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Thread: Bleach Club

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  1. #1
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Bleach Club

    This is a club for members who are fans of the bleach anime and/or manga. If you've never watched/read either then, please don't ask to join.


    -Follow the rules of the Forum

    -To join, you must have 150 or more posts

    So, here's how it'll work. In bleach there is the Gotai 13 (or 13 protection Squads). To add the spirit of bleach to this club, we'll use that system as the ranking system. But, because 13 is such a huge number, we'll start off smaller. If, the club becomes to large, we'll expand the number, but it will never go beyond 13. This is NOT character based, so, if I lead squad 1, that does NOT make me Yamamoto, and if a member leads say, squad 11, that does NOT make them Zarakai.

    I'm open to suggestions, and so if you see any way to expand on this let me know.

    Current club activities:

    Character Equivalents- Compare BLEACH characters to characters from another anime/manga/movie/Tv show etc.

    Vs.- Pit two bleach characters you would like to see fight against each other

    zanpakuto appearance- Theorize on what the physical form of characters' zanpakuto look like.

    Memories of Shinigami RP- explained in OOC. Link is below.

    Shinigami and Zanpakuto- This one almost goes hand in hand with 'zanpakuto appearance' sometimes. Compare zanpakuto's attacks and personalities (if available) to their shinigami counterpart. You may be surprised at what you find.

    Doppelganger- Ever thought you looked like a bleach character? Now is your time to share!

    Filler Arc- Currently without a name, we are designing our own filler arc. This arc will be everything a fan could want from filler...even though such a thing will never truly exist.

    Rasler's Character Strength Rankings- A list complied by Captain Rasler. Read it here.Have suggestions? Post them up in the club.


    Make Your Own BLEACH Opening! This contest is not yet official. We do not know if enough people have the software or materials to make their own openings. If we do in fact get enough people, and we don't need tons, then we'll definitely kick this contest off the ground.

    Also, we always have some sort of active discussion taking place. Though, you don't have to post about each activity in each post. If you want to, then Kudos.

    New ideas for activities are always welcome and appreciated.

    Memories of Shinigami
    We have organized a members only RP.

    This is a link to the OOC.

    This is a link to the actual RP.


    You're ranked according to the number of posts you have in the club. This doesn't mean you can needlessly spam to get that 3rd seat ranking, because I'll subtract all those spam posts from your total number. -_- The member with the most posts in their division gets third seat, second most gets fourth, and so on.

    When you reach 50 posts, you have the option of becoming a vice-captain.

    Captains are hand-selected by myself. You must have good quality posts that show knowledge of the show, and I prefer that you watch the Japanese subs (or raw if you can speak Japanese). If the need arises for another captain, I will PM the most eligible member.

    When you join, you are put into the Shinigami Academy until you reach 25 posts. This is to root out members who are simply going to join and then decide not to post.

    If a member falls inactive within the club and RP, they will be placed in the reserve force.

    Note: Posts in the RP contribute to your post count.

    The Gotai 5


    First Division

    1st Division Captain:

    1st Division Vice-Captain
    Mistress Victoria

    1st Division members:
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:

    Second Division

    2nd Division Captain:

    2nd Division Vice-Captain:

    2nd Division members:
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:

    Third Division

    Third Division Captain

    Third Division Vice-Captain

    3rd Division members:
    3rd seat:
    4th seat:
    5th seat:
    6th seat:
    7th seat:

    Shinigami Academy

    1st seat:
    2nd seat:
    3rd Seat:
    4th seat:
    5th seat:
    6th seat:
    7th seat:
    8th seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th seat:
    11th seat:
    12th Seat:
    13th seat:

    Reserve Force

    (Rankings last updated- 5/25/2010)

    Remember, its never too late to join! ^.^
    Last edited by Victoria; 05-25-2010 at 02:24 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  2. #2
    Registered User Bleach Club Dimi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West Coast
    *Sigh of relief*. A new beggining. Yeah the old one was getting stressful and kinda crazy. Anyways once again, I would like to join this club. I would love to be second captain, if that's okay with you.

    Edit:For some reason,Xeim I feel bad for leaving Bangaathief waiting for so long.So maybe we should give him some sort of a position?

  3. #3
    yay, i'm in finally. as for my squad, i don't know enouph about the show to be a captain, so can i be the 1st squad vice captain or something?
    also, i think a rp would be awesome. we should totally do it once we have more members
    My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
    My Dad: ???
    My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
    My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
    My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
    My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
    My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
    My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
    My kickass bro: Flash041891
    My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
    My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
    My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
    My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
    My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
    My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
    My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
    My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
    My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
    My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
    My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco

  4. #4
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    In the post it states that vice-captains will be selected by their activeness (is that even a word?) in the club. So, I can make you a member of 1st squad, but otherwise just stay active!

    So, ok, Doughboy, bangaathief, you're in.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  5. #5
    yay, ok i'll be very active. and to keep this thread from becoming spam, who's read the manga? i have the first 4 volumes. until recently i wasn't that obsessed with it, but as of late i've really started getting into it.
    My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
    My Dad: ???
    My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
    My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
    My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
    My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
    My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
    My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
    My kickass bro: Flash041891
    My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
    My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
    My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
    My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
    My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
    My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
    My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
    My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
    My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
    My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
    My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco

  6. #6
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I have watched all 108 episodes, but I have only recently gotten into the manga. I read the first chapter of the first volume. I own the first two.

    Its refreshing to read the manga after watching the show. It reminds you of how the show used to be, or of the little detail that your mind didn't quite retain.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  7. #7
    Bleach Club Omega OwA's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Inside your closet.
    Hey, I'd like to join the club. I just got intrested in the anime when my cousin showed me a random episode. Even though I didn't understand what was going on it got my attention. I haven't read the manga yet but I've gotten up to episode 23 on Youtube but I'm stuck there since youtubes going wierd on me. Anyways, hope you'll let me in.
    Last edited by Omega OwA; 01-01-2007 at 07:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Oh good I was plaing to join the old one but it was closed and stuff.
    I've seen alot of episodes but probually no where near as much as there are. I've read the manga more then I have seen the anime. I have been watching the anime on youtube lately though.
    Well I hope you will let me join this club.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  9. #9
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Ok, Omega OwA, Yuuki, welcome! Please go ahead and choose your sqad, and I'll add you to the member's list. Please try not to go for the same sqad, we want this spread out a little.

    Omega: I hope you tube works itself out, its no fun being stuck at episod 23!!! That's torture!!

    By the way, there's a BLEACH movie coming out. BLEACH: Memories of Nobody. If anyoneone knows anything about it, please share!!!
    Last edited by Xeim; 01-02-2007 at 12:32 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  10. #10
    Thank you for letting me join the club.
    So, then I think I'll go ahead and join the first squad with Xeim and bangaa thief. Also I found A site for the Bleach movie, BLEACH: Memories of Nobody but i won't do you much good unless you have the language translator thingy. I also found this one at wikipediabut I'm fairly sure some of the data is that one might not be very good...
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  11. #11
    Bleach Club Secret Weapon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Indianapolis, In
    Blog Entries
    Heh Heh. Finally got enough posts ! Felt like a drag tryna reach 150. But NE ways, I want in! Hmm......, I would prefer to be seated in the 3rd Division seeing that there's not a 7 (my fav. #). I've watched about 20-25 episodes of it and I love Sundays on adultswim when it does come on.

    I hope I can fit in !
    You Are Ichigo Kurosaki....

    {My Loving TFF Family}
    My Mastermind Trivia Dad: Phantom
    My FFVII Obsessed sister : Unknown Entity
    My Caring Big Sis : Crazy Chocbo
    My Most Welcoming cousin : Priscilla
    My Anime-Addicted mother: Athna Loveil
    My High Flyin and Profiling Pilot brother: Final Fantasy Cid
    My FFVII, Tifa Befriended aunt: Winterborn86
    My Kool Aid addicted cousin: Mr. Spike
    My Yaoi Raving mom: Bleachfangirl
    My Cristina Scabbing Worshipping bro: Fishie
    My Ready to Knock Your Lights Out bro: Silver

    Thanks Halie for the sig pic!

    RPG's currently playing: Final Fantasy VII, Pokémon Crystal, Devil May Cry Collections (1,2 and 3)

  12. #12
    Bleach Club Kurosaki Ichigo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Im everywhere cause im Babbott!!!
    I got the ok from Xeim via PM
    So can i be in the first squad with Yuuki and Doughboy?
    Go Bleach Club!
    <img src=>

  13. #13
    Registered User Bleach Club Dimi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurosaki Ichigo
    I got the ok from Xeim via PM
    So can i be in the first squad with Yuuki and Doughboy?
    Go Bleach Club!

    About time you join!!!! Welcome to the club. Anyways earlier this morning I was watching Episode 37 of Bleach in Japanese and then I wondered if they had any ones in English. I searched for one on Youtube and I found episode 1 so I watched it in English. I must say I don't speak Japanese or understand it but it sounds better in Japanese then English. Maybe its just me but yeah.

  14. #14
    ok, i've got a few questions. are the soul reapers born in the soul society or are they humans that died and went over? also, how come some of the people would get older like rukia, but some would stay the same age, like the bird kid's friend?
    also, for this club, if need arises for more squads, then how will the captains of the new ones be decided?
    My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
    My Dad: ???
    My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
    My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
    My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
    My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
    My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
    My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
    My kickass bro: Flash041891
    My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
    My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
    My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
    My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
    My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
    My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
    My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
    My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
    My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
    My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
    My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco

  15. #15
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Soul Reapers are humans that died and had a high amount of spirit energy in their afterlife (in soul society). You don't HAVE to become a soul reaper, even if you meet the requirements. We see that Rukia and Renji don't become soul reapers until there is nothing left for them in Rukongi. If they choose to, they enter a school and are usually, eventually, drafted into a squad.

    Bird kid's friend?? hmm...I'm not quite sure if I remember who that is but, if he died at the same time as the bird kid then you wouldn't see a difference in growth. Same principal as with you. You aren't going to look 20 years older tomorrow. Rukia grew over a passage of time. Though it seems that once you become a soul reaper, your growth slows

    The captains of new squads will be decided by how much they know about the show. Basically, they had to have watched all the released episodes, and have a general understanding of Soul Society and its inhabitants. Also, I don't want them to be rude, because that would make those who haven't watched all the episodes feel uncomfortable.

    Also, welcome Kurosaki, good to have you in the club.

    I hope that helps!!!

    Last edited by Xeim; 01-02-2007 at 05:44 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  16. #16
    Bleach Club Omega OwA's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Inside your closet.
    Thanks Xeim, even though I didn't ask anything, that information helps
    Anyways, I'll be in Squad 3 then. As for the Bleach Movie, I couldn't find anything decent, or in english "-_-. Ah well. I've gotten to episode 32 so far and things are getting intresting. I only wished I could go through the episodes faster. Also, for the RP, if we are going to have one, how far would it go into the storyline?

  17. #17
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    bangaa was the one asking the questions, lol.

    For the RP: I think it would be would be a stand-alone of us taking over soul society and running it instead the characters. Or we could just be substitute soul reapers, and in terms of storyline, it would probably be post 'bounto arc,' which is where the show is right now. Maybe something about us fighting the 'bad guys,' who should be returning to the show soon. I haven't quite worked it out because I wasn't planning on doing it unless we got a decent amount of members.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  18. #18

    sup all

    yea id like to join the bleach club

  19. #19
    Hmm im sorry to say but i dont quite understand the RP charecter chart thingy.
    So we put they’re design, name, appearance description ,age (of death), current age, background story, sector number and fighting specialties right?
    I get confused with the sector number thingy. and do I pm you the profile Xeim or is there someplace I put it in?
    Some help whould be nice.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  20. #20
    As Xeim well knows, I would like to apply for membership within this club. Currently with Bleach I am upto episode 68 so I have finished the Soul Society Arc which was rather enjoyable to watch. Although I am still only watching the Bounty arc (which is probably the area I know the least about in this anime), I do know other informatiom from future arc's like the Arrancar but I have yet to watch them. So I'll wait until approval or dismissal until I say anything else.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
    Foolish Brother. If you want to kill me, then blame me. Hate me. And live on in shame. Run and run. Cling desperately to life.
    <img src="">

    I've been told to advertise this forum. So just hurry up and join since we need members.

    My family so far- My heartless sister: al bhed psycho, My other seymour loving sister: superjj, My Anime Chasing Little Brother: Kawaii chaser, My kickass older brother: geordanuk, My Cat loving older brother: Wizardcat My blood sucking, vampire nephew: bangaathief, My crazy younger sister: Firefly, My other, not so easily slain son: Darkwolf, My easily slain illegitimate son: Wyatt Arkham, My third and very sporty son: zell_dincht0808, My very demented uncle who you've just got to love: Mariko, My evil grandfather who needs a good kicking: Hannya, My level 99 grandson with a blood soaked lance: Dragoon Nick, Official play thing of: Kyo-san

    PM me if you would like to join my evil family

    New Leader and Kazekage of the shinobi masters
    Proud member of The Yaoi Otakus of TFF and TSP (The Sky Pirates Club)
    1st division, 6th seat of the Bleach club

    Brotherhood of Doom
    Cassuis, Philologus de Fatum et Exitium
    Christians to the Lions

  21. #21
    yup. thx for clearing up that for me. I'm on ep. 34 now, and i was just confused w/ the flashback and some of the details.
    My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
    My Dad: ???
    My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
    My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
    My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
    My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
    My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
    My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
    My kickass bro: Flash041891
    My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
    My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
    My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
    My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
    My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
    My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
    My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
    My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
    My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
    My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
    My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco

  22. #22
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Well, if you have any more questions, please ask!

    Doughboy: Yes, I fully agree with you on that. Last I checked they had about 10-13 episodes in english. The thing with Japanese shows is that when they're translated the meaning is often times lost so that the dialouge fits the movement of the character's mouth. Also, I just love listening to how fast they talk. Once, I zoned out listening to the japanese and missed dialouge of an entire scene........

    So that we can get started, who is everyone's favorite shinigami (soul reaper)? and, if you don't feel that you have a decent grasp on soul reapers, then, who was your favorite overall character??

    For me it would have to be Hitsugaya Toushiro. He's smiled once in the show, and even then, you could barely call it a smile. Being so young, I find it quite funny how much respect he commands. I still don't quite get how he ended up a captain. I mean in a flashback he says he never wants to become a shinigami and then......

    Anyway, I just love the way he acts. Always serious no matter the situation. And the way he interacts with Matsumoto. Matsumoto's laid back outlook perfectly compliments Hitsugaya's serious outlook.

    His zanpukto is quite different from others seeing that it always remains in its blade form, and rather he
    Shikai: a dragon (made of ice)
    Bankai: well pretty much a load of ice O.O

    EDIT: I just recieved a PM from Yuuki requesting that she's moved to the 2nd squad. Therefore, well, what to say besides, she will be.
    Last edited by Xeim; 01-02-2007 at 08:35 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  23. #23
    Well my favorite shinigami (soul reaper) is Rukia.
    Mainly because she can be random and strange at times to the point where it freaks out Ichigo. (Well at least in the episodes I’ve seen) Sure she lives in Ichicgo's closet and doesn’t have all her powers but she’s still my favorite. Ichigo is a close second even if his name is strawberry but still he’s cool. As like Xeim said Toushiro has a great personality but to me he's a little too serious.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  24. #24
    Bleach Club Asch's Avatar
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    Everywhere :D
    Ahhh yes a bleach club I would like to join. Im still on episode 79 but im gonna watch some bleach now lol. Hitsugaya owns all of course. And Least favorite character for me is Aizen...that bastard xD

  25. #25
    Bleach Club Kurosaki Ichigo's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    Im everywhere cause im Babbott!!!
    I'm new to the series and all but i've been watching it and I might have many ?s but I happy that there are many people who like the series. Love to the club.
    <img src=>

  26. #26
    so far, my favorite soul reaper is either renji, or ichigo. ichigo is awesome because of his attitude, but renji has a cool fighting style, and his sword is sweet, like a giant saw or something.
    but my favorite character would be sado (or chad). he's got that awesome arm (for some reason it reminds me of a hollow, dunno why,) he's strong, and he's awesome.
    My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
    My Dad: ???
    My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
    My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
    My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
    My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
    My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
    My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
    My kickass bro: Flash041891
    My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
    My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
    My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
    My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
    My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
    My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
    My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
    My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
    My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
    My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
    My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco

  27. #27
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Asch! I'm glad you decided to join! Pick your squad and I'll put you in the member's list.Also, could you tell us why you think Hitsugaya 'owns all?' And, why you think Aizen is a bastard (use spoiler tags for this one.)

    Kurosaki: I'd appriciate it if you added more content to your posts in here please!!

    OMG!! Episode 109 airs in Japan tomorrow!! YAYAY! They're finally done with that stupid Bounto thing. Back to the main story (hopefully).

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  28. #28
    wait, how can captain aizen be a bastard?
    at the point where i am, he dies before he can do anything bad if i'm thinking of the right person.

    put that in spoilers just in case (don't think anybody's not seen that yet though.
    My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
    My Dad: ???
    My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
    My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
    My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
    My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
    My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
    My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
    My kickass bro: Flash041891
    My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
    My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
    My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
    My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
    My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
    My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
    My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
    My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
    My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
    My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
    My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco

  29. #29
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Heheh, everyone has their reason to dislike characters. If you do there's probably something involving a spoiler. I dislike Aizen as well, but then hey, I'm starting to like Ichimaru Gin (I know what you're thinking. 'WTF?' Am I right?). My reason?? Hmm....well there's a lot. First off, he's just do you put it?? sweet? I guess. The rest of my reasons (the more prominent ones) are more along the lines of Asch's. Remember, even if a character
    dies there's always flashbacks to give you more info.

    and bangaathief, that spoiler is safe for you to read. I don't want to ruin anything for you, so (and this goes for everyone) be careful on the subjects of various shinigami. Use proper caution and spoiler tags.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  30. #30
    Lady Succubus Bleach Club Victoria's Avatar
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    Aizen isn't really dead. He betrays Soul Society and kidnaps Rukia for something hidden inside of her. He allies himself with the Hollows. Catch up already, bangaathief.

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