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Thread: TFF of Europe

  1. #1

    TFF of Europe

    You from TFF? You live in Europe? Then you're free to join

    The TFF of Europe Club

    Frequent discussions on stuff European, how better we are than everywhere else, and how awesome being European is.

    Same rules apply as over TFF, no spamming, flaming, trolling etc etc.
    To join just post here and state where in Europe you are from. I also want to see a photo of a panda playing chess against a traffic light. The traffic light has to be winning.

    Yeah, I know we had a thread before, but it was so big (not with spam.... really... *cough*) it got moved and we're restarting the thread.
    If you joined in the old thread, you're automatically in.

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

    By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron

  2. #2
    I would like to join. As you very well know, Neo, I live in Britain.

    Unfortunately, I don't have the picture you requested.

  3. #3
    Yeah, welcome aboard. The other members are doing their usual trick of being inactive. Then Khorde (aka Banned Testicle) will show up, spam, everybody will join in and we'll go through a period of inactivity again.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

    By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron

  4. #4
    I like being inactive. It's addictive. I like the newness of this club. It's so empty and pure. Maybe I'll try to make a picture of a panda playing chess against a traffic light and the traffic light is winning. It's a nice idea.

    Welcome to the club Winter.

    See you in two months ^^

  5. #5
    Wtf happened with the old TFF of Europe?
    *throws in some goats and vodka*
    I'll spam for a bit now..and then vanish for months again.
    You know you love me though >.>

    Peace out

  6. #6
    Registered User TFF of Europe
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Great, now I have no clue what you've been talking about all summer =( Because you have been talking.. right?

    Where's Khorde? Give me Khorde!

    Anyway, I'm still hiding in Europe.. which is great.. so nothing new here.

    Touch my mind.

  7. #7
    I'm pretty sure I told Khorde about the re-start, but he doesn't seem to have posted yet. I'll hound him when he's next online.

    Poor boy, he'll do anything under enough pressure from me.

    Good to see you posting, Otto. Keep it up, sir!
    While you're here, I must remember now to show you my Kenya photos:

    You may all look too, of course ^_^

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

    By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron

  8. #8
    Hey, could I join this thing? I live in Scotland, and am impressive in the field of being inactive.

    Neo, I did find a picture similar to the one you requested, but the panda had the upper hand. Bad day for the traffic lights, i'm afraid.

    And we are better than the rest of the world. No two ways about it, as i'm sure you all understand....

  9. #9
    TFF of Europe ToroMor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Nailed to an inverted cross
    Still here!

    Hey a scot! As far as I can remember you're the first scottish guy(?)
    So the malt whisky is provided, fine!

    Can anyone please tell me that the weather in his/her country is TOTAL F*CKING CRAP too? Please.
    <img src="" border="0" alt="Toro Mor">

    Dark Christ
    Ruler of the Pit
    Abound with power excelling the Jehovah
    As I sack the Heavens
    I Will ascend the Throne
    Thou shall be brought down unto the abyss
    The Salvation from the Trinity
    Celebrate me
    Lo and Behold, For I am The New Christ
    A Christ of Darkness

  10. #10
    Sure you can join, Shiva. Infact, I have a hunch you were a member once before... though I can't be sure.
    Anyhoo, welcome aboard.

    I wouldn't say weather is bad, just not great. I don't mind the fact that it rains often in Britain, I think rain is kinda atmospheric, I can like it. Sometimes depends where I am though.
    The only thing I don't like about British weather is that it is unpredictable. That is it.

    If it helps, ToroMor, the rain I experienced in Kenya was actually worse that it is over here. Sure, it didn't rain as often, but the rain you got was seriously heavy. Furthermore, when the Sun was out, you could enjoy it at first, but it would eventually tire you.

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

    By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron

  11. #11
    TFF of Europe Akira's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    In yo' pants, babeh!
    Well Im reporting for duty as well.

    Oh and Toro, the weather is just as bad here as it is where you are but thats probably because I live only a few Km away from you hehe.

    I had a scottish friend once. He got drunk and died. Not really, in fact hes visiting me 2006 for the world cup in good ole Germany.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Prince of the North

    Emperor Patriarch Akira VI til Nadesico

  12. #12
    Registered User TFF of Europe
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The weather here is absolutely perfect, and has been for the entire summer. Hear that ToroMor? I've been sitting out on our balcony today while studying, and it was.. aaah.. wonderful. The sky was perfectly blue and cloud free and I even managed to improve my tan a bit. Hirr.

    Neo, I checked out some of your pictures, looks like you had a great time. =) I'm familiar with the countries myself as I uh, more or less grew up in Burundi, my family moved there when I was a kid. I still think of it as a great experience.

    Welcome Shiva!

    Touch my mind.

  13. #13
    I rather like a gentle rain, it's nice and refreshing as long as it isn't prolonged. And I don't like torrential bursts of rain that suddenly start and end just as abruptly. Although the weather this Summer has been really quite nice. Usually there's a crippling heat wave but luckily that occurred in June when my holidays still hadn't started so now the temperature each day is generally warm but not annoyingly hot and the humidity is somewhat mild, which I find hard to describe.

  14. #14
    TFF of Europe Akira's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    In yo' pants, babeh!
    The summer in Germany this year was really shitty, at least thats my opinion. It was only sunny at the beginning but that phase ended a long time ago. Now we only have rain and cool winds. I prefer my summers to be warm and sunny and not rainy. I can stand it in the other three seasons but dont take my summer too.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Prince of the North

    Emperor Patriarch Akira VI til Nadesico

  15. #15
    It rains here mostly..****ed up gayass weather.Chat filters still apply here I see..meh. **** it.
    I loved the pictures of Kenya man. Really cool, and random comments to the pics.
    Meh..I'll prolly post a few time and vanish again for half a year. I'm just really bored now...hehe.

    peace out

    Khorde...I love you! get back pimp.

  16. #16
    Lady Succubus TFF of Europe Victoria's Avatar
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    Yeah, the filters are still here, but we don't care if you dodge it big deal.
    Just can't get out of hand, etc.

  17. #17
    heya... nolwynn told me to post here so i am ... oh and can i join too please ^_^ yea how long ive been inactive im not too sure.. year(s)?? 0.o maybe.....
    weather here is quite meh really. so much for them saying its gonna be a heatwave how about u neo? english to right?

  18. #18
    Summers here are nice enough apart from evil midges, Glen Nevis sunsets are amazing. The rain need not be metioned, it might provoke it. You kinda get used to it tho.

    What do you think of the whole ID Database State thing? Will it actually ever happen?

  19. #19
    TFF of Europe ToroMor's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Nailed to an inverted cross
    Quote Originally Posted by Nolwynn
    The weather here is absolutely perfect, and has been for the entire summer. Hear that ToroMor? I've been sitting out on our balcony today while studying, and it was.. aaah.. wonderful. The sky was perfectly blue and cloud free and I even managed to improve my tan a bit. Hirr.
    I wish you an ass full of mosquito bites BITCH!
    I can't f*cking bear this shit ass summer here anymore. It's cold and it's cloudy. Every f*cking day. Makes me sick.

    SK I once had a scotch drinking buddy. When he was plastered, he did a strange kind of folk dance and while doing it surprisingly kicked me in the balls. Asshole. But I must admit he was a tough drinker. And I like the scottish accent very much.
    <img src="" border="0" alt="Toro Mor">

    Dark Christ
    Ruler of the Pit
    Abound with power excelling the Jehovah
    As I sack the Heavens
    I Will ascend the Throne
    Thou shall be brought down unto the abyss
    The Salvation from the Trinity
    Celebrate me
    Lo and Behold, For I am The New Christ
    A Christ of Darkness

  20. #20
    TFF of Europe Akira's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    In yo' pants, babeh!
    Aye, Im quite prone to the Scott's dialect as well...I love those doss cunts.

    So he was dancing and kicked you in the balls...damn, good friend you got there hehe. And tough drinker is an understatement I think. I love the scottsman. Hahahaha...not that way though!

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Prince of the North

    Emperor Patriarch Akira VI til Nadesico

  21. #21
    TFF of Europe RedMagician's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Laughing at you >.>
    Can I join in?
    I'm from finland (yes that little place near Sweden)

  22. #22
    Registered User TFF of Europe
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Moi Red, Welcome.

    KAJI! ARRRGH! Don't leave me again couch. Good to see you. Now all we need is Khorde and it's a party. Khorde Khorde, komsi komsi.

    Scots are awesome... Love the scottish accent! Must be the best accent out there Due to ...certain circumstances I'm a bit biased though. Ok, a lot. Perhaps it's not so much the accent as the people. Heh.

    Toro, what, did I hear you say something? Mosquitos? No, we have no mosquitos here, I'm afraid they prefer colder, more rainy weather. As perhaps you're well aware of. *grin* Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go out play in the sun.


    Touch my mind.

  23. #23
    TFF of Europe RedMagician's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Laughing at you >.>
    Quote Originally Posted by Nolwynn
    Moi Red, Welcome.

    KAJI! ARRRGH! Don't leave me again couch. Good to see you. Now all we need is Khorde and it's a party. Khorde Khorde, komsi komsi.

    Scots are awesome... Love the scottish accent! Must be the best accent out there Due to ...certain circumstances I'm a bit biased though. Ok, a lot. Perhaps it's not so much the accent as the people. Heh.

    Toro, what, did I hear you say something? Mosquitos? No, we have no mosquitos here, I'm afraid they prefer colder, more rainy weather. As perhaps you're well aware of. *grin* Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go out play in the sun.

    hey you can speak "my language"

  24. #24
    This thread is for discussing Europe and as we all know the only country that matters in Europe is Britain. Britain has a better economic system than all the other European countries. And I consider Britain's welfare state a hinderance to economic growth in many ways. But I don't know how many of you will be interested in an economic discussion so I propose to have a friendly chat about tea and crumpets. I have a picture of tea and crumpets in my avatar, partly to show how British I am and partly to let people know what crumpets are. I assume people know what tea looks like.

    Tea and crumpets aren't actually that good.

  25. #25
    TFF of Europe Akira's Avatar
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    In yo' pants, babeh!
    Well i dont know what your babbling about Britain being the best. Everyone knows that Germany is elite and no other Euro. country even comes close. We have the best export/import agreements, make the best cars in the world (thats coming from the German guy who drives a Nissan lol), have the more people than any other European country, make more money than other Europeans per capita, and foremostly make the best beer to ever touch the lips of mankind. Hurrah for German alcohol!!!

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Prince of the North

    Emperor Patriarch Akira VI til Nadesico

  26. #26
    *starts to generalize*
    They're fat, cause they eat saucages all day long and drink liters of beer.
    All of them got huge amounts of hair on their backs, even the ladies.
    When it's summer they come to our beaches in Holland and dig holes there and sit in them.
    Yup...tat's what they do.
    And crumpets are evil!!

    Peace out

    Ps. Andorra is the country everybody should worship.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Samurai Kenji I
    Well i dont know what your babbling about Britain being the best. Everyone knows that Germany is elite and no other Euro. country even comes close. We have the best export/import agreements, make the best cars in the world (thats coming from the German guy who drives a Nissan lol), have the more people than any other European country, make more money than other Europeans per capita, and foremostly make the best beer to ever touch the lips of mankind. Hurrah for German alcohol!!!
    Deutschland Uber Alles, huh? Three months back I saw a graph in The Economist titled 'Deutschland Unter Alles'. The graph was showing Germany's GDP growth compared to the UK and America. But of course, Germany could be said to be having some economic problems, such as the high percentage of unemployed people. And of course, Germany will recover with strong economic growth, right?

    Like many other European countries there is far too much state involvement in the matters of the populace. Do you want to keep away high unemployment levels? Scrap the minimum wage, severely reduce the power of trade unions and drastically reduce the amount in unemployment benefits that are currently being paid out. Such measures distort the workings of the labour market and when such errors have been corrected uemployment will be at a higher level, although the wage cannot be said to be higher. However, what is best for the country? Having 10% of the people of working age without a job while the remaining have a relatively high pay or having 3% of people of the working age without jobs? As you say, Germany has the highest number of people in Europe. Just 1% counts for a lot.

    There's plenty of wasteful spending in Germany too, isn't there? The foremost example I can think of is manning the army in times of peace. I don't agree with national service although many countries do it. The costs are obvious. I have read in various places that there is a lot of state subsidization in industries, be it in 'infant firms' or failing firms. I cannot remember specific examples which I can write here but I may do when I look up all the subsidized industries in Germany.

    I don't particuarly care anymore. I'm bored of this post.

  28. #28
    TFF of Europe RedMagician's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Laughing at you >.>
    No No Finland's best

    All the action is in here because of the IAAF's 10th world championships

    Joten Suomi on paras. toivottavasti ymmärsitte mitä sanoin heh

    So England.I've never been in there but there's always bad weather in there,right?

  29. #29
    You got trees there that got teacups and umbrella's hanging from them.
    Lol nah, been to England a few times and my English friend kept on getting pissed at me when I asked where all the umbrella's where. And that I didn't se eumbrella trees.
    Meh...economical shit? don't care.
    And don't even compare to America, cause that is the most ****ed up country ever ^^

    Peace out

  30. #30
    TFF of Europe Akira's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    In yo' pants, babeh!
    Sorry for bringing a serious touch to the thread (all though I didnt really start it lol) but I didnt mean that to sound as serious as it did. I did however not say anything that doesnt apply to the truth. But to say Deutschland über alles is kind of childish dont you think. I think its lame how no German can ever be proud of any aspect of his country without getting any Nazi jokes. Hell I know this country is ****ed up in many ways, but so is every other country, no buts, ands, or maybes about it.

    Again that was all just meant as a joke and I think Ill try to lighten the mood here it is, everybody, one round of some fine German beer on me *passes out many bottles os the finest German beer*.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Prince of the North

    Emperor Patriarch Akira VI til Nadesico

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