If you *DIDNT* have any alcohol, or get laid, Loco. I'll have your head on a platter. Gotta go nuts on those days man XD and hmm.. your $$$'s have sparked me to maybe purchase a new game sometime soon but what excatly? GTA:SA? That game has uber swearing so I may just take a stab at it yet, I've only had about 6 hours worth at a friends house. Hehe, loved the swearing.
Ya know, I've never been drunk once, even on the occasions when I've actually drank. Chalk it up to preferring to remember what I can, since I usually can't remember what I want to anyway. XD
Currently playing:
Avoid the cops on the way home (still an every night deal...damned car's loud as hell. >.< )
NFSU2 (taking my time )
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy (for about the third time, went staff saber instead of duals this time)
Virtual Boy (Because I've got an urge to stick my face in the red lights and watch Peach run around in a tennis skirt.)
WORD. I've never been drunk either. But I blame that on my incredibly high alcohol tolerance. I mean, if I can drink a gallon of tequila in one sitting and not be phased...
Anyway, I also prefer remembering things in the morning.
Like you, I too shall be consumed by NFSU2 very soon. Until then, I'm still jamming on Baten Kaitos, and FFXI as well.
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009
Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
Best TFF Couple
Martin and Priscilla
Psiko and Hyzenthlay Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
Originally Posted by Rowan
Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
I'm starting to think that i don't have a liver. I mean, i can take up to 30 or 33 beers and still be sane enough to0 do 7 backflips. But over the years, i've found my way around killing breverages that allowed me to get drunk with them. Although right now i'm addicted to vodka, i can drink two ltrs by myself of pure Finland without even babbling any stupid(after the two ltrs i do get drunk); i just wanna go to russia and be able to compete with the people there ^_^
Also, as my pal Cesar i've ingested insane amounts of Tequila and haven't noticed any side effects. But vodka just manages to kill me during the third bottle, i remember that last december 30th, i was completely wasted after drinking around four bottles ofg vodka among with some coworkers in the office(they can drink even more than me), and I sat on the PC and started to chat in AIM completely drunk, and drank another bottle all by myself while talking to Ally, ED and Kupomogli.
Then i passed out
Currently playing:
"I'm such a fraking INFORMIX psycho" on my pc
I suck at posting here. I need to post here much much more often
My inactivity is probably because I havn't gotten much old school gaming done lately. Infact, it's been a rare occasion that I get round to playing any games what so ever. Still, I'm thinking of getting on with another run through of FFVIII soon. I know it's not old school.... but still, I guess it's getting there ^_^
But it's not TRUE old school, I know XD
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
Ok, i think i have a description of a character around here or there, lemme try to find it and I'll post it here. Other than that, i just downloaded another nes emulator and i'm searching for roms(agin). It's funny to see these gammes running on my fedora, three years ago i wouldn't even suspected it
Currently playing: It's time to get drunk, and i just bought two bottles of vodka
Ahhh, vodka. My first true love. Have you tried the Absolut Vanilla Vodka? It's actually really nice.
I'm working away on those characters - to Loco, the short hair seems like it won't be a problem. The rest of ya should hurry the **** up!
I'm still enjoying playing Earthbound, but just like Necron I was considering re-starting a game of FF8. However, I think I'll polish off FFX first. I haven't even taken a stab at Sin yet, still off collecting Aeons. Somebody please tell me, how do you beat those Summoners who attack you?! Whenever I accidentally run into one, it goes like this:
*battle starts*
Summoner: *summons bad recolour of Aeon*
Aeon: Attack joo.
*deals 40k damage to each character or something equally death-causing*
Matt: ...
Matt: **** this. *throws controller*
Dark Aeons.... They're practically impossible to kill... only ever beat Dark Valefor myself.
With lots of training, you can probably beat them. You'd probably be training until your hair turns grey though.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
Noooo.... I need to get back into the Besaid temple cos I missed the damn treasure. Without it I can't get Anima... FECK. I hate this. Bleh. Well, I guess I'll just hafta keep trying. If I've finished each character's sphere grid area (and Kimahri has done half of Lulu's) is that enough to challenge em? What else could I need?
... Oh and uh, old school RAWKS. And stuff. Kefka?