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Thread: TFF Royalty

  1. #271
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, if there's a lot of heat, the ice will just go straight to steam. Heh.
    But maybe I'll create some sort of water character, just for the sole purpose of defeating or rivaling Alastora. =P

    I don't know. >_> I just think she's a psycho and needs to be taught a lesson.. or given medication.. whichever is best. XD

    Edit: Oh yes.. yes.. I completely forgot about that. >_>; I've been warping herself and other people so much I forgot about objects! ><;
    I don't need to create a water bender now. XD

    ..Haha.. water bender.. funny.

    ...Alastora's a fire bender.. Hee. XD
    Last edited by Victoria; 08-20-2007 at 06:17 PM.

  2. #272
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't know I like Alastora. She is a fruitcake, but she is different from the rest and unique. She has a curious personality that I find charming in a strange creepy sort of way. I think that she makes a good character. In a strange way I could see Eris and Alastora getting along quite well. Eris is a murderer, but can't stand that fact and suppressed what she could have emotionally handle. While not the conscious killer or attitude that Alastora has there are some likenesses that I think would make them get along in a creepy, sweet, adorable weird sort of way.

    And I completely agree that Tyrbane hates and despises Alastora, the fact that he seemed at least falsely amiable towards her just seemed difficult. He must have a lot of will to restrain himself that much.
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  3. #273
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toph Bei Fong View Post
    ...Alastora's a fire bender.. Hee. XD
    And if you kick her ass, she'll end up with a fender bender... *cough*

    It does indeed go to steam, but with enough humidity in the air, the surrounding objects are unlikely to randomly burst into flames... Of course, with enough heat, especially from 'magical' flames, anything could catch on fire... but the point still remains. Steam also becomes a lovely fog of war, don't you think?

    If you combine wind and water, you can really snuff out a flame. Everyone has their weaknesses. Hell, there's even the psychological edge. But that can always backfire. She might turn into a fruit loop or go anal-retentive psych-bitch on you. Who knows? She might even go Anthony Hopkins on your ass! (either you get that or you don't... ^_^ )

    Edit: He restrained himself after he believed the townspeople brutally murdered the love of his life as well... I mean, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere near people whom I believed killed people I care about. I'd be making any strive I could to get their ass thrown in jail at the very least. I'm a calm and collect person but hell no.. you'd literally have to restrain me from beating the shit out of their face. Its not just a statement, its the truth. I have a high tolerance for bullshit, but once it goes past that... there'll be a hole in a brick wall with your name on it. You gotta watch out for the quiet people... XD
    Last edited by Merlin; 08-20-2007 at 08:00 PM.

  4. #274
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, don't get me wrong, I like Alastora too because of her quirky personality, but she'd also get a good beating if she were to get out of line. >_>

    Well, I just heard from Rika today. I asked her to post in Royalty, but she didn't say when she would, but she did say she has it already written. So it's just a matter of posting.

    She's in school right now, too. Advanced classes, whee.

  5. #275
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well if she already has it written up then it only takes a minute or two post it. There should be plenty of time for it to happen, so hopefully we will see that post soon from her. I know you are needing something to do Shadow. I'll be working on my Wihnem post of course.

    And needless to say I will be interested in seeing what become of the two of them in your next post Merlin. You'll have plenty of turmoil between the two of them to deal with. So it will be fun to watch. It'll be fun to see what happens when they come across one of us whomever that may be when it happens. All of us have undeclared pasts, so from first impressions it should be a fun time.
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  6. #276
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Well they can always head for Cormenyr, since they aren't exactly going to be let in to Lothua(well they could, but I want Tyrbane to go there first). If they take the long way around, they'd have to go through Cormenyr do get anywhere, unless they go to Jumin. Since Tyrbane killed the only evidence that they are traitors, they could feasibly go home... but thats a risky proposition, since they simply don't know.

    Anywho, my internet may go out today again. The cable company left a message on the answering machine saying they are doing work in the area(didn't say how long...)

  7. #277
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I apologize for the delay between posts. As mentioned in Demonia, I've been dealing with some RL crap for the last week. I'm just catching up on everything this morning. I'll try to get a post up for the RP either today or tomorrow, depending on how much I need to read through heh.

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  8. #278
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Well. Apparently you guys aren't in Lothua like I originally thought. Where the heck are you? XD
    All this time I thought you were close to Lothua or something, but I guess not.

  9. #279
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    No, we are still very near to where Eris was taken captive. So that is a far distance away from the Lothua Kingdom, since we are in the mountains of Cormenyr. I don't believe that where in the kingdom the mountains are exactly was ever declared, but the larger mountains are along the border of the kingdom. Which places us very far away from Lothua. It'll be a long trek back.

    And I'm glad to see you are back Dragonheart. Though you posted very soon after you returned. I didn't expect such an immediate response. I didn't want to rush into posting something if you were not ready when you returned.
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  10. #280
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    No one said I was rushing, I just don't have many options on what I could post at that point. Farore cannot leave until she gets a response from Eris. That's the only reason the post was short, because I can't logically make any other moves until she gets a definitive answer.

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  11. #281
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    LOL I think it must be Andro's turn to disappear for a while. I'm not sure what Jay is waiting on... he knows where DH and Andro is... Who knows. O.o

  12. #282
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    I'm waiting on Rika, for your information. Geez... here we go again with your prodding when it's not needed.

    And I may know where they are, but my character's don't. All they know is that they're headed back to Lothua. I can't just pop up where Eris is out of nowhere. That's god moding.

    If you're going to get on my case again, I'll just ditch Rika and move on. Ugh.
    Last edited by Victoria; 08-24-2007 at 04:14 PM.

  13. #283
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    I'm not prodding anyone...

    I just thought it was funny that Andro disappeared. I think we can safely assume that Lady Rika is not part of this RP currently. If she magically appears, fine... otherwise don't let it hold your chars up. But hey, if you want to have your chars wait on her, thats up to you... I just thought you were itching to get back to town.

    EDIT: Who the fark changed the edit time on posts... its annoying that when I immediately add something, it says its been edited. Its supposed to wait over 1 minute before doing that.
    Last edited by Merlin; 08-24-2007 at 05:16 PM.

  14. #284
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm still here Merlin. I just was working 12 hours a day for the last two days. So I didn't have time to write a post for the RP. I was also working on another writing. But that is completed, so I will probably have a post for the RP either tonight or tomorrow. I will be doing the recruitment RP as well afterwards.

    So you don't have to worry about that too much. I'll be posting soon, just working late threw off my whole end of the week.
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  15. #285
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Woohoo! Gotta love shit-ass hours. I'm in the process of finding a job since my internship is over. I just started classes yesterday and all five are senior-level courses, so that'll be fun {/cough}. I mean, I just love taking five courses where every fricking one of them require me to do multiple presentations, which are a large portion of the grade, especially when I hate talking in front of groups of people. Luckily I'm good at it, somehow.

    Anyways, my post was more of a checkup then anything. Its Andro's usual thing, but hey.. don't want the club topic to die, now do we?

    And like I said, don't expect Rika to post. If she does, great. If not, go forth! The other dude never came back that was interacting with my char. I just wrote his ass write out of the story and kept going... %_% If/when she comes back, she should easily be able to work herself in. Ok, maybe not easily... but with a little creative effort, its not like pulling teeth or something. Being absent so long, she could theoretically place her character pretty much anywhere and make it viable. Her character could've travelled a long distance by this point.
    Last edited by Merlin; 08-24-2007 at 07:30 PM.

  16. #286
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Haha, you're right. That's true. If they're absent for so long, they should just pop up, and it'd be believable.

    So I think I'll do just that and move on, cause Rika hasn't even been on today. Sucks being a teenager. Especially with honors classes. XD

  17. #287
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Yeah.. then she hits college and realizes all those honor classes were easy as hell compared with a full college load. ^_^ Hopefully those classes actually get transfered, otherwise all it is is useless credits(if they are even going to give her that). That's what happened to me... sure I got credits for it, and every one of them was labeled "unknown #__", which means they were utterly useless.

    On a more topic-related note... I can't think of anything topic related currently. Uh... expect more plot twists in my next post... because my favorite phrase lately is "Once you figure out what's going on, you're wrong".

  18. #288
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I was a busy person today, I got three RP posts completed. So I count myself pleased. I got the Royalty post in and I also got the recruitment thread going. So I will be divided on that getting Cloud Sky through the quest that put before him. Though its not what he probably had in mind, nor I. Its far more playful than usual, but you have to adapt with that is thrown your way.

    But either way, I gave something fun for Dragonheart to play with as well. So I'll be curious to see what you do in response. It should be fun and I have a couple more things I'm going to do in the next post probably. Though that depends on what you end up doing. You going to leave the trouble maker behind or take her with you. ^^

    It should be fun either way to see what happens.
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  19. #289
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Oh ho! Yes, I threw another cog into the pleasantries. I won't go into the details until it has been read, but needless to say, three went in but only two are coming out.

    In other news, the following is the updated profiles as they are BEFORE this post. They will be modified slightly after my next post. Ooooh the mystery!

    Name: Sizuru Koroshisubana
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Jumin
    Magic Element: Psychic abilities
    Occupation: Classified
    Social Status: Military
    Weapons : Any object within range of her power
    Appearance: Her most distinguishing feature is her shoulder-length fiery-orange hair that seems almost unnatural. Her piercing blue eyes and slim, hourglass figure is enough to draw plenty of unwanted attention... or so one would think. Due to her abilities, such attention is easily adverted if she chooses.

    Background: Sizuru was one of the first magically-attuned children to end up thrown into the Juminian military. Both of her parents were part of the military, so naturally she was born in a military hospital. Upon giving birth, Sizuru's mother was spontaneously decapitated. The crying infant was rushed from the room and placed in an adjacent wing. Upon further investigation they discovered that the child was the culprit. She was unable to control her innate magic ability and slaughtered her own mother. The military quickly realized that the child's magic potential would be a great asset and she was forced into military care that day.

    Sizuru has known nothing of regular life, spending her entire existence being trained as an assassin. Unlike the Kithurian Military's typical over-zealous ruthlessness towards magic-wielders, the Juminian Military was rather supportive of her, trying to build her into a well-rounded individual and not a test-tube experiment. Of course, one man's idea of kindness is another's idea of torture. After all, the Juminians wanted a magic-wielder capable of killing at a moment's notice.

    At the age of 16, Sizuru had completed all of her training and was added to a new top-secret agency created by the government. As far as the general public is concerned, the agency doesn't exist. In fact, the only members of the government aware of it are a few key members near the top ranks, that way the government has almost complete deniability over any actions that the agency takes. The purpose of this highly-classified agency is to target key individuals and installations in other countries, most notably Kithur, and eliminate them. All missions once accepted are considered final and cannot be canceled under any circumstances. Anyone who attempts to dissuade an agent from its mission, even an ally, is considered a hostile.

    Sizuru is gifted in the use of her mind. Her main focus is on telekinesis, being able to control any object within her radius. This includes using objects as weapons, or outright ripping them apart. Close behind is her ability to mask her presence from others. She is capable of altering the perception of people or creatures around her, an almost hallucinogenic ability. Rather than being able to make people 'see things that are not there' she is able to make people 'unaware' of things, such as herself. She cannot control people's thoughts, nor can she read people's minds or emotions. She simply blocks their ability to detect her until its too late. Her magic power spikes when she loses her temper. While this might seem like a useful thing, it is quite dangerous. A spike in power can easily push a magic-wielder over its limits and cause it to completely lose control. Through extensive training she has learned where her limits are, but even so... such power is quite tempting. Any other information regarding Sizuru is heavily classified.

    Name: Gwinnyn of the Holy Order of Pilner
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Pilner
    Magic Element: Unknown
    Occupation: Former Priestess of the Pilner Religion, Spy for Jumin
    Social Status: Formerly, Upper Religious Class. Currently, unknown
    Weapons : Bow and/or Crossbow
    Appearance: Golden-blond hair that extends slightly past her shoulder blades, blue eyes. Slightly underweight due to her belief that her fiancé had given up on her.

    Background: Gwinnyn was born in the small town of Thalas in the northern region of Pilner, several years before magic began appearing in the world. Her parents were devout religious individuals and enforced their beliefs upon their children. She embraced the beliefs of the old religion full-heartedly but soon that religion began to change. With the discovery of magic-wielders came the change of the Pilner Religion. The once pure religion became perverted to include the destruction of anyone considered 'impure'. By this time she was already a Priestess in the former church and was forced into the new church against her better judgment. Rather than leave and be excommunicated, she secretly worked within the church to lighten the punishment on magic-wielders that were caught. During this time her sister, Alastora, was handed over to the Juminian Military to spare her from being killed by the Pilner Religion. Their parents were rewarded handsomely for this, but Gwinnyn never saw a cent of it and was not made aware of the trade.

    When she reached the age of 18, Gwinnyn fell in love with one of the magic-wielders that she rescued from the grips of the Pilner religion. Unlike the typical magic-wielders who despised her despite her efforts, he was genuinely thankful and understood her plight. A relationship between a priestess vowed to celibacy and a "cleansed" magic-wielder was no easy task. Over the next six years their relationship grew, but the situation took a turn for the worse. Her sister Alastora, with the help of a member of the Juminian agency M.C.T.U, had Gwinnyn enlisted as a spy and shipped to the country of Lothua under false pretenses.

    Name: Tyrbane Silverhand
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Pilner
    Magic Element: Unknown
    Occupation: None
    Social Status: Excommunicated Heretic of the Pilner Religon
    Weapons : Great Katana
    Appearance: Short brown hair trimmed neatly, green eyes, athletic build. He has trained in both martial arts and sword fighting, so his muscles are more lengthy and flexible, rather than huge and bulky, allowing for quick, fluid movement while not sacrificing strength.

    Background: Tyrbane Silverhand was born in the capital of Pilner and dreamed of becoming a warrior just like his father. His father was an elite fighter in the military, and was more than happy to train his son in his free time. Unfortunately, when Tyrbane was 17, he began exhibiting the signs of magic use and struggled to control it. His father sacrificed his career and his life to cover-up the fact that Tyrbane was a magic-wielder, claiming that he himself was the one, not his son. While the deed was admirable, the priests were not fooled for long. Less than a year later Tyrbane was captured and forced into a chapel basement until his trial as a magic-wielder. At this time he was visited by Priestess Gwinnyn, who convinced the priests to excommunicate him rather than kill him. It was love at first sight. His mind told him not to fall for a Priestess, the very ones trying to have him killed, but his heart could see past the outer layers. Her position was very similar to his, placed in a situation where the only available choices were all paths towards death. Although their relationship grew strong over the next six years, it came to an abrupt halt when he was informed that she had been brutally murdered. Alastora, Gwinnyn’s sister, and Sizuru, a member of the Juminian M.C.T.U. were the informants. Rather than bury himself in agony and anger, he focused all his feelings and energy into harnessing his strength to protect others from the fate that his precious love had undergone.

    Name: Alastora (true name unknown)
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Jumin
    Magic Element: Fire
    Occupation: Classified
    Social Status: Military
    Weapons : Great Katana, Fire
    Appearance: If her striking, crimson hair and burning-red eyes aren't enough to send chills down most people's spines, her bubbly personality is enough to totally baffle them. At first glance she looks like a vicious killer ready to burn out the soul of anyone who crosses her path... then she speaks. Of course, don't let her personality fool you. She can in fact do all that listed above and more, should one cross her.

    Background: Little is known about Alastora's background. Her history is veiled in mystery. She currently serves as Sizuru's partner in training and group missions. Alastora loves spending time with the loner Sizuru, but the reverse is definitely not true. Her magic capabilities and limits are classified, adding yet another layer of mystery to her.

    During the last year, she betrayed her sister in order to steal the love of Gwinnyn’s fiancé. While she was successful in having her sister shipped to Lothua, she was unsuccessful in winning the heart of Tyrbane Silverhand.

  20. #290
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Very interesting. =D
    Although I was working on my post while I was at work earlier today. I have to go get the notebook and type out what I have and resume it. Though I honestly think there won't be much to do in the post except wait till Eris and DH get there. >_>

    Aww.. Sizuru's dead. I looked forward to working with her sometime, too. Oh well. The time will come when the final battle takes place between Everyone vs Alastora.

    Last edited by Victoria; 08-28-2007 at 01:55 PM.

  21. #291
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    To Jay:
    I didn't say who died in that post. All I said was that the last thing Sizuru saw was an explosion. She was falling in and out of consciousness during that time period. Also, when I posted here I said that only one person died, and Sizuru was the farthest away from the explosion, so through deduction you could propose that she was not the one dead. Of course, further deduction could state that any object in the room could have lethally impaled her when the explosion happened... ^_^

    In any case, Alastora went all Anthony Hopkins on Sizuru and Gwinnyn's ass. For reference sake, he is the one who always plays a psycho killer (The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, Fracture, etc). She finally flew over the cookoo's nest... lol!

    I cut out a lot of the graphic detail I would have liked to have added, to make it more suitable for this forum, but I suppose it really should have a disclaimer, because it would still be rated a solid R, methinks.

    EDIT: If you wish to interact with my characters before I post again, please contact me... because I don't want to post spoilers here for everyone to see.
    Last edited by Merlin; 08-28-2007 at 04:57 PM.

  22. #292
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    So that nurse was Gwinnyn, eh? I thought Gwinnyn was at bedside and ill and such? o.O;

    And isn't that nurse dead? >_>;

    So where the heck is Gwinnyn in your post? XD I just see the name and a description of what she looks like, but to me she popped up out of nowhere. I got the impression that she was the nurse, lol. XD

    And hmm.. So Alastora is dead. Wow. No more Psycho. XD That was very interesting.

  23. #293
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    LOL I think you are trying to think too far into it, or something. They are in Lothua. Alastora wanted to kill her sister and Sizuru wanted nothing to do with it... she just wanted to cut through the country to get to the other side. Alastora then went Anthony Hopkins on her ass, cutting her limbs off while she was asleep and killing the witness(the nurse who bandaged up Sizuru, presumably).

    The comatose person is obviously Gwinnyn, the person Alastora is trying to kill. Gwinnyn is lovesick to the point she has pretty much given up on life. The nurses have been keeping her alive in hopes that she would regain consciousness. Since it is a town of magic-users, presumably they are able to keep her stablized.

    I thought that was pretty clear when Alastora started rambling about her childhood being stolen, etc. XD

    Last edited by Merlin; 08-28-2007 at 05:15 PM.

  24. #294
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Yes, I read all that about her childhood being stolen, but I didn't read/see that there was a comatose person there at all. Gwinnyn's name just popped up out of nowhere, but I guess I somehow... missed a word or two?

  25. #295
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    A couple words? O.o Sometimes I wonder if you just skim my posts...

    Her demeanor had changed from peaceful to violent in that split second. She looked at the comatose woman with disgust, screaming, “Everything you have, even the man you love was paid for in blood! Do you know what its like to live your life knowing that your parents betrayed you and find your sister living a posh life with a wonderful boyfriend? It makes me sick. You make me sick!”

    OK, from that I didn't say who the woman was, because I was leaving it a mystery. Is it Gwinnyn or in Alastora's delirium she believes it is?

    Alastora calmly removed the massive katana from its resting spot and lifted it above her sister’s head.

    At this point it is clear that the comatose person is in fact Gwinnyn.

    As Alastora collapsed onto the chest of her sister, she once again began laughing sadistically, her body writhing around like a wild animal.

    Once again emphasizing that yes, Alastora is trying to kill Gwinnyn, even after her body has been dismembered. I admit I deliberately made it mysterious in the beginning, but I made sure to clear all the details up in the climax of the post... XD

    Last edited by Merlin; 08-28-2007 at 05:43 PM.

  26. #296
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Wow... okay. I somehow didn't register that.

    I read it, I didn't skim your post. I don't know why it didn't register for me until now, lol...
    Oh well. XD

  27. #297
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Well you got me to re-read it to make sure it was clear... haha. I am occasionally too vague on something in an effort to cut down on useless details. I might accidentally cut out something useful in the process. Shit happens.

    I suppose I could spend time actually "proofreading" it.. XD Usually, I write it as regular story, save it to a separate file, edit it using forum tags, and post it. Whatever I catch in that process, I fix. Otherwise it goes unnoticed. But, I am OCD over stuff so I am known to re-read things after I post them. I do that with everything I post. Thats why almost every message I write says its been edited the same minute I post it. LOL

  28. #298
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, there is definitely a bit of confusion, though for me it was suddenly seeing that the sister was in the room. I went back over it and found that I apparently had missed a sentence saying that Alastora went over to the bed of another patient. And I thought I was reading carefully too. Though it was pretty jarring the time jump and location jump, which is what really set it off. And since it was all from Sizuru perspective you really do in not knowing anything at all. Bringing a state of confusion to the reader was definitely achieved.

    It will be very interesting to see the aftermath. Though I am a little surprised that they beat Tyrbane to Lothua, but I guess evil acts always get to be a little speedier than the hero so as to bring more pain. Very disturbing girl Alastora is, if she is still alive and moving around after all of this should be fun to watch.
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  29. #299
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    There was no time jump... it takes place at the same time that Tyrbane and Yuuna cross the border. Sizuru and Alastora left almost two days before they did. They also knew exactly where Gwinnyn was, since they put her there in the first place. Tyrbane had no idea where to go.

    I didn't see the point in writing a paragraph going "While Tyrbane and Yuuna are crossing the border, Sizuru and Alastora had already reached the Haven... blah blah blah". It totally kills the flow of what I was going for, which is shock factor. Its to give the reader a glimpse into what its like to wake up not knowing WTF is going on. Of course, the fear factor is kinda removed since it is lost from the lack of the big screen, but yeah.

    I think the confusion stems from my abrupt change in writing style then what I actually wrote. I was in the process of working on re-opening my mystery-murder storyline I started with the TRPT, so some of it kinda bled over I think.. haha.

    But like I said, it was deliberately written that way, not out of a brainfart. ^_^

  30. #300
    Morning Always Comes TFF Royalty Xeim's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    I still can't believe I'm actually doing this. >_>

    But, here I am, hoping I could join. I'm in a few RP's on TFF, including Memories of a Shinigami and Pulling of Puppet Strings. I'm not going to say that my writing's perfect- not only would that be arrogant, but it would be a lie. I have a lot of room to improve, and I'm working very hard to do so.

    Nevertheless, I do hope you'll let me in! I've been debating over whether I should try to join or not for quite some time now. I never really felt like I was good enough. But, I OCD over things too I thought 'd give it a shot. Can't hurt to try, no? ^^;;

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

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