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Thread: Nintendo Worshippers

  1. #331
    I recently read an article about all the teams that have their support its a bit vague now but I remember one being square-enix so we can expect the FF series to re-run onto their but obviously no VII , VIII , IX
    My Family
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    My FFX and FFX-2 Loving Sisteer - FFX_FFX-2Aholic
    My Fellow AMV Making Brother - BadwolfX
    My Awesome-ness Brother - Zeke Asakura
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    wanna join my family and fill it up a little then PM me please

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  2. #332
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Well, it is all based on a credit system, so, I guess the cards can be converted to cash by the cash amount by the credit amount, but meh. Anyways, I liked Perfect Dark over Golden Eye, I just never got the hang of it, and when I was introduced to it, the people who introduced me mercilessly pummeled me, so, I real have no liking for that game. If I went into my favorite FPS's, I would definitely get some hate here, so, I will refrain for the time being. Lets just say most of my favorites aren't Nintendo console based.

    Yeah, I definitely want to play some of the old classic RPG's, but something in my mind makes me doubt they would allow some of the good ones like Dragon Quest or something to be ported, as it is a franchise owned by Sqenix, and Squenix home console games go to Sony and their overly-expensive console.

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  3. #333
    Well i'm almost positive they are on board for the VC. I think the nes/snes games are going to see some action on the Wii. And Squenix is developing games for the Wii as well too. They have that new FF: Crystal Chronicles game, a new Mana game, and that first person dragon quest game as well. Possibly more announcements in the future.

    Yeah I'd say for the time those two were some of the best console FP shooters around. Now though, the genre has come a long way with games like Half Life 2, Halo, etc, but i still consider them some of the most fun and especially for when perfect dark was released, way ahead of its time. It's certianly a lot different looking at it now, with only one joystick controlling movement and aiming. Those were in the auto-aim days. I hate using that now.

    It's bot system is stilll one of the most extensive. That seemed way ahead of it's time, even future PS2/Dreamcast/Xbox games didn't have bot systems like Perfect Dark's. Halo 1 and Halo 2 didn't even have bots at all!
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
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  4. #334
    Lone Wolf Nintendo Worshippers Darkwolf's Avatar
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    I got my sig done... and another cool one. I think more FPS's should have a good bot system. It's not like all the time you want to do the story. And it's also not likely that you have a group of people sitting there to play with you.

  5. #335
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    When is the deadline for the siggy contest again XD? I have had mine done, and I don't want to miss it, but I am too lazy to sift through the last few pages to see if I can't find it. Wednesday right? The grand unveiling will take place the day of the contest

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  6. #336
    Nintendo Worshippers Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GLC
    Well i'm almost positive they are on board for the VC. I think the nes/snes games are going to see some action on the Wii. And Squenix is developing games for the Wii as well too. They have that new FF: Crystal Chronicles game, a new Mana game, and that first person dragon quest game as well. Possibly more announcements in the future.

    Yeah I'd say for the time those two were some of the best console FP shooters around. Now though, the genre has come a long way with games like Half Life 2, Halo, etc, but i still consider them some of the most fun and especially for when perfect dark was released, way ahead of its time. It's certianly a lot different looking at it now, with only one joystick controlling movement and aiming. Those were in the auto-aim days. I hate using that now.

    It's bot system is stilll one of the most extensive. That seemed way ahead of it's time, even future PS2/Dreamcast/Xbox games didn't have bot systems like Perfect Dark's. Halo 1 and Halo 2 didn't even have bots at all!
    I don't understand why more game don't learn from thier mistake or successes or even other game's mistakes and success and use that to create truly ultimate games. I mean it would be so easy to do if you think about, most of the great things about PD were it's amount of options and no other FPS has provided as many and options wouldn't require much extra memory. We would currently have a much higher standard for games if they did this.

    So are their any Nintendo thing yoú people are expecting on cristmas?
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  7. #337
    Oh yeah our sigs are due tommorrow arent they!?

    Hmm..probably nothing Nintendo for me this christmas. Seeing as I don't have a Wii yet, not expecting much in terms of games or anything. By the time my birthday comes around in February that'll probably change though.

    Yeah i agree about PD for sure. I forgot, did it's sequel have a cool bot system and as much weapons and everything as the original? I just thought that game was awful in comparison with the original.

    I found this article Wii - A Hardcore Gamer's Perspective off of IGN. Kinda a high end PC/HD TV/surround speakers kind of gamer's take on the Wii.

    And Elebits has been receiving good reviews thus far, being dubbed one of the best of the first wave of Wii games. Has anyone out there played it?
    Last edited by Georg Prime; 12-12-2006 at 09:14 AM.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
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  8. #338
    Nintendo Worshippers Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    The guy in the article does have a point, It may be likely that no other game released for the Wii will compare to Zelda, I think Nintendo has lost a lot of thier 3rd party support especially with RAREWARE BETRAYING THEM, STUPID BASTARDS!!!!

    Anyway Nintendo will only lose the war if we stop supporting them, they need us now more then ever and you know some of the GBA games that have been out are currently my favourites so that shows that graphics are only a small part of the equation to making a great game.

    @GLC, nope not yet

    700 posts, yay
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  9. #339
    Yeah Rare is a bunch of money hungry whores. Microsoft probably payed Rare a lot to develop exclusively for them. I just don't think the xbox rare games compare to the nintendo 64 games.

    Perfect Dark > Perfect Dark Zero
    Conker's Bad Fur Day > Conker: Live and Reloaded (atleast i think, has anyone played this more? I did briefly)

    Then they got Kameo on the xbox, but on the nintendo 64 they have goldeneye, jet force gemini, banjoe and kazzoie, banjo and tooie,Diddy Kong Racing, Killer Instinct Gold, Blast Corps and donkey kong 64

    Yeah i totally agree that Nintendo needs its fans. I think that article is somewhat true too. I think thus far, a lot of wii games have been described as pretty shallow in terms of gameplay, kind of just showpieces for the wii mote. Nothing too deep as of yet, but i think that's expected for launch titles to kinda just introduce gamers to the new console. Plus, with this new technology, it's a new challenge for developers so it will probably be more work. Though as the developers of Killer 7 said, companies like developing for nintendo because they are really good to their developers, but also because its much cheaper to develop for the Wii than the PS3 or Xbox360. So i think there are a lot of good games on the horizon, and especially even further down the road once people get to really take advantage of the wii mote. My only concern is that it would have been nice to include the option of using the gamecube and/or classic controller for all the normal games.

    With that in mind, what upcoming game are you most excited about?

    For me..probably the new Fire Emblem game, and of course Super Mario Galaxy. Super Paper Mario is way up there as well. Those are probably my top 3 for right now.
    Last edited by Georg Prime; 12-12-2006 at 11:23 AM.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  10. #340
    check this out , I got bored and figured "Hey , I wonder how much people are selling their Wiis at on eBay and yes I did expect a high price console but this just takes the biscuit
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    My Fellow AMV Making Brother - BadwolfX
    My Awesome-ness Brother - Zeke Asakura
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  11. #341
    A couple sigs I was making. I like pixel art
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  12. #342
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Yay, with anticipation, I unveil my creation, mwhahaha, with 10 minutes til midnight.
    Yeah, I know it isn't that great, but I like it. Gonna put it in my siggy now.

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  13. #343
    Ah these are some really cool sigs all around. One of mine i put in my sig already, i was gonna add one more face for "revolutionary" with Che Guevara, but decided not to. The next one i was kinda workin on before the contest started but i included it anywayz. Check out the attatchment. I was gonna go for one more and make a Kid Icarus one, but decided 2 was enough..and i'm lazy.
    Attached Images Attached Images Nintendo Worshippers-miyamotobannersmall-jpg 
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  14. #344
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Bwahaha, thats great man, I love the one with Bill Gates and whatshisface (the president of sony, I dunno his name though) worshiping the buddah Miyamoto, thats great
    I like your second one, the pixelated Link and Mr. Saturn, they are great.

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  15. #345
    Nintendo Worshippers Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    @Darkdragoon, I've always liked animated, moving banner with pretty colorss and yours has all of these. I think it could maybe have a little more stuff on it, like maybe some 8 bit trees and platforms in all of that Black space you've left.

    @GLC, lol quite a funny sig and it reflect what this club is about very well, nice job. But your second one, the many faces of Shigeru Miyamoto, pure genius, 10/10!

    @Hellbred, I like that small one the best, it's straight forward and to the point and dosn't take up much space on someone's sig, it looks very professional too, like something someone would present at a business meeting. The DS one is okay but it's so tall and would be annoying on sigs.

    They are all good, but over all my favorite one is GLC's Faces of Miyamoto one.
    Last edited by Setzertrancer; 12-13-2006 at 01:54 AM.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  16. #346
    Yeah bring on the banner Geomancer!

    Anywayz everyone's are great. Hellbred's, yours are so clean and professional looking. Your second one with the sprite based graphics is great. So simple, yet so welldone. You really are an amazing artist! DarkDragoon, really creative idea. I would have never thought of an animated banner, but what a great idea idea using the blocks, that's nintendo rite there! Did either of u guys have any other ideas before your final version? And thanx for likin mine everyone, just a funny idea I came up. The images certainly could have been cleaner though i will say, especially my einstein one but oh well.

    Before going with the Miyamoto theme, i was going with the old school thing like my last banner. At first i was going to do an old school Metroid one, using either the original Metroid or Super Metroid for the super nintendo. Then i thought of Metroid's brother series of sorts, Kid Icarus. A vastly ignored and underappreciated franchise i'd say! (well besides the fact that Pitt is going to be in the new Super Smash).

    Then i toyed around with A LOT of ideas revolving around praising Miyamoto. The two that i didn't use took the religious theme further that i thought might offend people. My original i was going to use the last supper and have Miyamoto be Jesus and other game developers be the apostles. I was going to have him quoting something biblical but changing it to refers to Wii and videogames.

    "Take my Wii and play from it! For it is the product of the new and everlasting Nintendo!"

    My second idea was going to be called the holy trinity. I was going to use the Triforce design and within each triangle have a different face representing a different member of the holy trinity. I was going to have Gunpei Yokoi be the holy spirit, Shigeru Miyamoto be Jesus, and former Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi be God.

    I'll probably still work on some of these ideas in the future. I'm hoping to add "artist" and "revolutionary" to my many faces of miyamoto banner. For revolutionary like i said Che Guevara, and artist i was going to try to work with Van Gogh's self portrait. Maybe even more faces? I'd have to think. I don't want TOO many though.

    Those are certainly games i'm anticipating too. Mario Party 8 for sure. I haven't played any of the new games but i own the original and my friend 2 and 3 on the nintendo 64. I love those games.
    Last edited by Georg Prime; 12-13-2006 at 09:05 AM.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  17. #347
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers maxpower's Avatar
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    Holy Cow! Everyones sigs look awsome! Well today is the day so please post your new sigs and then everyone can vote for their favorite. I think that we can do that right here in the club. Just post which one you like the best and then why. If you are uncomfortable doing that you can PM me your vote. Still I am pretty sure that if nothing else the Nintendo Worshippers now have the coolest sigs on TFF. So that is awsome. I also PMEd lococolt and Chez to come and vote so hopefully they will.

    Lets end voting on Monday the 18th. That should give everyone enough time right?

  18. #348
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    *struts into the thread*

    Mweeeheehee. Another thread defiled by my might penis of dreeeeams.

    Okay, it's just me posting to let everybody know that I've agreed to judge here. I hope my posting here to let you know was okay.

    My penis quivers excitedly... patiently watching with it's mighty eye...

    Hm... >_>;.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  19. #349
    The Old Skool Warrior Nintendo Worshippers LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Ditto to what Chez said, though I'm going to choose the word "vote" rather than "judge," since we're not actually judging anything here. Just picking our favorites.

    I was about to reply to Max's PM, but I figured this was just as easy.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  20. #350
    I was tempted to make a banner but my paint skills on a laptop SUCK but if I was on a normal PC i'd have gladly made one , sigh I miss the days when I had my PC.......Wha' oh yeah talking 12 days till I can play my Wii (I'm counting down the days till I can play it , not till christmas day!) Anyway I still need to get some batteries but I will get some this saturday hopefully (wahh I hate not having money) I did realise that my local gaming shop (Game) are planning on selling some Rechargable Wii Controllers soon ^_^!
    My Family
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    My Seymour-Loving Sister - Al_Bhed _Psycho
    My FFX and FFX-2 Loving Sisteer - FFX_FFX-2Aholic
    My Fellow AMV Making Brother - BadwolfX
    My Awesome-ness Brother - Zeke Asakura
    My Cousin(s) - Fishie
    My Legendary Bandit Uncle: Gvuz
    wanna join my family and fill it up a little then PM me please

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  21. #351
    welcome mod/admin.

    Well i have to say MaxPower and Geomancer, both your banners are F*ing sweet! Great use of Zelda, i never seen anyone use that art style, and the background and even the text go perfect. And Geomancer, WOW is all i have to say. That's insane and so wacky and creative.

    I think that's everyone's who is participating isn't it? If i had to vote now I'd say Geomancer, though they all are great.

    And you're right, i think this club is definitely home to the best banners around.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  22. #352
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers maxpower's Avatar
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    Okay I think that everyone involved has posted their sigs! I would like to say that I had no idea how talented the members of this club are! Maybe we need to start a sig club or something. I really am just shocked!

    I would also like to thank Chez and Loco for joining in on this. For Chez and Loco here are the members that are involved in the contest-


    I think that they have all posted sigs so if you could just look them over and post which one you like the best and why. Anything else you want to add would be awesome too.

    Anyone else that is a member of the Nintendo Worshippers club may also vote. I know that it will be hard but I need each post to include the sig that you like the best. Feel free to post any observations or feelings you have about each post but include at least one sentence that identifies your favorite entry.

    I will leave the voting open until Monday (I am hoping that some of the less active members will show up to post) as I have said and then we will award a prize. You can either post your votes or PM me and I will keep track.
    Last edited by maxpower; 12-13-2006 at 02:00 PM.

  23. #353
    err I vote the one that Geomancer is using right now if thats entered because it looks very professional ,I like the colours used and I also like that its animated aswell
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    My Legendary Bandit Uncle: Gvuz
    wanna join my family and fill it up a little then PM me please

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    Current Awesome People on my forum who are also on TFF

  24. #354
    Yeah i'm going to reserve my FINAL vote until i really look over everyone's and think about it. I have a few i'm leaning towards as of now. Speaking of sigs, looks like I was bored today so i whipped up ANOTHER.

    That's three (four total includin my original dr mario ) so far for me, the only problem is people can't see my Miyamoto faces one if that is to be judged/voted upon so I'm going to attach it to this post. I'm hoping to keep helping contribute to this club's track record of having great sigs.

    I also can't decide which one to actually have in my sig at all times of all my banners?
    Attached Images Attached Images Nintendo Worshippers-banner2-jpg 
    Last edited by Georg Prime; 12-13-2006 at 09:05 PM.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  25. #355
    Nintendo Worshippers Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    Plotting the end of mankind
    Very nice GLC your new banner is sweet as well, I wonder how you pulled that off, can I play it?

    It looks like I'm probably the only one in this club not making a banner I feel so lonely. I second what Maxpower said if some of you were to make a sig banner shop you could probably make some real money off it. They are all awesome dudes
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  26. #356
    Thanx for likin it Setzer, infact i just changed it once again making it an animated file to give the TV a little more realistic look.

    Don't feel lonely about the banner thing , lots of people aren't making any. Anyhoo, I'll be glad to find out who the winner is at the end of this.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  27. #357
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    On the Veldt
    Oh wow, that is quite a bit of competition, &#171;Geomancer&#187;'s is spazmic and quite cool, and the Wind Waker one is really nicely done (even though it is one of my least fav zelda games, the Wind Waker isn't used as much, so kudos for that) And I see that the one and only GLC has made another banner, which is really quite good. Gonna be a tough competition with a close call, but I shall reserve my vote until I am fully rested, It happens to be 3 AM here, so, meh.

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

    YES, I Have obtained the power of "Lurker Status"!

  28. #358
    Yeah sorry if i'm being a banner whore, i've just been bored and having some good ideas pop up. Not trying to further my chances or anything.

    Sounds like from some of your posts you need some sleep darkdragoon! I know how that goes, i stay up till around 3 or so too. Sometimes later..sometimes earlier. Basically lately i sleep so little at night i've been living off of two naps a day. I sleep from about 2 AM or 3 AM-8 AM or 9 AM. Then i'm awake until around 4 PM. Then i'll take a nap until like 7 PM or so.

    Anyhoo, to get things off of the sig contest. Calling any DS owners! Any good DS games you have played lately? I'm asking because I don't have a DS nor have i played any games. There are quite a few games drawing me to the system and am wondering if i should invest in one. Dragon Quest IX, FF XII: Revenant Wings, Castlevania: PoR, Final Fantasy III, Yoshis Island DS, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass just to name a few. Castlevania, Yoshis Island, and FF 3 are out. Has anyone played them and if so what do they think? And are there any other great DS games out there?
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  29. #359
    Nintendo Worshippers Setzertrancer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Plotting the end of mankind
    Seeing as I'm a jobless bum at the moment I've actually been awake during the night and that is actually good on TFF because then I'm on when the Americans, which is a majority of this forum are on during the day. However since i'm going to be getting a job I won't be on during the active period which is 1-4am for me at the moment. But I'll still be around posting during most of your nightimes.

    @GLC, i'm a DS owner but I'm finding their collection of good games quite limited, I enjoyed Advance Wars for a while, Bomberman was good but only on multiplayer and Castlevania: DoS, is the best game i've played on it, PoR hasn't been released yet here. Anyway to help you out GLC I've done a little research for you.

    Castlevania: PoR

    Yoshi's Island 2

    Final Fantasy III
    Hope that helps you decide.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  30. #360
    Thanks. Some good gameplay footage certainly always helps. I really enjoyed the Advance Wars games too! Going by those videos, Castlevania looks so great and fun it makes me want to wet myself, and wow Yoshis Island 2 seems to hold the great look, feel and level design as the original. I was skeptic that because the game wasn't developed by Nintendo it wouldn't stay true to the greatness of the original. Final Fantasy III is certainly a must play for me as well since it is the only game in english that i haven't yet played and completed.

    Moving on to a new topic. I'd like to present some games and ideas. These may be familiar to some of you who are also in the Old Skool Cult of Kefka club but because of the fact that they are nintendo products i wanted to present them.

    Ocarina of Time 2D

    Metroid Prime 2D

    For one, what do you think of these games?

    Also, with Valve officially releasing fan based games and mods more specifically Codename:Gordon, the old school fan based side scroller take on Half Life. They recently released this fan made game through Steam via download. On that note, with the possibility of independent games being released for the Wii's VC, what do you think of the idea of Nintendo supporting games like this and releasing them via download just like other VC games? Just think of being able to play Ocarina of Time 2D with the classic controller..i'm gonna soil myself just thinking about it.

    Personally, I think it'd be a great idea. Nintendo needs more games like this, for certainly long time nintendo fans would LOVE to play games like Ocarina of Time 2D. I myself am a bigger fan of Link to the Past then Ocarina of Time. Don't get me wrong, Ocarina of Time is amazing and i don't really have any problems with it, but i don't know if it's because Link to the Past was the first rpg i played (also the second game period that i owned, after Super Mario World), but there is something i love about old school 2D zeldas, and i dont think they get much better than Link to the Past. I'm sure it would have to meet Nintendo's standards, but this game is looking amazing and so authentic to the original that i dont think they would have any problems. I mean they did release those crappy CD-I zeldas right?
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

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