Yeah, it opens way too many bad doors. You'd be surprised who can't take the crap they willingly hand out to other people. Or maybe you wouldn't. But yeah, it stops being fun real fast.
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Yeah, it opens way too many bad doors. You'd be surprised who can't take the crap they willingly hand out to other people. Or maybe you wouldn't. But yeah, it stops being fun real fast.
Well what would you be attesting to? I can't really see it as that bad a thing so long as you make sure people realise it's a 'post here at your own risk' dealie. You've basically said it was removed for a reason and to just ask one of several people, but not actually why it was problematic. It'd be useless to try and convince someone (or even hold an informed opinion) if we don't know all the facts as you do.
Was there some sort of mass TFF flamer uprising where they flamed the staff into submission or something? Because if something like that existed I imagine it'd make an entertaining read.
It ended up being majorly about music and whiny emo crap like that and got way out of control.
IE: Your music taste sucks and you're a freaking emo, bla bla bla....etc etc.
And to top it off, this was when I was a super-mod and I had a bad day and stumbled onto my roasting thread and took things the wrong way and deleted it all.
You guys are right. You don't know what went on. It's seriously not that fun for very long.
Over time, it really did just turn into an extension of the music forum and people got their feelings butt hurt and there was a lot of chaos.
I just fucking know that history will repeat itself sooner or later if the flaming forum is resurrected.
At first, everyone got what they wanted to say off their chest, and there was a sigh of contentment across the board. But then people started responding, and then those people were responded to, and sooner or later, it bled out of the flame forum and into the rest of the forum. And then it ran out of steam and was like a second humor and word games section where everyone just called each other faggots and emo ****heads because there just wasn't anything left to say.
If you want to flame someone in a playful way, you can just bring it into an MSN chat or any other instant messaging thing with one of the TFF members. It'll get too personal and there is no need to put it out publicly. You can basically do it anywhere on the internet, but the chances of people reacting negatively are pretty high. I don't want a flame forum due to many of the new members are pretty young. TFF can do fine without it. It's wishful thinking to believe that we'll flame each other intelligently.
As for Sheena's mystery idea. Why don't you have certain TFF members play a character and do some voice acting?
There's really no need for voice acting. It's just voice mail messages probably by like one person, maybe two at most.
Nice idea, though, if the contest goes in that direction. It may if I want to branch out from the exact original idea. >_>;
But yeah.. I dunno. Fish was talking to me over MSN about it. He brought in some good points.
@Azuteor: Haha. People still bring drama on here from MSN, so how it would be any different? It works both ways. People that have drama on here, bring it to MSN. People that have problems with someone on MSN, sometimes bring it on here.
All in all, it's been about 4-6 years since the Flame Forum was closed. The BoD is gone. I'm assuming that's where a majority of the whole "Your music is gay." "****ing emo" "Nu-Metal is for faggots" music flaming came from.
And the older members that took part in that flame forum, aren't really all that active anymore. We now have a newer generation of members that are considered regulars. And I can honestly say that I know a fair amount of people that wouldn't take the flame forum so serious and be used for a great laugh.
Like I'm saying, I do think that there should be restrictions in taking part of this if it were to be revived. Both Mistress Sheena and Oceaneyes have told me that there was a disclaimer in the old one that was used in order for people to participate in it. I say that should be used once again but definitely different.
Who said that the new members would be able to participate in it? I'm not saying that they would be permanently excluded from it, but for another restriction would be a matter of how long a member has been here in order to participate in it. It wouldn't make sense for let's say....a member who has only been here for about 2 months to have instant access to it and be flaming. If anything, they would be the ones that would have a higher chance of making things go down then say a forum regular. Forum regulars would already be established and know the rules. Hence the whole "post at your own risk".Quote:
Origianlly posted by Azuteor
I don't want a flame forum due to many of the new members are pretty young.
But as I've said, times have changed. It could work out fine or it could end up worse. I know that this idea seems a bit risky if we were going to do it but it could be fun. I say the only way for us would to actually try it and see what happens from there.
Hmm. *Nods* You've got a point thar. Though, I'm still iffy about it. We'll see how it works out. :)
Maybe the members who are responsible for the flame forums do a background check on the members participating. Possibly determine the participants level of maturity? I assume that a reminder for the members not take it seriously is part of the disclaimer too.
TFF Mascot (Not Sexy)
I wasn't there during the first wave of all of this so it's understandable for members to be iffy about it more than me. I must also agree with how "maturity" should be a huge key factor in enabling those to participate within the forum itself. There's no doubt that immaturity + flame forum = bad stuff that's bound to happen.
I also like the background check idea. It can give the staff a better conclusion of deciding on the member who wants to be in it. If they had a past of taking offense to things easily or bringing unnecessary drama on here then maybe it's not a good idea. But I don't make the overall decisions. They would have to decide on that.
Requirements like this would make it a lot easier and have a less chance of getting things out of hand than what has happened before. Any other ideas and input is always welcome. ;)
Wtf can we pull this up a bit are we talking about a flaming forum where we can voice our opinions to each other about each other?? Does this not blatantly go against the forum rules full stop.Quote:
On another note, I feel like TFF needs something different. Maybe something that was once on TFF and was removed and should really be revived to spark up some activity. Now I know that certain members on here are against flaming and even how the flame forum was itself, but what if we were able to revive it? Granted, it has both its advantages and disadvantages but it'd be a really good way for people to just pretty much talk shit to each other and not be so serious.
I don't like the idea of a flaming forum because it could get out of hand and like was already mentioned it would all depend on the maturity it doesn't matter who gets in or not it could still escalate no matter what and no matter what the maturity of the members. Why cant it just be done via pm or vm if in the forum they knew you or themselves were only joking then they would also know it would only be friendly in the pm as well.
Sorry that is my opinion anyway no offense Fish, i mean if it went ahead i wouldn't give two hoots of course but i just don't see the sense in it then again it could just be my narrow mind.
No, it'd be more like a Roast Forum. More of humorous flaming that isn't a REAL opinion of someone. There'd be some truth to it, but mostly you could tell it's just for fun.
Have you ever seen a roast on comedy central or somewhere? The flame forum was/would be like that, so it's just fine.
And yes, it would break the forum rules, but obviously the flame forum is an exception to the rule. -_-;
That's what the intent is, but you know for a fact that's not what people will use it for. There are a lot of people who would love to really dig into someone with a flame forum as justification.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sheena
I just don't think we should kid ourselves by thinking we're so "mature" and absolutely impervious to someone articulating attacks against us. Let's just call it what it is. Justification for rudeness and a section that encourages meanness. We have enough people on this forum already who think being rude is super cool.
Well, like I was telling Fishie, he just gives people too much credit.
And yes, that's essentially what the Flame forum is. It's an excuse to be an asshole.
I have to agree with Azuteor's statement and stance about the flame forum. Since the average age of people on TFF at the moment is around the 13-14 year old marker, I really think that puting in a flaming forum would generally be a really bad idea. I just looked through a recent post earlier and I saw some kid who apparently forgot to turn on his sarcasm detector, because I noticed that he thought a poster before him was trying to flame him when the entire time, the previous poster was being sarcastic, and vividly pointing out where he was hinting at his sarcasm with the use of italics. You guys want to put a flaming forum in an area where people can't detect sarcasm, let alone take a joke?
Bad Idea.
And not to mention that if we keep people like that out, and leave it to mature/vet people; it'd just be an elitist forum.
All in all, it's a bad idea waiting to happen. >_>Quote:
Originally Posted by Rocky
If someone really wanted a flame / roasting forum, then why not just allow them to have their own social group for exactly that. Of course it would have to be invite only so that it is out of sight and out of mind. This might actually be an idea for a "spam forum" also. Given both violate TFF rules but from what I have seen of the social groups; most of them already do that anyways.
This is just a thought that I figure I would put out there, not a recommendation or really my opinion.
You still have to explain what you mean by "good stuff." Can you elaborate more? It's a little frustrating when people do not understand what you are asking from them.
I think what Ekimeinna means, Mistress, is that he/she wants avatars that are high quality and have more designs than avatars that are created by cropping images instead of having to go to other websites to get them. He/she might also want more customization on our profiles? :confused:
We already have enough avatars... ><;;
If you want more "good stuff" then make an avatar/banner request in the art forums. We have talented artists who will be willing to make you one. Plus, there's tons of websites to look for avatars and it won't take you long to find one.
Azuteor, thanks for supporting what i want to say... atleast you're a help...
sorry btu i will think more suggestiong about how this forum suppsed to be better... besides the one that i want is not really a big deal and shouldn't be argue with any people here... thanks a lot and yes sharing a lot of good stuff from the good artist will be fine with me!! thanks for helping now that's i want to talk about...
Yeah, I think she meant the ability to customize your profile more. You know, have it all glowing and shiny and stuff!;) It gives people a chance to really show that creative side in them. Besides, that would be more fun than just adding pictures and colors, wouldn't it? And last I checked, that is a valid response to the third question at the time of the answer. Maybe she needed to clarify it more? But now are you letting her in yet?
o fate and that's the other one i want to see!! hehehe you guys are really a great help for that elaborating for what i want to say... you are definitely right!!
Heheh, no problem! Anytime! Make sure to get into detail with your ideas, alright? Don't forget!
Since you're not accepted yet. I would advise that you start over and describe your initial suggestion and think of another issue that you believe the TFF council should concentrate on. At least, a paragraph so that you can make up for your registration post.
Fate, you repeated what I just said, but in a different way. @_@''
Yes, she needed to clarify it more. That's what I said, didn't I? And what's wrong with saying "What the hell"? It's not offensive cussing or anything.
But anyway, thanks Azu for attempting to decode what she said, and what you said made sense.
Eki, I would take up Azu's suggestion and make a request for an avatar that you want made in the avy/sig request thread in the Art forum.
Hmm.. More customization options for our profiles. ...What are we, myspace? No.
TFF is not myspace. If you don't like it, well... you know what to do.
And as far as letting her in... No. I won't. Someone else had to clarify what she meant; she couldn't do it on her own.
I wanted her to do it on her own, using her own skills. If her normal speech is this unclear that someone has to clarify it for her (or attempt to), what would that say about her future suggestions/ideas? We'd have to figure out what she's saying every single time she says something. (probably about 80% of the time.)
I don't care if what I'm saying is crass or uncalled for, it's the truth of what I have observed.
And quite frankly, we don't need someone like that in here.
well... that's alright with me... but that doesn't mean i will give up... don't worry i don't mean the expression "what the hell" anymore.. i am not going to take it seriously... i might be a better luck next time huh? i will think more on that... atleast i already know what you really want in this club... it's ok with me... i just thought it was easy to be in this club but i just realize it's not... sorry if i said something distracting to you... but i won't give up.... and again i want to thank those guys who tried to help me... i appreciate that
It actually is rather easy to join this club.
You just have to be clear and concise when you talk and discuss about something.
That's it. You just.. aren't clear enough in the way you speak.
No offense to that, but that's just how I've seen it.
yeah... my bad sorry about that... thanks for clearing that to me i appreciate that
(notice how many thanks i've said huh?)
Perseverance. I like that! I'm happy that you took Sheena's response well. There is truth in it though. TFF Council looks for people who can take a stand against an issue and make it clear to the members that it is something that needs to be taken care of. It's like making a speech.
You capture the attention of those around you, introduce your topic, explain your main points, and make a call-to-action in the end. There's some responsibility to consider, hehe. We gotta make things happen.
As long as they are realistic. ;P
From here on, it's probably not gonna be easy from what I can see. Edit: Nevermind. >>;
Don't give up though, Eki. You can still contribute without having to be in the club.
Which comes to mind: we have never laid forth any rules for re-applications. How it is now, a member who is kicked out can just re-apply instantly, seeing there are no rules suggesting otherwise. Bad idea, because they have to learn to be responsible. And also, there are no rules stating when a denied member can re-apply. Perhaps a week or two is enough? And a month or two for kicked members? We have people who are in the red, as well as someone who would like to be in now, so we need the rule.
Well, in Eki's case; However long it takes her to learn to be concise in her speaking. If she magically becomes concise tomorrow, by all means.
In the general sense:
Kicked: Depending on the reason; a week, a month.
Denied: Depending on the reason; tomorrow, a week, a month, a year...
*Makes note to specify a time when the action is taken.*
well i tell you what, if you guys make any rules about reapplying this club, let me know so that i will know what is going on some kind of of notifications, i should say... i will appreciate that if it is alright to you... since fate mentioned about how long should a person like me to wait for reapplying