem and begin working on the solution. She used this ability on Alastora when she was severely burned.
    • While this is not DBZ or Bleach, I have also documented people's ability to sense an overwhelming output of magical force. This isn't the sensation of noticing someone's presence, persay. My take as it always had been from the start, is that if someone is releasing a massive amount of energy, whether controlled or not, people would be able to notice that something is not right and be affected by it, even if they are not magic users. To me, the perception of magic would be similar to that of radiation. None of the human senses can detect radiation. If you were placed in a room with plants and animals and the room was flooded with lethal levels of radiation, your senses would tell you nothing. What you would notice is your nose starting to bleed uncontrollably, the feeling of dizziness and nausea, the plants withering, the animals moving slower and dying. Your skin would begin to change and all of your surroundings would slowly begin to alter. Whether or not you were knowledgeable in radiation, you wouldn't know for certain what was causing these events to happen, but you would definately know something was seriously wrong. You could feel and see the results, but not the actual substance.

      To me, that is what magic is like. Regular people cannot percieve magic at all, unless it is a spell that creates a physical object, such as fire, water, etc. Magic users can sense a large quantity of magical "trash" that gathers, but like regular people, anything beyond that is beyond sensing. But, if someone released a magic seal, for instance, a large quantity of energy would surge through their body. The stronger the seal, the more energy that would be released, some of it waste most likely. Even though that flow of energy is controlled, regular people nearby would not be completely clueless as to what is going on. They wouldn't know what is causing the changes around them, but they would clearly know something was amiss. Some strange force was pressing against them, perhaps even altering the landscape around them. While not percievable by any regular sense, the effects would still be noticable to anyone paying attention. It would be much more noticeable if it was uncontrolled of course. Someone who is good at controlling his magical energy would be able to keep the energy flow relatively focused around himself. Uncontrolled energy would flow haphazardly away from the person.

      For example, in my latest post, Yuuna releases a massive amount of energy, which had a physical effect on Tyrbane and the surrounding area. He wasn't "sensing" that there was someone with a large amount of magical capability nearby, he was feeling the effect of an obscene quantity of uncontrollable energy being outputted from somewhere nearby. He assumed that someone with too much power was doing it, but honestly he has no idea. It could be a magical fissure erupting from the ground or something.
    Last edited by Merlin; 03-16-2008 at 11:07 PM. Reason: gave better example... etc

  5. #485
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well the extra cast of characters allow me to expand the story of the RP. The main focal point that I have an interest in is drawing on the tensions and war between the two kingdoms. I could have just had it nameless and side bars, but giving them faces help make it a little more personal.

    As for magic, it is a fantasy world. And magic because it is a fictious idea has no preset rules it has to follow. Meaning we can make it up as we and in this case I making up some guidelines for the magic for the sake of keeping things from not making a lot of sense story wise. Personally, the physics or whatever magic is not my concern. If everyone and their dog can sense magic it would beg the question why they would be so difficult to find. And it has been clear since the beginning that unless someone uses their magic you can't tell they are different from anyone else. And I did say its a rare gift, not one that you can't ever have. What's happened already I don't really care about, but I don't want it to get out of hand.

    And since we are on the subject of magic, I shall explain how magic works in this world. That way you see where I'm coming from. Magic does not exist in the person's body in this world. It is not some power that they draw on from inside themselves. Its something that they draw on from nature, if you want a comparison its like the spirit bomb. Making yourself stronger won't make you stronger magically. Its about the focus and ability to connect with nature around you and bend it to your will and channel it. That would be why you cannot detect magic inside someone. It is not there to see. Someone has to be channeling it or focusing it for you to see them using magic.


    I'm just going to keep what I said rather than delete it. I read it over a second time since I was a little distracted when I was reading. But it sounds as though you are in the same opinion of me however, misunderstood it is. I'm not discounting what you did. Since you explained yourself it makes things a little clearer. My concerns and feeling to clarify things stemmed from Shadow and you who both 'appeared' to have the idea that you could sense other magic users. Shadow was specifically wanting to use that to locate Eris at one point. And reading some of the posts Merlin gave me the opinion that you were leaning that way as well. But seems that you are actually on my side even if it seems like your arguing against me.

    It sounds like you are agreeing with what I'm saying since we are saying the same things. So I don't have to worry about things then. I'm still keeping the clarification so that others are not confused by it.

    And I'm keeping the characters, I had the war in mind, this just gives them a face as I said. Better to have a face than none at all. Oh and I can only remember about half of the names of your characters. Which is probably better than me, since as you say they are not easy to remember. But this is a fantasy, I'm not using Japanese or English names. It has no relation to the world we live it. They have a different culture, Japanese and English names or whatever would just be out of place.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 03-17-2008 at 12:35 AM.
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  6. #486
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Your amazing ability to be vague and indescript until after-the-fact never ceases to amaze me... Well you probably can guess what will happen next...

    DISCLAIMER: I apologize ahead of time for being irate at the moment... The following is not suitable for young children or those with heart problems...

    Well you see, you didn't mention that anywhere in your description of this RP. In fact, if anything you implied the exact opposite... which lead myself and others down a path that you now claim is wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by TFF Royalty Pg 10
    Filt Hol Grimthor the Heretic:
    Filt was a researcher from the kingdom of Cormenyr born roughly thirties years before the incident, making him in his fifties now. His research has labeled him a heretic in most kingdoms due to his interest in magic and the people that can use it. His theory is that everyone contains magic within them and has the potential to control it in some degree. The only reason a small part of the population has shown them so far is because they are the most talented and well attuned to the magic. They are attuned to the point that it is second nature to them. However, it would be possible to teach others to use magic and be able to do what those that can do it naturally.
    This theory is not widely accepted among the people and is considered heresy by some groups. The theory itself is known, though not often spoken since its words are dangerous when spoken in the wrong company. The man remains hidden since he announced his findings to the royalty of the kingdoms at the summit ten years ago. Rumors are that his is currently hiding in Lothua where he continues his research.
    Even if it is not a "widely accepted theory" you yourself opened the door. If his theory was false, then it should have been mentioned. The only reference to your current description is the following:

    Quote Originally Posted by TFF Royalty Pg 10
    People see them as corrupting nature and bending it towards their own will, since they can use the elements of the gods. Pilner specifically calls them Magic Heretics or Nature Heretics. Since they are seen as breaking the code with the gods some are called God Breakers.
    This is extremely vague and not an actual finite description of magic. In fact, nowhere in that post does it quantify magic as you now describe it.

    I even blatently pointed out my view of magic after this statement of yours:
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    And I find it doubtful that Eris will use such powerful magic again for a while. Certainly not consciously that is for sure.
    To which I responded:
    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
    Yes, I'd like to call such attacks 24hr skills or perhaps 72hr skills, taking a page from FFXI. Such attacks should pretty much drain all of your mana, reiatsu, ki, chakra, or whatever you'd like to call it.
    Your only comment on the subject was the following:
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    Well, I posted. I took some of what you said and did something with it. But this is a fantasy world where magic rules and is law, not the science that we know. We are allowed manipulate things to our own ways. There is a certain level of suspension of disbelief required in fantasy or science fiction. Which means tossing out the laws of physics. They don't apply the same here, it is as simple as that. You can speculate and theorize about the scientific possiblilities of simulating magic with technology all you want, but in the end its magic and does not need to be explained rationally. That's the beauty of magic, it just is. ^^

    That aside, you can have as much fun debunking the magic of the world and my use of it as much as you want Merlin. Knock yourself out, it'll just give me more ideas to play with to make things interesting.
    You did NOT say that magic was taken from the world around you... not from within yourself. In fact, you avoided the issue alltogether by simply claiming you had no need to explain it.

    So where does that leave us? Myself and others with the distinct idea that people have magic within themselves not using some sort of siphoning ability to pull it from the great abyss. That pretty much kills most of Tyrbane's specialties outright, makes Jay's last post seem completely off base, DH's weakness from using magic along with the medicine used to boost it back completely false... While you might not care about what has been written, some of us do... since it directly affects our characters up to this point.

    I honestly have no idea what to write next now, because my last several posts were going on a path that you just totally blew out of the water. The reveal of Yuuna's hidden powers, Gwinnyn's true nature, Tyrbane's perception of the world around him, Doctor Silverhand's abilities, etc... all just got nuked.

  7. #487
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Who is not to say that the man has completely the wrong idea of how magic works. It is not as though he can use scientific tools to determine where magic is. And when you are channeling it the magic is being drawn through your body into a focused point. At that point you do have magic in you. Having magic physically inside the person was never my intention even in the beginning. I know it sounds contradictory, but I was planning on explaining magic at a later point when the whole mystery about magic suddenly appearing being explained.

    You seem to think this changes things. Things are not really any more different than they were before. Someone still channels magic through their body when you are casting, which would be the same for DH's character and her weakness. The whole attunement with elements comes from the body's natural ability to connect with nature. Its not as though they have the element inside them. Eris only statically charged when she is snyc'ing with her element. Otherwise she'd always been hurting people.

    All the special abilities are the bodies natural tendency towards some part of nature allowing them to connect to it. I was keeping a secret, but I did not think would really affect the outcome of things. I still don't really think it does. Everything that I've seen in the posts thus far do not contradict what I had in mind.

    This should not change anything, it just removes the mystery, which is disappointing. I'm sorry you feel that this changes things Merlin, but I do not see it being any different then before. As I said in my edit my only concern was the issue about sensing other people and that seems to be resolved anyway. So I've got no worries.
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  8. #488
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    She can sense other magic users through the use of her magic, a rare and unique gift that is not possible for other magic users. As it was understood other magic users were unable to detect each other, at best a trained eye could see magic in the air. However, she was able to see the dormant magic that was invisible to even the eyes of magic users.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    And since we are on the subject of magic, I shall explain how magic works in this world. That way you see where I'm coming from. Magic does not exist in the person's body in this world. It is not some power that they draw on from inside themselves. Its something that they draw on from nature, if you want a comparison its like the spirit bomb. Making yourself stronger won't make you stronger magically. Its about the focus and ability to connect with nature around you and bend it to your will and channel it. That would be why you cannot detect magic inside someone. It is not there to see. Someone has to be channeling it or focusing it for you to see them using magic.
    This is an example of why people get so damned confused. You just said that magic is not inside the body yet you create a character that senses magic where it does not exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    “I followed you…by your magic.”

    “My magic, but I was not using any. That’s impossible. There is no trail to follow.”

    “I can feel your magic…I followed you.”
    How can you feel someone's magic if nobody has magic inside of them? This is a paradox. You cannot sense something that does not exist, because if it doesn't exist there is nothing to sense in the first place. Now if you claim that your character can sense that someone is "attuned" to using magic, that is different... but that is not what you said. For example, Byakugan from Naruto can be used to sense the ports from which chakra flows. If your character can sense that someone has the capability of drawing magic within himself, then I would find it plausible by your definition of magic. There would be a noticeable difference (to one who could sense such things) between someone who has never drawn magic and someone who has. Hell if you( a character ) were good you could probably tell how much a person is capable of drawing or how often they have.

    You wonder why I am always trying to define things... its because you don't clarify anything. This is a fantasy story, yes... but it is a story nonetheless. that means that the world itself is predefined by the creators and everything in it can therefore be logically defined by said individuals. Whether the characters in it can grasp such concepts is irrelevant. The authors should be able to. Claiming that "magic just is" is not really good enough. If something is not spiritual in nature, it can be defined by scientific methods. So unless magic is a blessing by the Gods, we can explain how it works, etc. Even if it is a blessing by the Gods, that itself is an explanation.

    Now, onto my explaination of things that happened recently maybe for my own sake but really for all of us that have characters effected by this definition of yours.


    • Seals: Seals, such as the one Matsuri placed on herself have many uses. The main use of them is to block the capability of drawing magic within oneself beyond a certain limit. When a seal is released, a rush of magic is drawn into the person, due to the sudden difference in capability. Most of that energy is simply waste, unless the user is trained in utilizing it, such as some massive attack, or appearance change. This is one of the basic techniques taught by groups such as the M.C.T.U. People such as Matsuri learned it on their own, since it is relatively simple to do to oneself.

      M.C.T.U. takes it several steps further, requiring that its members be trained in harnessing that energy, focusing it around the user into some useful form. They believe that all magic that is drawn in should be used and not wasted, otherwise there is no reason to draw it in in the first place. An earth-element user might use the energy to cause a ripple-effect along the ground, or mini-earthquake around himself. A telekinetic user might cause all the windows in the vicinity to shatter. In any case, the energy is used for some purpose.
    • Curses: Similar to seals, these are usually used to harm an opponent. One could place a curse that blocks one's ability to naturally heal wounds, causing the victim to bleed out uncontrollably from even minor wounds. Seals of this nature are specialties of certain people and not learnable by everyone.
    • Auras: Auras are not visible by regular people. In essense, its the gathering of wasted magic energy around a magic user that has not disperssed yet. If the aura is focused around the magic user in a specific formation, such as concentric spheres, etc, then the user has the capability of focusing magic waste for some purpose. What that purpose is may not even be known to the user. It could be as simple as drawing in more magic energy than a user is able to manifest into some form at a given time.

      M.C.T.U. members are trained to keep auras to a minimum if none at all, due to the needless waste of energy and more importantly, because it makes it blatently obvious where you are to anyone who can sense magical waste. The only time an aura is acceptable is if one is releasing a seal, in which the aura is an obvious by-product. The aura must be kept in-check and dissipated as quickly as possible.
    • Over-Drawing: Inexperienced magic-users often have the problem of drawing in more magic than they can manifest into a form at a given time. The excess magic is expelled from the body as waste and no longer usable by the individual. Unfortunately, if the energy is not expelled for whatever reason, it leads to overloading.
    • Overloading: Too much energy is drawn into the body and the magic user is unable to expel the energy for some reason, such as the individual attempting to utilize it even though he is clearly not capable of doing so. Since the body is not capable of storing the energy and it is not dispelled, the magic energy begins having an adverse effect on the individual. There are two documented cases of what happens from overloading: Mental Chaos and Monstrous Transformation. These are the two main fears instilled on all those who believe in the Pilner Religion. Magic users are all labeled in such a fashion... monstrous people who defile nature.
    • Mental Chaos: The mind is destroyed by overloading of magic inside the body, leaving the magic user in a chaotic and uncontrollable state. In essense, the person no longer has a will of his own and will wreak havoc on anyone and anything in the vicinity. There is no documented case of a person recovering from this... although its possible that someone with high-level sealing capability could force the person to revert back.
    • Monstrous Transformation: A subset of Mental Chaos or perhaps the eventual conclusion to one whom is suffering from Mental Chaos. The individual's body begins transforming into some monstrous creature which has no goal other than destruction.

    These are things I have had in my ideas from the start, I just edited them to fit your description of magic. I figured I might as well post them now so they are clearly listed. If you have any ideas or complaints, feel free to list them.
    Last edited by Merlin; 03-17-2008 at 10:48 AM.

  9. #489
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'll start with your things first since it'll be faster. They look fine to me. The way you explain them works out perfectly fine.

    And now to explain the sensing magic ability. I probably should have removed the dormant magic bit since that was obsolete information. I was shuffling around the way it works so I accidentally got obsolete information in the description. That's my fault. The way it works is that she uses her magic to go out and enter the people around her in a radius. The way she manipulates her magic attaches to people and shows up to her in a similar way that others would see magic waste. She does not see it, but feels it as she takes the magic back into her. The magic that was changed or altered by the person she knows is a magic user. The stronger the person is attuned and able to focus magic the stronger the feeling she gets back in return. Like you say she is feeling out the attunement people have. However, most of what she does is subconscious, she is not actively doing most of it. If she had more control of it, she might be able to see it. But it is just limited to feelings and she knows the strength of the individual based on how much it affects her. She has a crude understanding of what she does so she will explain it poorly.

    That would be her ability in a nutshell. If you need to me to explain anything else I will. I was hesitant before, but since I'm taking a more proactive role I'm solidifying a lot previously vague ideas.
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  10. #490
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Thats why I was making a sort of compilation of ideas, etc... so people can reference it or understand why certain things happen in my posts the way they do. What the characters percieve and what is technically happening are not necessarily the same. Rather than start confusion, the technical aspects will be in my addendum.

    Many of those ideas I have not actually used yet, but are things I will use in the near future. I'll be expanding the Addendum from time to time... so I'll post a link whenever I do.

    I'm also going to post updated char profiles, since the originals are either incorrect (for other reasons, especially Gwinnyn) or need updates. Its not really "needed" I just want it up for reference sake. Plus, it might give you better understanding or insight into the chars.
    Last edited by Merlin; 03-17-2008 at 10:17 PM.

  11. #491
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I've been slacking in posting here. Though I have not really had much more to add. I think the problems that popped up were resolved. If not let me know Merlin. Since things were vague I want to make things as clear as I so that there is no confusion anymore. Especially due to the fact that I am seeing the world through a perfect 20 20 pair of glasses rather than having 15 20 eye sight minus the glasses. Which is becoming very apparent in the way that I'm writing things in the recent posts of mine in the RP.

    I'm still waiting on a post in the RP. I think Merlin is waiting on Shadow who is working to get his Bleach post done before returning back here I think.

    Also I wanted to welcome Ryayukou back into the club. She was one of the original members back when ID ran things and I was just a new club member. She will make her own introduction when she wants to, but I want to give the heads up. I think she is going to be joining us in the RP as well since she is making a character. So that will be a fourth active member in the RP finally.
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  12. #492
    Numb TFF Royalty Ryayukou's Avatar
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    Thank you ^_^ Woo, time for me to make a post finally! I ran most of this stuff over with Andromeda last night, so I hope I'm within the guidelines.

    Calantha Northanger
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Pilner
    Magic Element: Mind
    Occupation: Tattoo artist, dancer
    Social status: Lower class
    Weapons: Throwing knives, as well as her mind
    Appearance: Calantha stands about 5'9", a normal height for a female. She has bright blue eyes and pale skin. Her hair is red dreadlocks, which have a couple of gold streaks and run past her shoulders. She has many tattoos; they cover her left arm and her shoulders. She has an intricate design on her lower back and a stabbed heart on her neck. She has both sides of her nose, her lip, and both of her ears pierced. She has very elaborate makeup on her eyes.

    Calantha was born to upper-class parents in Pilner, and had high hopes of becoming an priest to bring honor to the family name, which had been dishonored long ago. Her father, Hirot, was very stubborn and had set ideas of how he wanted his wife and his child to be brought up and how to act, whereas Mira was very relaxed and refused to let her husband control her. She suffered two miscarriages before Calantha was born. When she was born, Mira was so overjoyed that she vowed nothing would ever happen to her precious daughter. Mira discovered Calantha's magic ability when her daughter used her mind to bring her a candle from across the room when Calantha was a mere 6 years old. When her mother questioned how she did it, the little girl simply answered "I just asked it to come to me." Knowing that they would take her daughter away from them if they knew of her magic ability, Mira bribed her daughter with sweets and trips to the circus, as to not use the magic around her conservative father.

    Calantha practiced for years in secret, but could never have a mentor as there were none in religious Pilner. At the age of 14, her parents' marriage was rapidly falling apart and Mira could no longer take the oppression of her strict husband. One night, she faked her own suicide and took her daughter and a few bags of personal belongings and travelled to Lothua. There they would be taken and welcomed, and Calantha could practice her magic and not feel hidden and ashamed.

    Mira worked as a bartender while her daughter practiced moving things with her mind with fellow magic-users. As she grew strong moving and manipulating non-living things with her mind, she also grew a passion for ink and designs, and began tattooing in Lothua's underground city. Mother and daughter were always close, up to Mira's death. She suffered a terrible blood clot from a kitchen accident and the life slowly drained out of her. At the age of 20, when most young women are enjoying life, Calantha stood by her dying mother's side. "I've always loved you and supported you. I gave up everything in my life for you; love, money, booze... don't forget me. Live on for me, and do everything that I could never have the chance to..." were the last words of an unselfish mother.

    Since her mother's death, Calantha has never trusted anyone and only keeps a few comrades at her side. Besides tattooing, she dances most nights at Lothua's nightclubs and practices moving objects with her mind.
    Last edited by Ryayukou; 04-05-2008 at 02:05 PM.

  13. #493
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    @Andro: I'll try to work on something soon. I am busily working on site-related matters at the moment, so I've been rather swamped. Also, I was waiting on Jay, but not forever. I already know what is going to happen next with my chars... I just have to write it.

    @Ryayukou: A small note... not even really worth mentioning, but I figured I'd point it out for clarity sake. I doubt they would have established zoos at this point in the historical timeline. They would have circuses and things of that nature though. Like I said, its really not a big deal since its just a bio, just figured I'd mention it.

  14. #494
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    I didn't know you were waiting on me, Merlin. I mostly thought we were done for the most part, because my characters were going to do stuff with Eris now, heh. I've been swamped with my blog and my new job, heh. Haven't had as much time as I used to to just sit down and write.

  15. #495
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Sorry I haven't got back to you about your profile Rya. I woke up late-ish in the morning so I only had the time to read it over quickly. But the one thing that was going to say is pretty much what Merlin said already. There really is not established zoos present in the world. The circus like he said would be the closest thing to something. Though it might just be a band of small traveling performers than something grand.

    Otherwise, I did not really see a problem. I did say that if you could explain it with magic you can have telekinesis. So I would like you to just give a brief explanation of how it works through magic, since this is typically a mental power and not a magical one. Merlin's has asked me to explain my things and he has his to me. So its only fair to have others do the same. Keeps things open and clear.
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  16. #496
    Numb TFF Royalty Ryayukou's Avatar
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    I understand that an actual "zoo" was not something established back in these times. Of course it was 2 in the morning when I was building my profile so I picked whatever word it was that would be appealing to my character as a young child. I've changed my post for that ^^

    As for the ability to move things, it's a form of telekinesis but not entirely; I used that word because I didn't know how else to describe it. She has no control over living things. Her magic is based on her ability to move and manipulate non-living objects such as rocks and weapons. She can't control people and animals, move them, or read their minds. She possesses an ability to seek out the soulless and "talk" to it and make it do whatever she wants. She cannot take control over anything with a living soul.

    One can be born with magic, or one can learn to use it. Calantha was born with it just like some are born with the ability to talk to animals, heal, manipulate fire, and so on.

    I hope this works for you. If it doesn't, I will be happy to change my ability to something else ^_^

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  17. #497
    Morning Always Comes TFF Royalty Xeim's Avatar
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    I'm posting to say I'm still alive. I haven't been posting because the discussion....well, gave me no reason to post. MA still doesn't really interest me. ^^;

    The inner Rp also only got attention from I've kind of given up on reviving it, unless someone else wants to as well. o_O I don't want to be the only one posting for it.

    And...I'd still love to revive DC. Out of my current nine Rp characters, Seth's still my favorite. And...he never went anywhere. I know Toph's probably still willing, we were just discussing this via MSN. But, it takes more than just us.

    So yeah...Still alive! But, there's not a lot for me to say at this point so...


    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

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  18. #498
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well if that is the case I'll work on a post for Divided Connections. I had not heard anything from you about it in a while. The last time that Shadow and I talked about it I think it was uncertain about if they were still wanting to post in it. I don't remember completely. But I'll work on something and get it up. It'll be up to you and Shadow and then to post something at the point.
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  19. #499
    TFF Royalty Climhazzard's Avatar
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    Sorry I know it's been a couple of years, but RL has taken its toll on me. But I'm back and would like to know if I may rejoin my fellows here in the Royalty.
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  20. #500
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Woohoo! The man Clim has once again showed himself in the world of Royalty! Dude, what happened? I used to see you on AIM all the time. D:

  21. #501
    TFF Royalty Climhazzard's Avatar
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    Real life got hideously busy for me. I was changing jobs going through alot with my ex. I moved a couple of times. Work got outta hand and I changed jobs. So yeah it's been pretty crazy for me.
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  22. #502
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, Clim old members are more than welcome back in the club. Rya actually showed up in the club recently as well. Though ID is gone so I'm running things these days. But it has not really changed much aside from that other than different members than back when you remember it probably.

    Oh and Rya I don't know if you were waiting for me to say that your stuff is fine. I didn't say anything since I did not see any problems with it. So you can go ahead and post in the RP if you were waiting for that.
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  23. #503
    TFF Royalty Climhazzard's Avatar
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    Guess I should get back to work in the RP. It feels good to be back. Would you need me to create a new character Andromeda?
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  24. #504
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    I would hope so Clim, seeing as it's a whole new RP and stuff. XD
    The other RPs that have been here are all dead.

  25. #505
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, the original RP has long been closed and moved to the archive for safe keeping. There are currently two RPs running one a little more so than the other. But when I have time I'm going to be posting in the other. I just started working 60 hours a week. So it has narrowed down the time that I have since I have several other projects in the works as well.

    But you can check them out they are clearly labeled in the forum when you look for them. One is a fantasy RP and the other a sci-fi RP with fantasy elements. There should be plenty of information about Divided Connections in the second post of the club, but Magically Appeared does not have as much information there. It is more recent and more active, though it has it a spot of inactivity. I think that is going to be changing soon though.
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  26. #506
    TFF Royalty Climhazzard's Avatar
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    Just give me about a day or so to catch up and see where everyone is at.
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  27. #507
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm back finally. Sorry for not posting for so long, but I was actually thinking that I was going to post in the RP and was waiting for that to happen. And then I get hit with working 60 hours a week and find that I have no time at all to write for the RP. So I focused on the one thing that I needed to get done. I finished my writing project and that is out of the way. So it is no longer vying for my writing time. With that out of the way I'm putting all of my efforts into getting up on my RPing that I've put off for too long. I'm going to make the second post that I was saving for the RP. Once that is done I'm going to get working on a post for Divided Connections that I've been promising to do for so long.

    I am back and I'm going to be getting this ball moving. I thought that you were going to be posting Merlin. I don't know what happened to that "I'm not going to wait on Shadow to post" attitude, but if you aren't going to post again I'm going to get something up to remind everyone that it is still alive and we are going to be working again.

    And where is Rya and Clim, I've heard nothing from either of you since your last posts. You don't need your leader to tell you that you can post in the RP and get the ball moving on your own. You realize that if someone posts in the RP I will pretty much put the entire world on hold to get a post. This RP is important to me.
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  28. #508
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Real life isn't as convienient as TFF. This has been a busy-ass semester. Now that its all over, those hours dedicated to class are now being forced into fixing shit around the house. I've had to pull 4-foot pieces of rebar out of wood timbers/dirt and remove the wood from the front yard. Then I had to pound that same rebar into new pieces of wood to redo the landscape, along with leveling out the ditch. Now I'm ripping out tile in my bathroom so I can fix the pipes behind it. Once I started that my dad decided that we were going to redo the whole bathroom, so I have to cut out the tub, the sink, the toilet, etc... Once the new pieces come in I have to install all that shit and put new grout in the tile on the floor(after I dig it all out). I also have to help do this to the downstairs bathroom once mine is done. The next project is taking all the wallpaper out of the office, sanding down the walls, priming them, and painting them. That obviously includes the act of pulling all the furniture, etc out and putting it back in. Oh and the air conditioner went out today so I have to deal with the air conditioner people tommorrow too.

    So yeah, I haven't really even been on my computer that much in the past 5 months other than for class stuff and a couple of hours on FFXI that I managed to squeeze out at 3AM a few nights.
    Last edited by Merlin; 05-27-2008 at 09:49 PM.

  29. #509
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Alright, just knowing that helps me out some. I just remember you sounding like you were going to be posting soon and nothing happened. But I know how life can pop up and get in the way of things. I'm in the same boat but with work right now. Anyway, I'm still going to be making a post simply to get the things that I want out of the way so that I can focus back on my character when Shadow posts again.
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  30. #510
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Haha, good luck with that. I was already planning on posting tommorrow, but then the air conditioner broke. Look up Murphy's Law. My life runs on that concept. To the letter...

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    Replies: 13
    Last Post: 06-04-2008, 11:15 PM


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