The weather here is actually starting to get weather, apparently the raining season is coming to an end.
Which is all good, cause I was planning on climbing Mt. Fuji to the top in about 10 days ><;
Peace out
If the starting positions are fairly far apart then it's safer to do this. You can also cancel the assimilator as it's about to be completed and then warp it back in, although you'll have to keep the probe alive for some time to do that, which can be pretty hard. But even if you don't, by the time Terran destroys the assimilator he'll be getting gas on around the 18th supply. Also, Terran isn't going to pull half of his SCVs off the minerals to kill it, he still needs a strong mineral flow so maybe he'll just use 2 SCVs and then marines as they come. The delay in gas makes it much more likely for a Terran player to play TvP as if it were TvZ, i.e. go 2/3 barracks M&M against you. I'd say it's more likely on close positions, e.g. 12 and 3 positions on LT.Originally Posted by darkViVi
Yeah, there have been thunderstorms where I live for the past few nights now, although during the day it's still quite hot and humid. However! Today it's feeling nice and cool, with a swift breeze coming in through the window.Originally Posted by nightscare
The weather here is actually starting to get weather, apparently the raining season is coming to an end.
Which is all good, cause I was planning on climbing Mt. Fuji to the top in about 10 days ><;
Peace out
It's getting cooler here now. Hopefully for the rest of summer. I'm hoping for more rain.
I'm going shopping at Lakeside with my best friend next Saturday, so hopefully it'll be cool enough to hang out without having to grab shade under some shop umbrella, haha.
Can't wait to get me some Starbucks coffee!
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Lakeside,that wouldn't happen to be lakeside village would it? Can't remember where its near barnsley or doncaster or somewhere like that,anyways near me!Originally Posted by Chez Daja
And who wants coffee when you can have tea!? Coffee is no-where near as nice as a good strong tea!
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I love my free texts!
Sooo.... damn.... hot.....![]()
When will it end?
Hmmm yes.Originally Posted by Winter
I'm gonna try that out, but is our StarCraft clan gone?![]()
Nightscare, actually, I go there for Starbucks' ice frappachino.
Anyway, though... It's in London somewhere...bah. I dunno, I haven't actually been there, despite having been around the country... strange, that.
Lakeside reminds me of Silent Hill... any true fan will get what I mean.![]()
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
oh well not the end of the world! Would have been cool though...Originally Posted by Chez Daja
Yuk frappachino isn't that like a cold cappacino? Ye gods the horror! I'll stick with a black coffee if I HAVE to drink a coffee!
Having never been to Lakeside in London I can't comment on it but it sounds cool if its like silent hill! Wait are they're weird freaky monster aka sales persons there?
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Hahaha, perhaps! I'll have to see on Saturday. =)
Nah, frappachino is like milk with ice and whipped cream... I have vanilla on mine, just because it's tastier then the caramel flavour.![]()
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
It's been a while since I posted in here (even though it's my club, ouch). I guess I don't check clubs out so much anymore, haha.
Well, I'm still alive. Just thought I'd point it out.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
Yes.Originally Posted by darkViVi
Raine just doesn't seem to play anymore and Relm has disappeared. It's a shame because I would've loved to practice TvZ with Relm, especially as TvZ is my weakest matchup. I used to complain about the difficulty and imbalance in ZvT, but now I play as Terran I see it isn't easy at all for Terran to win games.
I remember when I was in France 4 years ago, with a friend on a school trip where you had to stay with a Frenc family for a few days. The area was near the France-Belgium border where we got taken to visit WWI sites during the days. Anyway, the area we stayed in was a ****ing slum. Notice the use of an expletive to emphasize my distaste for the region. There wasn't much to do in the French family's house so I spent most of my time just talking to my friend. However, the mother in the family bought us a lot of drinks, one of which was Lipton Ice Tea. I had never had Ice Tea before but after I tried some I really, really liked it. So we would just talk and go through some 2 litre bottles of Ice Tea.
They tried to popularize Ice Tea in Britain, but I don't think it worked. The adverts had a man with a mullet drinking Lipton Ice Tea with the catchphrase "Don't knock it until you've tried it" and the man doing things he wouldn't have thought he'd like. For example, the mullet and sucking someone else's toes.
Meh, I usually drink tea, but ice coffee au lait is still very very good...
Especially to wake up after a hangover
Peace out
Really, and here was me thinking you were dead!Originally Posted by Neo Necron
In other news my parents believe my insomnia to be a fake excuse to stay up at stupid times in the morning,they don't understand that I crave sleep,stupid parents! The worst part is I'm too young to have sleeping pills! Well a stronger dosage anyway. This all adds up to make me feel like I'm having a really crappy day!
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Joee you lazy bastard get back to this hole more often to enlighten us with your wisdom...and random animal noises
We need to do that again still..damn I got some new sounds that are really ****ed up.
Hmm..I always stay up late..or early. I'm a night person, it's actually 5:50 am now.
Peace out
Hey darkViVi, today on Europe I played a PvT where the Terran went M&M against me. In fact, it was about 2 hours ago. His ID was sharedDOKs, he's not very good and I think you could easily beat him. Quite frankly, I scouted him late on LT and I had already begun pumping dragoons before I saw his marine heavy build. So I switched to zealots, and because I was feeling arrogant I suicided two of them into his base. And I saw he was playing the game like a TvZ, I already had a citadel so I warped in a Templar Archives, got storm and templar and waited for him to attack me. When he did the M&M got owned. Then I just did a DT drop followed by a reaver drop. He tried to expand, but I stopped it. And eventually he just ran out of money and left. GG.
Yeah, I'm seriously considering switching to Protoss. Whenever I play P my macro is so much better than when I play Terran and Zerg.
I hear massive blood loss makes you sleepy. Cut your major arteries and see what happens!Originally Posted by nightscare
Was that totally out of order? "Totally".
If you have been prescribed sleeping pills then surely your parents are aware that you have insomnia? I hate it when I've stayed up too long and I'm feeling dreadfully tired. And then only getting 5 hours of sleep a night for a few consecutive nights really gets me down too. Why is it you have insomnia?
They know I've got insomnia with the sleeping pills they just don't take it seriously,which is really stupid of them,nah it wasn't totally out of order made me laugh which is a good thing! I honestly have no idea why I have insomnia my brain just doesn't want to shut up I guess,I've had a lot of shit going on in my life this current year including attending 3 funerals of family members so it may have something to do with the crap thats been going on but I'm not too sure.Originally Posted by Winter
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I love my free texts!
I used to suffer from lack of sleep, although I'm not sure if it was insomnia...I just never used to be able to sleep when I whent ot bed. It was really irritating... Now I seem to have no problem. Particularly now that the heat wave seem to have finally subsided, although, thinking of it, it didn't last too long... I hope I don't jinx it and get the heat wave back, though.![]()
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
I have phases of slepe lack. Sometime it'll take me hours to get to sleep, others I'll sleep as soon as I hit the pillow.
Sleep at the moment is precious, now that I'm working every weekday over the summer. Yummy.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
On weekdays when I go to university I usually sleep like 5-6 hours.
In the weekend I sleep like 10 hours mostly, so I guess I make up for it again, allthough I'm never really sleepy..well sometimes, but not like I can't do anything at all.
Peace out
I watched Wolf Creek the other night and quite honestly, it was appalling. The film was distinctly low budget - I don't have a problem with that because a lot of low budget ventures can be great (e.g. Crazy Stone as a very recent example) - but this film wasn't. At the end it purported the movie was based on actual events, and maybe that is so. However, after believing Fargo was based on real-life events when I was much younger and then having the directors say they just lied at the end makes me constantly suspicious. Although the nature of events in the two films are noticeably different, and it may be distasteful to say the happenings in Wolf Creek were genuine, when they were not. Back to the film in hand, Wolf Creek had poor one-dimensional acting, a lack of intelligence from the protagonists (like in most horror movies) but more importantly the atmosphere wasn't scary. It tried to be "gruesome" but it didn't even manage that. There are plenty of films with more gore than Wolf Creek and I dare to say Taxi Driver has more of a "shock" impact than this film. And I didn't think Taxi Driver was as powerfully stunning as many people made it out to be. Do not waste your time watching Wolf Creek.
Blizzard released the 1.14 patch for BW while I was sleeping. After trying it out I have to say: WHAT THE ****. Don't click the 'Ladder' button while you're playing on Europe or it'll load up the WGT/Blizzard FAQ page in your default browser. It appears, also, games cannot be created on PGT and if you use PGT maps on there is no information regarding your game and no-one can join. I was on PGT a moment ago and I had many Koreans complaining about the profile you see. Your record is still existent on the Bnet-X server but when you double click someone's ID to view their profile, the win/loss record is 0/0. There aren't many people on PGT right now.
Last edited by Autumn; 08-01-2006 at 04:47 AM.
No, like in most American films.Originally Posted by Winter
I'm not saying Americans are stupid... just a majority of their storylines. Then again, I've been watching a lot of anime lately, which has very intelligent, thought provoking storylines. In comparison to Anime a lot of stuff looks bad :S
On second thoughts, maybe I'm being a bit un-just towards american film makers because of recent Japanese influence, but a lot of american stuff IS bad. Mostly chick flicks.
I was going to watch Wolf Creek, actually. Though I forgot. Now that Film Four is a free channel, I do keep meaning to take advantage of it. I just keep forgetting about the stuff that's on it.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
I'm very happy it's now free. Tonight, their "big" film is Notting Hill, which I doubt I'll watch. They've shown some interesting films though, their opening night with Lost in Translation, Sexy Beast and Infernal Affairs was pretty good. I didn't watch Sexy Beast that night because I've seen most of it before and remember thinking it was your average Ray Winston film. There was another one of his works on the other night called Love, Honour and Obey, which had Jude Law in it too. Once again, quite standard.Originally Posted by Neo Necron
FilmFour showed Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai really late at night, after Apocolypse Now last weekend and I stayed up to watch it. At first I thought the film was a comedy, but the humour was subtle at times but, to its detriment, unnecessarily blasé at other times. Then there was the "thriller" aspect to it, which didn't work too well either. The plot and overall acting sucked rather badly. The best thing in this film was Forest Whitaker, and it reminded me what an underrated actor he is. It's forced him into doing shitty films where he has a prominent role (i.e. Battlefield: Earth with John Travolta). If you see his performance in The Color of Money, short though it may be, he does better than Paul Newman.
He's under-utilized in Hollywood because he's not handsome. Much like Kevin Bacon who is also seriously underrated. On the other hand, you have less talented actors such as George Clooney and Richard Gere gaining prominence because of their looks. Steve Buscemi is also under-appreciated for much the same reason.
Originally Posted by Winter
Yeah, I know. She hasn't been on for ages. Neither here or
But we could practice TvZ together. I play decent with Zerg on fastest but when it comes to LT & Luna I suck.... somehow... Need practice.
REEEEELLLLMMMM!!!!! *drags her online*![]()
Yeah, that was a GGOriginally Posted by Winter
say, why are we never online together? o_O
I mean, I need practice and in 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 games I get sucky team mates...
Nice going there though with the DT's and Reavers. I need to practice more on my drops, they haven't been much successful
Yeah, from what I just wuoted you sound like a pretty good Toss player. They quickly became my favorite race (after Relm abandoned us...) I think I have a good chance of beating her now, in our last games I almost did but she went either DT or Lurk on me ;_;Originally Posted by Winter
HAHA I liked playing with her. But as of lately I have remembered my obs more frequently and it is a quite nice plan to send them out and scout almost the entire map.
*takes note of name* Thanks, I'll look for him.
Furthermore, I have also played some games that aren't labeled as n00bs and my team mates have said I played good, so yeah. I'm improving, maybe I'll beat you soon, eh? ^^ Posted by Neo Necron
Damnit people, Ive had alot of names.
I used to be called <B> Vadrigar, ShadowReborn, Paladin and Gray Fox.</B> But Khorde will (I hope) stick with me forever.
Okey guys i know nothing about HTML, thats why my sig sucks. I cant get my own pic either. The root of all this is my Modem, when i get ADSL (broadband) i will be able to post more and look on the net for pics and read HTMl guides, but now Im stuck. Come on really now, Ive been here for one year and check my Post Count, THATS NO ERROR, yes low.
I dont meen that I will spam when I get broadband, I will just be able to be as active as I want. So dont think I dont care for TFF, I love it and its Community. Whenever somebody leaves TFF it sucks big time, its as if a member in your family is leaving.
Yeesh, im never so serious. IM CHANGING, AND I CANT STOP IT!!!
Help ME, PLEASE!!!
OHH yeah, congratulation. You´ve just read my whole sig, and if you havent started crying out of boredom and pain. I thank you for that.
Note:You can not sue me for any damages that my have been done to you physically or/and mentally.
This Sig Sucks.
Or does it...
It's true though...
Japanese horror movies...properly scary most of the times. American horror movies....some random guy in a random suit killing things, ow yippie -_-
Of course there are exceptions, but big line..yeah.
Saw and Saw2 were really ****ing good though.
Peace out
Agreed, Saw and Saw 2 were brilliant, but other American horror films... I don't think I can think of any I enjoyed. They just all seem the same to me.
There are people. There are creatures with no mind. Some of the people get killed. The remaining people kill the mindless creatures. Then there's a cliffhanger once it's hinted at the end that one of the creatures still remains.
I'm scared. </sarcasm>
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
Haha, the cases of the latter you are always certain that the movie will at least have 2 more sequels.
Can anybody think of a shitty horror sage that ended after 2 movies? I cannot,,always 3 or more (hellraiser got ****ing 8).
Peace out
You know I was talking about R-point just a few posts ago? It's on tonight. It's on FilmFour at 12:30am tonight. I think it's a great film, and definitely worth watching. Even though I've seen it before I'm exciting about seeing it again, just to pick up on things I missed first time round and perhaps understand the events a little better, although I'm guessing I'll still be left bewildered at the end. Still, if you can watch it or record it I thoroughly recommend you do so!
Winter, I am forced to agree with you. Hollywood only casts the next "hottie" nowadays and a shitload of great actors weither go to waste or get forced to minimal roles in movies. By the way, James Woods is also a brilliant actor who is completely underrated. He made way to few movies when he was actively acting. And the ones he did make, were really good.
Bill Murray is also way too underrated. I admit, he did have good streak of success earlier in his career but it was by no means rediculously huge. He deserved more. And what makes me even more disgusted by hollywood, is that they didn't cash in on his talent later on anymore. They started only casting "popular" actors.
Christian Bale is also a very kickass actor. He was awesome in Batman Begins, played his role perfectly in American Psycho, and shows no sign of stopping unless Hollywood keeps him down.
And yet another underrated yet equally talented actor is Kevin Spacey. He's played mutliple roles which he geniously delivered yet he is still not hyped as one of the greatest actors. Screw hollywood and it's stupid hierarchy. All you need to cash billions for a movie nowadays is to cast Orlando Bloom, Colin Farrell, and some Paris Hilton dits to act "cute".
Americna horror sucks ass...hard. It's no wonder that the Japanese filming industry was able to so easily sweep in and dominate the horror film making market. At least from what I can tell from going to the video rental store, almost all horror movies listed are from Japan. They don't even take the time to stock things like Chucky the Killer Doll anymore.
Saw an excellent Japanese/Thai collaboration movie recently. It's one of those movies that uses the effect of silence/no background music to make the viewer feel as if he is there and/or it could be real life. The movie is called "Last Life in the Universe" and stars Asano Tadanobu (Ichi the Killer, Zatoichi: the Blind Swordsman). The movie offers a good mix of black humour while not unbalancing the serious element. I can only recomend this movie.
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The Brotherhood of Doom: Prince of the North
Emperor Patriarch Akira VI til Nadesico
James Woods is pretty good, although he was stereotyped into a "bad guy" role in many movies and then there was one film which I saw that also starred Michael J Fox. The film was a comedy but I can't remember the name. I would've liked to see more of James Woods. On a side note, Gary Busey always struck me as a poor man's James Woods.Originally Posted by Akira
Bill Murray isn't that underrated. Many of his recent films have received critical acclaim, i.e. Lost in Translation, The Life Aquatic and Broken Flowers. Unfortunately, he's doing the "tired of life and sardonic" character quite a lot now. Maybe people just don't find him funny when doing Ghostbusters style humour.Originally Posted by Akira
I like Christian Bale. He won't get kept down because he's considered good looking. He's done some bad films, like Ring of Fire and Metroland. The former was just shit but the latter was low budget and one of his early films, and to be fair it wasn't a complete disgrace. For those who care, the lead female in Metroland, Emily Watson, also stars as the woman Preston loves in Equilibrium. American Psycho was the film I first saw Bale in, and he was awesome. The other areas of the film were really good too, in fact, now I think about it some more I saw it on the small TV in my room and I didn't know what it was. However! The presentation was so slick and the narration at the beginning was so strangely alluring I just kept watching. And it turned out to be well worth my time.Originally Posted by Akira
Maybe Kevin Spacey was underrated in his early career (see Consenting Adults) but these days he's very well respected. I'm not sure if there was any press coverage of the hype surrounding his directorial debut in theatre. Anyway, there was a lot simply because of his status in Hollywood. His play received mixed reviews.Originally Posted by Akira
Orlando Bloom is a poor actor, I have no respect for him. The only good films I've seen with him in were the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Pirates of the Carribean. And they were good in spite of him. Kingdom of Heaven was appalling and unintentionally hilarious, whereas for Troy I'll quote what someone wrote on IMDB: "Troy was a load, it made be sick watching all the inaccuracies, not to mention that ***** Orlando Bloom." If you want to check this it is in the thread about casting white actors for lead roles in Battle of Red Cliff. I am so, so excited about Battle of Red Cliff - it's directed by John Woo and stars Chow Yun Fat, Tony Leung and Andy Lau. The guy in my avatar is Tony Leung.
FilmFour have a Studio Ghibli season. This week they're showing various works at around 5pm each day. I watched a bit of Laputa the other day, because I heard it was a classic, but it struck me as average and then I had to go so I couldn't see the end. Although because it's for kids I suppose it's easy to predict. Yesterday they had My Neighbour Totoro, and from what I watched it wasn't too bad; but nothing special. Once again, I had to stop watching before the end.
Actually the thing from Saw 1 and 2 I am taking back.
Just heard today that it was written by Australion guys, so it is not the work of Americans, unlucky. They truly do fail.
Peace out