Ok sorry about that, i forgot to read, thank's i could have gotten in trouble XD
But i read it, read it all.
But were you talking about my idea, or my double post? Cuz i thought you were talking about the double post XD
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Ok sorry about that, i forgot to read, thank's i could have gotten in trouble XD
But i read it, read it all.
But were you talking about my idea, or my double post? Cuz i thought you were talking about the double post XD
Uh... let's get back on the topic of the Member of the Week/Month Awards now. And Vivi, if you have any other questions, please ask Sheena via VMs, not by using this thread. Thank you.
I only like the members of the Month thing, since I said, a week passes by far too quickly. But instead of just qualitative posts (how do you define a qualitative post?), we can just have a changing category every month. I mean, just a repeat of everything seems to get boring as the months go, but with ever changing categories, no one will know what to expect. For example, members can post long, detailed posts each day of the month, and by the end, the award will be for the Funniest Poster. See, it gets people to post a variety of things, not just the ones that they are familiar with.
...I was talking about both things, hunny. I asked what the point of your idea was, as I do not understand it.
Edit: Fate's right, Vivi. I said before that this thread isn't a chatroom.
Once again though Fate, that is what the yearly awards are for. If you do a rotating theme each month you will be taking away from the face value of the actual awards and the bogus awards.
Member of the month should be an honor all in it's self with the title being exactly that.
But I would have to say that the whole "interview" with the MotM is a good idea, that way you also get to know a little something extra about that member. Only down fall to that would be if a certain member wins twice or even three times. Also would there be different questions for each MotM?
Oh lol sorry im kind of confused person XD But the reason of my Idea was a quiz for Member of the month, i know it's a stupid idea...
If there aren't different questions, there should be. That way each interview is exclusive and different than the previous one, and people would be more eager to find out more information.
Edit: So the person who would win the MoTM, would be quizzed? ...Why the heck for? That's a bad prize if you ask me.. I wouldn't want to be quizzed. Or if I have to be, I wouldn't want it to be about the TFF Council, because as I said, it'd make us sound elitist and/or pompous.
I've interviewed people on a forum before, and the questions are never the same. In fact, I got to make up my own questions. One moment, it could be, "Have you found a career yet?" and the next, it could be, "So have you met that special someone?" It's really fun, and there are millions of questions that one could ask. I don't think a member could win so many times that the interviewer runs out of questions. On that same note, who's going to be the interviewer?
The only stupid idea is the ones that are not shared, please quit putting yourself down like that.
But I would have to agree with Toph, with that quiz you would be limiting MotM down to just Coucil members. If you rephrased your questions where they are not soley aimed at the Council I think the idea is pretty decent. But it still sounds more like an interview.
Haha Fate, you got your in before me. I can imagine one of your questions to me being "Are your wifes breasts real"?
I think the interviewer should change each month, or every few times, to mix things up a little bit, and to have more people participate and be active in the events, so they feel like they're contributing even more.
Edit:I disagree with this statement, sometimes. And also, Meier, you got it wrong. They aren't aimed at the TFF Council. The winner of the MotM is asked about the Council. Which is why I said what I said. That, and one of the questions don't make sense. The MotM winners aren't always going to be part of the TFF Council. Why would they? Again, that would make us seem elitist.Quote:
The only stupid idea is the ones that are not shared, please quit putting yourself down like that.
Sorry I was refering to this set of questions which are geared more twards the council. But I understand the bolded words also, meaning they are for example.Quote:
Also for the Member of the month, we could have every member take a little quiz, like well like this:
What do you like about the TTF council?
How long have you beem in the TTF council?
Who's your favorite member?
Who would you vote to be the member of the month (NOT YOURSELF)?
So how do we exactly pick the interviewers? Is there gonna be a sign-up sheet where anyone who wishes to become an interviewer can sign up? If so, I'll happily volunteer myself. In fact, I'll even keep track of the list if you want.
The possible solution for keeping a person from winning several times in the MoTM is to have a rule that the person cannot be nominated for the next several months.
Fate, if you're an interviewer, make sure not to ask personal, distasteful questions. :P
The interviewer can be the one who nominated the winner of the MoTM or you can have all TFF members ask a question, but only limited to one question.
We COULD just limit the whole MotM thing to:
The Monthly Interview with a Member thread!!!
There could be a thread in which only the person responsible for the interviews could post in. Every month you would have a new post in it, i.e. an interview with another member.
That solves the problem of criteria for the MotM AND this way, you get to know a new member each month a little better.
Thats something i would ask hahaQuote:
Haha Fate, you got your in before me. I can imagine one of your questions to me being "Are your wifes breasts real"?
Back to serious business so we have pretty much scrapped the idea fro MoTW?
I like the idea of MoTM just being exactly that a Member of the Month award and scrap the whole different categories altogether a just have that general award so it doesn't take the lime light from the yearly and bogus awards.
As for the interview i like the idea of a quick interview and maybe a short quiz can be part of that interview and it could be set questions. In aus on some of our talk shows the hosts interview celebs and each celeb has to do like a quiz for example one was 20 second quiz and they received 20 bucks at the end but of course that layout wouldn't work here but do you get the idea and the last question was usually 'who would you turn gay for?' So i like the idea of a interview and the quiz could be part of the interview.
I rather like RagnaToad's idea of the 'Monthly Interview with a Member' thread.
It makes it seem more spectacular that members would get interviewed and put in the spotlight.
...Speaking of spotlight, this is the thing that I've seen at another place that I go to.
A member of the forum gets randomly picked, and for a whole week, anyone could ask ANY question and they'd have to answer it. (Well, if they wanted to. =P)
But yeah. It reminds me of that, except more tasteful. ^^
I'll also be working on the Adoption thread tomorrow.
I like that idea - it sounds quite fun, and could probably spark a few laughs.
Even if it did get a little personal. ;]
Ok, is there an option for any member to see a warning (if you have one of course) in your profile, and how long you have left on it? It's not of any use, but it could be used as a record? *shrugs*
Can I sign up too? this is interesting group! hope it's ok to you...
Do you care about TFF?
Yes i am... sorry if i were not aound too much recently, but i will try my best!! thanks for your understanding!
Are you willing to group together with fellow members and attempt to make this a better place?
Yes i will!! I want to be more friendly!! And i will try my best to contribute something (if you let me in) to make this one a better place!
Off the top of your head, name one/two things you would like to see improved / or to happen with TFF. If possible, try not to say more activity <3 Thats the primary reason for the club.
Simply just add more beautiful avatars and good stuff to put on member's profile so that we don't need to go on other website to search more... (if that is possible) other than that i im willing to take some of the members opinions about what they want to see improvement here....
Why do you want to be a part of this group?
Because this is pretty neat for me unlike any clubs... i will feel not other people if this kind of rules makes you so friendly... so i you will let me in i will appreciate that...
that's all that i can say... thank you so much for your consideration!
If you want to contribute and are willing to, then there's no reason to object. The application is valid, so welcome aboard! Feel free to join in on the discussion at hand now.
well thank you fate! I appreciate that... I will go ahead and read your posts so that i will know what is going on!! thanks again!!
Okay so I lied. I didn't work on the thread.
I'm working on it now.
Mistress Sheena
Flaming Ragnarok
OceanEyes28 (Maybe)
Unknown Entity
Meier Link
Sato Arashi
Now. Is there anyone else who wishes to be added onto this list, before I complete the thread?
So then once you make the thread, the list is final? Can people who are still interested in it sign up even after you create it? I was just curious.
EDIT - The rule of kicking out members who have not been contributing for a while is ON HOLD until Laura gets back, seeing as how she should have a thing to say about it. So you can be relieved. Actually, a lot of you guys have been contributing, so nobody is leaving.
Yes, people can still sign up; I was just interested to know if anyone else was...interested, so that way I can have a more 'recent' list.
But anyway; I'd like to know people's opinions on this before I submit it:
Mind, these two go together. So let me know what you think.
Hey, I actually like those two banners! Great job on those!^^ So we're gonna call it the "The Final Fantasy Adoption Agency", huh? I quite like that.
Project: Making banner ads for people who are interested in advertising the TFF Adoption Agency. I haven't made the thread yet, but judging by the feedback I'm getting, I know what to do with what I have.
I'm making seals of approvals for those who are interested in having them in their signatures.
Available FF Characters are: Kuja, Zidane, Tifa, Celes, Rydia, Agrias, Zack, Ramza, Cloud, White Mage, Ferris, Vivi.
More will become available as soon as I find some good stock.
So anyway. Let me know.
Very nice banners Sheena, I'll partake into volunteering for the agency if that's alright with you. For the seal, I pick Kuja if you don't mind.
Edit: Excuse me for a single line post, don't like the fact that the post extends than what was shown before-hand.
I think these will be pretty nice. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out. I would gladly advertise if you're going to the trouble of making banners. I think I might like a Kuja one.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena
Also as for the pictures you made, maybe it would be better if they were more Final Fantasy related? I like them, but people coming to this forum are probably more familiar with Final Fantasy. Either way, I'm sure they would work.
Going back to the interview idea, I think it sounds nice. It would be a good way for members to get to know each other a little more, and it could be pretty fun. I don't really like the quiz idea, though. I know if I won, I wouldn't really liked to be quizzed as my prize. It doesn't look like it would be too much fun on a forum either.
I'll take a banner. Hopefully people seeing these banners everywhere will help people consider it. I would like Zidane. The other two look really great by the way.
I agree with Treize. A quiz wouldn't hold up, plus if we needed more interaction, there would have to be a new quiz each time. It seems like a lot of work, and I'm sure the winner wouldn't be overjoyed to take a quiz after winning. An interview is very good, so long as more people interview, not just one person.
http://i41.tinypic.com/jt7vjm.png - Kuja's Adoption Approval banner.
I feel like I could've made a better design than I did, but I dunno. I hope you like it. I can always make a better one later I guess.
I'll take a break right now and make Zidane's later.
Also; http://www.succubusvalley.com/images/adoptionad3.png
Again very nice banners Sheena, anyhow, back to topic. I got one question about the adoption, does the members of the agency pick who is adopted (of course with the agreement of the person in adoption), or is there any other method of doing it?
It's pretty much like that.
It'll be run like a regular adoption agency. The adopter gets to choose who they want to adopt, and with agreement of the adoptee, they get adopted.