Zambimaru-That Renji's Zanpaku-to's name, Ichigo's Zanpaku-to is Zangetsu.
A: Hanatarou
Q: Who Guards the gate to the Seireitei?
Xeim: nah i'm fine. like i said 3 always has someway of stabing me in the back. Ya i sorta write alot o' esay's for school and write some short storys when i cant find anytin to do.
Zambimaru - lol isn't that Ichigos Soul Slayer's name? and if so ya it is really cool. you wouldn't realy think that person dingy'ma'bob would be like that. I mean Ichigo is all like a guardian and his soul slayer person is like death has come for you. but i guess they do kinda go together.
Trivia - False. I think.
question - What was the name of Ichigo's and Ganju's allie from one of the divisions?
Zambimaru-That Renji's Zanpaku-to's name, Ichigo's Zanpaku-to is Zangetsu.
A: Hanatarou
Q: Who Guards the gate to the Seireitei?
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Renji- Yeah, as Ichi said, Zambimaru is Renji's zanpukto. I think its the first zanpukto you see released, right??
Well, which gate?? You probably mean Jidanbo, but there are other gate keepers.
question: Which gate does Jidanbo guard?
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
I've been looking at my T.V guide for Bleach on Adult Swim and I can't find it. I live in California. Does anybody know what it usually comes around here? Anyways yeah Zambimaru is Renji's zanpukto like Captain Snowy said.'ve always wanted to call you that.
Answer:The West Gate I believe.
Question:What gate does Kaiwan guard?
well its on what u have a dish or cable and what kind if u have comcouast it should be at 12
Fishie: Feel free to call me 'Captain Snowy' anytime, lol. Prodigy gave me that name and it kinda stuck.Also, it airs at 12 o clock, like blackdragon said, on Saturdays, I think. I've never actually watched it
blackdragon: I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if you contributed to the club with your posts. Please do next time, thanks!
Discussion- Yaysers! 'Tis Byakuya's birthday!
So, in continuing the tradition that Fishie and I started, all trivia and disscussion will now be pointed towards him! ^.^ So, if anyone decides to log in today, that's what we'll be doing. Tomorrow, however, things will be back to normal.
Fishie: He guards the east gate
Question: Does Ichigo refer to Byakuya formally? (i.e. Kuchiki-taicho, Byakuya-sama etc.)
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
i've already stated my opinion on him. too serious. although in recent episodes, he's been a little more friendly, first impressions do seem to stick, or however the expression goes.
Answer- i'm pretty sure the answer is no, but i could be wrong.
Question- what job is the kuchiki family responsibe for?
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco
Hmmm let's see... I think it's saving lives i mean they do live in a little general hospital right?
Which friend of Ichigo likes older women?
Byakuya like i said in a previous thread is way to serious needs to loosen up have some fun every once in a while.
Wicky Wicky get away from the radio!!!
OMG!!! I forgot my blank-blank!!!
Imagine: sephiroth in pink boxers with the happy bunny on them saying the words "I'm Evil."
Sephiroth: The Kuchiki's are powerful nobles in Sereitai, and the Kurosaki's live in a clinic. ^.^
Disscussion- just some stuff. I want someone else to choose it this time
Ok, Byakuya's birthday is over, and now its mine! heheh, lol. But, anyway, I watched episode 113 yesterday. You people need to catch up! It was soooo freaken good! You meet a new 'bad guy,' and he is now one of my favs, lol. I dunno why, he just reminds me of Byakuya...
Prodigy's decided to leave us for the real world. We now have no 3rd squad captain. I'll start taking ideas as to who should replace him, but its kinda hard to actually..well replace him. We'll leave him there for a while just cause I still don't believe he's gone...its just unreal you know? He was here before I joined and now he's gone....heh...Im feeling a little sick...he was a good friend to me and to some of you and its...just a little weird.
bangaa: I don't really know.
Sephiroth: Keigo
Question: What object does Inoue use to 'summon' her little fairy things (lol, I can't remember what they're called)?
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
prodigy left? aww i just met him. that sucks.
but happy birthday, xeim
since nobody seems to know the answer to my question, i'll tell you. It is the responsibility of the Kuchiki family to record the history and events of the Soul Society. In the Bounto arc, they come to Byakuya for information on the Bountos because they have recorded the events of them throughout history.
Trivia: she uses the thing her brother gave her.
Question: what does orihime say when she makes her triangle-like sheild?
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco
dosen't she say "....I reject!" or something along those lines.
what is the name of Renji's zampaku-to?
Happy Birthday Xiem
Wicky Wicky get away from the radio!!!
OMG!!! I forgot my blank-blank!!!
Imagine: sephiroth in pink boxers with the happy bunny on them saying the words "I'm Evil."
Answer: Renji's name (zanpakutoh) is Zabimaru.
Happy birthday Xeim.
I've watched the episodes too, Ulquiorra is pure awesome, but at the same time i feel melancholic.....
Question: Who was the first Shinigami introduced to us in the whole show?
Happy B day Xeim.
Answer: That would Rukia.
Question: What is Kisuke Urahara's Nickname according to Ichigo?
2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB
Answer: Mr. Hat and Clogs. (Something like that)
Question: What shape does Hitsugaya's Zanpakutoh's Hilt look like? (hint: a four letter word)
is there a current topic? if not i'm starting one. what did everyone think of the filler episodes (the bounto arc)? i personally thought that it was pretty cool, although i'm still watching it, so i don't know how it'll affect the future of the show.
and for urahara's nickname, in the manga ichigo calls him "Mr. Hat and Clogs", and in the anime he calls him "Slipper Hat"
answer: my answer would be a huge dragon thingy, but since that's not four letters my answer is "PASS"
Question: what is the name of yoshi's doll thing?
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco
would I be able to join this club?
For all the Ladies<img src=>
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^ probably not with the double post, and spamming
Anyways, I'm on i think ep 9, when things start to get intresting instead of kill hollow, kill hollow, kill strong hollow, kill hollow, that sort of thing. I've not watched a whole lot lately, especially with having a vacation and make up work, but I'll try to get one or two in a day. Soon to join you guys, existingdark-out
ok it wasn't my intention to double post I never checked probs and if yo u are only on about episode 9 I will give you this good advice.............quit at the episode 56 trust will not like what you see after episode 56 .....also try reading the manga it's really good
For all the Ladies<img src=>
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Ok waaaaaaittt! I've been gone waaaay too looong. (damed schoolwork...) Prodigy decided to show his face again? Well, that's a relief. What was up with the abrupt "I'm leaving you guys" then? Oh, and Ulquiorra rocks! He reminds me of Byakuya for some reason. Made it to my top five list in one episode!
existingdark- Well, we'll all be waiting for you here. ^.^ Oh, and don't stop watching after 56. It gets good after that. The bounto arc was pretty good for filler was still filler. It picks back up around 109 or 110 and then it gets REALLY good as in like better than Soul Society arc.
com1k- I wouldn't mind you joining. I didn't see your 'double post and spam' I guess you deleted it. Uh, just when you type a message, make sure you take your time. Don't feel rushed. And make sure you contribute to current disscussions and questions etc. You'l go into 2nd squad. (PRODIGY! TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!!!!!) Just know I have the authority to kick you out of the club any time if you spam too much.
Everyone- Thanks for the B-day messages!!!
Disscussion- Bount Arc
It was rather good for filler, but I kinda wish they had gone straight into the arrancart arc. Then again...we never would've met Rinrin, Cloud, or Nova so, that's a tough one. The music from the bount arc was some of the best in the show. Hmm...some of the bount really got on my nerves, but Koga was cool, and I felt sorry for Kariya.
Last one was...baanga?
Her doll's name was Nieder I think
Question: What's the name of Yoshino's doll?
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
yeah, koga was my favorite bounto. usually i don't like too many of the bad guys, but i could tell he wasn't evil from
Spoiler: when he could've killed ichigo, but he wouldn't, and how he turned on kariya when he got too powerful. I was so happy he was brought back to life.
Question: What is the Name of Yoshino's Doll?
Answer: i have absolutely no idea.
Question: what is the difference between an arrancaur and a vaisard?
by the way, when does the next episode come out? is it on the same day each week or something easy to remember?
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco
Answer: I try and aswer this as best as I can. But an arrancaur is basically a Hollow that can use Zanpaktous, and can unleash Ban Kai's just like Soul Repears. Vaisard is kind of diffrent. There shikigami (I think) and they can also use Zanpaktous but they can't use Ban Kai or at least they never really said they can't. But there humans that can call out there hollows and fight. This transformation gives them incredible power. Depending on how long you can hold it.
Question: Whats so special with Rukia's sword in her Ban Kai form?
2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB
rukia has a bankai? i haven't even seen her shikai. is that from the movie or something? if so, i'm sure that xeim would say to please stick to the series, because not all of us have seen something that was only in theaters so far in japan, since most of us live in america.
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco
I don't think Rukia has a bankai to be honest isn't she the weakest out of all the shinigami?.......any way no question was asked for me to answer that i noticed any way............. I made a gift banner for this group ^^ hope you guys like it ^^
sorry it's not that great but i thought this group could do with a banner cause Bleach is awesome ^^
For all the Ladies<img src=>
<img src=>
Oathkeeper: What bangaa said, lol
bangaa:It airs every Wednesday in Japan. But you gotta remember that gaping time difference. I think episode's get up on You Tube around America's Saturday. I got impatient so now I get them from Dattebayo's site. It doesn't take as long. I download them on America's Wenesday.
com1k: Thanks for making the banner! Its actually really good, and greatly appriciated. If you want to make more of other characters, that'd be cool, lol.
New Discussion: Isshin Kurosaki
Make sure you spoiler tag anything from the arrancar arc, but otherwise discuss the crazy antics of Ichi's old man.
Question: What does Ulquiorra call people he thinks aren't worthwhile?
Last edited by Xeim; 02-12-2007 at 01:11 PM.
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
Spoiler: it would've been so much more awesome for me to find out about him being a soul reaper if one of my friends wouldn't've spoiled it for me. But that's awesome how he kills an entire arrancaur in one hit.
Com1c, thanks for the banner, but how do i put it in my sig?
Answer: trash
Question: what do the names of the first 2 vaisards you see mean?
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco
a sexy club banner for the girls ^^
For all the Ladies<img src=>
<img src=>
Bangaa: You need to put the URL in html code.
Com1k: Lol! I like it. You're really good at these. ^.^ It's good to see someone so talented in the club.
Also if I might ask, where are you in the show?
Discussion- Isshin:
Spoiler: Now, the viewers know his secret. But, yet he insists on acting like a stupid father...Why can't he just tell Ichi and be done with it?
Trivia Time
Answer: Monkey and...ugh its starts with an 'l' and isn't lard...but...argh. I can't remember...
Question: What 'inner demon' is Ichigo currently battling with?
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
Spoiler: i think later in the show, like in a few eps or something, there'll be a flashback about why he stopped being a shinigami for 20 yrs, and why he won't tell ichigo about it.
Trivia Time
Answer: ichigo is currently struggling with his inner hollowness.
Question: Who's been talking politely in recent episodes for no said reason?
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco
Spoiler: Yeah, I hope there is. He's kinda annoying me now... but all that aside...I wonder what division he commanded...
Trivia Time
Answer: I'm gonna take a crack at the spelling here: Mizuki- I know that's not how you speel it, but anyway, he's the person that hangs out with Kiego
Question: Who comes to Ichi's rescue when Yami starts beating him?
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
Spoiler: well lets see, Kisuke was captian of the 12th, so he couldn't be from that. he's pretty strong, so he could be from 11th, but he could be good at kidou, but we've only seen one attack, so we can't be entirely sure.
TrIvIa TiMe
AnSwEr: kisuke and yorouichi.
QuESTion: what does ichigo say to Captain Hitsuguya to piss him off?
My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco