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Thread: TFF Royalty

  1. #541
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I was planning to post once I had finished my post, but seeing as I'm still writing it I won't delay. Anyway, that post certainly does answer a lot of the strange things that have happened in your posts. And apparently Dr. Silverhand is a lot more versatile than we thought. It'll be very interesting to see what more you do with this down the road. And I guess since you did not use the opening I'm figuring that it will be left to Shadow to open the door.

    Anyway, what I have of my post completed I can say I rehash something things that I've already covered. But this is more putting it down for the story's sake at this point. It'll help to explain the way things work. That way we are all on the same page. We all are I'm pretty sure, but I know at least for you Merlin you like knowing the background of things even if things are supposed to be a mystery to the characters. And well there are plenty of well versed magic users out there that understand magic. Anyway, so it will cover some of that with Wihnem. The rest I will be going over the tracks that you left behind in the mountain. If you want to provide any details to help out the post I make that would be great. I was not really expecting to find anything really useful there seeing as the place was incenerated by that magical blast Alastora made. But if you have anything that might be good for a paper trail or just something that might be interesting let me know. I'd like to work in some of the elements that you have from your side story into the investigation that Wihnem is doing. It might prove interesting down the road. I've got some ideas that we can work with if you want to chat.
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  2. #542
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    What happened to everything? I thought that we are going to start posting again. I haven't been able to post in the RP because well I was the last one. We had something started, but I haven't seen anything from you Shadow. What is going on that you have not posted there yet?

    I was hoping that things would actually get moving again on the RP. Both of the RPs are pretty much on their way to being dead again. >< And yes Merlin don't need to say told you so or anything like that. While I am asking why, its not surprising that it happened again.
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  3. #543
    Registered User TFF Royalty Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Well im coming in here to say hi and im sorry for being away for so long but I got my psycho life in order now so I'll be back just like old times now. My deepest apologies.

    Anyways I didn't really didn't wanna post anything on here at first because one I didn't know what to say and two...well Andromeda seemed mad and I got a little scared.

    But im sorry to see that your all's roleplays are falling apart maybe its just because people are loseing insperation? This might sound a little unconventional but when me and my friends roleplay and we lose interest we'll start another one. Just to get back intot he writing spirit. You all may not like that idea but I think it would be fun!
    Hopefully you all won't get mad at me for saying any of this, im sure your stressed with other things but I just wanted to put in my opinion.

  4. #544
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm sorry Rika. None of what happened in the other thread was directed at you. That was just personal pent up frustration about the overall decline of Roleplaying. I sort of picked an odd place to go on a tirade about it since it is actually active. But I guess I hit my limit. Oops. Guess that means I'm actually a human being and not a machine like everything thinks. ^^; Sorry.

    But honestly, don't let that get to you. If my venting was for anything I hope that it might get people moving again. I guess it was not really the more inspiring speech to give since I was more talking down than anything else. But oh well, can't take it back and it was honest. So I can live with that.

    Anyway, welcome back to the club and sorry about that. I'm in an odd mood. Anyway, I have been considering starting on a new RP. I know that Merlin mention to me that he is working on a post for MA and I nagged Shadow about it recently. So it might still have some feet. I saw Dragonheart back, though she is doing Nano so I don't know if she'll be able to divide the time But if someone posts in the RP you know I'll be in there posting as well.

    My weak attempt to get a casual RP in the club backfired since I started it and then failed to keep it going when Xeim tried to help me with it. I'd like to give it another go though if even one other person tries. I remember having so much fun writing like it for the Book End club and the others seemed to pick it up as well. It was a good way to give us something to do when we didn't have books to talk about.

    I've also considered running a Maid RP in here, here as TFF, not necessarily here as the club. It is random and quirky enough that it might spark something interesting and fresh in people. It was a thought anyway.
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  5. #545
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    It's only the third day and I'm already behind. -_-; This NaNo thing is tough. Granted, yesterday was a bad day for me, but still. It's a lot of writing. I don't think I can afford to split my time more than it already is if I want to hit the finish line. If you're really adamant about it I might be able to pound out a quick post or something, but I'd rather not divide my attention more than I have to. Plus I'm in all-out NaNo mode, so anything I write will likely be crap. =P

    If I finish early I'd be more than happy to contribute, of course. I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  6. #546
    Registered User TFF Royalty Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Oh Andromenda, I know it wasn't directed at me. Plus I can understand you must be under a great deal of stress but its good to get stuff like that out.
    The machine thing though, I myself am sorry that stuff like that gets said to you. Just because your not all bubbly and hyper crazy doesn't mean you don't have feelings. All in all I think its quite professional of you especially with your status as mod to be serious at times. But I am so happy to be back and I guess I was just worried you were in a bad mood but im glad you got all of that out dear. Im sure you feel better.

    And im glad you like the idea of a new roleplay idea and I figured you and the others had ideas to do another one.

    Here's an idea, how about we all name off ideas that we would like to see done? Obviously there is no such thing as orginal anymore but that doesn't mean we can't fix something up and make a lovely creation. Oh and im sorry if the way im talking now sounds immature or anything I am just in a really good mood and I don't have to go to school tomorrow because of election day so that means I get to stay up late. ^^
    Hee hee you can so tell my age sometimes!

    I think a real roleplay for the maid thing would be interesting, I am sorry to say but the RPG was very different then what I thought it would be. I've played RIFFS and Dungeons and dragons before but im not sure I find much interest in it. But I will say that I did read the entire instruction manual. Point of what im saying is a real roleplay based on the maid RPG would be so much fun. And once again I am sorry I thought I would really be into it but after thinking about it I just can't see myself doing the RPG. I like having more control of my character and not dice.
    Anyways I did want to say that and agree with the idea of the maid rp!

  7. #547
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Well the dice don't control everything, love. Just the outcomes of interactions based on the stat points of certain attributes. Which, isn't everything. Besides, where's the fun in controlling everything? Lol.

    You should've been around for the other game, it was so much fun. You really would like it if you gave it a chance.

  8. #548
    Registered User TFF Royalty Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Well I'd rather not talk about it here because im sure it would be spamming. Anyways we can talk about it later. But I do hope Andromeda takes some of the stuff to heart and doesn't think I sound childish! ^^
    Oh and for the record how do you get the little TFF award things like Mistress Sheena and Andromeda have? The ones that says best writer and most sarcastic?

  9. #549
    Morning Always Comes TFF Royalty Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, I'd certainly be willing to try a new RP. I only fell inactive because all the discussion in here was....shall we say...heated debates over MA, and I obviously had nothing to say about it. And since DC never got a lot of attention, I didn't see the point in devoting my time to it if it was only going to be one or two people. I loved my crazy character, but what can you do. =/

    I'd also be willing to try that casual RP again, Andro, if you wanted...but it'd probably just end up being us like last time.

    Anyway, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I'm still around and will post when something requires my attention. As I said previously, I'd be happy to work on a new RP.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

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  10. #550
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I sort of in some way or another said that the next RP we did would use Loco's idea. But that was like over a year ago. Though I did find the idea interesting to play with. If I recall correctly it was under the premise of a civil war taking place in the kingdom and you ended up having people taking sides and what not. I don't think we thought a great deal about it, but Loco seemed interested in it back then and it sounds like something that could be interesting to play with. It would require more fleshing out naturally, but it could be worked it.

    Since DC is decidedly gone now it does leave us with only one RP going. And starting up a new one would be nice for those that felt out of place or just did not feel that they had a good spot in the MA RP. I would really like to keep MA around since I think the RP has a lot of potential still for some interesting RPing.

    If the above RP idea does not interest then we can come up with something together. Hopefully this time people will participate in the development of the RP rather than leaving it all to me.

    As for Maid, I think it is the whole randomly generated characters that Rika might have a problem with. But we can play with that and just build our own characters the way we want some time. But I'll see about working on a Maid RP here and see if it has some interest. I'll need to sort out some things to make things work out, but it should be fun.

    The casual RP, well if it is just the two of us at the beginning then it is with any luck others will join when they see that it is constant.
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  11. #551
    Registered User TFF Royalty Lady Rika's Avatar
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    I agree with you all the way and for the maid know people will join! How fun will that be? The only thing different is we'd have to have a more solid background story which we could all help out with! Oh and yeah you also hit the nail on the head Andromeda...the maid RPG still confuses me a little yes but I will continue to give it a try. I don't wanna let anyone down.

    And I would like to hear more about this rp Loco had the idea for?

    Also by the way...I would enjoy helping out to make a roleplay with you Andromeda I think im pretty good with coming up with ideas. I mean me, Xeim and Cetra do it all the time. You have my aim and possibly my msn so feel free to talk to me. Im not scared of you! XD
    Last edited by Lady Rika; 11-06-2008 at 08:32 PM.

  12. #552
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I'll have to do some digging to see if there was anything more than just what I had said about the RP. If I recall correctly we did not give it a lot of focus since it was eventually decided that we would do Magically Appeared first and then the other second. I think Loco ran off with the idea to his forums perhaps, but don't know if that is the case and even so if he did anything with it.

    If I do find something it going to be unlikely that there will be much set out. So brainstorming can easily begin now. The basic concept is simply that there is a civil war and we are caught in the middle with sides and factions forming. The whole brother fighting brother and neighbor fighting neighbor sort of thing. It'll probably ring a little like the American Civil War, but hey it is something different to play with. I don't think I've seen any civil war type RP around.

    I'm imagining since most people here enjoy the fantasy period that we will stick with that as our setting. But apart from that it is an open book with blank pages.
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  13. #553
    Registered User TFF Royalty Lady Rika's Avatar
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    American civil war we all know about and it would be easier to make it work out but do you think we should put a twist on an old thing? Instead of just being soldiers or citizens how about we make it more of a civil war sort of thing happening but over something else? If im talking funny its because I have medical gunk shoved up my right nose hole and am heavily sedated on drugs. Surprisingly I don't think i've made any spelling errors
    But yeah we are an open book right now for anyone to toss something out. I just thought people would want something more fantasy, don't want them to think its a history lesson! ^^;

    Oh and I am excited for that whole ball thing that should be happening soon! Glad you posted that Andromeda.

  14. #554
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Glad to hear it Rika. I invite everyone here to participate in the event. Just remember that it is going to be a light RP, so even I'm going to be holding myself back significantly. I don't want people to be scare of epic posts in this. If you are doing more than a page you are probably writing to much for it. Sounds strange to say huh? But I just want to be easy fun that you make a post in like 20 minutes, so anyone even with the most busy of schedules and knock out something nice and easy.

    As for the civil war, well we will naturally need to come up with an idea. Its not really going to be the American Civil War or anything like it. It is going to be whatever we come up with. It would be a religious dispute or a coup de ta that ends up failing or even succeeding, but the public doesn't agree completely. It could be an outside force that is playing on people's fears or something. It could be a racial thing with different people and backgrounds fighting. There is countless reasons that we can come up with. So it should be interesting to see what we decide to do.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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  15. #555
    Registered User TFF Royalty Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Yeah it does sound hold yourself back, not even a page. A little akward but I understand that some people there haven't roleplayed before. But as I said I think were all excited for it

    Oh and sorry about last night, I read over what I wrote and it sounded so silly. Yeah meds will do that to you. I feel a little evil right now because im getting all kinds of terrible ideas that come from war, especially the civil war. My sisters a histroy teacher (only 22!) and tells me all sorts of things that happened...who doesn't love to torture their characters? I know Xeim does! But I think this Rp might take some planning but thats okay, anyways I gotta go to school so off the computer I go!

  16. #556
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I could have sworn that I posted in response, but I guess I didn't because there was not a lot for me to post in response to at the time. There still is not a lot since I have not given the RP idea much thought. I've been distracted by other things.

    The Ball is under way, though its slowed down a lot since the first couple weeks. And I guess they are waiting for me to post again, but they don't need me to post to keep things going. Anyway, last week was a bust for a lot of things for me. I went back into overtime and there was Thanksgiving and family, yada yada yada. Anyway, need to bring focus back to activity and the primary thing is the new RP idea, unless people want to talk about Magically Appeared which I'm still waiting for Shadow to post in.

    But that aside, the civil war. I hope that you have some thoughts Rika, because as I said before I don't want to be left doing this alone and then get complained at because people are displeased even though I gave them the chance to have input.

    So the civil war RP I'm thinking will be fantasy based since most people seem to enjoy that. I know that Dragonheart says she has trouble with Sci-fi. If you want something modern we could do that. Personal preference has me wanting to interject some Royalty name in there for the sake of old times, but its not really that important. But when I was originally thinking about it back when Loco purposed the idea. I was thinking that this would take place mostly in a single town. Which I'm keen on at least for starting out, since everyone will be sort of together. It'll be the capital if it is, so it will be a big city and easily enough for us to be different areas, but also easy enough to run into each other when we want.

    I'm figuring different walks of life not simply military or revolutionaries. Just people that have a view and pick a side ending up fighting for one thing or another. We can have fighting military as a back drop rather than in the foreground. And the conflicts can be between other individual characters. Though that could end up being more of a philosphocial debate if we go too far. So we will need reasons, naturally, but good solid reasons for the split in thinking and polarized sides that will have trouble seeing eye to eye. I don't want to place myself the "main" character role. I end up doing that by habit I think more than anything even when I don't want to do it. So I want it to be focused on others and not have it feel like its revolving around me like Magically Appeared is, which honestly was not the original intention. But at this point if it can drive a story I'll play main. But for the new one I'd like to not actually be the main character if I can help it.

    I'll start thinking more on specifics at this point, but those are the trains of thoughts I got going at the moment of writing this.

    More input please, I want to hear from Rika, but I'd like to hear from Merlin, Shadow, Dragonheart, Psiko, Loco, Xeim and you others.
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  17. #557
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    This is a bad time of year for me, I just don't have a lot of free time right now. Stupid midnight shifts, whoever thought those were a good idea needs to be punched in the face. Repeatedly. Preferably until they stop existing. >.> Can you tell I don't like doing them? XD So yeah, don't expect too much from me until after the new year.

    As far as the civil war RP, that sounds like it could be fun. I actually wouldn't mind doing a vaguely historical-type one, though it would need to be based on something European/Middle Eastern if we want to keep the standard pseudo-medieval setting and elements. (Crusades, anyone? Though that obviously wasn't a civil war...yes I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed lol.)

    I'd also venture that we'd need a setting larger than a town, perhaps a fair-sized city would work. Which is why I suggest a historical base, it might be easier to just copy an old city and use a map and public domain information/images for reference.

    It might be too much work, but we could probably even set it up kind of like a game map with markers showing where both RPers and important NPCs/places/whatevers are. Maintaining such a map would be the hard part, but it would eliminate a lot of the confusion that comes with using a completely made up city. Just a thought, really. I've been thinking quite a bit on reasons why RPs fail and that's one part of my theory.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  18. #558
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, that is why I said it would probably be the capital, because a town would be too small. And it would make more sense that things would be going crazy and really breaking down in the capital right where all of the center of the revolution, break way, or whatever it happens to be occurs.

    As for going more historical that is certainly a view point that we can go that I had not really thought too much about. It might require a little more footwork since depending on the period many people would not be as versed in the history at the time. I don't know if that would be a deterrent for it or not. I'm always game for whatever. But yes a map would probably help, but as you said it would also require a lot of up keep not to mention that everyone would have to report in where they were on the map as well so that the person that was updating it was not guessing or putting someone in a place that they did not intend. I wonder if we could use google maps or some map site for this so that it could be interactive and people could just go in and put a pin in the location that they were at the end of their post.

    Crusades would be an interesting time to place it in. Though because we are looking at doing civil war, most places were getting sieged and stormed by the Crusaders. So I wonder where we could get a place that would be idealic for a civil war, if we picked to do that. Could always have something to do with the church and people, so it becomes some what of a religious issue versus government and the public.
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  19. #559
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Been awhile, eh? Looks like no one else has any thoughts on this.

    Just out of curiosity Andro, are there plans for another Tournament of Heroes? I know it didn't do too well but we do have a fairly good base of active RPers right now, and perhaps the Royalty as a group (albeit more than half-dead hah) could work on it. I think it's a good idea in theory, just the execution needs some adjustment to make it work better.

    As far as the current RP ideas goes, I've got nothin'. Haven't had much time to think about it, honestly.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  20. #560
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, it always seems to be this way. I was noticing that yesterday and figured that I would have to again step in to do something. I'll ramble out something later and put it down here and see if people take to it. I hate always being forced to do this seeing how everyone complains about it in the end. And yet I do it anyway.

    As for the Tournament of Heroes I had actually planned on doing it during the Summer, but well I was working 80 hours a week. So it made it difficult to have a continuous stream of thoughts. But I've started working on it now since I'm finally free of that crazy overtime I was dealing with. I had been holding off on a lot of my plans until things at work stabilized. The last two months while I haven't had crazy overtime there really hasn't been a week I hadn't been threatened with overtime or done some form of overtime. So its made it difficult to plan just about anything. But the break has gotten my recovered from all of that draining work and so I'm working on things piece my piece. With any luck I should have the basics for the new Tournament before break ends for me. Since I have to still re-evaluate the rules to a form that I hope will work out this time. Don't worry it is not dead. I just had a busy half of year that has proved difficult to make plans of anything. It even halted my writing that I usually stayed on schedule about. In the last month things have finally return to normal for me so I'm finally getting my normal life back together. It funny how much work actually affects me in spite of making it appear like it doesn't.

    So anyway, things will finally be progressing again in a few areas. It is going to be fun year for Roleplaying. I'm going to see to that.
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  21. #561
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well the first part of the year was interrupted for me by working a lot of overtime. I keep saying it like it is an excuse, but it is more just letting you know that its not from neglect it is from lack of time. When you work from 9am to 11pm it makes it difficult to stay on things. It didn't help I got sick in there too.

    I'm feeling better and been staring at the club for a while hoping someone else would post. I have not seen anything from Rika or Dragonheart and I was hoping that the post from Merlin would be coming soon. I remember reading what you had in mind and I was fine with what you did, but you never posted it. I know you were busy with college and what not, but it seemed like it was ready.

    I have gotten to make a post for our RP in a while and I'm really wanting to and thinking about just doing it anyway. Though I'm becoming concerned about the activity of everyone.

    I haven't even heard back from Dragonheart or Rika about ideas for the RP more than they provided. Things are finally wrapping up for me at work and when it gets done I'm going to be finishing up the loose ends that I have around the forum. One of the things on the top of my list is going to be the Tournament of Heroes. I've already got things planned out for it I just have to write it up.

    After that I'm going to put the focus back on getting the new RP into something more than a vagueness. We have an idea to work with. It is a civil war. We need to figure out some specifics so that it can be posted up. As I think I said before I was thinking that we focus on a single city rather than treking all over the map, at least at the start of things. That way things can stay interactive between groups. People will need to be on different sides too since I'd hate to have it all one sided against like NPCs.

    You want a Kingdom or a Republic or a Dictatorship? Should it be religious reasons for the divide? Somethings to think about. I'll start pulling out some more ideas to present after things are wrapped on my side.

    I'd like to get things picked up again soon.
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  22. #562
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, let's see. Civil War.. Single city...

    Religion while interesting, I'm not really sure how we can pull it off.
    Through our discussion on AIM about it, it sounds pretty interesting, but I don't really know what I can contribute right now.

  23. #563
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, I was talking things over with Shadow last night. As I said to him I've got things back in order for me. I've managed to clear out some of my projects. So I'm able to re-focus once more on what I need to. Since the RP idea has been sitting pretty dead for a while I picked up the pieces that we had and blended them with some new ideas that I was toying with and I have something a little more solid in form. It still has a ways to go because I'm cleaning everything up with me having created a mess of ideas that I just dropped out on the floor to which ones made interesting shapes. I've been focusing more on the setting right now before I got to heavy into shaping the world.

    Also as I said to Shadow I'm going to be playing the majority of my cards out on the table this time around. I think due to be a storyteller I like keep people surprised about the next to come and that has worked against me in the last RP. So I'm just going to play everything so that everyone can see what I'm thinking and we can work together to form something rather than me just trying to guide things in a direction. It also hopes that I have a direction this time around, I hardly at much of an idea of where to go for the last RP and when I did eventually I kept it to myself.

    Anyway, here is what I'm playing with right now. We are keeping the civil war idea as that is going to be the catalyst for a lot of interactions we have and conflicts. I looking at placing it during the 12-14th centuries in an alternate universe of Europe during the Crusades era. I liked the idea that Dragonheart had so I kept it around. We are going to be focusing more in one city, but I think we can use the Crusades as more of a set piece to paint things as well as plot element that affects peoples ideas and beliefs.

    Like I said it is going to be AU, so that means I'm going to draw heavily on some historical elements, but it is not going to be reality. That way people don't really have to worry about knowing their history. It simplifies things for us. I can just make a setting and history for us applying historical points and then we can go off on our own without worry.

    I am currently thinking of placing us in Paris, France since during this time France was very prominent in Europe. On top of that Paris is a very beautiful city filled with tons of history. So it will make for a very nice background.

    Now in addition to that I'm weighing the ideas of having a steampunk style of environment. It doesn't have to revolve around steam, but since it is AU we can say that they discovered the steam engine earlier than normal. But steampunk is more of a visual style at times rather than a specific genre or something like that. So I think it would help to paint nice canvas for us that we can incorporate into a lot of the buildings and structures through the city.

    And to meet the fantasy elements I will be adding in magic as well. Which I've already figure out most of the mechanics for it already. The way that magic is going to work this time around is unlike the stuff we've done previously. Magic is not in the earth/nature or in the person that uses it. Magic is actually storing in living sources of magic that are like monolithic creatures almost. I don't really think that they are going huge, but its the idea that I'm trying to draw up. They hold vasts amounts of magic that is continually renewing itself. And what someone that uses magic does is channel and summon a bit of that magic from the source. So the person is nothing more than a vessel or conduct for magic rather than a container. So what will be important for someone is how focused and concentrated and how go of a connection that they can create with the source. However, there are draw backs to this sort of magic source. Because they are connecting with another being the stronger the connection they make the more likely they are to become influenced by the being. They could lose control of their body for a moment or even change from being a human. The more that the magic is used even in low amounts for weak spells the more the beings are flowing through a person making them susceptible to influence. The really big spells will make it that much easier to lose control. The smaller stuff makes only a small opening for them, but the big stuff makes huge opennings making it very easy to become possessed. At the worst you could be absorbed by the being or possibly completely transform into them losing all humanity. Sounds like fun, huh? ^^

    As for the civil war and the sides. I'm still working out the details on that since it goes into plot and story. Which as I said I had not be focusing too much on until recently. So what I'm working with right now is there is the nobles and royalty against the poor and working class; there is a technology versus natural (the steampunk is something that would be everywhere and people would be opposing the idea of technology over nature and their past); there is also the religious part which would be the catholics against what would be our version of the protestants. The primary forces I think would be either class based or religion based, but there would be layers of idealogy that people are in conflict about. So there would be people with sides within sides that maybe not be agreeing, but working together for the time being.

    And then over top of everything I'm planning on bringing back the Royalty this time around. It was absent from the last RP and well it is a hallmark or tradition for us. So this time around the Royalty will not be anyone of us, but a secret ancient society that has been watching and influence the world from the shadows. Yeah, I know cliche, but hey it works. They are going to called the Redevance or La Redevance depending on how I want to word it, but simply put it means Royalty in french and look we're in Paris. ^^; So yeah, the Redevance will in the end probably be our enemy since they would have constructed the civil war for their own purposes. They have a hand in just about everything in Europe and a civil war is simple child's play for them. I'm still working out the details of what their goals are, but it has a purpose as do all of our characters fall in line with their plans.

    Oh yeah, as I told Shadow I've been watching My HiME recently. So I've got a streak of that running through me right now as well influencing some of my decisions. I really enjoy some of the elements that they play with. I'm not really talking about any of the physical elements they had, but the story and character pieces.

    When I have more I'll get back to you. Let me know what you think of what I've laid out so far. If you have any ideas to add or change post please. Things are still very moldable for you. So you can affect what we end up getting to play with.
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  24. #564
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well, I'm just checking in for now, going to take me a bit to catch up. I've been busy with work and life stuff for awhile so I actually ended up taking an unplanned hiatus from TFF and the internet in general. Rough start to the year and all and things just snowballed from there. Things are more or less normal now, though. I may be picking up more hours at work so I don't know how active I'm going to be over the next month and a half or so.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  25. #565
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well it is good to hear from you none the less Dragonheart. I'm going to be losing my job in another couple months. So my priorities have been shifting to deal with that issue. So the large scale things I've been working on have been taking a back seat until I have the time to devote. Which unfortunately meant that the RP took a back seat. I'm hoping that things will stablize for me soon that I'll be able to pick this back up. Since there are three projects I need to finish and haven't this being one of them.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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  26. #566
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    Things are tough all around these days.

    Anyways, just thought I'd check in (again, hah) and see how things are going. In light of Griffith's new faction idea, I wonder if it might be a good time to scout for new club members or perhaps start some small scale RP or something? Something more casual maybe, just for fun. /shrugs

    Just a thought.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  27. #567
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Funny you post, saves me from having to double post. I was planning on posting today. Well I more or less got my life back in order and priorities are getting back to normal. So I'm going to getting the RP going again now that I can focus on it.

    As for new members definitely. If you have some ideas for some casual RPs I'm game. You can even feel free to take the initiative and make a RP if you wish for the club. I know I'd be there to join you. I've been kicking around some general ideas for something casual, but still trying to find something. But if you have some ideas it'd make my life a lot simpler. I don't want people to feel like just because I'm the leader only I can make RPs. I'll fully support you in anything you want to try Dragonheart.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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  28. #568
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Sort of funny how that turned out, huh? Well it's still on my mind, but I sort of got distracted by one or another. I've been tossing around ideas on some casual things. I think they could work and shouldn't require too much prep on my part. Being distracted makes it a little difficult though and the last couple of weeks I've been focused on something else. So I'll see if I can't get my eyes back on the ball here.

    The main reason that I was posting was that I wanted to announce something. I came up with an idea that I've been tweaking the last couple of days. I've been wanting to bring back the Tournament of Heroes its just never been a good time for me. However, I believe that I found something that I can do with the smaller amount of time that I have these days for some reason.

    It's going to be running in the same place under the same name, but the set up and rules will be a significant departure. I'm going to see how it goes since the idea runs a little more in the co-operative spirit of RPing than the previous. If it busts well I'll try my revised version of the original. If it goes well I may keep it going or alternate between. Anyway, look out for an official announcement by me in the coming days.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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