Originally Posted by
Besides, out of all of the people that were down 4 lyfe in this club, I think that there were literally a handful of people discussing stuff.
Agreed. I'll be the first to admit that I've not discussed something in a while either. Since Kilala left, it feels as if we've shrunk due to not having a leader, and I think that's pretty sad. I didn't view Laura as a leader here, but as a member who wanted a difference, and now that she is gone it seems no one knows what they're doing.
Not that anyone should/would know what they are doing without ideas, and for this "club" to continue, we need the ideas. And... there aren't any coming any time soon. I guess you can't blame Kilala for that - this was bound to happen, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who that coming.

Originally Posted by
Meier Link
If someone had an idea all they would have to do is ask to join and exspress it amongst other like minded indivuals that wanted to improve TFF and most of the issues that where brought up where resolved and proper actions taken.
I still don't like the fact people have to join the Council to put forward their views. I liked the post count thing because it stops the weekend-drop-in-for-funsies members from being able to tell us what they want, only to not come back for months (or not at all in 9/10 cases). Really, does someone who has only been here a few days have that much of an opinion to make a drastic change?

Originally Posted by
Maybe if someones post count is less then 200 they can have a 2 month temporary pass or something like that.
Wouldn't that be hard to monitor? Already we have seventeen people in the Council not discussing anything, so do we really need newer members joining?
I just looked over the Council's Social Group, and out of the seventeen people there, five people haven't been on in a while, three of which I'm unsure about because they're hiding. The other members... I'm still unsure about because from what I've seen, most just lurk every now and then (I didn't check the lasts posts, just the last time they logged in).
And seeing how slow this club can be... do we really need seventeen people? I mean, how many people does it take to change a light bulb? It might be a big, scary forum to newer members, but after being here over a year, you really start to see it as something smaller.
I hate to say it, but I'm in favour of having the Council closed, and having a suggestion thread opened. Actually, my views are sort of mixed... In my opinion, we don't need a council - everything we've done so far has been through a simple suggestion and a discussion. You don't need to be a member of a club to express an opinion. BUT as Sheena said, it wouldn't hurt to keep it open. Maybe the Council itself needs a revamping, and a bit of a clean out?